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Nothing is worse then seeing 2 bandwagon teams have each other..


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I actually have started to enjoy how Seattle plays at times. Tough physical football and a QB with strong intangibles.


And when we played them I feel like our forum and their forum almost cyber stalked each other so if we had a SB with them it would be a VERY interesting two weeks. lmao



I will give NO credit for getting a win on the road in the playoffs finally in the Brees era (I had strong doubts they would) but I still need to see more from them on the road as a whole still.

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What is a bandwaggon fan??? Because I'm pretty sure 60% of our fans weren't even fans until Peyton came along....and many stuck with us even after he left. We were regularly having blackouts before so clearly we've had a lot of "bandwaggon" fans if you want to call it that. Granted NO and SEA fans are a lot more vocal than in years past but who wouldn't be with the teams success. I guess I don't understand the title.

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What is a bandwaggon fan??? Because I'm pretty sure 60% of our fans weren't even fans until Peyton came along....and many stuck with us even after he left. We were regularly having blackouts before so clearly we've had a lot of "bandwaggon" fans if you want to call it that. Granted NO and SEA fans are a lot more vocal than in years past but who wouldn't be with the teams success. I guess I don't understand the title.

It refers to teams winning ;)

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It refers to teams winning ;)

Gotcha...so they have prouder fans or more fans when the team wins? Then if that is the case we are one of the biggest BANDWAGGON teams of all time. We had virtually no fans until Peyton got here...and basically a ghost town in 2011 when Peyton was hurt no one was bragging about how good we were. We've had one of the luckiest runs in terms of qbs in the last decade and a half...getting arguably two 1picks that happen to fall on years when the qb coming out was considered once in a generation. Of course fans brag more when their team is good...why wouldn't they?? I don't see where we have room to call any franchise's fans bandwaggon when we didn't support our team here in Indy for a long time...until we started winning. I've got no problem with other teams fans...as long as they aren't being *s about what they say or how they act...no problem at all. They seem to support their team like crazy at home games having two of the best home records in the league...proving how great of fans they are....so I don't understand digging at them.

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Gotcha...so they have prouder fans or more fans when the team wins? Then if that is the case we are one of the biggest BANDWAGGON teams of all time. We had virtually no fans until Peyton got here...and basically a ghost town in 2011 when Peyton was hurt no one was bragging about how good we were. We've had one of the luckiest runs in terms of qbs in the last decade and a half...getting arguably two 1picks that happen to fall on years when the qb coming out was considered once in a generation. Of course fans brag more when their team is good...why wouldn't they?? I don't see where we have room to call any franchise's fans bandwaggon when we didn't support our team here in Indy for a long time...until we started winning. I've got no problem with other teams fans...as long as they aren't being *s about what they say or how they act...no problem at all. They seem to support their team like crazy at home games having two of the best home records in the league...proving how great of fans they are....so I don't understand digging at them.

yeah rather childish isn't it. Fans don't need a reason to be fans. Most so called bandwagon fans are just folks who aren't into or time to follow the sport but naturally if the city is winning it attracts people as it should.
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yeah rather childish isn't it. Fans don't need a reason to be fans. Most so called bandwagon fans are just folks who aren't into or time to follow the sport but naturally if the city is winning it attracts people as it should.

Indeed....why would I brag about my team if they aren't playing well??? Why spend my hard earned money on entertainment (football) if it isn't entertaining lol. Whatever reason people are fans matter not to me...its how you act in your fandom that is my issue often. Jerks are jerks...unintelligent people show how dumb they are....etc etc. As for why they root.....I care not!

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Indeed....why would I brag about my team if they aren't playing well??? Why spend my hard earned money on entertainment (football) if it isn't entertaining lol. Whatever reason people are fans matter not to me...its how you act in your fandom that is my issue often. Jerks are jerks...unintelligent people show how dumb they are....etc etc. As for why they root.....I care not!

that's too logical ;)
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Seahawks fan think they are the best thing since sliced bread. They have only been relevant for what...3-4 years? Its pretty embarressing to be the lone playoff team to be SUB .500 (7-9)...they are good but next year or two alot of there good young guys are gonna get paid...they cant keep all of them. 


