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Jim Irsay charged with 2 misdemeanor counts of DWI


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I'd just like to point out how ridiculous that particular criticism is. There are dozens of situations where Goodell has waited until the legal process has played out before making any decision about punishment.


I know it's not YOUR criticism. I'm just tired of hearing it, as it's ignorant and vindictive. 


Couldn't have said it better myself.    You and i agree completely.   Ryan Clark is usually a pretty sharp guy,  but he completely whiffed on that.


Supposing Goodell had issued the suspension a month ago.   And then new reports surface showing the issue was much worse, or much less worse than first suspected.    That puts Goodell in position to have to adjust the suspension upward or downward.


Clearly no commissioner wants that at anytime, but especially when you're suspending an owner.    A brain cramp for Clark.


I didn't include that because I didn't want to get sidetracked from the broader issue at hand.    The other posters dislike of my posting style.

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Here's yet another story on the inevitable suspension....   this one from ESPN.com Colts beat writer, Mike Wells.


This is not a story about whether there will be a suspension.   But rather when will the suspension be announced and how long it will be....




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But he got into 2 separate wrecks that included ramming into a police officer. Jim just got pulled over for driving slow.

Though Jim was in possession of a more severe substance, law-wise.

The fact that there were no aggrivating factors is probably why it is a lower charge. Granted it could have been a lot worse, but Mr. Irsay didn't have open containers... or cause an accident. One charge was for owi, and one was for having for having it in his system. They both carry about 60 day sentences. The main thing is that Jim Irsay get his life back in order, and chances are he will spend most his time in rehab... and not return as owner for this season on his own accord. Probation will be the likey outcome as with most on such an issue.

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Couldn't have said it better myself.    You and i agree completely.   Ryan Clark is usually a pretty sharp guy,  but he completely whiffed on that.


Supposing Goodell had issued the suspension a month ago.   And then new reports surface showing the issue was much worse, or much less worse than first suspected.    That puts Goodell in position to have to adjust the suspension upward or downward.


Clearly no commissioner wants that at anytime, but especially when you're suspending an owner.    A brain cramp for Clark.


I didn't include that because I didn't want to get sidetracked from the broader issue at hand.    The other posters dislike of my posting style.

I know I am not speaking for superman but I would like to make a comment on your response. I never once said that Irsay would or shouldn't be suspended. The disliking of your posting style reads like The Fate Of The Nations. The larger part of posters keep things in simple forms and when you write a book you do come off as arrogant and self serving. Being you mark yourself as a writer this is not a novel. I will in the future read your comments but will refrain from commenting when things get too long and drawn out. Most of us in here are just plain Colt fans and enjoy these threads. We really don't come it to read in 5 paragraphs on something that can be said in one. Sorry if you felt I was taking shots at you but I felt that way at the time.

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I know I am not speaking for superman but I would like to make a comment on your response. I never once said that Irsay would or shouldn't be suspended. The disliking of your posting style reads like The Fate Of The Nations. The larger part of posters keep things in simple forms and when you write a book you do come off as arrogant and self serving. Being you mark yourself as a writer this is not a novel. I will in the future read your comments but will refrain from commenting when things get too long and drawn out. Most of us in here are just plain Colt fans and enjoy these threads. We really don't come it to read in 5 paragraphs on something that can be said in one. Sorry if you felt I was taking shots at you but I felt that way at the time.


Fair enough....  (I think?)....


I'm aware my posts are often too long.   It's been a problem of mine as a writer and not one that just popped up here.    I've got thoughts to share and want to share them with my friends here -- and I consider everyone here as my friend.     I'm well aware that a number of people here don't like my writing style and often disagree with my point of view.   That's been made very clear.


But a surprisingly large number of posters here seem to like what I write.   Much to my surprise my fear year here on this website I got 43% "likes" responding to my posts.   Now, after two years,  that number is around 48-49 percent.   So somebody here besides Superman is "liking" my posts.   I think that percentage is pretty high...


I'm only trying to say different strokes for different folks.    I mean no harm to anyone and don't mean to offend anyone.


I try to keep my posts as short as possible.   I often fail, but I do try.    I'll try and do better.


Much more than that I don't know what to tell you........

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Fair enough....  (I think?)....


