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Hope Reddings injury isn't serious


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The way he was waiving for the sidelines isn't a good sign, but this might be the final blow to the D as far as injuries are concerned. Lets hope it's not serious and he is back in their next week. 


I have no idea if it's serious.  I would think he'd go to the locker room if so.


He looked pretty happy on the sideline afterwards.  I'd love to see him take a week off and be fresh for the playoffs.

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Sideline diagnoses are never very reliable.  Let's wait till the MRI comes back...


That's factually untrue. In reality, they are usually spot on. The MRI is only used to confirm what was already diagnosed. For instance, when Reggie went down, they knew he had an ACL tear after a 5 minute diagnosis. NFL doctors are really good. Most of the time they already know the results of the MRI before they get the test results back.

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That's factually untrue. In reality, they are usually spot on. The MRI is only used to confirm what was already diagnosed. For instance, when Reggie went down, they knew he had an ACL tear after a 5 minute diagnosis. NFL doctors are really good. Most of the time they already know the results of the MRI before they get the test results back.


I don't think any sideline diagnosis was provided.  At least I didn't see anything on the Colts' site other than a quote from Pagano saying that Cory "fell on his shoulder pretty good".  Now if you can diagnose the nature of his shoulder injury from that then you are certainly more astute than I am.  

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I don't think any sideline diagnosis was provided.  At least I didn't see anything on the Colts' site other than a quote from Pagano saying that Cory "fell on his shoulder pretty good".  Now if you can diagnose the nature of his shoulder injury from that then you are certainly more astute than I am.  


Just because the Colts didn't provide a diagnosis to the media doesn't mean the Colts don't know the nature of the injury. I can assure you they do. And to be clear, it may not be serious. And I certainly hope its not.


I was just clearing up the notion that players and doctors are usually shocked at MRI results. I can assure you they are not. Most times, broken bones, ACL injuries, etc. are diagnosed before any x-rays are taken. The MRI is used most often to confirm a diagnosis. The results generally are not shocking to NFL doctors.


In the Reggie Wayne case, they knew it was a torn ACL in 5 minutes. You can actually perform a simple knee stability test on the sideline and learn the nature of the injury with near 100% accuracy. Both the doctors and Wayne knew the ACL was torn before he walked back to the locker room during the Bronco game.


BTW... I don't make diagnoses from the stands or from TV. There is no need to be hostile. I just wanted to clear up a widely held notion in your initial post that is not true. There is no need to take personal offense over it.

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That's factually untrue. In reality, they are usually spot on. The MRI is only used to confirm what was already diagnosed. For instance, when Reggie went down, they knew he had an ACL tear after a 5 minute diagnosis. NFL doctors are really good. Most of the time they already know the results of the MRI before they get the test results back.

Heck I think everybody in the stadium knew what was wrong with him just by the way he went down.  I knew instantly when he didn't pop back up that he tore his knee ligaments unfortunate as it is




We miss you Reggie!

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Another reason it would be huge if we can squeak out a first round bye.. Get him healthy and allow RJF & Toler a little more time to work



Needed Balt to beat NE , pretty unlikely now as we need  Balt and Buff wins .. both of which are on the road. Figure on watching the Colts play in the wild card round.

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Needed Balt to beat NE , pretty unlikely now as we need  Balt and Buff wins .. both of which are on the road. Figure on watching the Colts play in the wild card round.

Yeah I would say you are probably right. Definitely don't see NE blowing a chance at a bye at home against the Bills

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