49er fans are the same way thinking Kaepernick is the best QB in the league...the dude is a joke. they should be kicking themselves in the butt for not keeping smith.....SMITH>>>>Kaepernick all day.


As much as I dont like saints (mostly bc they ran up the scored 64-3? few years ago when we went 2-14....showed no class considering Painter was our QB. but ill take SAINTS over HAWKS

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Bandwagon fans are fans who jump to whatever team is winning from year to year. Whatever team is the hot commodity is who they like

lol and that fans jumps to all 32 teams depending on who's winning? What's your source?

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lol and that fans jumps to all 32 teams depending on who's winning? What's your source?

You need a source about the term bandwagon?!? Did I say every fan of those teams is a bandwagon fan? No there are plenty of ppl like that just open your eyes. Hell just look at the Miami heat fans in the NBA
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You need a source about the term bandwagon?!? Did I say every fan of those teams is a bandwagon fan? No there are plenty of ppl like that just open your eyes. Hell just look at the Miami heat fans in the NBA

Since you don't have a source can you give us a guesstimate percentage of fans who jump from every team to the winning team?
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I've seen it numerous times here in Indiana. I have no idea what your trying to prove but according to you bandwagon fans don't exist. My only point is that they do exist

No I'm just curious the amount of fans that jump teams being they are the definition of bandwagon fans. Figure there are at least 16 teams changing hands each year.

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cant stand seattle one bit they didnt bother me till we played them but once we beat them we are cheats luck nowere near as good a russel so many more things i cant stand them and they area dirty team and cant stand their fans 

What do you hate more? Seattle Seahawks or punctuation?

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Seattle has a pretty solid fan base.

Indeed...very. Even when they haven't been good it was almost impossible to go into Seattle and get a win. Don't know where they got labled bandwaggon....I think people are just jealous...jealous that another team is good and getting some publicity....even though I think we are just as good if not better than those teams and no reason to be worried about their fans. Saints and Seattle have had great fan bases over the years even when they were irrelevant....most those fans stuck with them...of course new ones came along with their success...same could be said for us when we first got to Indy...and now well we've been spoiled with success.

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yeah rather childish isn't it. Fans don't need a reason to be fans. Most so called bandwagon fans are just folks who aren't into or time to follow the sport but naturally if the city is winning it attracts people as it should.




I remember  being a big I.U  Bobby Knight fan in 81 I watched the General lead his team & became a fan when he left because of the situation I watched his Red Raiders  & I.U Basketball  - I also love Notre Dame Football  Lou Holtz made me a fan years ago . Win lose or draw ..


 I moved to Indiana  in 81 & I was bored to tears .. Now in 1984 came the Colts  so  I jumped on that bandwagon & have enjoyed each & every season believing in the blue  our Cardiac Colts & Jim Harbaugh  took us on a thrill ride that ended with a hail mary - 1998 brought 18 & years of Winning  2 Superbowls  1 Lombardi  - 2012 brought 12 & 2  - 11-5 seasons & 2 years of playoffs  & a wildcard game Win 45-44 in a thriller so the secrets out Luck & the Colts are relevant & people are noticing .


I welcome all Colts fans new & old to enjoy this Colts vs Patriots game sat night IMO the Patriots & Colts match up very well on the field & unlike past playoffs in Gillette the weather will not be a hindrance . 


18 brought people in  fans because of his class & god givin abilities  it was the cult of personality - With 12's arrival I 'v seen many folks become new Colts fans just like with 18 people like what they see .



Considering the facts at some point in time we were all bandwagoneers  some longer then others IMO the more the merrier , :colts:   

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Am I the only one who finds humor in the fact that a Colts fan is calling other fan bases bandwagon? Given the fact that the Colts were completely irrelevant as a sports team here in Indianapolis until Manning got here there is not much room to talk.

Jim Harbaugh was a badass, pre-manning. Sure the nineties were pretty lean, but we had guys like Faulk and Tony Bennett giving us hope.

I find out funny how often the Colts battled the Patriots for the bottom of the Afc East in the eighties and nineties, then spent the 00 's battling for the top of the conference, with two of the greatest qbs in the history of the game.

And gas cost less then a dollar...

What was I talking about?

