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Luck is officially the best of the 2012 Draft Class


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After watching the performance of Wilson (getting stopped twice in a row by Rams defense) tonight and RG3 yesterday. It shows that they are capable of being stopped with the right team.

As for Andrew Luck, we learned that once again, pocket quarterbacks are the most successful in the NFL.

What is your take?

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Guest TeamLoloJones

After watching the performance of Wilson (getting stopped twice in a row by Rams defense) tonight and RG3 yesterday. It shows that they are capable of being stopped with the right team.

As for Andrew Luck, we learned that once again, pocket quarterbacks are the most successful in the NFL.

What is your take?

I love the Seahawks fans saying Wilson is great but it's their o-line that stinks.  But somehow when we said that last year when defending Luck it didn't count.  HYPOCRITES just like all the Redskins fans.

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After watching the performance of Wilson (getting stopped twice in a row by Rams defense) tonight and RG3 yesterday. It shows that they are capable of being stopped with the right team.

As for Andrew Luck, we learned that once again, pocket quarterbacks are the most successful in the NFL.

What is your take?


↑ My take

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↑ My take

Why always that face palm? Why not come of with an argument instead of just degrading what others say through that smiley?

As for OP. I agree that among the QBs, Luck seem to handle the sophomore season the best. Time will tell if it continues.

Luck is onto a tough task without Reggie Wayne. It'll be interesting to see.

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Seattle should have lost that game tonight. St. Louis ran all over Seattle and then went away from it at the end.

After they drop a few games he won't get the publicity anymore. He's an average QB with good running ability. Sooner or later all the run first QBs get hurt.

A missed field goal, and the general ineptatude of of the Rams offense sunk them. Russell Wilson was sacked at least 6 times from what I saw... and tonight was bad for teams in St. Louis. Both teams were playing a block apart.

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I love the Seahawks fans saying Wilson is great but it's their o-line that stinks. But somehow when we said that last year when defending Luck it didn't count. HYPOCRITES just like all the Redskins fans.

The funny thing is that Wilson is way faster but still struggles. Luck just finds a way no matter what

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Why always that face palm? Why not come of with an argument instead of just degrading what others say through that smiley?

As for OP. I agree that among the QBs, Luck seem to handle the sophomore season the best. Time will tell if it continues.

Luck is onto a tough task without Reggie Wayne. It'll be interesting to see.

Very challenging. But I see it as a learning opportunity for Luck to learn to depend on the others. I think the reason for dropped balls of other recievers is because they don't expect luck to throw it to v them.

Reggie is near the end of the career and we may not find another Wayne or Harrison type receiver for years

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Wilson is very similar to Fran Tarkenton: decent pocket passers who excel at escaping from trouble. Tarkenton did his thing for at least 15 years and I see no reason to believe Wilson can't also have a long, successful career. But Andrew looks every bit of what he was touted to be three years ago -- the next Elway or Manning. But what matters most will be supporting casts. Wilson and RG 3 are good enough to lead a Super Bowl winner. Heck they are both better than Flacco already. Hopefully someday we will stop tearing down RG3 and Wilson in order to elevate Luck but I realize that's largely due to some of the press who touted the other two so much last year.

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C'mon Man, we're better than that to gloat at the struggles of others to appreciate Luck's skills.

Over time he is going to prove his worth in comparison to the others in his class.


Be aware that our QB is in for a tough adjustment with the loss of Reggie...

While I believe that he has the "stuff" to weather this change, he may struggle.

It is going to take the rest of the team to step up to help him grow through this.


The success of the rest of the season is going to depend on how the adjustment goes.

By Andrew and the rest of the team, especially the receiving corps.

The next few games could be troublesome.


I believe!  GO COLTS!

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The funny thing is that Wilson is way faster but still struggles. Luck just finds a way no matter what

Wilson ran a 4.55 and Luck ran a 4.67 (4.59 unofficially) at the NFL combine -- faster, but not way faster.  A lot of people really underestimate Luck's actual speed and athletic ability.


Here is a great article comparing Luck's 'raw' numbers from the combine to Cam Newton and a few others... I was actually kind of shocked to read this at first, but after watching Luck play for the past 2 years, this doesn't really surprise me all that much..




"Luck also compared pretty favorably to Newton in several other drills.

His three-cone was 6.80 to Newton's 6.92, while Newton's shuttle was quicker by a .10 of a second (4.18 to 4.28). Luck outjumped Newton in the vertical (36 inches to 35), while Newton had two inches on Luck in the broad jump (10'4" to 10'6")".

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Wilson is good enough to lead Seattle a long way - geez, we were fortunate to best them at our home just a few weeks ago! We'll always compare them (and RG3) throughout their careers, but last night was just one substandard game and the Seahawks even won.

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After watching the performance of Wilson (getting stopped twice in a row by Rams defense) tonight and RG3 yesterday. It shows that they are capable of being stopped with the right team.

As for Andrew Luck, we learned that once again, pocket quarterbacks are the most successful in the NFL.

What is your take?

Based off of a bad game or two? What has Luck really done yet? Way to early for this homers....

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After watching the performance of Wilson (getting stopped twice in a row by Rams defense) tonight and RG3 yesterday. It shows that they are capable of being stopped with the right team.

As for Andrew Luck, we learned that once again, pocket quarterbacks are the most successful in the NFL.

What is your take?