I'm aware my posts are often too long.   It's been a problem of mine as a writer and not one that just popped up here.    I've got thoughts to share and want to share them with my friends here -- and I consider everyone here as my friend.     I'm well aware that a number of people here don't like my writing style and often disagree with my point of view.   That's been made very clear.


But a surprisingly large number of posters here seem to like what I write.   Much to my surprise my fear year here on this website I got 43% "likes" responding to my posts.   Now, after two years,  that number is around 48-49 percent.   So somebody here besides Superman is "liking" my posts.   I think that percentage is pretty high...


I'm only trying to say different strokes for different folks.    I mean no harm to anyone and don't mean to offend anyone.


I try to keep my posts as short as possible.   I often fail, but I do try.    I'll try and do better.


Much more than that I don't know what to tell you........

Fair enough for me.

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I'm sorry that my posting style strikes you (and others) as arrogant or that I'm not a Colts fan.    I wouldn't be here as much as I am if I weren't a Colts fan.


To each his or her own........


I dont find you arrogant.

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I am not surprised by the outcome.  First offenses usually with consideration for who the person is (are they employed (that is a big factor in most criminal prosecutions of this sort), do they acknowledge the problem with what they did (which clearly Irsay did by going straight to a rehab facility) etc.  Now if he was a repeat offender, or had hurt someone etc. I could see it not getting pled down, but this isn't a surprise.  A second offense and he'll get hammered with charges.  Meanwhile, regular folks may not always get breaks, but I know of two specific cases of regular nobodies that got pled down with no serious charges, minimal fines and no jail time of any kind and that was for DWI and another case of Drug Possession and large amounts of cash.  Fortunately both got off with probation and also fortunately both turned their lives around after it.  Find a legal professional and ask them if they know of similar case involving Joe Nobodies who got off the first time and they will in most cases confirm this.  


Hopefully he'll have his license suspended, pay some fines, do additional community service (they guy gives back a LOT to the community already) and most importantly, I hope he's past this for health reasons.  By all accounts he's a good guy who has a sickness that started with a legit injury.  There are sadly a lot of people in the same boat.  Chronic pain is no joke and treating it properly is no small thing.  


Hang in there Jim, we're supporting your return to good health ASAP no matter what happens with the rest of this stuff.  It was clear by your photo you aren't well and we need you big guy.   And Thank You for running such a first class quality company with a lot of amazingly giving and quality people onboard as well.   

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I don't think any punishment the NFL hands out, even to players, is meant to be punitive. And I don't think they'll be interested in crippling the franchise. The point in punishment is to get the attention of the offender, make sure they know that they can't do whatever they want without consequences, and that if they do something stupid enough, they can be kicked out of the league. It's meant to be a deterrent for the offender and everyone else.


Irsay loves the team, so any suspension is going to be painful for him. But since he has people running the day to day on his behalf, including his daughters, I don't think it would have any real impact on the team's bottom line. Impose a fine -- they hit the Saints for $500K -- and a 4-8 game suspension, and that should do it. 

That sentence is an oxymoron.  To be punitive is to hand out punishment.  How can the NFL hand out punishments and not be punitive at the same time?  


Anyway, to get to my point.  When players receive suspensions it comes with a loss of a paycheck for however many games they are gone.  Only seems fair that a team shouldn't pay that player for services they can't provide anymore at that moment.  Why wouldn't/shouldn't Irsay's pocketbook be affected in a similar fashion if the NFL is truly trying to show some some fairness between players and upper management?  Actually, this whole higher standard that keeps getting brought up should lead the commish to possibly punish Irsay more severely than a player who committed a similar offence.


Nowhere am I suggesting that they cripple the franchise, but say Irsay makes X amounts of dollars a year in personal profit/income from the team.  You take that amount and based off the suspension (let's say 2 months) that would be a 1/6 of his pay (because owner's work year round) and then that would be his fine or loss of income to go along with the suspension.  Mathis is set to lose 1/4 of his paycheck this year because he made a stupid mistake (a first time offence I believe), why not if in the interest of fairness, does Irsay not deserve the same proportion of lost wages to go along with his first time offence?  In your comment you mentioned the Saints and the $500 thousand fine.  You apply the number to my hypothetical suspension situation of 2 months and that would have Irsay making about 3 mil a year off the team.  Something tells me he's probably pocketing a little more than that, not for sure, don't wanna take the time to look it up.  I just feel he needs to lose the proper amount of money for the amount of time the suspension occurs, just like the players.  If not all that talk of fairness and higher standards is nothing more than that.....just talk.


