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Irsays ban looks like..


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you don't have to yell about it.


Side question..........since preseason games are like regular games.........do they count in this case?

I had the caps lock on and am to lazy to edit it. I don't think preseason counts.

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Federal insurance only covers up to 250k. Doubt he has a checking account exceeding that. #firstworldproblems



It's just a matter of moving money. Without question he's writing a check for 500G and the league is cashing it. And what Superman said.



Irsay doesn't even feel it. Kraft didn't feel the 250G and Belichick didn't feel the 500G. Small fines for big boys with big toys.

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It's just a matter of moving money. Without question he's writing a check for 500G and the league is cashing it. And what Superman said.

Since we're already being technical, I wonder about that. Players get their game checks docked. Would the league withhold the amount of the fine from the team's share of revenue, or would they ask for a check?
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There are other insurers that exceed FDIC limits.

True. I just find it funny to think what a different world it must be to treat a 500k fine like a mere annoyance.

Oh dear, now I must drive the yellow ferrari this week. I pawned the silver one and the black one to pay my fine.

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Since we're already being technical, I wonder about that. Players get their game checks docked. Would the league withhold the amount of the fine from the team's share of revenue, or would they ask for a check?



That's a good question but I think a check because it's not the Colts Inc. but Irsay's fine. 

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That's a good question but I think a check because it's not the Colts Inc. but Irsay's fine.

There is probably no stipulation that the fine has to be paid directly from Irsay's account. He owns the Colts, the money in Colts Inc. is his...
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True. I just find it funny to think what a different world it must be to treat a 500k fine like a mere annoyance.

Oh dear, now I must drive the yellow ferrari this week. I pawned the silver one and the black one to pay my fine.



I hear you and it's a problem that I'd love to have to opportunity to explore but Mr. Irsay isn't parting with any Ferrari's to raise funds for his fine.

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There is probably no stipulation that the fine has to be paid directly from Irsay's account. He owns the Colts, the money in Colts Inc. is his...


True and money is money is money. He should pay it in wheelbarrows filled will quarters. Have the whole team march up Park Ave. with them.  

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Banning an owner from games is just a stupid punishment. How does that affect them whatsoever?


The idea isn't to affect the team.    The team didn't do anything wrong.


The idea is to punish the individual.   But clearly -- if this is true, and that's a Big IF -- this would fall short of what most have been expecting.

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500k is a ton of money no matter who it is. That said its a business expense and tax deductible. I think more games would be justified. I still think all these players etc should be required to complete therapy and get signed off by the a 3rd party before returning to play. So if that's 30 days etc and miss games during that time then that's your punishment. Suspending x amount of games and not offering help to these guys isn't a solution IMO.

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So how do you punish Irsay in this case? Just a huge fine? I think taking draft picks would be a big overreach.


I agree though, suspending him for however long isn't really a big deal. He basically suspended himself for a month when he went to rehab. It's not like he wouldn't be in touch, one way or the other. 

Yeah 500 grand is this just pocket change for a rich guy like Irsay. 

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Yeah, I would drop the ban, it doesn't affect anything. I would fine him twice if not 3x as much and forget the ban. 


There are maximum fines....   even for owners....


Last I checked it was 750K.    That maybe wrong,  but I don't think it's off by much.


Maybe it's $1 Mill.


Whatever the number is,  I'd be OK with fining him whatever the max is....   along with a suspension.

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you don't have to yell about it.


Side question..........since preseason games are like regular games.........do they count in this case?

If I understand your question,  I think the answer is....    I don't think so.


Whatever the number of games Irsay gets suspended,  4, 6, 8....   will all be regular season games...   I don't think pre-season games count.    At least,  that's the way it is for players.

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 I'm just glad Mr. Irsay didn't kill anyone. 

Ever had a speeding ticket? I have. Bad ones. Tickets for operating a vehicle at over 20 miles past the speed limit. It may have been long ago, but i can assure you that my possibility of actually taking another persons life at 75+ mph was so far greater than Mr Irsay at less than 20 AND under the influence, that they aren't even worth mentioning in the same sentence. 


And just for conversation, so is every driver who ever drove tired. Pointing out that he didn't kill anyone speaks more to me about your dislikes of him, than it does about how fortunate society is for not having to die at his hand. 

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Seriously..... What did you ALL expect...??


No matter what the punishment ~  there are always going to be some to complain it is too much, while others complain it's not enough.


I'll go on record with my  :2c: ,  not that it matters to anyone, but  I'm okay with what he was given, and more to the point,  I am glad to see him looking better, and looking healthier, and hoping he can continue on this path of beating this addiction.

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I mentioned in the Ray Rice thread, these are the first personal conduct policy suspensions since the Bountygate suspensions were vacated. Might have tempered the way Goodell approaches these decisions.

Hey Sup,


But in the bounygate situation, that conduct was directly related to conduct effecting games, IOW, while under the umbrella of "the shield".  Rice and Irsay's activities were not committed while under the umbrella of the "shield", but were strictly personal.  IOW, the linkage of the conduct to the shield is based simply by Rice and Irsay being employed by the NFL, not the actual conduct itself.  You know, its not like Rice punched out a cheerleader on the sidelines during a game or while at practice.


