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Mark Brunell haha


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True but the Colts asked a lot less of Luck this year vs last year and that was the right move. He was far better as a game manager/make plays when necessary type of QB then one who was asked to shoulder the burden last year. As with any team success, the burden must be spread around.

Until we draft some stud o-linemen in May [GM Grigson please get Luck better protection & more time to survey the field], Andrew will not take him game to the next level like he is fully capable of.


A few more seconds to make reads or adjust a QBs hips to put touch or velocity on the ball is huge & cannot be underestimated. Plus, I am praying for a healthy Ballard & Bradshaw at RB next year. 

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Until we draft some stud o-linemen in May [GM Grigson please get Luck better protection & more time to survey the field], Andrew will not take him game to the next level like he is fully capable of.


A few more seconds to make reads or adjust a QBs hips to put touch or velocity on the ball is huge & cannot be underestimated. Plus, I am praying for a healthy Ballard & Bradshaw at RB next year. 

Yes, ton of injuries and the team is still rebuilding like you said. It is quite a feat to win 11 games in consecutive seasons after the type of complete reorg in 2011. And that really is a testament to Irsay and the GM he hired and his coaches.

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Yes, ton of injuries and the team is still rebuilding like you said. It is quite a feat to win 11 games in consecutive seasons after the type of complete reorg in 2011. And that really is a testament to Irsay and the GM he hired and his coaches.

Thank you amfootball for those kind & accurate words. Much appreciated & right on point.  :thmup:

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Doesn't bother me if anyone prefers Wilson over Luck.....there is a solid argument there to support this in two years. Wilson has been terrific and he is loaded with intangibles. Granted yes he has the better team then Luck but he has also made smarter decisions at times too. But, that doesn't  mean years down the road Luck won't surpass him either, we are still building....so time will tell.


I would take Luck over the other young QBs right now though. Luck is a tremendous talent, he needs more polishing up though and don't forget he had two different OCs in his first two seasons.


But, right now Wilson is the king of the mountain and he deserves praise. We would expect the same if in the same position.


I think Cam Newton is another potentially great one. I am torn on Kaepernick at the moment though and RGIII needs a big rebound.


Luck/Wilson were my two favorite young QBs last year and they remain it. But, time can change a lot with these young men. We are lucky to be able to watch them too and have a future here in the NFL with them all. Luck however is the only one in the AFC people really mention so yes the NFC is definitely heavier in talent/potential right now IMO.

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He thinks Russel Wilson Colin Kapernick and Cam Newton are better QBs then Luck lmao


Well they have accomplished more than Andrew Luck so far...doesn't matter if they did have great defenses, they still made plays and look at the position they are in now.


Look at Russell Wilson last two years record...

Look at Kaepernick last 2 years record...SB & NFC Championship games.

Cam Newton took a terrible panthers team that the year before could rarely make plays to one of the best teams in the league on both ends of the ball.


And then there is Luck & Griffin...

Draft #1 & #2, but they are long term projects. I see them taking another 2-3 years before they make the big step.

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Notice two more things those teams have..a good O-Line, and very good defenses.Luck does more with a lot less...One can argue Carolina only has Smith, but they have a killer backfield..and none of those qb's would have been able to take the beating that Luck has had to the past 2 years.. You see what the beatings did to Griffin.He's done..What Luck does, with the constant pressure is remarkable for a QB with only 2 years exp. And, not that it really matters, but the Colts beat up Kaep and Wilson when they played during the reg season. They destroyed the 49ers in SF, and the Legion of Boom was consistently burnt by TY, and the pressure on Wilson forced a lot of errant throws in Seattle's loss to the Colts.


Sure they all make mistakes..even the greatest still do..If Cam can learn to read defenses better and they get him another wr threat, I can see Carolina improving. I don't ever see Kaep ever leading the 9ers to the big game. He panics way too much for a QB.

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Doesn't bother me if anyone prefers Wilson over Luck.....there is a solid argument there to support this in two years. Wilson has been terrific and he is loaded with intangibles. Granted yes he has the better team then Luck but he has also made smarter decisions at times too. But, that doesn't  mean years down the road Luck won't surpass him either, we are still building....so time will tell.


I would take Luck over the other young QBs right now though. Luck is a tremendous talent, he needs more polishing up though and don't forget he had two different OCs in his first two seasons.


But, right now Wilson is the king of the mountain and he deserves praise. We would expect the same if in the same position.


I think Cam Newton is another potentially great one. I am torn on Kaepernick at the moment though and RGIII needs a big rebound.


