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Should the Colts Consider Richie Incognito?


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Well, I dont assume to know what the conversation was between Eric and the front office. He never made a statement that I could find. but RI did say some words and they were far from displaying accountability. It would also be my guess that this front office must have heard at least some contrition from Eric for them to extend a contract. Again, I don't know.


RI comes across as having bad energy to me. That is my gut feeling, and I likely wont change my mind. For the record, I have little tolerance for anyone who strikes another for any other reason than to protect themselves. I genuinely hope that Mr Walden has gotten the message.

Loud and clear. If there is a large enough financial incentive, the woman you smacked around will retract her statement.


Even recommended to Ray Rice to do the same thing

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He pretty much insulted everyone who didn't go to Stanford. All other schools are beneath them and you would never understand.

I like to read that post using Thruston Howell the 3rd's voice from Gilligan's Island.

Ted Bundy won a summer scholarship to Stanford if I am not mistaken maybe he can work out that special bond.

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As its been said already in this thread we need help on the O-line and Incognito is the best guy out there plain and simple. I think alot of us rightfully so have a negative opinion or feeling about Richie, but we are a team that has always been willing to give a guy a 2nd chance. Everyone makes mistakes and has said things we shouldn't have, but does that mean your a bad guy or person? I'm not trying to take up for Incognito, no one really know how he will do his 2nd time around and he doesn't strike me as a man that repeatedly makes the same mistake of this magnitude twice. I do know we will be in for a long season with our o-line as it stands right now. If Luck, Fleener, Whalen and Howell are ok with it why should a fan be against it? So yes I'm all for it, what ever makes are team better we need to just do it. Most fans will forget about their negative opinions if Richie as long as he doesn't stiring the pot and produces on the field watch I think he will be signed by a new team and act as a true professional this time around.

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IF he can play at a higher level than what we have I don't see the problem. He knows what's at stake. He would be on the shortest leash possible. Slightest hint at a problem he is gone. We're all adults here, if he comes in to work his butt off and win the team will except him with open arms. Luck, Whalen and Fleener are not children who are going to play the boo hoo you bullied my friend card.

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As its been said already in this thread we need help on the O-line and Incognito is the best guy out there plain and simple. I think alot of us rightfully so have a negative opinion or feeling about Richie, but we are a team that has always been willing to give a guy a 2nd chance. Everyone makes mistakes and has said things we shouldn't have, but does that mean your a bad guy or person? I'm not trying to take up for Incognito, no one really know how he will do his 2nd time around and he doesn't strike me as a man that repeatedly makes the same mistake of this magnitude twice. I do know we will be in for a long season with our o-line as it stands right now. If Luck, Fleener, Whalen and Howell are ok with it why should a fan be against it? So yes I'm all for it, what ever makes are team better we need to just do it. Most fans will forget about their negative opinions if Richie as long as he doesn't stiring the pot and produces on the field watch I think he will be signed by a new team and act as a true professional this time around.


This guy has proven to be a bad guy / person.  And it's not a second chance, it would be his sixth!! How so?


My short book on Richie Incognito-

Got into fights in practice at Nebraska.  Was sent to Menninger Clinic in Topeka, Kansas for anger management treatment. Then fought the very next season at parties. He was also was suspended indefinitely for repeated violations of team rules with the final straw for new coach Bill Callahan came when Incognito got into a fight in the locker room.

Two weeks after leaving Nebraska, Incognito enrolled at Oregon. A week after that, then-Ducks head coach Mike Bellotti kicked him off the team and told the Oregonian:

"There were conditions we had set down and set forth for him to be admitted to our program, and they were not met."  Conditions were allegedly to attend anger management courses, he didn't. Failed at his second team.

After being taken in the third round of the NFL draft by the St. Louis Rams, Incognito earned a starting spot and became known for his rough style on the field.  

After several incidents involving fans and then-Rams head coach Steve Spagnuolo, such as in a loss to the Tennessee Titans, where Incognito drew two 15-yard penalties for headbutting Titans players, head coach Steve Spagnuolo benched him for the second half.  Then the two got into a heated confrontation on the sidelines. It was the second time Incognito had been benched for losing his composure; (hurting the team) he'd been pulled from the season opener against Seattle for two personal fouls. Incognito was released 2 days later in December 2009.  Billy Devaney told ESPN that Spagnuolo had given Incognito numerous chances to clean up his act, and had put him on notice that the Rams would cut ties with him if he couldn't control his anger.  He was let go.  Again, he Failed at his third team.

Incognito was awarded to the Buffalo Bills off waivers on December 16, with the Miami Dolphins also submitting a claim. After starting 3 games at RG,  Incognito became a restricted free agent and the Bills declined to re-sign him,  after 3 games starting.  Couldn't impress the team to keep him.  Fail at team #4.

On November 3, 2013, the Dolphins suspended Incognito for alleged misconduct related to the treatment of teammate Jonathan Martin (we all know all of this).  Falure at team #5.


So who will get burnt at #6?