Not trying to be spiteful, I for one, am thrilled that it was reduced to 2 misdemeanors instead of somewhere like 6 felony counts when this first happened.  I love Irsay, think he is one of the best owners in the league and have defended him numerous times on this forum over a variety of things.  So it's not a personal agenda that I have with him.  I'm just ready to put this whole things behind the team and move one.  IMO, if the commish doesn't punish Irsay equally or even slightly harsher than the players then this will linger and make it that much harder to put in the past.

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In all honesty Brother if it was You or I it would be a felony ,just proves the justice system is not just for all.Im all behind Jim but facts are facts.


 A Felony and "press leaks" about drug world ties...


 Jim was a danger to society so he should get hammered hard. I do get considerable consolation that he wasn`t drinking.

If he is winning that battle it sure makes his chance for recovery better.

 Unfortunately, constant physical pain dominates everything you Want to do, so his quality of life in many important respects is never going to be good. All of Soloman`s Gold...  lol

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Look, I know you want to make a bunch of retorts, and some of them are legit, but let's not pretend that "normal people" or you and I get pulled over with 29K in the car, drunk with a bunch of pills that don't have "Superman" or "The Fish" on the label and not get a felony charge. Yes the sentence might get reduced (as is par for the course anymore), but to not even get charged with a felony when the crime committed is by definition a felony? And then he thanks the Prosecutors? If you don't see the "what?" here, I'll leave it to the much larger haters of Irsay in the internet world to clarify.

He had prescriptions for the pills. Im not sure how you charge a first time offender with a felony for driving while impaired.

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Here's yet another story on the inevitable suspension....   this one from ESPN.com Colts beat writer, Mike Wells.


This is not a story about whether there will be a suspension.   But rather when will the suspension be announced and how long it will be....





 It will be interesting to see how much he will deviate from the Detroit related penalty.

 New precedents are tricky.

 My guess he doesn`t get more than $500,000 - 8 games.

With a considerable length of Required commitment to recovery programs/testing.

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That sentence is an oxymoron. To be punitive is to hand out punishment. How can the NFL hand out punishments and not be punitive at the same time?

Anyway, to get to my point. When players receive suspensions it comes with a loss of a paycheck for however many games they are gone. Only seems fair that a team shouldn't pay that player for services they can't provide anymore at that moment. Why wouldn't/shouldn't Irsay's pocketbook be affected in a similar fashion if the NFL is truly trying to show some some fairness between players and upper management? Actually, this whole higher standard that keeps getting brought up should lead the commish to possibly punish Irsay more severely than a player who committed a similar offence.

Nowhere am I suggesting that they cripple the franchise, but say Irsay makes X amounts of dollars a year in personal profit/income from the team. You take that amount and based off the suspension (let's say 2 months) that would be a 1/6 of his pay (because owner's work year round) and then that would be his fine or loss of income to go along with the suspension. Mathis is set to lose 1/4 of his paycheck this year because he made a stupid mistake (a first time offence I believe), why not if in the interest of fairness, does Irsay not deserve the same proportion of lost wages to go along with his first time offence? In your comment you mentioned the Saints and the $500 thousand fine. You apply the number to my hypothetical suspension situation of 2 months and that would have Irsay making about 3 mil a year off the team. Something tells me he's probably pocketing a little more than that, not for sure, don't wanna take the time to look it up. I just feel he needs to lose the proper amount of money for the amount of time the suspension occurs, just like the players. If not all that talk of fairness and higher standards is nothing more than that.....just talk.

Not trying to be spiteful, I for one, am thrilled that it was reduced to 2 misdemeanors instead of somewhere like 6 felony counts when this first happened. I love Irsay, think he is one of the best owners in the league and have defended him numerous times on this forum over a variety of things. So it's not a personal agenda that I have with him. I'm just ready to put this whole things behind the team and move one. IMO, if the commish doesn't punish Irsay equally or even slightly harsher than the players then this will linger and make it that much harder to put in the past.

Punitive in the sense of being extreme or overly harsh. Going beyond making amends for the wrong, etc. Should have clarified, because that's not the only way the word is used.

