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what you think of fans that were mean to richardson today?


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I have no respect for people like that. Talking trash to a world class athlete when they probably couldn't even cut it on their High School JV team their junior year.

senior year. .... I sit and watch pol bash my dude but I've been following him since his freshman l year at bama...... JUST WATCH! He will will ruin defenses. . And I can't wait
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I am sure the money in his bank account will make him feel better. If he allows a few fans booing him get hi then no wonder the guy has not lived up to his draft status.

I do not think it helps to boo him during training camp, but if he plays like last year I have no problem with fans booing him.

What does that accomplish exactly?

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Easy to be tough standing in a crowd.  Like to see them say it to his face.


Reminds me of the time a couple foolish Pacers fans heckled Dennis Rodman from courtside.  During free throws at the end of the game Rodman quickly walked over in a menacing fashion and yelled something.  I'm pretty sure the one guy soiled himself and the other guy started to run.  Those of us around had to laugh at our own "alleged" fans and actually applaud Rodman. 

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One told him to take off his sweats the other even criticised him when he scored a td saying the d prob let him do it.

People do these kind of things because they have no discernible talent themselves, and are looking for attention. I think Trent will have a big season... and shut all these naysayers up once and for all. 

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People do these kind of things because they have no discernible talent themselves, and are looking for attention. I think Trent will have a big season... and shut all these naysayers up once and for all. 


Or they are just venting their frustrations, and want to let it be known that there are plenty of fans who know it was a stupid trade.


I don't know why everyone is so worried about this ... Trent is big boy, if a few hecklers bother him than opposing defenses are really going to get in his head.


He will never justify the price paid, even if he has a "big season" ... so no he won't be shutting everyone up.

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People do these kind of things because they have no discernible talent themselves, and are looking for attention. I think Trent will have a big season... and shut all these naysayers up once and for all. 

Unfortuntely, it will not shut them up. Those who need to degrade others in the name of right, will find someone else to complain about. It isn't about being real with those select players, its about venting on any available player to get their complaining jollies off on.

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Or they are just venting their frustrations, and want to let it be known that there are plenty of fans who know it was a stupid trade.


I don't know why everyone is so worried about this ... Trent is big boy, if a few hecklers bother him than opposing defenses are really going to get in his head.


He will never justify the price paid, even if he has a "big season" ... so no he won't be shutting everyone up.

Were you one of them? I mean seriously, man. The price the team has paid is very low considering the fact that he is on his rookie contract... so it is not like they traded for him, and paid him a 90 million dollars a year. A first round pick was used, but who is to say that pick would have been used to get a player who had as much upside as Trent. You live and learn. 

I hope you can manage to enjoy the season.

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Unfortuntely, it will not shut them up. Those who need to degrade others in the name of right, will find someone else to complain about. It isn't about being real with those select players, its about venting on any available player to get their complaining jollies off on.


Yeah, because there is no way their venting could be rooted in valid complaints. Whether the venting is always accurately directed may be up for some debate, but to act like the team does not have issues/players worthy of complaint is nonsense.  Anyone who thinks there is no area of the team that justifies complaints and/or questioning is deluding themselves. 

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Were you one of them? I mean seriously, man. The price the team has paid is very low considering the fact that he is on his rookie contract... so it is not like they traded for him, and paid him a 90 million dollars a year. A first round pick was used, but who is to say that pick would have been used to get a player who had as much upside as Trent. You live and learn. 

I hope you can manage to enjoy the season.


Nope, I was not one of them ... I don't typically go in for that kind of thing myself, but as I posted earlier I have no problem with the people who chose to vent ... as long as they weren't causing such a scene that they had to stop practice to address it, etc ... who cares.


We will have to agree to disagree on his "actual cost" ... there is a whole thread devoted to it where my opinions on the subject are well documented ... I see no need to open that can of worms here.


I will enjoy the season, thanks ... and I hope for the Colts sake Richardson lights it up this year (and for the remainder of his contract) ... but it still will not change my opinion of the trade.

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I think what Trich cost is passed. What draft pick was it that we missed that's got everyone still upset?  He's not costing us much now so......the only reason I can think of for the heckling is that they like to hate.


kick em when their up, kick em when their down


They sure don't represent me.

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Can anybody who was at the practice confirm the fans were shouting and Trent could possibly hear it?  Or could this just have been a tongue in cheek comment between friends who were within earshot of Josh -- who then decided to post it on twitter?


If the former, then pretty lame on the fans part.  If the latter, then this is being way overblown.


I saw the tweet that Josh posted and it didn't sound like something that was shouted, but rather an interaction between two fans near him in the stands.

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I will enjoy the season, thanks ... and I hope for the Colts sake Richardson lights it up this year (and for the remainder of his contract) ... but it still will not change my opinion of the trade.

Please explain why you would still have the same opinion?

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I don't think it makes them any less of a fan to heckle a player they think is performing horribly. Trent sucked last season.

I personally wouldn't do it, but that's just me. That sticker on his helmet doesn't make him immune to anything.

If some drunk fools yelling at him makes him lose confidence and hurts his feelings then he needs to pack it up and start applying for jobs elsewhere.

People pay a lot of money for tickets, nobody wants to see their team lose, if Trent isn't helping the team win, which he didn't last season, then he is increasing the chances of a loss.

Those people have every right to voice their displeasure in Trent or any other player, especially one who is handed a starter job and never earned it on the feild.

He can either ignore it, or use it for motivation, but if it hurts his feelings then he needs to find a new profession.

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Doesn't sound like fans. Colts fans got the players back all the time. Sure we will say " Have a seat on the bench" when we need to, but we are slapping them on the back and telling them to keep their chin up and work harder. Those people are the ones who leave the stadium when the COLTS are down in the 3rd quarter. Fools!

