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question about mathis's suspension


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The 53 man roster doesn't exist until Week 1 of the regular season, at which point Mathis' suspension begins. He'll be placed on a reserve list, and will not count against the 53 man roster. For now, he continues to count against the 90 man roster.

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I have been offline for a little while Colts Forum wise & I just heard about this suspension of Mathis for 4 games yesterday. I am not happy about this development at all.


Robert was just trying to take a drug from a fertility specialist to help his wife have a 2nd child. Come on league, loosen up man. 


Yes, I realize that Robert should have verified with INDY medical staff that the treatment in question was not a banned substance, but Robert's integrity to me is of the highest order to me & I hate to see a beloved pass rusher's reputation tarnished for no good reason. Robert Mathis is awesome & my opinion of him will never change. 

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I have been offline for a little while Colts Forum wise & I just heard about this suspension of Mathis for 4 games yesterday. I am not happy about this development at all.


Robert was just trying to take a drug from a fertility specialist to help his wife have a 2nd child. Come on league, loosen up man. 


Yes, I realize that Robert should have verified with INDY medical staff that the treatment in question was not a banned substance, but Robert's integrity to me is of the highest order to me & I hate to see a beloved pass rusher's reputation tarnished for no good reason. Robert Mathis is awesome & my opinion of him will never change.

Not often we disagree sir, but Mathis needs to loosen up. He knew the rules. He broken them. His actions hurt his team. Full stop.

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I have been offline for a little while Colts Forum wise & I just heard about this suspension of Mathis for 4 games yesterday. I am not happy about this development at all.


Robert was just trying to take a drug from a fertility specialist to help his wife have a 2nd child. Come on league, loosen up man. 


Yes, I realize that Robert should have verified with INDY medical staff that the treatment in question was not a banned substance, but Robert's integrity to me is of the highest order to me & I hate to see a beloved pass rusher's reputation tarnished for no good reason. Robert Mathis is awesome & my opinion of him will never change. 


Even so there is a reason the NFL makes you personally responsible for what you pit into your body.  It would be a bad policy if the NFL had to investigate the purposes of the drugs taken and determine if this was a good reason to take the drugs or not.  


So I do believe the best policy is to just ban them and make the players personally responsible for whatever they take for whatever reason.

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I have been offline for a little while Colts Forum wise & I just heard about this suspension of Mathis for 4 games yesterday. I am not happy about this development at all.


Robert was just trying to take a drug from a fertility specialist to help his wife have a 2nd child. Come on league, loosen up man. 


Yes, I realize that Robert should have verified with INDY medical staff that the treatment in question was not a banned substance, but Robert's integrity to me is of the highest order to me & I hate to see a beloved pass rusher's reputation tarnished for no good reason. Robert Mathis is awesome & my opinion of him will never change.

Spoken like a true fan boy seeing the world through Colts Colored Glasses.

Mathis messed up big time. No other way to say it. His rep was tarnished because he 1) made a foolish decision or 2) was trying to hide something - either answer does not speak well for him.

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In addition to the suspension, for the remainder of the season he will be required to wear a jersey with "Scarlet Numerals" on it to bring further guilt, humiliation and grief down on this disgusting individual! Who would have it any other way!




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Spoken like a true fan boy seeing the world through Colts Colored Glasses.

Mathis messed up big time. No other way to say it. His rep was tarnished because he 1) made a foolish decision or 2) was trying to hide something - either answer does not speak well for him.

Yes I am Colts fan, yes I am biased, & no, actually I wear John Lennon coke rimmed glasses that makes me look a CIA Agent when the sunlight bounces off them.  haha


Should Robert have checked with a team Dr. 1st? Sure, does it make Mr. Mathis devious or underhanded when he has no record of sabotage or trying to cheat the system? Of course not. Please refrain from sweeping accusations with no evidence to the contrary. Thank you very much jskinnz.  :hat:


Have you considered the possibility that Robert asked the fertility Dr. whether or not this drug would register as an illegally banned substance in medical circles & he just took the physician at his word? That's a minor mistake not a deliberate criminal act in my estimation. 

