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Caldwell/coaching (Merge)


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But the system does have a lot to do with it. I am not saying the Colts have the best talent in the NFL. But there is no reason they shouldn't be at least a 500 team. They have more talent then teams with better records. Do the 49ers have better overall talent? Do the Bengals? I think we just have bad systems and bad coaching. If Alex Smith can suddenly be so effective by a simply change of offensive system, we could do better as well.

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I didn't see the post game, but plugging away is not gonna work. The QB is terrible, the defense, and defensive coaches, the offensive line are all TERRIBLE. IF Caldwell said we need to just keep plugging away, then it's time for him to go. It is wayyyyy past time to panic. I knew it would be bad w/o Peyton, but this is ridiculous.

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He also said we gave a good effort.

If we gave a good effort, then I'd hate to see what giving a bad effort is like!

We DO keep plugging away though...."plug a guy here...plug a guy there...here a guy there a guy plug this guy in anywhere..." as a result of the normal injury bug...so he is right, we just keep pluggin away lol :)

Then the coach should plug me in! As a fan, I will play a lot better than a Colts defender will, which isn't saying much because the Colts defenders don't do anything!

Edited by ReMeDy
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We need to make you and the rest of the us the collective pool of coaches for the rest of the season. I heard Collinsworth said we tried bump and run but I didn't see it? I seen a couple isolated guys hit a quick chip but the scheme is pathetically terrible. Never once do all of our corners bump. QBs look for the cushion and throw it right there everytime. We literally are coaching to lose. This Jim Caldwell thing is getting worse than Jim O'brien. Look at what Vogel did. We need a change.

Seriously a 3-4 with Freeney and Mathis at OLB would be many times better than Tampa 2, with Angerer and Conner in the middle. Wheeler and Hughes could spell Freeney and Mathis. Line up Anderson Johnson and Brayton on the line. and spell with Nevis, Matthews and others and we could really see a difference this year. Too bad we are too conservative and vanilla to ever try something drastic, even when we are 0-7 after the most embarrassing loss in Indy franchise history. 67-0 against the Bears was the worst but that was a Baltimore team.

A 3-4 would be a drastic change but the last time we drastically changed our defense, we won the Super Bowl with the worst regular season rushing defense ever. We forced Mathis and Freeney to play the run and it worked. I haven't seen us do it since, but we also had Booger and Sanders. Well we have the worst regular season pass defense ever and we need to fire Coyer and hire a 3-4 coach tomorrow. Caldwell needs to go as well. Make Tressel interim. I think we have the personnel to run a 3-4 if we add one more true NT.

Edited by BobbyMorris94
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Colts just need to keep plugging away guys, maybe if they do we will only suffer a 7-14 pt loss to the Titans next week!!!! You just gotta keep plugging away with bad gameplans, injuries, lack of adjustments, soft coverage a bad OL and bad team in general and maybe just maybe they will go 1-15.

Hah, I kid, I kid. They're very hard to watch and this game was laughable, I actually fell asleep but I still love the Colts, meh!!!!

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Someone tell this team that Nyquil is not a performance enhancing drug.

We should be looking forward to a few more of these disastrous losses. There are other great teams ahead and it is losses like this that can send coaches packing. For most of the season we've been competitive and the games have been reasonable, even though resulting in a loss. If that had continued, Caldwell's job would be safe even with an 0-16 season.

It may be painful and embarrassing, but a few more of these and Jim 'So Sleepy' Caldwell won't be here next year, nor his defensive mastermind, Jim "Cover-0" Coyer.

Edited by ruksak
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Man, there is some funny stuff in this thread.

You're lucky to be a Lions fan. I have been quietly for many years. The Matt Millen years led me away from the team because the management decisions were comical at best. Was a huge fan during the Wayne Fontes years. I had a wicked Lions Starter cap years ago that I lost in a mosh pit at a Slayer concert.