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Am I the only one who finds humor in the fact that a Colts fan is calling other fan bases bandwagon?  Given the fact that the Colts were completely irrelevant as a sports team here in Indianapolis until Manning got here there is not much room to talk.


I also don't agree with the OP's statement ...


But, I don't think the Colt's situation is a very good example for making your point.  Prior to the Colts arrival Indiana = Basketball, and unlike many cities there really wasn't a pre-existing football fan base, so it took a while to build a following.  I think it started to get some traction with Harbaugh, and yes no doubt Manning lit the spark, but I don't think Indy did bad at all developing a fan base starting from nothing in 1984 to where it is now; one of the most profitable and valuable franchises in the league.

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If colts are a bandwagon team, what does it make the steelers and 49ers? They have way more Super Bowl rings than we do.  Indiana was considered a basketball state until peyton manning came in.  The colts also moved from baltimore so you can't expect anything from the fans.  So what if certain teams win all the time,  do they get paid millions to lose?  I don't like the labeling of a bandwagon.  The NFL is a business after all.

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For me it's just fair weather. When the team sucks you never talk about them, or publicly display your loyalty - but when the team starts winning, out come the bumper stickers and flags.

I see what your saying. If that is the case I'm not sure if I even qualify as a fan. I would never put a Colts license plate on my car or some tacky sign or whatnot. I don't go around wearing Colts gear etc...I do have a couple long sleve tees I wear around the house. I guess I'm not the sort of fan that goes around blabbing in public about the Colts etc but at home (and obviously on here) I will discuss them at length or cheer and root for them. I don't think I'm the majority or necessarily weird either. Football is entertainment to me and "watercooler" discussion but not something I would go around parading or thinking was relevent other than entertainment. Obviously when the team plays well there is more to talk about and conversations are brought up more about them etc so I guess I may seem like a bandwaggon guy even though I feel the same about them in good times or bad.


I guess I figured bandwaggon meant people that switch teams based off who wins a lot. One year they are a Viking fan and the next they are a Green Bay fan. Never the less I am a bandwaggon fan of the Colts I guess even though I've seen almost every single game since they came to Indy. I'm probably also a bandwaggon fan of Peyton, Kurt Warner, and several other players who I deeply respected and followed closely and cheered for no matter what team they were on.


I've just never been the type to go around parading Colt success or gear because it seemed tacky and obviously outside sunday afternoon for a couple hours or on a dedicated sports page like this one I'm sure most people don't give a rats behind about them so I don't bring it up.


Guess my point is I really don't see why people need to categorize fans...to me you have the jerks and uninformed fans and the respectable and informed ones...thats all that matters to me.

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I see what your saying. If that is the case I'm not sure if I even qualify as a fan. I would never put a Colts license plate on my car or some tacky sign or whatnot. I don't go around wearing Colts gear etc...I do have a couple long sleve tees I wear around the house. I guess I'm not the sort of fan that goes around blabbing in public about the Colts etc but at home (and obviously on here) I will discuss them at length or cheer and root for them. I don't think I'm the majority or necessarily weird either. Football is entertainment to me and "watercooler" discussion but not something I would go around parading or thinking was relevent other than entertainment. Obviously when the team plays well there is more to talk about and conversations are brought up more about them etc so I guess I may seem like a bandwaggon guy even though I feel the same about them in good times or bad.


I guess I figured bandwaggon meant people that switch teams based off who wins a lot. One year they are a Viking fan and the next they are a Green Bay fan. Never the less I am a bandwaggon fan of the Colts I guess even though I've seen almost every single game since they came to Indy. I'm probably also a bandwaggon fan of Peyton, Kurt Warner, and several other players who I deeply respected and followed closely and cheered for no matter what team they were on.


I've just never been the type to go around parading Colt success or gear because it seemed tacky and obviously outside sunday afternoon for a couple hours or on a dedicated sports page like this one I'm sure most people don't give a rats behind about them so I don't bring it up.


Guess my point is I really don't see why people need to categorize fans...to me you have the jerks and uninformed fans and the respectable and informed ones...thats all that matters to me.


I'm saying it's the fair-weather fans who put up all that junk when they are winning and take it down when they aren't. I have a Texans bumper sticker on my back window, just because we went 2-14 doesn't mean I'd take it down or stop talking about them.

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