Luck/Wilson were my two favorite young QBs last year and they remain it. But, time can change a lot with these young men. We are lucky to be able to watch them too and have a future here in the NFL with them all. Luck however is the only one in the AFC people really mention so yes the NFC is definitely heavier in talent/potential right now IMO.

No, that defense carried RW to the top of the mountain with a couple of good throws on his part Jules. Yes, RW exercised good ball control with zero turnovers, but if you put RW on the Cleveland Browns right down do you think RW would be a SB Champion right now? Nope. 

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No, that defense carried RW to the top of the mountain with a couple of good throws on his part Jules. Yes, RW exercised good ball control with zero turnovers, but if you put RW on the Cleveland Browns right down do you think RW would be a SB Champion right now? Nope.

Thank you SW1 my friend!! These other young QBs are good no doubt. They just wouldn't be nearly as successful as Luck if they had his team.
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Thank you SW1 my friend!! These other young QBs are good no doubt. They just wouldn't be nearly as successful as Luck if they had his team.

Anytime CF12. Anytime. Luck would leave other NFL squads in the dust with that secondary & front 4 on defense.


Plus, I saw everyone of RW's home games at UW-Madison.


Without those defensive weapons on his team, there is no way RW could carry a team on his shoulders all by himself. He's darn good not exceptional like Luck or Brees is IMO. 


I really dislike anointing young QBs wizards just because they played a minor role in winning 1 SB. It's a stepping stone to good things, but not indicative of monster greatness. LOL! Did RW made smart decisions? yes, but let's see him win another SB when a bunch of his teammates leave Seattle for more money down the road. JMO. 


I am not doubting RW's work ethic. I just wanna see what he does when vital pieces leave or get hurt. That's the real test which Luck has already passed with flying colors. 


I just want to see a 21 point deficit & RW brings Seattle back to win. Comebacks & degree of difficulty define QB greatness to me plain & simple. Do that RW & I will begin to believe that you are special. Until then...Meh, you are good not great IMO.

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Anytime CF12. Anytime. Luck would leave other NFL squads in the dust with that secondary & front 4 on defense.

Plus, I saw everyone of RW's home games at UW-Madison.

Without those defensive weapons on his team, there is no way RW could carry a team all by himself. He's darn good not exceptional like Luck or Brees is IMO.

I agree 100% I'm not trying to bash the others they just really aren't as good as Luck it's just the truth
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Well they have accomplished more than Andrew Luck so far...doesn't matter if they did have great defenses, they still made plays and look at the position they are in now.

Look at Russell Wilson last two years record...

Look at Kaepernick last 2 years record...SB & NFC Championship games.

Cam Newton took a terrible panthers team that the year before could rarely make plays to one of the best teams in the league on both ends of the ball.

And then there is Luck & Griffin...

Draft #1 & #2, but they are long term projects. I see them taking another 2-3 years before they make the big step.

So you are making the Mark Sanchez argument?

And what has newton done to make him more accomplished than Luck? Luck took over a pathetic squad and the team made layoffs his first two years...with one win. The Panthers were mediocre until the defense became one of the best units in the league. And their offense is still below par.

And somehow you put Luck in the same boat as Griffin. Unreal

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Well they have accomplished more than Andrew Luck so far...doesn't matter if they did have great defenses, they still made plays and look at the position they are in now.


Look at Russell Wilson last two years record...

Look at Kaepernick last 2 years record...SB & NFC Championship games.

Cam Newton took a terrible panthers team that the year before could rarely make plays to one of the best teams in the league on both ends of the ball.


And then there is Luck & Griffin...

Draft #1 & #2, but they are long term projects. I see them taking another 2-3 years before they make the big step.


No they have not accomplished more than Luck.  Their teams may have accomplished more than the Colts, but those individual players have not done more than Luck.  There is an argument that Luck has accomplished more than they have due to the greater lack of talent on the Colts.

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No they have not accomplished more than Luck. Their teams may have accomplished more than the Colts, but those individual players have not done more than Luck. There is an argument that Luck has accomplished more than they have due to the greater lack of talent on the Colts.

1. Luck is better I agree.

2. Last time I checked a qb is part of the team and therefore shares in the accomplishment. Wilson has won 1 Superbowl, and kap has made a Superbowl+2 conference chip game appearances.

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1. Luck is better I agree.

2. Last time I checked a qb is part of the team and therefore shares in the accomplishment. Wilson has won 1 Superbowl, and kap has made a Superbowl+2 conference chip game appearances.


The key phrase is part of a team.  The Seahawks and 49'ers have done more than the Colts, their qb's have not necessarily done more than Luck.