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Not often we disagree sir, but Mathis needs to loosen up. He knew the rules. He broken them. His actions hurt his team. Full stop.

That's why I like you BHC. You have the guts to tell me when you disagree with me. Keep it up. I just don't want a player of Robert Mathis's caliber & longevity in the league to diminish all the milestones he has achieved thus far in his spectacular career.


Okay fine, Robert is out the first 4 games. What's done is done. But, what I don't wanna see is blind character assassination meaning having people question his sack totals last season like he was on PEDs or something. That's hogwash to me. You don't get to where Robert is by cutting corners. [sW1 is not placing you in that category BHC.] 


It just fascinates how some reporters make that leap. A DE got busted once for failing a drug test so therefore all his other clean tests were simply missed? A complete farce. That's like saying that since I got a speeding ticket, I am destined for a future life of crime as a getaway bank robbery driver. Simply ridiculous. I look at a players entire career & how is viewed by his coaches, his teammates, his peers, & his community overall. This is a insignificant blip not a trend on Robert's otherwise impeccable NFL record. 

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Even so there is a reason the NFL makes you personally responsible for what you pit into your body.  It would be a bad policy if the NFL had to investigate the purposes of the drugs taken and determine if this was a good reason to take the drugs or not.  


So I do believe the best policy is to just ban them and make the players personally responsible for whatever they take for whatever reason.

I grasp your point Valpo2004 that all drug testing of NFL athletes must be universally applied across the board with no exceptions based on name recognition & fan appeal alone. I understand that scientists who are employed by the NFL have a job to do & it's nothing personal like a vendetta on their part.


But, it is possible to register a false positive. It happens in labs more than you might think & I have no idea what the protocol is for re-testing blood & urine samples on a routine basis from each athlete. Chain of custody & how those samples are secured, cataloged, & transferred matters too. I am not not alleging intentional misconduct here by lab techs just that if the integrity of the sample is compromised test results can be inconclusive. That's exactly how Milwaukee Brewers player Ryan Braun avoided 1 drug suspension: Challenge how quickly the collected sample was cataloged as evidence for Major League Baseball. 


You can't allow players who didn't go to medical school take whatever drug they want because they have no idea how certain drugs will interact inside their bloodstream resulting in death if left unchecked & not monitored. The league still denies a link between dementia & concussions & they have no intention of being sued by wives whose husbands were freely allowed to self medicate & heal their own injuries. 

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I have been offline for a little while Colts Forum wise & I just heard about this suspension of Mathis for 4 games yesterday. I am not happy about this development at all.


Robert was just trying to take a drug from a fertility specialist to help his wife have a 2nd child. Come on league, loosen up man. 


Yes, I realize that Robert should have verified with INDY medical staff that the treatment in question was not a banned substance, but Robert's integrity to me is of the highest order to me & I hate to see a beloved pass rusher's reputation tarnished for no good reason. Robert Mathis is awesome & my opinion of him will never change. 

He broke the rules, side-stepping 4 to 5 different paths of certification for medicine and vitamins.  Shame on Mathis, this really hurt the Colts and he should be ashamed of himself.  At the same time, he has a beautiful new addition to the family so good for him and his family (also his extended family).  Colts family, not so much.  :facepalm:

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He broke the rules, side-stepping 4 to 5 different paths of certification for medicine and vitamins.  Shame on Mathis, this really hurt the Colts and he should be ashamed of himself.  At the same time, he has a beautiful new addition to the family so good for him and his family (also his extended family).  Colts family, not so much.  :facepalm:

Did Mathis make a error in judgement? Yes. "...he should be ashamed of himself." That's a tad bit harsh IMO. He will miss 4 games. He didn't commit a vile act against a child or perpetrate an international war crime. I have done stupid stuff in the past that upset my friends & family too, but as long as you learn from it & try not to duplicate it again. That's all I care about. It's never the fall, but what you do after you get up & dust yourself off. 


