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Apparently the Colts are interested in Jonathan Martin.


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I don't want to hear anyone that is saying "no" to Martin being a cheap backup T complain about Linkenbach starting if Castonzo or Cherillous get injured next year.  We are not deep AT ALL on the oline.  He would be an upgrade over who we have, and to me, that is never a bad thing.

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This guy played the victim card, and now it looks like he gave it like he got it and threw his whole organization under the bus, for no apparent good reason. Sorry, he said the same type of crap back and handled everything like a child. He's bad juju. No thanks. 

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ESPN Dolphins reporter James Walker suggests the Colts as a possible trade partner with Miami for embattled OT Jonathan Martin.

It's obviously a stretch, as Walker admits, but does make some sense because Indianapolis needs O-Line upgrades and Martin was Andrew Luck's blind-side protector at Stanford. Colts GM Ryan Grigson could perhaps be willing to dangle a conditional seventh-rounder in exchange for Martin, but it's more likely he'd wait for Martin to be cut. Martin won't be back with the Fins.
Related: Colts
Source: ESPN.com
Feb 5 - 10:20 PM



Personally I have no use for the person .


However I believe Ryan Grigson as a former O-lineman will take a strong look at him & actually test the waters if a reasonable offer is out there he could be added to the roster .


With 3 former Stanford teammates & the leaders on the Colts roster  this actually could be the best fit for Martin . 

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So because someone gets bullied they're automatically a "wuss"?

Ah, okay I see now


Nobody was bullied reading the tweets it was a back & forth that caught incognito by surprise when the news broke Martin tried to play it down to his teammate .


With the rush to judgement based on little facts Inconito looks like the dummy upon further review its not so clear .

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Nobody was bullied reading the tweets it was a back & forth that caught incognito by surprise when the news broke Martin tried to play it down to his teammate .


With the rush to judgement based on little facts Inconito looks like the dummy upon further review its not so clear .

We are all giving opinions even though we dont know the full story

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We are all giving opinions even though we dont know the full story


Very true my opinion was different at first I felt he was a wuss for not standing up to Incognito after reading the back & forth in the tweets I see joking around - yes the subject matter was bad but Martin did'nt take exception which at the time he could of tweeted hey back off your stepping over a line when it comes to family .

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Very true my opinion was different at first I felt he was a wuss for not standing up to Incognito after reading the back & forth in the tweets I see joking around - yes the subject matter was bad but Martin did'nt take exception which at the time he could of tweeted hey back off your stepping over a line when it comes to family .

pretty sure they were texts, not tweets
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pretty sure they were texts, not tweets


It was text messages between Martin and Icognito.  There are many texts that have been released that show Martin and Incognito were friends and Incognito was reaching out to him a bunch about him being gone.  


It seems though that there were probably more things wrong with the front office because some texts show Incognito talking about how the FO did not treat Long right and that is why he took less money to go to the Rams.


At first I was behind Martin and thinking he was bullied, but the more that has come out it shows Martin is not the little angel he wanted to be perceived as.  Honestly, the lockerroom and football life is not for everyone especially when you go from being a big fish in college to a a little fish in the NFl.

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I'd happily trade a conditional 7th for him. Back up tackle and he'd never meet any conditions unless AC or Cherilus get injured and he actually plays.

you could find talent in the late rounds at Tackle that are as good as he is at Tackle

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You guys who want Jonathan Martin know there's growing evidence via leaked text messages clarifying Martin trash talked Incognito just as much as Incognito trash talked him. Martin came out acting like a butt hurt victim, so the media lashed out at Incognito.



Martin grossly over-exaggerated certain issues, and played along the majority of the time. Doesn't sound like someone I want on our team.

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We shouldn't trade for Martin....OR sign him if he's cut....OR take any interest in that maniac Incognito either.