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He is a millionaire being heckled by hardworking people who need something to

live vicariously through. If he runs hard and gains yards then there won't be a peep

from anyone from the stands. He is getting paid handsomely for playing a kids

game, so if he is catching a little grief from fans for not earning his wages last

season so be it.


T-Rich needs to suck it up and do his job regardless of his naysayers.

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Please explain why you would still have the same opinion?


RB's are not worth 1st round picks; we could have drafted a good RB with a lower pick, had them longer, and paid them less .... and still had our 1st round pick.  Have a look at where RBs were drafted the last couple drafts and compare their contracts & performance to Trents, and than come back and tell me it was a good trade; and that we would not have been better off drafting a RB especially given the fact Richardson did nothing for us last season.  Even if he exceeds my expectations and performs at Eddie Lacy level this season we still got the shaft.

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He is a millionaire being heckled by hardworking people who need something to

live vicariously through. If he runs hard and gains yards then there won't be a peep

from anyone from the stands. He is getting paid handsomely for playing a kids

game, so if he is catching a little grief from fans for not earning his wages last

season so be it.


T-Rich needs to suck it up and do his job regardless of his naysayers.

So a sport that often shortens lives, can cause life altering brain trauma, and increases the onset of debilitating conditions like arthritis, is a kid's game? Furthermore, how is it that a contract that is formalized between a player and a team and said player is being commended by the team for their contributions, is now "not" earning his wages?

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So a sport that often shortens lives, can cause life altering brain trauma, and increases the onset of debilitating conditions like arthritis, is a kid's game? Furthermore, how is it that a contract that is formalized between a player and a team and said player is being commended by the team for their contributions, is now "not" earning his wages?

OK, maybe I was thinking of hopscotch but the fact of the matter is he is slated to make 2.25 mil

this season and over 3 mil next. 2.9 ypc is not money well spent toward the salary cap compared

to the productivity of lesser paid players on the roster.

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OK, maybe I was thinking of hopscotch but the fact of the matter is he is slated to make 2.25 mil

this season and over 3 mil next. 2.9 ypc is not money well spent toward the salary cap compared

to the productivity of lesser paid players on the roster.

I would agree if his numbers are indeed all his fault. Hopefully this season we get a line in front of him to match his running style that I think Grigson envisioned last year. 

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I would agree if his numbers are indeed all his fault. Hopefully this season we get a line in front of him to match his running style that I think Grigson envisioned last year. 

We are all hoping that last season was because it was his third offensive playbook in three years

but how hard is it to take a snap and run hard? We are all wishing him a breakout season because

we all want the Colts to do well.


Bradshaw and Ballard both did well with the same line and Brown had an excellent year with that same line.

No excuses for T-Rich this season for sure.

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If you take away the 2012 game against the Colts then Trent's numbers pretty much match what he did last season.

Colts suck against the run, last years playoff game against the patriots is a great example.

So he once had a great game against a horrible run defense that boosted his numbers. Last season I can't swallow the 3 playbook in 2 seasons argument because he failed to improve. He should have gotten better as the season went on. He didn't.

The line sucked, but others managed to run behind it.

So you have a guy who was here longer then a training camp and off season would have afforded him. Had numerous games and practices to learn the playbook. But he never did.

You have a line who is not good, yet others managed to gain yards behind it even in obvious running situations.

The guy doesn't deserve to be cheered at this point or respected. You earn respect and admiration, its not a sticker on a helmet. Let him prove he belongs on a NFL field, let him silence his critics himself, because if he can't then he deserves to be heckled. If you can't take the heat then get out of the kitchen.

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Richardson was trying to memorize weekly game plans for each oppenent. It was like here is set of plays you need to know this week now memorize by Sunday. He said he didn't learn all the snap counts until like his 3rd week here.

And we all know when you have to think on the football field rather than knowing what to do and just playing, you will always be a step slower than everybody else.

Sounds like he has it down now, I can't wait to watch him kill it this year running the ball, I already know he is going to be a good receiver and blocker

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We are all hoping that last season was because it was his third offensive playbook in three years

but how hard is it to take a snap and run hard?

Where in your watching of Colt games did Trent not run hard? For the record, I am not hoping that his YPC was because of a new offensive system, or because he was late to the team, or because the oline did not fit his running style. I know it was. Just to clarify, I am not arguing this with you, I am challenging the premise.


Saying that D Brown and Ballard have more YPC behind the same line is not great comparison. First of all Ballard is injured. Thank the universe we have Trent. As far as Brown, let me give you an example. Some QB's are good at floating a ball to a WR who can outjump any defender, some QB's are good at throwing a missile into a tight spot to a WR who can find that little crease to juke to. But if a WR who was shorter and could not outjump a defender...and relied on a QB that can fit the pass into a tiny spot.....was traded to a team with a QB who always threw floaters to his WR's.....what would fans say when he failed to produce?


I could just hear the uninformed fans whining and using the "Why can't WR X gets his yards like the other 2 WR's on the team. After all, the same QB is throwing them the ball!" Trent is not a juke and speed back like Donald Brown. Last year, the Colt O-line was able to function enough to free Brown and his running style (thanks in part to being set up by Trent and the plays called for him).....but it appears it is the Colts plan to have a bruising running game that can line up with an obvious run play in the A or B gap and get 4 yards. Brown was NEVER going to be that guy if he had to be the bellcow back.


There is nothing that Trent has to prove any more than every player on this Colts team has to prove....in my eyes. The idea that he has his last chance in front of him is a concept coughed up by fans who need to place blame on their team for making them uncomfortable.

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