Even though I may royally tick off my family from time to time, they still love me & have my back just like I revere Robert & have his back right now. 


Chris, I appreciate your candor & I like what you said about the new addition to his family. 


The Colts organizational success is NOT defined by  1 man. Just like the Presidency, 1 player's or person's minor hiccup should not derail INDY's entire 2014 season. This is just another test for us which we will pass just fine IMHO. 


Did we throw in the towel when Reggie Wayne went down? No. An absence whether through injury or a lack of logic is still a loss. The question is this: Do we cry or kick caboose & still gather W's in win column? We all know what we must do & the greatness we are on the brink of. We all know what time it is...

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 His actions hurt his team. Full stop.

It's perfectly fine to be disappointed in Robert Mathis's actions right now, but if INDY wins 3 out of 4 games in his absence, will it matter once he returns? Nope not 1 bit. 


What time does the steam locomotive arrive BTW? Just Kidding Buddy! Your last 2 lines reminded me of this: [Remember, if I like you & you amuse me in a good way I joke around a lot with you.]  :P



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Not often we disagree sir, but Mathis needs to loosen up. He knew the rules. He broken them. His actions hurt his team. Full stop.


Even so there is a reason the NFL makes you personally responsible for what you pit into your body.  It would be a bad policy if the NFL had to investigate the purposes of the drugs taken and determine if this was a good reason to take the drugs or not.  


So I do believe the best policy is to just ban them and make the players personally responsible for whatever they take for whatever reason.


Spoken like a true fan boy seeing the world through Colts Colored Glasses.Mathis messed up big time. No other way to say it. His rep was tarnished because he 1) made a foolish decision or 2) was trying to hide something - either answer does not speak well for him.


He broke the rules, side-stepping 4 to 5 different paths of certification for medicine and vitamins.  Shame on Mathis, this really hurt the Colts and he should be ashamed of himself.  At the same time, he has a beautiful new addition to the family so good for him and his family (also his extended family).  Colts family, not so much.  :facepalm:

Spoken like people who only see in black and white and shame on all those that see some grey. What are people thinking that the NFL should actually look at these situations on a case by case basis. No way they should actually take into consideration the circumstances of each case, that would be crazy. Zero tolerance policies are for people that are to lazy to use their brains. Yes Mathis should be penalized for not checking with the proper sources, no he should not be treated like he took Clomid to mask PEDs.

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Yes I am Colts fan, yes I am biased, & no, actually I wear John Lennon coke rimmed glasses that makes me look a CIA Agent when the sunlight bounces off them. haha

Should Robert have checked with a team Dr. 1st? Sure, does it make Mr. Mathis devious or underhanded when he has no record of sabotage or trying to cheat the system? Of course not. Please refrain from sweeping accusations with no evidence to the contrary. Thank you very much jskinnz. :hat:

Have you considered the possibility that Robert asked the fertility Dr. whether or not this drug would register as an illegally banned substance in medical circles & he just took the physician at his word? That's a minor mistake not a deliberate criminal act in my estimation.

Wow - that was random and off base which is par for you. That gets you a...

Dear god.

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Spoken like people who only see in black and white and shame on all those that see some grey. What are people thinking that the NFL should actually look at these situations on a case by case basis. No way they should actually take into consideration the circumstances of each case, that would be crazy. Zero tolerance policies are for people that are to lazy to use their brains. Yes Mathis should be penalized for not checking with the proper sources, no he should not be treated like he took Clomid to mask PEDs.

Just in from league sources: Andrew Luck, who was arrested after a DUI incident, after he had two bottles of beer after celebrating the birth of his first child, was given a 4 game ban for breaking the NFL's code of conduct. In an interesting twist, Robert Griffin III, who was also arrested recently for the same misdemeanor, was given a reprimand but no ban. Robert had a few beers like Andrew, but was drinking because his new RG3 logo was voted sports most pretentious logo ever.