And I think there are maximum fine amount against teams and owners. It's never based on how much money the team makes, because that money is used to operate the tea, not just to pad the owner's pockets. We'll see how it goes.

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I have no dislike of you or I would just do the simple thing as put you on ignore. If you would go back and reread a lot of your comments they come off as arrogant and not spoken like a fan. I try to keep my comments to a debate base. You say you have covered this for so many years? Well this thread is not a newspaper, it is a Colt forum. It's only natural the comments are pro Colt and any other than something that is not thought provoking is quickly dismissed. You mention what I might try? Maybe you could try and treat this forum as what it is and not your personal agenda.


I think his posts are fine.  If people don't like them, they are free to not read them.  Many people here have long posts.  Some people are rude but having a less than 'colts fan' opinion is not against the rules


personal shots and baiting are against the rules.........extreme and obnoxious condescending posts........all the time wear on people so we try to nip that in the bud.


But everyone here has an opinion.  As long as it's stated without namecalling etc.......... or with the intention of provoking an argument....it's ok


Generally speaking though what I've seen lately is people taking a dislike to someone and ..........taking personal shots at them because of it.  That's not ok

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I don't think any punishment the NFL hands out, even to players, is meant to be punitive. And I don't think they'll be interested in crippling the franchise. The point in punishment is to get the attention of the offender, make sure they know that they can't do whatever they want without consequences, and that if they do something stupid enough, they can be kicked out of the league. It's meant to be a deterrent for the offender and everyone else.


Irsay loves the team, so any suspension is going to be painful for him. But since he has people running the day to day on his behalf, including his daughters, I don't think it would have any real impact on the team's bottom line. Impose a fine -- they hit the Saints for $500K -- and a 4-8 game suspension, and that should do it. 


I totally agree with you (although I do think it is meant to be punitive...it has direct financial harm on the player and the team's product on the field), and I assume the punishment will be along the lines you mapped out. All I'm trying to state is that I do not think that punishment for Irsay is equal to the punishment a player receives. The lost money for a 4 game suspension is a much higher ratio for a player than Irsay's will most likely be. Also, a player being suspended has a much greater impact on the team's play than Irsay's will. The current media and player narrative is that owners should receive the same or greater punishment than players. I do not think that what is likely to happen to Irsay is equal to or greater than player punishment. It will be interesting to see if whatever RG does satisfies this current narrative, because in all reality, it won't be what the media/players are asking for. 


I'm not trying to argue that Irsay should receive some higher level of punishment, I'm just arguing that I don't think whatever it will be is equal to or greater than player punishment. 

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I totally agree with you (although I do think it is meant to be punitive...it has direct financial harm on the player and the team's product on the field), and I assume the punishment will be along the lines you mapped out. All I'm trying to state is that I do not think that punishment for Irsay is equal to the punishment a player receives. The lost money for a 4 game suspension is a much higher ratio for a player than Irsay's will most likely be. Also, a player being suspended has a much greater impact on the team's play than Irsay's will. The current media and player narrative is that owners should receive the same or greater punishment than players. I do not think that what is likely to happen to Irsay is equal to or greater than player punishment. It will be interesting to see if whatever RG does satisfies this current narrative, because in all reality, it won't be what the media/players are asking for.

I'm not trying to argue that Irsay should receive some higher level of punishment, I'm just arguing that I don't think whatever it will be is equal to or greater than player punishment.

That's the thing about suspending an owner, it usually has no impact on the team. If it were Jerry Jones, it would be different, but most any other owner can step away for a while, and everything keeps going just like it would. That's what your personnel and operations staff are for.

So everyone in the media and these players making noise are really missing the point. Even if Irsay is suspended for a year and fined $10m, it's still not the same. We'll miss Robert Mathis more in the first month of the season, to be honest. I'm a huge Irsay fan and supporter, so I'm not trying to downplay his role with the team, but he's not making the day to day decisions that have a bearing on how the team performs. This won't be like Sean Payton being out for a year.

For that reason, I don't think it makes any sense to be extreme with Irsay's punishment. It would serve no real purpose, other than to try to placate the bloodthirsty and vindictive masses, and I think the masses are insatiable. Even with Donald Sterling, people are complaining that this complicated situation hasn't been resolved overnight. The zealots will never be satisfied.

