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Brandon Spikes goes on a rant against the Patriots on twitter. Calls his time with the Patriots "4 years a slave."


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err 2-14 vs 2nd round of playoffs?

What the hell does that comment have to do with this thread? And it has truth in that statement that even you can't deny. Stop trolling my posts with your senseless dribble.
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Pretty sad. Spikes was always a fan favorite but I am sure he is upset about how things ended last season and then not being offered a contract. If he was really intent on beating the Pats though he really should have went somewhere else besides Buffalo. lol. Kind of reminds me of when the Pats traded Seymour to Oakland and all Richard could talk about was beating the Pats and then when the Pats came to Oakland he took two personal foul penalties on the first drive in a bad loss.

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I'm sure Spikes is enjoying his new-found Twitter freedom. 


Good for him.


As for the Bills beating the Patriots? Twice? Well that would match the number of wins they have against New England in the entire Brady era, so... probably not. 

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I'm sure Spikes is enjoying his new-found Twitter freedom. 


Good for him.


As for the Bills beating the Patriots? Twice? Well that would match the number of wins they have against New England in the entire Brady era, so... probably not. 

That's just it GP. When you go from a premier franchise to a lackluster one, smack talking is not a wise move. Get used to losing year in year out  Mr. Spikes. The Bills have not been relevant since the early 90's you fool. Does Mr. Spikes believe they have a shot at the division title or Playoff contention?  :lol:  :funny:  lmao

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"4 years a slave." Being disgruntled about a former employer is one thing, but pulling out the slavery card is a very loaded term not really an accurate representation of how the Patriots treated on a daily basis.


Unless Ritchie Incognito was in the Foxboro locker room this past season & I know he was in Miami, pipe down there Mr. Spikes & come back to me when you have a real problem. Thank you. 

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I'm sure Spikes is enjoying his new-found Twitter freedom. 


Good for him.


As for the Bills beating the Patriots? Twice? Well that would match the number of wins they have against New England in the entire Brady era, so... probably not. 

I would imagine Buffalo encouraged him to go on Twitter to pump up the media attention. It has been brutal for them recently with the passing of Wilson and Kelly fighting his battle with cancer.


I just don't get it honestly. Why purpose does it serve now to bash the Pats who gave him his chance to play, paid him and then moved on? He got a one year deal in Buffalo which probably speaks more to how the league values him. It is like guys can't come to terms that they were not valued by their current team and then want to cry on the way out.


Although I have to say, I kind of like smack talk coming from Buffalo. We never get that probably because Brady is 22-2 vs them. lol.

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I'm sure Spikes is enjoying his new-found Twitter freedom. 


Good for him.


As for the Bills beating the Patriots? Twice? Well that would match the number of wins they have against New England in the entire Brady era, so... probably not. 


Well, the Bills do tend to play the Pats as if it's their Super Bowl. That's normally the main match I anticipate on New England's schedule. It seems like the Bills are due to finally beat them, it's been so long since that's happened but beating them twice? No way.

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Spikes is far from the first to run their pie hole on twitter. Certain players can do it and get by with it because some find it funny or don't take it serious. I, for one don't partake in twitter nonsense because that's what it is. If I feel the need to say something to someone I will call them on the phone or tell them in person. There is no reason to put yourself out there on a public forum that way. Attention seeking at it's best.

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I would imagine Buffalo encouraged him to go on Twitter to pump up the media attention. It has been brutal for them recently with the passing of Wilson and Kelly fighting his battle with cancer.


I just don't get it honestly. Why purpose does it serve now to bash the Pats who gave him his chance to play, paid him and then moved on? He got a one year deal in Buffalo which probably speaks more to how the league values him. It is like guys can't come to terms that they were not valued by their current team and then want to cry on the way out.


Although I have to say, I kind of like smack talk coming from Buffalo. We never get that probably because Brady is 22-2 vs them. lol.


My big question is... why even bring up the Patriots? This is like having a buddy who gets dumped and says he's over his ex-girlfriend but can't stop talking about her. If you're so psyched to be in Buffalo, and if your time in NE was so traumatic, then why focus on the past? 


A lot of Pats fans have thin skin but it's pointless to get riled up over a guy who, for whatever reason, didn't want to fit in here. Twitter Freedom is important to some guys, I guess. 