NFL fans across the world agree that the league were right to consider both cases differently, and one Colts fan, Cynjin, was particularly happy with the outcome. He was especially pleased that the league did not take the lazy way out, and they used their brains in deciding the appropriate levels of punishment.

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I have been offline for a little while Colts Forum wise & I just heard about this suspension of Mathis for 4 games yesterday. I am not happy about this development at all.

Robert was just trying to take a drug from a fertility specialist to help his wife have a 2nd child. Come on league, loosen up man.

Yes, I realize that Robert should have verified with INDY medical staff that the treatment in question was not a banned substance, but Robert's integrity to me is of the highest order to me & I hate to see a beloved pass rusher's reputation tarnished for no good reason. Robert Mathis is awesome & my opinion of him will never change.

Unfortunately his Dr. Wasn't a fertility specialist and any fertility specialistsis well aware that it is a banned substance among athletes. Also the doctor said he didn't know who mathis was at the time. Why would you pick a doctor who isn't a fertility specialist and someone you don't know?


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Yes I am Colts fan, yes I am biased, & no, actually I wear John Lennon coke rimmed glasses that makes me look a CIA Agent when the sunlight bounces off them.  haha


Should Robert have checked with a team Dr. 1st? Sure, does it make Mr. Mathis devious or underhanded when he has no record of sabotage or trying to cheat the system? Of course not. Please refrain from sweeping accusations with no evidence to the contrary. Thank you very much jskinnz.  :hat:


Have you considered the possibility that Robert asked the fertility Dr. whether or not this drug would register as an illegally banned substance in medical circles & he just took the physician at his word? That's a minor mistake not a deliberate criminal act in my estimation. 

I will support Mathis and hope he returns just as before this suspension. Robert stated he did ask the doctor about what he was taking. The problem lies with him because he ask the wrong person. He is a seasoned veteran and should have known who to ask. Oh, by the way, Lennon had been known to wear some rose colored glasses a time or two! :36dancing:  haha

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Spoken like people who only see in black and white and shame on all those that see some grey. What are people thinking that the NFL should actually look at these situations on a case by case basis. No way they should actually take into consideration the circumstances of each case, that would be crazy. Zero tolerance policies are for people that are to lazy to use their brains. Yes Mathis should be penalized for not checking with the proper sources, no he should not be treated like he took Clomid to mask PEDs.


I would agree with you when you are talking zero tolerance polices for children.  But these guys are adults.


And the main reason I don't think it's a good idea for the NFL to look at these things on a case by case basis is because among other things it would be hard for them to determine if the player is telling the truth.  So I see no reason to make them try.  Again these are adults not children.


I would say that at best they should allow players to apply for exceptions to the rule before they take the drugs (not after) which allows them to put the reason out there in advance and allows the NFL to evaluate based on that information and information provided by the player's doctor.


I tend to believe Mathis that he just made a mistake and trusted what his doc told him and didn't double check it.  However that mistake is gonna cost him 4 games.


And for the record the NFL's drug testing is hardly a zero tolerance policy.  If it was they would suspend you for the season for 1 positive test.  Instead the punishments just get progressively worse until you've tested positive 3 or 4 times and you are suspended for the season.  


In fact someone can correct me if I'm wrong but my impression was the first violation was a warning letter with no suspension.  

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It amazes me how people are bashing Mathis for wanting to Conceive with his wife...I mean c'mon this man has a Life outside of football that he will certainly have to live once he retires.


For heaven's sake, that is just a nonsense point.  No one is bashing him for that.  They are "bashing" him for the incredible lack of judgment for going about the way he did. 


We ain't building rockets here.  Try to keep up.

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For heaven's sake, that is just a nonsense point.  No one is bashing him for that.  They are "bashing" him for the incredible lack of judgment for going about the way he did. 


We ain't building rockets here.  Try to keep up.