If a player got arrested and charged with a nonviolent crime in which no one was hurt, it's not a forgone conclusion that he'd even be punished by the league. Especially for a first offense. So hitting Irsay with a multi-game suspension and a hefty fine on the first offense IS holding him to a higher standard.

I just wish people would set aside their bloodlust and think rationally about things.

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Look, I know you want to make a bunch of retorts, and some of them are legit, but let's not pretend that "normal people" or you and I get pulled over with 29K in the car, drunk with a bunch of pills that don't have "Superman" or "The Fish" on the label and not get a felony charge. Yes the sentence might get reduced (as is par for the course anymore), but to not even get charged with a felony when the crime committed is by definition a felony? And then he thanks the Prosecutors? If you don't see the "what?" here, I'll leave it to the much larger haters of Irsay in the internet world to clarify.

I know for a fact felonies are reduced to misdemeanors everyday for first time offenders.. He got the exact charges anyone in this state would get for the same crinme

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My buddy got pulled over with five unprescribed vicodin in his car. He had to spend the night in jail and was charged with a felony.....first offense. I'm sure that some people are able to get their charges lowered, but I would imagine they are few and far between.

Not in Indiana. If your buddy is a hoosier he either wasnt a first offender or had other charges besides possession. A paralegal could get a first time possession charge and OWI dropped to a misdemeanor.

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 A Felony and "press leaks" about drug world ties...


 Jim was a danger to society so he should get hammered hard. I do get considerable consolation that he wasn`t drinking.

If he is winning that battle it sure makes his chance for recovery better.

 Unfortunately, constant physical pain dominates everything you Want to do, so his quality of life in many important respects is never going to be good. All of Soloman`s Gold...  lol

I do like him as a person from the way he treats his players so on so forth but hes not being held accountable as you or I would.

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The larger part of posters keep things in simple forms and when you write a book you do come off as arrogant and self serving. Being you mark yourself as a writer this is not a novel. I will in the future read your comments but will refrain from commenting when things get too long and drawn out. Most of us in here are just plain Colt fans and enjoy these threads. We really don't come here to read in 5 paragraphs on something that can be said in one. Sorry if you felt I was taking shots at you but I felt that way at the time.

Is the bolded your assumption? I find NCF's posts well thought, complete, and with intent. I like and appreciate the time and depth put into those posts. But I also dont think it would serve me or anyone else to say "we really dont come here to read short posts". You certainly have the right to feel however you want, but it is also ok to stand alone in your feelings. 

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I do like him as a person from the way he treats his players so on so forth but hes not being held accountable as you or I would.

Yes he is. I have seen numerous prosecutors on tv saying what Jim got is pretty standard

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Fair enough.... (I think?)....

You and Superman are some of my favorite posters in terms of content because the time and effort you both put into your posts comes across.

Just so you know there is a market for long, well worded, well informed posts. Even when you do disagree with people you do so in a polite manner.

Keep up the good work!

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Not in Indiana. If your buddy is a hoosier he either wasnt a first offender or had other charges besides possession. A paralegal could get a first time possession charge and OWI dropped to a misdemeanor.



We live in Michigan but I'm not really sure how everything works. I do know that he was a first offender with no other charges.

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Here's yet another story on the inevitable suspension....   this one from ESPN.com Colts beat writer, Mike Wells.


This is not a story about whether there will be a suspension.   But rather when will the suspension be announced and how long it will be....




how long did he spend talking Pacers before he got to Irsay?

Wells is probably right but I just get tired of him going on local radio to talk Colts and spends the whole time talking Pacers.

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how long did he spend talking Pacers before he got to Irsay?

Wells is probably right but I just get tired of him going on local radio to talk Colts and spends the whole time talking Pacers.


I think Stephen Holder does a MUCH better job covering the Colts than Mike Wells. 

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how long did he spend talking Pacers before he got to Irsay?

Wells is probably right but I just get tired of him going on local radio to talk Colts and spends the whole time talking Pacers.


You live in the area,  I don't....    so I don't know much about Wells.


I know that Superman is not a fan and that counts with me...    so, I've kept an eye on Wells and have found his work....  wanting.