The guy has been to anger management courses, and refused them. Doesn't matter, he still loses it and proceeds on his loose cannon, scorched earth blitzkriegs; on the field, in the locker room, and off. Nowhere does his pattern show any remorse, taking personal responsibility or ownership, or any honest self directed attempts to correct negative behavior.  Any thing he's done was minimal and mandated.

Acquiring this guy can get a GM/Head Coach in hot water if he continues to follow his typical pattern and blows up with his next team, on field, locker room, and/or after hours.  Nobody in anything close to their right mind can say this guy is not super high risk.

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This guy has proven to be a bad guy / person. And it's not a second chance, it would be his sixth!! How so?

My short book on Richie Incognito-

Got into fights in practice at Nebraska. Was sent to Menninger Clinic in Topeka, Kansas for anger management treatment. Then fought the very next season at parties. He was also was suspended indefinitely for repeated violations of team rules with the final straw for new coach Bill Callahan came when Incognito got into a fight in the locker room.

Two weeks after leaving Nebraska, Incognito enrolled at Oregon. A week after that, then-Ducks head coach Mike Bellotti kicked him off the team and told the Oregonian:

"There were conditions we had set down and set forth for him to be admitted to our program, and they were not met." Conditions were allegedly to attend anger management courses, he didn't. Failed at his second team.

After being taken in the third round of the NFL draft by the St. Louis Rams, Incognito earned a starting spot and became known for his rough style on the field.

After several incidents involving fans and then-Rams head coach Steve Spagnuolo, such as in a loss to the Tennessee Titans, where Incognito drew two 15-yard penalties for headbutting Titans players, head coach Steve Spagnuolo benched him for the second half. Then the two got into a heated confrontation on the sidelines. It was the second time Incognito had been benched for losing his composure; (hurting the team) he'd been pulled from the season opener against Seattle for two personal fouls. Incognito was released 2 days later in December 2009. Billy Devaney told ESPN that Spagnuolo had given Incognito numerous chances to clean up his act, and had put him on notice that the Rams would cut ties with him if he couldn't control his anger. He was let go. Again, he Failed at his third team.

Incognito was awarded to the Buffalo Bills off waivers on December 16, with the Miami Dolphins also submitting a claim. After starting 3 games at RG, Incognito became a restricted free agent and the Bills declined to re-sign him, after 3 games starting. Couldn't impress the team to keep him. Fail at team #4.

On November 3, 2013, the Dolphins suspended Incognito for alleged misconduct related to the treatment of teammate Jonathan Martin (we all know all of this). Falure at team #5.

So who will get burnt at #6?

The guy has been to anger management courses, and refused them. Doesn't matter, he still loses it and proceeds on his loose cannon, scorched earth blitzkriegs; on the field, in the locker room, and off. Nowhere does his pattern show any remorse, taking personal responsibility or ownership, or any honest self directed attempts to correct negative behavior. Any thing he's done was minimal and mandated.

Acquiring this guy can get a GM/Head Coach in hot water if he continues to follow his typical pattern and blows up with his next team, on field, locker room, and/or after hours. Nobody in anything close to their right mind can say this guy is not super high risk.

With all that said. If he is better than what we have and came at a good price I would sign him. Out locker room isn't Miami or those other teams he was on. No one is going to put up with his crap. I personally think Pagano could do him some good. But if all he is bringing is mike McGlynn level if play. No thanks!

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With all that said. If he is better than what we have and came at a good price I would sign him. Out locker room isn't Miami or those other teams he was on. No one is going to put up with his crap. I personally think Pagano could do him some good. But if all he is bringing is mike McGlynn level if play. No thanks!


He will get into it with someone in our locker room.  He will get sent packing.  His history is littered with that scenario.  What makes you think he will change?  Not everybody given second, or 6th, chances is able to make good on them.  I don't think this guy is a candidate to do so.  I totally disagree to sign him, and feel his baggage outweighs his on field improvements.

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He will get into it with someone in our locker room. He will get sent packing. His history is littered with that scenario. What makes you think he will change? Not everybody given second, or 6th, chances is able to make good on them. I don't think this guy is a candidate to do so. I totally disagree to sign him, and feel his baggage outweighs his on field improvements.

Why would he get into it with anyone in out locker? You act like he's going to come in and just pick a fight with his own teammates for no reason. He was told to toughen up Martin. They both went back and forth at each other. He was not the only one to so call "bully" Martin. I'm pretty sure Jones, redding, Mathis could keep him in check. This is his last chance. I think with the right team he'd be fine. NE, colts, just to name a couple.

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Why would he get into it with anyone in out locker? You act like he's going to come in and just pick a fight with his own teammates for no reason. He was told to toughen up Martin. They both went back and forth at each other. He was not the only one to so call "bully" Martin. I'm pretty sure Jones, redding, Mathis could keep him in check. This is his last chance. I think with the right team he'd be fine. NE, colts, just to name a couple.

I would like to be a fly on a wall if he tried to "bully" Mathis.