Im not speaking on the thread im talking about specific ignorant comments i seen being made.

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Spoken like a true fan boy seeing the world through Colts Colored Glasses.

Mathis messed up big time. No other way to say it. His rep was tarnished because he 1) made a foolish decision or 2) was trying to hide something - either answer does not speak well for him.


Not often we disagree sir, but Mathis needs to loosen up. He knew the rules. He broken them. His actions hurt his team. Full stop.


Unfortunately his Dr. Wasn't a fertility specialist and any fertility specialistsis well aware that it is a banned substance among athletes. Also the doctor said he didn't know who mathis was at the time. Why would you pick a doctor who isn't a fertility specialist and someone you don't know?


He is guilty. At this point, and maybe we will never know the full truth, he is guilty of ignorance. I have a hard time swallowing that....... being that he is one of the oldest veterans on the team and being a problowler. It certainly lends credence to him knowing better. 


I have one jersey in my closet...and it is Roberts. My disappointment is far from being knee jerk. However, I will be honest about my feelings and admit that my hate for performance enhancing substances, or their masking agents....is far more powerful than my love for my team. When I see it, I call it. 

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Now that he was busted, I wonder if he has to get tested more often? I wonder just how good he is going to play without being pumped up on steroids? In a sense, we lost him for the whole year. At least we got had a pumped up Mathis last year.

The are multiple guys on every team that are using PEDS.....I don't think it's that hard to not get caught.

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I would agree with you when you are talking zero tolerance polices for children.  But these guys are adults.


And the main reason I don't think it's a good idea for the NFL to look at these things on a case by case basis is because among other things it would be hard for them to determine if the player is telling the truth.  So I see no reason to make them try.  Again these are adults not children.


I would say that at best they should allow players to apply for exceptions to the rule before they take the drugs (not after) which allows them to put the reason out there in advance and allows the NFL to evaluate based on that information and information provided by the player's doctor.


I tend to believe Mathis that he just made a mistake and trusted what his doc told him and didn't double check it.  However that mistake is gonna cost him 4 games.


And for the record the NFL's drug testing is hardly a zero tolerance policy.  If it was they would suspend you for the season for 1 positive test.  Instead the punishments just get progressively worse until you've tested positive 3 or 4 times and you are suspended for the season.  


In fact someone can correct me if I'm wrong but my impression was the first violation was a warning letter with no suspension.

Zero tolerance policies are dumb for children or adults, the NFL's policy is zero tolerance with the exception if there is a chain of custody issue with the sample. It is zero tolerance because if you have a banned substance in your system you are suspended for 4 games, no ifs, ands, or buts. Punishment for a first violation of the PED policy is not a warning letter it is a 4 game suspension.

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Just in from league sources: Andrew Luck, who was arrested after a DUI incident, after he had two bottles of beer after celebrating the birth of his first child, was given a 4 game ban for breaking the NFL's code of conduct. In an interesting twist, Robert Griffin III, who was also arrested recently for the same misdemeanor, was given a reprimand but no ban. Robert had a few beers like Andrew, but was drinking because his new RG3 logo was voted sports most pretentious logo ever.

NFL fans across the world agree that the league were right to consider both cases differently, and one Colts fan, Cynjin, was particularly happy with the outcome. He was especially pleased that the league did not take the lazy way out, and they used their brains in deciding the appropriate levels of punishment.

Honestly, this is a really poor analogy. Comparing what Mathis did to two DUIs, especially when both reasons to drive under the influence were bad reasons. A much better analogy would have been to compare one player that smoked marijuana just to get high versus another that was smoking it to control epileptic seizures and had a medical expert testify that the marijuana has actually helped control the seizures. Should both be treated the same way? I would say no, apparently you would have the latter not only suspended for 4 games but also thrown in jail. Letter of the law and all.

Also, I would find it hard to believe that Luck would be "under the influence" after two beers. Unless of course it is that beer that Sam Adams sells once a year that is 25% alcohol.