That said.....   Wells (while perhaps not a great reporter)  is not alone.    All I see are stories about when will Goodell discipline Irsay.     I don't see any stories on whether a suspension will happen,  only articles that wonder when and for how long....


It's going to happen.    The questions remain when does the decision come...   and for how long.

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You live in the area,  I don't....    so I don't know much about Wells.


I know that Superman is not a fan and that counts with me...    so, I've kept an eye on Wells and have found his work....  wanting.


That said.....   Wells (while perhaps not a great reporter)  is not alone.    All I see are stories about when will Goodell discipline Irsay.     I don't see any stories on whether a suspension will happen,  only articles that wonder when and for how long....


It's going to happen.    The questions remain when does the decision come...   and for how long.

like I said wells is probably right I was just taking a shot at him because he's a Pacers fanboy that doesn't realize he's not covering the Pacers anymore. Not any kind of comment on you at all.
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like I said wells is probably right I was just taking a shot at him because he's a Pacers fanboy that doesn't realize he's not covering the Pacers anymore. Not any kind of comment on you at all.


I'm not sure of this, but I get the sense he covers the Pacers for ESPN.com the way he covers the Colts for ESPN.com


In other words,  he's the Indianapolis reporter for pro sports teams here.....


Two for the price of one.....

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I'm not sure of this, but I get the sense he covers the Pacers for ESPN.com the way he covers the Colts for ESPN.com


In other words,  he's the Indianapolis reporter for pro sports teams here.....


Two for the price of one.....

he used to be the Pacers writer for the star till ESPN hired him to cover the Colts. He just never stopped covering the Pacers and started covering the Colts.
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There isnt any real world way to suspend an owner..


Folks asking for the same thing will be disappointed....


To take money away from the owner hurts the organization more than it hurts the owner


Suspending an owner is like catching air...you cannot do it


Mr. Irsay should pay a fine for being arrested and pleading (probably) no contest..


...but Robert Mathis, as player, will be suspended.....


You will frustrate yourself asking that they be treated equally because they cant be


There's a difference between employee and management as we all know

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There isnt any real world way to suspend an owner..


Folks asking for the same thing will be disappointed....


To take money away from the owner hurts the organization more than it hurts the owner


Suspending an owner is like catching air...you cannot do it


Mr. Irsay should pay a fine for being arrested and pleading (probably) no contest..


...but Robert Mathis, as player, will be suspended.....


You will frustrate yourself asking that they be treated equally because they cant be


There's a difference between employee and management as we all know


I think the inevitable suspension of Irsay will unfold something like this....


The fine will have to be paid out of Irsay's personal account, not a Colts account.


And the suspension, no matter the length (let's say it's 1 year)  will mean the following...


-- Irsay can not be at the Colts facility.


-- Irsay can not attend any Colts games, home or away.


-- Irsay can not attend any Colts charity or cultural events in the City of Indianapolis.


-- Irsay can not represent the Colts at any NFL meeting or gathering.



I suspect it will further emphasize Irsay meeting the conditions of his probation....  meaning community service as well as more drug counseling meetings.


This is roughly what happened when the Saints GM, Mickey Loomis, as well as their HC, Sean Peyton, were suspended.


I don't think this will be difficult to enforce.....

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I think the inevitable suspension of Irsay will unfold something like this....


The fine will have to be paid out of Irsay's personal account, not a Colts account.


And the suspension, no matter the length (let's say it's 1 year)  will mean the following...


-- Irsay can not be at the Colts facility.


-- Irsay can not attend any Colts games, home or away.


-- Irsay can not attend any Colts charity or cultural events in the City of Indianapolis.


-- Irsay can not represent the Colts at any NFL meeting or gathering.



I suspect it will further emphasize Irsay meeting the conditions of his probation....  meaning community service as well as more drug counseling meetings.


This is roughly what happened when the Saints GM, Mickey Loomis, as well as their HC, Sean Peyton, were suspended.


I don't think this will be difficult to enforce.....


Do you think they would give him a full year for it though?  

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I think the league has to do something.  I don't know how big of a deal any of it will be but Goodell is going to have a lot of egg on his face if he just ignores an owner's issues while punishing players for them.

Players need to get a grip. Their oversized egos won't let allow them to recognize that there are different rules for owners as opposed to employees. Everyone knows this, but since it's a decent story during downtime people are harping on it.

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