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Are we so desperate as to think we would just ditch Caldwell after a big loss? Yes. 0-7. One player goes down. We still have 5-6 pro bowl caliber players on our field which is more than most teams in the NFL and we look like a high school practice team playing in the big leagues. If we come out flat next week and uninspired and as unprepared as we did this week, we have got to make a major change. That's lack of leadership which falls directly on to the head coaches hands. I'm calling for bill cowher. His defenses never had these problems. And he's a well respected, superbowl winning coach

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Which colts fans will finally admit that it's time for a change. There is no way we should be this bad we always hear about the next man up philosophy I'm ready for that to happen with our coaching staff. It's a joke and I'm tired of watching Jim just stand there with a stupid confused look on his face.

after last nights game, yes I admit it. FIRE HIM!

Why didn't he use timeouts with time expiring in the 2nd quarter and try to get the ball back? He gave up, and forfeited the game.

Our players do not wanna play for him, you can tell by how they move on the field.

I was wrong about caldwell and I thought he shouldn't be blamed. But now I am with all of you. A good coach can at least win a game or two even when a player like Manning is out. Caldwell was carried by Peyton the last 2 seasons. He is not a good coach.

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Maybe NEXT MAN UP should apply to coaches too!! Time to give Tressel a shot.

And Tressel? Did u not see the kind of crap he allowed behind the scenes at OSU? They rnt even supposed to b paid. Can u imagine 20 yr old kids with millions. Not to mention his lack of the ability to win a national championship with the year in and out top recruiting classes. We have a mediocre team without Peyton. It wouldn't be any different to have him coach than it is caldwell

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The interview I heard on radio he said we need to just keep plugging away?????????????? What the???

What else do you expect from a coach who has programmed himself to accept losing and giving bland, general and evasive answers to the whys of losing. Caldwell perfected this techique at Wake Forest (go back and listen to his press conferences after his many, many losses at Wake Forest) and is spewing it now as the Colts Head Coach. He is like an untalented boxer going against a champion every game and he is so punch drunk Irsay needs to throw in the towel and relieve him of his duties.

Also, since a majority of Colts players, IMHO, simply aren't talented/strong enough/physical enough/athletic enough and/or big enough for the rigors of the NFL, Irsay needs to DEMAND better players be acquired by the FO and he should get rid of the whole Polian clan - Bill has lost a lot of his drafting ability and Chris has proven the only thing he excels at isbackstabbing and getting rid of the few good front office staff in the Colts organization.

Once again it is back to Count On Losing This Colts (COLTS) as a mantra.

Edited by Fatboyslim11
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It's time for Caldwell, the Polians, and more of the coaching staff to go. It's just not working, and they have no clue what an adjustment is. Keep playing that soft coverage. How many times do we have to see 5 to 10 yard passes completed in the middle of the field or by the sidelines before something changes? We're at about 5,000 times and nothing has changed. It's getting obvious that it's hopeless to expect something done about this.

Man coverage + Freeney / Mathis + Linebackers not dropping back 20 yards = OBVIOUS IMPROVEMENT.

I thought the Colts fan nation praised Polian for bringing the Super Bowl to Indy. hmm...short memories?

lol, people now want Polian out...hahaaaaaaa..wow

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I am nearly, physically ill, after watching last night's joke of a game. Did I expect them to win...not really, but I did expect them to at least pretend they care. Jim Caldwell has lost this team, if he ever had them in the beginning. Jim Caldwell is a lot like Tim Tebow. You can be an amazingly great person and terrible at your job. Jim Caldwell is a nice guy, but this game is about winning, not about being the best man off the field. I don't believe Tressel is the guy either. I am just completely sick. All of this talent and we look like Indiana playing Wisconsin. It is time for a change!! Irsay needs to lay off of the Twitter account and join the reality of life...find a coach. If Polian can't do it, find a new President and GM!!

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Which colts fans will finally admit that it's time for a change. There is no way we should be this bad we always hear about the next man up philosophy I'm ready for that to happen with our coaching staff. It's a joke and I'm tired of watching Jim just stand there with a stupid confused look on his face.

Dude, you are so in the minority. If you are just now getting on this bandwagon. People getting on this board suggesting that Caldwell should keep his job are getting laughed at.

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Fire Caldwell, Coyer, Rychalski AND Bill Polian!

I agree with you there, coach can only do so much, he didnt draft the players who are stinking the joint up. Polian just as responsible for this mess as Caldwell. I can just imagine how ugly the game going be against when you face MY FAV team in a few weeks.