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I have been offline for a little while Colts Forum wise & I just heard about this suspension of Mathis for 4 games yesterday. I am not happy about this development at all.


Robert was just trying to take a drug from a fertility specialist to help his wife have a 2nd child. Come on league, loosen up man. 


Yes, I realize that Robert should have verified with INDY medical staff that the treatment in question was not a banned substance, but Robert's integrity to me is of the highest order to me & I hate to see a beloved pass rusher's reputation tarnished for no good reason. Robert Mathis is awesome & my opinion of him will never change. 


The motive may be noble, but the drug in question is on the banned list.  No matter what reason, if it is in your system, and you are in the NFL, then you have violated the Steroids policy of the NFL and the first offense is a 4 game suspension. No wiggle room.


If Mathis wants to use it as a fertility drug, he would first have a physician apply for an exemption waiver, like a few have successfully done with Adderall.  If the exemption is denied, he can't take it, period, or take it and risk the suspension. Unfortunately, Mathis skipped the exemption part and went right to the latter.  We'll see him in game 5.

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Now that he was busted, I wonder if he has to get tested more often? I wonder just how good he is going to play without being pumped up on steroids? In a sense, we lost him for the whole year. At least we got had a pumped up Mathis last year.


Yes.  Mathis is now placed in the 'Reasonable Cause' testing program, which is separate from the ten players per week tested on the Colts (and all other teams) roster from the 1st pre season game to Super Bowl.  Players can be tested up to 6 times during the off season.

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Honestly, this is a really poor analogy. Comparing what Mathis did to two DUIs, especially when both reasons to drive under the influence were bad reasons. A much better analogy would have been to compare one player that smoked marijuana just to get high versus another that was smoking it to control epileptic seizures and had a medical expert testify that the marijuana has actually helped control the seizures. Should both be treated the same way? I would say no, apparently you would have the latter not only suspended for 4 games but also thrown in jail. Letter of the law and all.

Also, I would find it hard to believe that Luck would be "under the influence" after two beers. Unless of course it is that beer that Sam Adams sells once a year that is 25% alcohol.

It is only a poor analogy because you don't like it. 'Let Mathis off because he was trying to have a baby'. Get real chap.

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It is only a poor analogy because you don't like it. 'Let Mathis off because he was trying to have a baby'. Get real chap.

No it is a poor analogy, because it was a poor analogy, not because I did not like it. There are are analogies that I may not agree with, but that does not make them poor. Your's was a poor one, that is why I put forth a better one.

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No it is a poor analogy, because it was a poor analogy, not because I did not like it. There are are analogies that I may not agree with, but that does not make them poor. Your's was a poor one, that is why I put forth a better one.

Okay. Let's move on. Nothing to gain here.

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I think what makes me mad about this is the fact Greg Hardy gets arrested for gun charges and I believe assault on his girlfriend or something along those lines.... Nothing. Ray Rice knocks out his girlfriend.... Nothing. Richard Sherman takes PED's.... Overturned.

But Robert Mathis takes a fertility drug... 4 games no questions asked. I know Mathis messed up, but I just didn't agree with how it was handled. Go Colts 

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i didn't believe the "fertility" excuse from the start. he already had kids, right? why is there a fertility issue, he's not that old. it's not a approved fertility drug, it's used by men with low testosterone levels to get your bode to produce more testosterone. athletes always have a excuse for getting caught, and i am sick of it. he got caught using ped's plain and simple! i would be very hesitant about signing him to another big contract, he's probably starting to break down with age.

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i didn't believe the "fertility" excuse from the start. he already had kids, right? why is there a fertility issue, he's not that old. it's not a approved fertility drug, it's used by men with low testosterone levels to get your bode to produce more testosterone. athletes always have a excuse for getting caught, and i am sick of it. he got caught using ped's plain and simple! i would be very hesitant about signing him to another big contract, he's probably starting to break down with age.

He probably is cheating, but you should have read the rest of the thread first.

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