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My big question is... why even bring up the Patriots? This is like having a buddy who gets dumped and says he's over his ex-girlfriend but can't stop talking about her. If you're so psyched to be in Buffalo, and if your time in NE was so traumatic, then why focus on the past? 


A lot of Pats fans have thin skin but it's pointless to get riled up over a guy who, for whatever reason, didn't want to fit in here. Twitter Freedom is important to some guys, I guess. 

No one is ever psyched to be in Buffalo. ;)   It's like when they asked Seymour what he thought about Oakland and all he could say was the weather was nice. lol.

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No one is ever psyched to be in Buffalo. ;)   It's like when they asked Seymour what he thought about Oakland and all he could say was the weather was nice. lol.


They're putting some decent parts together in Buffalo but it feels like there's talk every year saying they could turn things around. 


I don't feel about it at all... I'm easily old enough to remember the constant beatings the Patriots took in the Kelly-Thomas-Reed-Bruce Smith days. These things eventually cycle back and forth. 

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They're putting some decent parts together in Buffalo but it feels like there's talk every year saying they could turn things around. 


I don't feel about it at all... I'm easily old enough to remember the constant beatings the Patriots took in the Kelly-Thomas-Reed-Bruce Smith days. These things eventually cycle back and forth. 

Yeah, I like the moves they have made. They could very well leap ahead of the Jets for third place.


I remember those beatings as well. But I will never forget a few years ago when the Pats were playing the Bills in Buffalo, a Bills fan had a sign that said, "Mr. Kraft please buy our team." Still makes me laugh today thinking about it. :)

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Just the casual way he throws around the word "slave" to me is pretty telling of the man. I don't get too PC minded most of the time but comparing the time you spent playing football for millions of dollars as some form of slavery is pretty insulting to those who have suffered in the past and currently. I certainly understand him being excited for this next chapter in his life but sometimes I wonder if people think before they talk.

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Yeah, I like the moves they have made. They could very well leap ahead of the Jets for third place.


I remember those beatings as well. But I will never forget a few years ago when the Pats were playing the Bills in Buffalo, a Bills fan had a sign that said, "Mr. Kraft please buy our team." Still makes me laugh today thinking about it. :)

Yeah..until they get a legitiment qb nobody is leap frogging you guys. One thing the AFC East and South have in common is the teams on top have a pro bowl qb and the rest are mired in mediocrity at best. The one or two years any other teams got good qb play (Sanchez and Schaub) those teams competed or won the division.

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No one is ever psyched to be in Buffalo. ;) It's like when they asked Seymour what he thought about Oakland and all he could say was the weather was nice. lol.

I'm sure a lot of people are excited to have an opportunity to play football on any team. Buffalo will be a team to look out for in the next few years... and maybe sooner if they pull off a rumored trade.

The only place that would be a little weird to be is Miami with all the stuff there because owners seem to have been a part of it too.

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I'm sure a lot of people are excited to have an opportunity to play football on any team. Buffalo will be a team to look out for in the next few years... and maybe sooner if they pull off a rumored trade.

The only place that would be a little weird to be is Miami with all the stuff there because owners seem to have been a part of it too.



The great thing about Miami being in our division is that a lot of the players cant control themselves in that type of atmosphere at such a young age, so it just helps the Patriots chances that much more..  In the winter, when the Pats, Jets and Bills are heads down in their playbooks studying and practicing, lots of players out in Miami are out in 80 degree nights going to clubs, etc.


Hurray for that!

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The great thing about Miami being in our division is that a lot of the players cant control themselves in that type of atmosphere at such a young age, so it just helps the Patriots chances that much more..  In the winter, when the Pats, Jets and Bills are heads down in their playbooks studying and practicing, lots of players out in Miami are out in 80 degree nights going to clubs, etc.


Hurray for that!

Miami really should play in the AFC South and the Titans or Colts should be in the East. 

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The great thing about Miami being in our division is that a lot of the players cant control themselves in that type of atmosphere at such a young age, so it just helps the Patriots chances that much more.. In the winter, when the Pats, Jets and Bills are heads down in their playbooks studying and practicing, lots of players out in Miami are out in 80 degree nights going to clubs, etc.

Hurray for that!

The Heat play in the same situation, and they seem to be able to win. Talent plays a big roll... and a gm/coaching staff that is willing to do their job. Not letting stuff like what happened between Incognito and Martin become what it did. That will have a lasting effect on that team until they clean house like in Tampa Bay.

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