The Colts shouldn't take on any remnant of this circus....considering the talent level and chemistry problems involved. Hell, less than a year ago damn near everyone rightly screamed bloody murder at the mere mention of pursuing Tim Tebow when he was let go.


This is the other side of the same coin....



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ESPN Dolphins reporter James Walker suggests the Colts as a possible trade partner with Miami for embattled OT Jonathan Martin.

It's obviously a stretch, as Walker admits, but does make some sense because Indianapolis needs O-Line upgrades and Martin was Andrew Luck's blind-side protector at Stanford. Colts GM Ryan Grigson could perhaps be willing to dangle a conditional seventh-rounder in exchange for Martin, but it's more likely he'd wait for Martin to be cut. Martin won't be back with the Fins.
Related: Colts
Source: ESPN.com
Feb 5 - 10:20 PM


Why wouldn't the Colts be interested? Martin won't have that crap to deal with in Indy and he has friends on the team. He might not be an all pro but he is better than what the Colts had this year.

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No thanks.  For one, he really isn't that good.  Back-up Tackle at best.  Two, he's already shown he has some major character issues.  The whole thing with Incognito has been awful.  They were both at fault, Martin wasn't a victim there.  Looks like he just got mad and threw the organization under the bus.


I'll pass. 

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Its isnt the Stanford guys who will be with Martin all day, it will be the O-line guys and I am sure they dont want him around.

Who do you think they will side with ? The veteran lineman who thought he had a friend and didnt even fire back when the media was killing him , hoping his friend would step up and clear him ? Or the soft no skill player who threw his whole team under the bus especially his best friend ?

Nobody wants to play with Martin, forcing them to do so is not a good idea and is definetly not worth what meager skills Martin brings to the table.

Winston Justice is better then Martin

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I'm not as concerned about the bullying as I am concerned about the drug use. I don't know if you guys read the messages, but he mentioned taking drugs throughout the season. The guy seems to be a head case. I'd rather take a chance on a guy with a low profile. No sense in bringing drama to the team if the chances of the guy starting are low to begin with.

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Why wouldn't the Colts be interested? Martin won't have that crap to deal with in Indy and he has friends on the team. He might not be an all pro but he is better than what the Colts had this year.


No he isn't. Castonzo and Cherilus are good tackles. Martin is below average, at best.


Not only that, but just because some writer thinks the Colts might potentially be interested doesn't mean that they actually are.

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I don't think the Colts or any other team are going to have interest in Martin. The more that comes out about this story the more Martin looks like an *. I don't want this clown anywhere near the Colts organization and to the guy/girl that said Martin is better than our Tackles and the Colts think that too...well it's apparent to me that that poster has not a single clue about football. Martin is no more than a below average tackle and IMO would be an even worse guard. He plays with no leverage and that is something guards have to rely on. Martin may develop into an average tackle one day but it shouldn't be with the Colts. He needs to go to Canada or Arena football and work on his skills because they are not NFL caliber right now IMO.

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No he isn't. Castonzo and Cherilus are good tackles. Martin is below average, at best.


Not only that, but just because some writer thinks the Colts might potentially be interested doesn't mean that they actually are.

We will see. I am betting that Dungy is going to bat for him and the Colts will try to sign or trade for him. In spite of what you say, I think Martin can play and Indy is the best team in the NFL for him to play for. But, who knows? We are all guessing. You could easily be right.

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We will see. I am betting that Dungy is going to bat for him and the Colts will try to sign or trade for him. In spite of what you say, I think Martin can play and Indy is the best team in the NFL for him to play for. But, who knows? We are all guessing. You could easily be right.

Dungy should have Caldwell hire Martin. I am betting Suh will treat him kindly at practice.
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We will see. I am betting that Dungy is going to bat for him and the Colts will try to sign or trade for him. In spite of what you say, I think Martin can play and Indy is the best team in the NFL for him to play for. But, who knows? We are all guessing. You could easily be right.


What does Dungy have to do with anything?

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