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I agree we need a new head coach, we also need a new GM , someone who understands football. We need size up front to make room for our running backs and protect our quarterback. We also need a new defensive coach we are giving up way to may points and have been for way to long. And without a doubt we should have recruited a to quarterback 3 years ago (NOT PAINTER) Painter looks and plays like a girl. The only good thing about this season we might get the first draft pick which if we do it better be Andrew Luck. If we get Luck withing 2 years working with Payton and we get a new coaching staff and a good front line we should be a solid team for years to come. Larry T

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Ha, from just listening to him, you'd think that the Colts just came up short in a close game. Starting to make me sick. I don't see how he could forget how easily Brees (and pretty much any other team) shredded our defense at will in the Super Bowl using the exact same gameplan.

So with that, continue to give large cushions when time after time, Cornerbacks are flabbergasted after being beat by a quick slant, curl, or dump off in the middle of the field... Brilliant. No, I'm not going to say that I am done with this team, because I'm not an *, and I am a loyal / lifelong fan, but this is getting to the point where it's hard to be hopeful for the future when the defensive play calling never changes and a Division II-A team could have a field day passing the ball.

Nice exotic blitzes Coyer... Blitzing 1 linebacker once a game is not exotic. It's pointless, because the idea of getting a pass rush the majority of the time is laughable with the cushion our DBs give, allowing passes to get off quickly and be completed, all game. No, it's not all Caldwell's fault. It's not his fault that he was hired as a head coach without having a clue what he is doing... Please, please... "Santa", deliver us an early Christmas gift by firing the front office and the coaching staff... Yes, it's time for an overhaul, everywhere.

P.S. No more Tampa 2. We don't have a Warren Sapp, a Derrick Brooks, or a John Lynch to make it work, duh.

- Signed, Frustrated Fan #1270239

I have been saying this for a while now + 1

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What makes no since to me is that if you are playing off the receiver by 8-10 yards, the QB can constantly throw short passes, therefore negating Freeney/Mathis pass rush. Wouldn't it make more since to press them more to give the line a bit more time to rush the QB? It is like playing prevent defense the entire game, and the other team picks you apart.

When im watching the game i wear shades to pretens i cant see whats going on :whiteflag: + 1

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I agree we need a new head coach, we also need a new GM , someone who understands football. We need size up front to make room for our running backs and protect our quarterback. We also need a new defensive coach we are giving up way to may points and have been for way to long. And without a doubt we should have recruited a to quarterback 3 years ago (NOT PAINTER) Painter looks and plays like a girl. The only good thing about this season we might get the first draft pick which if we do it better be Andrew Luck. If we get Luck withing 2 years working with Payton and we get a new coaching staff and a good front line we should be a solid team for years to come. Larry T

D coord has WHAT to work with?You could have BB as D coord and still have a pourous D considering the lack of talent there.

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I have been off the forum for a week and should have stayed off longer. I have said before, Caldwell will not be fired mid-season! The fact that we have 4-5 pro bowl caliber players does not make up for an offensive line decimated by injuries, a quarterback who would be marginal behind an all pro offensive line, but panics at the snap of the ball because he is justifiably afraid for his life, a defensive backfield made up of children, an interior defensive line that could be pushed around by a high school offensive line. Coaching can only make up a little for lack of talent, particularly lack of talent in the trenches.

As to whether or not his is fired after the season, we will have to wait and see. I have watched professional football and know what can be fixed by coaching and what is just lack of talent. This is also the last time I respond to a "fire Caldwell" thread. Those of you that really think you know how to coach profootball, break out your Madden and have at it

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Are we so desperate as to think we would just ditch Caldwell after a big loss? Yes. 0-7. One player goes down. We still have 5-6 pro bowl caliber players on our field which is more than most teams in the NFL and we look like a high school practice team playing in the big leagues. If we come out flat next week and uninspired and as unprepared as we did this week, we have got to make a major change. That's lack of leadership which falls directly on to the head coaches hands. I'm calling for bill cowher. His defenses never had these problems. And he's a well respected, superbowl winning coach

It's time to admit that Manning made pro bowlers out of most of the pro bowlers on the team on both sides of the ball. Most of these players would not have been pro bowlers without Manning as you can see now. All of a sudden we have no pro bowlers on the team.

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