Couldn't Goodell just be leveeing softer penalties here than he did in bountygate because he sees the distinction? 


BTW, are you sure bountygate was prosecuted under the personal conduct policy or was it under conduct detrimental to the league policy?

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Hey Sup,


But in the bounygate situation, that conduct was directly related to conduct effecting games, IOW, while under the umbrella of "the shield".  Rice and Irsay's activities were not committed while under the umbrella of the "shield", but were strictly personal.  IOW, the linkage of the conduct to the shield is based simply by Rice and Irsay being employed by the NFL, not the actual conduct itself.


Couldn't Goodell just be leveeing softer penalties here than he did in bountygate because he sees the distinction? 


BTW, are you sure bountygate was prosecuted under the personal conduct policy or was it under conduct detrimental to the league policy?


I'm not sure whether it was the personal conduct policy or not. I didn't mean to suggest that it was. I was only saying that these are the first suspensions under the personal conduct policy since the Bountygate suspensions were vacated. 

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I think Rice should have gotten two more games , and I'm fine with Irsay's punishment. The deal with Irsay is that even though this is technically his first violation, people forget about the Nova Apothicary story in 2002, where he was supposedly buying prescription drugs. I think he pulled the I'm rehabbing and it's a disease shuffle even back then, but he did admit to a problem at that time.

More importantly than the current fine and suspension, is that he not go down this path for a third time. The consequences for doing so would be severe.

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I'm not sure whether it was the personal conduct policy or not. I didn't mean to suggest that it was. I was only saying that these are the first suspensions under the personal conduct policy since the Bountygate suspensions were vacated. 

Ok fair enough.


And just to complete my thought..I added a comment to my post above apparently while you were typing.  Goodell may see a distinction between personal conduct that happens in someones personal life and conduct that is NFL related.


Rice's penalty may seem light.  I wonder what the punishment would have been for Rice if his "personal conduct" would have been punching out a cheerleader during a game or the receptionist at Ravens complex, rather than his girlfriend on personal time....or the punishment for Irsay if he would have made a fool of himself in the booth for an entire half of a game on Sunday, then got arrested for dui that night as he drove home. 


I think that is a distinction people fail to make, but I think is important.

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Ok fair enough.


And just to complete my thought..I added a comment to my post above apparently while you were typing.  Goodell may see a distinction between personal conduct that happens in someones personal life and conduct that is NFL related.


Rice's penalty may seem light.  I wonder what the punishment would have been for Rice if his "personal conduct" would have been punching out a cheerleader during a game or the receptionist at Ravens complex, rather than his girlfriend on personal time....or the punishment for Irsay if he would have made a fool of himself in the booth for an entire half of a game on Sunday, then got arrested for dui that night as he drove home. 


I think that is a distinction people fail to make, but I think is important.


That distinction is important. With Ray Rice, there's video, maybe not conclusive, but it certainly impacts the way people see the situation. That makes it worse already. If it had happened during an NFL event, even worse. (Of course, that's highly unlikely. The Ron Artest deal was outrageous, and that didn't involve violence against any women. And while there's no excuse for what Ray Rice did, it really does seem like a wild set of circumstances, and out of the norm for him.)


In both of these cases, with Rice and Irsay, they are first time offenders. Any suspension for them is an outlier, really, and not in keeping with the pattern that's been established. 

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Well, as upset as I was about Irsay driving around all high-off-his-butt like common white trash, what should concern the league the most would be actual cheating and flagrant violations of NFL rules to gain an advantage on the field. 


I feel the Patriots got off VERY easy, and should've been hit so hard the very knees of the organization would've buckled. 


SMU style!


I agree.

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Honestly, I don't think handing out one hundred dollar bills to the. " little people" when you're in the middle of getting fined/ suspended, etc , sets a good tone. With the 29 K in the car still being examined , it's a bit of in your face theatrics that would be better served at a later time . Better just take your fine or suspension, and keep a low profile for awhile.

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Honestly, I don't think handing out one hundred dollar bills to the. " little people" when you're in the middle of getting fined/ suspended, etc , sets a good tone. With the 29 K in the car still being examined , it's a bit of in your face theatrics that would be better served at a later time . Better just take your fine or suspension, and keep a low profile for awhile.

So, if it's so wrong, and sending the wrong message, are we to understand, you wouldn't have accepted the $100.  if given to you...??


And for the record,  this isn't  "in your face theatrics" on his part due to being "in the middle" of getting fined/suspended.  He's always been good and generous to the fans.   It would be "unlike" him to all of a sudden not be.  JMO

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So, if it's so wrong, and sending the wrong message, are we to understand, you wouldn't have accepted the $100.  if given to you...??

At first I thought the imagery of Irsay handing out money to the fans was reminiscent of Roman emperors throwing loaves of bread to the starving masses during the Gladiator events. It seemed almost facetious of him to do so. 


But then, upon further pondering, I realized that my disdain for this action spawned from envy, that is why I was initially off-put. What I came to realize is that Irsay wasn't appeasing the masses as part of a PR stunt. It was just another example that relatively small amounts of his money isn't as important as his teams fans. He really just wanted to make people happy, and I find that to be quite awesome of him. It feels good to make others happy, total strangers. I'm sure that was his motivation. 

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