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He will get into it with someone in our locker room.  He will get sent packing.  His history is littered with that scenario.  What makes you think he will change?  Not everybody given second, or 6th, chances is able to make good on them.  I don't think this guy is a candidate to do so.  I totally disagree to sign him, and feel his baggage outweighs his on field improvements.


and this is exactly why no team has signed him.

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Why would he get into it with anyone in out locker? You act like he's going to come in and just pick a fight with his own teammates for no reason. He was told to toughen up Martin. They both went back and forth at each other. He was not the only one to so call "bully" Martin. I'm pretty sure Jones, redding, Mathis could keep him in check. This is his last chance. I think with the right team he'd be fine. NE, colts, just to name a couple.


"last chance" is just something fan's and talking heads use to justify taking a chance on a player. leopards don't change their spots, period! he's had numerous "last chances" and failed, like many others.

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It was a prank, according to comments from the prosecutors. Something stupid from a college kid with particularly poor judgment. But still against the law.


Okay... let's see... a "prank" armed robbery.... let that sink in.  I guess once it has touched your life multiple time, I can't imagine anything funny or simply immature that carries such a description.  If it was only a "prank" then why use the term "armed robbery" in the first place?  I mean did he do it with a banana while holding up a fruit stand, demanding all their tropical fruit and dressed as a gorilla?  No need to respond, it's a rhetorical comment. 

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Okay... let's see... a "prank" armed robbery.... let that sink in.  I guess once it has touched your life multiple time, I can't imagine anything funny or simply immature that carries such a description.  If it was only a "prank" then why use the term "armed robbery" in the first place?  I mean did he do it with a banana while holding up a fruit stand, demanding all their tropical fruit and dressed as a gorilla?  No need to respond, it's a rhetorical comment. 


I will start by saying I have not read up on the actual event, but I can easily imagine (and witnessed) scenarios where a prank gets of out of hand or goes completely wrong; he easily could have been arrested and charged before the police got all the facts and the situation sorted out.

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Okay... let's see... a "prank" armed robbery.... let that sink in.  I guess once it has touched your life multiple time, I can't imagine anything funny or simply immature that carries such a description.  If it was only a "prank" then why use the term "armed robbery" in the first place?  I mean did he do it with a banana while holding up a fruit stand, demanding all their tropical fruit and dressed as a gorilla?  No need to respond, it's a rhetorical comment. 


You're not going to see me making any excuses for him. Whatever exactly happened, it was stupid. I just don't think you should have your typical armed robbery in mind when you think about what he did. Based on what the prosecutors involved said, it wasn't anything like that.

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Why would he get into it with anyone in out locker? You act like he's going to come in and just pick a fight with his own teammates for no reason. He was told to toughen up Martin. They both went back and forth at each other. He was not the only one to so call "bully" Martin. I'm pretty sure Jones, redding, Mathis could keep him in check. This is his last chance. I think with the right team he'd be fine. NE, colts, just to name a couple.


So what happened with Nebraska? What happened with Oregon?  What happened with the Rams?  what happened with the Bills? You only told your side of the story defending him  for the Dolphins... fill in the blanks for my other questions.  I've laid the answers to those in other posts...

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So what happened with Nebraska? What happened with Oregon?  What happened with the Rams?  what happened with the Bills? You only told your side of the story defending him  for the Dolphins... fill in the blanks for my other questions.  I've laid the answers to those in other posts...


I think the bottom line is "what's the risk?" You sign him to a Vet min or similar contract.  All eyes will be on him.  If he can't play well enough or he causes any incident, he's gone and likely gone forever.  There were no repercussions to speak of from those other incidents... he just kept right on moving forward and making money.  This last incident(s) he got whalloped perhaps beyond what was even fair since not only did he lose his job, money and ability to work in his field, he was internationally ostracized on every level from a very hypocritical media/society.  More of his own teammates supported him than Martin.   Nonetheless, no human could go through the wallop he took over it all and not be affected.  Perhaps it will be for the better, perhaps he'll be even worse, who knows.  But it seems likely that he'd be depth at worst and perhaps an upgrade at one of the spots, especially while Mewhort gets his legs under him.   If Mewhort is injured too much to be effective at Denver, we're in big trouble. 

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Especially now that we have ANOTHER injured guard already.  Bring the guy in so he has a few days to learn some plays. 


If you sign him to the 53 man now, his salary is guaranteed for the whole year at game 1,  even if he gets canned shortly after. (Vested Veteran).  If anything, you might see interest skyrocket in Incognito the Tuesday following game 1.  This gives the GM more ability to manage him with little financial risk. 

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If you sign him to the 53 man now, his salary is guaranteed for the whole year at game 1,  even if he gets canned shortly after. (Vested Veteran).  If anything, you might see interest skyrocket in Incognito the Tuesday following game 1.  This gives the GM more ability to manage him with little financial risk. 


If we are going to go with him I would just as soon get him in here sooner rather than later.  With our cap space and his likely near vet minimum contract his salary is a really a non-issue, even if we have to cut him.

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