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Kiper, McShay, Jaws, Cosell, Landry, Cowherd, and just about EVERY NFL analyst who "watches" games...   agree..   and it's NOT CLOSE.


Andrew L is the real deal.     He is getting it done.   And he is RIGHT in the same position as Manning was for several years.   


Carrying the team.      sigh..  


Give Indy with Andy  L at QB ....   SF, Sea, or Carolina's D?    SB victory.


I wonder where we would be.

You think he's alone in that view?


He's not.


Just because no one here agrees with that opinion, doesn't mean Brunell doesn't have lots of people agreeing with him....

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I would easily take Wilson over Luck at the moment, his accuracy is better.



Brunell wasn't a bad QB in his prime.



I am totally lost on Kaepernick. He single handedly cost the Niners a trip to the Super Bowl. Those turnovers against Seattle were uncalled for. The two interceptions he knew the guys were double covered. The third one was just down right horrible, and not to mention that fumble.


The Niners are not ever going to win anything with him as quarterback.

A few swings and misses there.

If the 2012 draft were to happen again Luck would still be the universal # 1 pick.

In Kaepernick's two years as a starter, he has led his team to the Super Bowl and the NFCCG. They were a bad PI no call away from winning the whole thing last year so saying they will never win anything with him as QB seems uninformed at best. By any measure that is an outstanding start to a career.

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Kiper, McShay, Jaws, Cosell, Landry, Cowherd, and just about EVERY NFL analyst who "watches" games... agree.. and it's NOT CLOSE.

Andrew L is the real deal. He is getting it done. And he is RIGHT in the same position as Manning was for several years.

Carrying the team. sigh..

Give Indy with Andy L at QB .... SF, Sea, or Carolina's D? SB victory.

I wonder where we would be.

Luck still threw 7 INT's.. I don't think having any of those defenses changes that...

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Kiper, McShay, Jaws, Cosell, Landry, Cowherd, and just about EVERY NFL analyst who "watches" games...   agree..   and it's NOT CLOSE.


Andrew L is the real deal.     He is getting it done.   And he is RIGHT in the same position as Manning was for several years.   


Carrying the team.      sigh..  


Give Indy with Andy  L at QB ....   SF, Sea, or Carolina's D?    SB victory.


I wonder where we would be.

The the bolded - that is just gross hyperbole. Luck may in fact be the best QB but it is not by a lot when compared to the other guys. The media often wants to "crown" the next best QB to drive viewers and ticket sales.


And I watched all the Colts games this year. Luck was much more of a game manager this year than last year which was intentional by the coaching staff. When he was asked to "carry" the team in the post-season that is when the picks came fast and furious. Manning was able to carry the Colts year after year. Luck is not that same type of player. He needs much more help. And hopefully this mgmt gets him the supporting pieces.

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You said because the Colts were down is why Andrew threw the picks. So we have to basically hope we never get down big or else the picks? He needs to become a QB that is less turn over prone no matter the situation.


I said Andrew wouldn't have thrown as many (7) picks if we hadn't been down so much and didn't have to force balls. . I didn't say:


"Hurr duuurrr luck only threw picks because we were downnn huurrrrr"


Like you are implying I did. That would be stupid.

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I said Andrew wouldn't have thrown as many (7) picks if we hadn't been down so much and didn't have to force balls. . I didn't say:


"Hurr duuurrr luck only threw picks because we were downnn huurrrrr"


Like you are implying I did. That would be stupid.

Ok, My mistake. Still though the point stands. He needs to be better no matter the situation.

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So by that logic we can only count on Andrew to not turn it over if we have lead? 

All Dustin is really saying is that if we protect Luck upfront & get Ballard & Bradshaw healthy again Luck wouldn't need to become the comeback kid so much that's all.


I agree with him 100% actually. 


The fact that a sometimes stuffed ground game occurred during the 2013 season means that Luck was forced to take a few risks to move the ball & get 1st downs. That's not Andrew's fault IMHO.  


You have to separate reckless passes from Andrew who is trying to win the darn game & has no other option than slinging the ball. No all picks are judged the same to me. 


Will the number of picks drop with healthier bodies around him? Yup, no doubt in my mind. 

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All Dustin is really saying is that if we protect Luck upfront & get Ballard & Bradshaw healthy again Luck wouldn't need to become the comeback kid so much that's all.


I agree with him 100% actually. 

Yes, I get that but part of being a great QB is being able to play well when you don't have the perfect team. Some of his picks/decisions in the playoffs were awful and not the fault of the line or being down. I just want to see him play better no matter the situation but for sure the team needs to improve around him which is pretty much true for any team not named Seattle or San Francisco.

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