That I found out  'you're the one' designated to assign the adjective 'officially' on players status?  Yes, Kaep, RG3, and Wilson have all struggled at times this season. And i believe Luck to have been the best choice all along.  However, this will be his first full game without Reggie Wayne.  Please don't count our chickens before they're hatched.  And the other QB's mentioned could regroup and get back on track.  Lots of football left this year.

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That I found out 'you're the one' designated to assign the adjective 'officially' on players status? Yes, Kaep, RG3, and Wilson have all struggled at times this season. And i believe Luck to have been the best choice all along. However, this will be his first full game without Reggie Wayne. Please don't count our chickens before they're hatched. And the other QB's mentioned could regroup and get back on track. Lots of football left this year.

So Reggie made Andrew?

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Well......Made? No...Bailed out on numerous instances because of poorly thrown balls? Without question yes, I expect Luck to only get better though

I mean every WR ever has bailed out their QB one time or another.

Reggie is special no doubt, but if Luck's success is tied to Reggie playing we need to find a new QB lol.

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Wilson is good enough to lead Seattle a long way - geez, we were fortunate to best them at our home just a few weeks ago! We'll always compare them (and RG3) throughout their careers, but last night was just one substandard game and the Seahawks even won.


They barely beat the Rams who where never that good anyways, while the Rams where playing their backup QB.  

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I mean every WR ever has bailed out their QB one time or another.

Reggie is special no doubt, but if Luck's success is tied to Reggie playing we need to find a new QB lol.

not really, Reggie was Lucks go to guy, his comfort zone, a guy he could rely on to make clutch plays so he went to him early and often, Several times our other wr's were not where they were supposed to be so again Luck felt forced I think to go to Reggie even when he was blanketed, Also we are still talking about a year two Luck and the players around him (except Reggie) have not really proven they can be relied on yet, They all showed they have play making abaility yes but flashing it and doing it consistently is 2 different things, sad truth is not all of our current offensive players will live up to there potential

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not really, Reggie was Lucks go to guy, his comfort zone, a guy he could rely on to make clutch plays so he went to him early and often, Several times our other wr's were not where they were supposed to be so again Luck felt forced I think to go to Reggie even when he was blanketed, Also we are still talking about a year two Luck and the players around him (except Reggie) have not really proven they can be relied on yet, They all showed they have play making abaility yes but flashing it and doing it consistently is 2 different things, sad truth is not all of our current offensive players will live up to there potential

I never said he wasn't his go to guy, but if Luck is only good with Reggie, which isn't true, his shelf life would be pretty small.

Great QBs make their WRs. I have no doubts Andrew will follow this trend.

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I never said he wasn't his go to guy, but if Luck is only good with Reggie, which isn't true, his shelf life would be pretty small.

Great QBs make their WRs. I have no doubts Andrew will follow this trend.

"Great QBs make their WRs. I have no doubts Andrew will follow this trend"



What I mean is Luck is most consistent with Reggie, the other receivers have caught balls of course. Anyway we look at it its going to be interesting to see if we can continue on the pace we are on without Reggie




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Good lord this forum. The over reaction to everything is just astounding. Russel Wilson is lightyears beyond RG3 and in my opinion is very easily put in the convo with Luck. Im a colts fan and Luck is my QB but just cause he is doesnt mean im going to turn a blind eye. Russel Wilson has shown he can carry a game and isnt the SEA oline down to backup of backups? Luck got a ton of empathy for his oline, just like Wilson should be given. Plus Wilson FOUND A WAY TO WIN or does that only apply to Luck?

Calm down people just because another player is good doesnt mean Indy's players are trash.

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"Great QBs make their WRs. I have no doubts Andrew will follow this trend"

What I mean is Luck is most consistent with Reggie, the other receivers have caught balls of course. Anyway we look at it its going to be interesting to see if we can continue on the pace we are on without Reggie


It's true he is most consistent with him. But he's not a nothing without him is what I'm getting at. I'm not saying our O, Luck, or team is better without Reggie. Just that Andrew isn't going to forget how to QB without Wayne in the line up.

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Yea, whatever, Luck is so far the best of the young QB's there is no comparison and as the sample size of on field performance grows this will become even more obvious. But really who cares if the fan boys of RG3 or Wilson or ? ever come on board. The process of these people is to find fault in Andrew's superior abilities and performance at all costs in order to prove that they are smarter than the conventional wisdom that Andrew would be and has been the best. This is the human nature of people who have fragile egos and need to prove themselves smarter than everyone else at all costs.

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It's true he is most consistent with him. But he's not a nothing without him is what I'm getting at. I'm not saying our O, Luck, or team is better without Reggie. Just that Andrew isn't going to forget how to QB without Wayne in the line up.

No of course he wont, oh well, we will have the answers over the course of the rest of the season

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Yea, whatever, Luck is so far the best of the young QB's there is no comparison and as the sample size of on field performance grows this will become even more obvious. But really who cares if the fan boys of RG3 or Wilson or ? ever come on board. The process of these people is to find fault in Andrew's superior abilities and performance at all costs in order to prove that they are smarter than the conventional wisdom that Andrew would be and has been the best. This is the human nature of people who have fragile egos and need to prove themselves smarter than everyone else at all costs.

Who are you even talking about? Where is this disrespect coming from? Yalls heads?

NO ONE IS DISRESPECTING ANDREW LUCK. He may not be in mainstream media but he is getting the respect from people inside the NFL.

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After watching the performance of Wilson (getting stopped twice in a row by Rams defense) tonight and RG3 yesterday. It shows that they are capable of being stopped with the right team.

As for Andrew Luck, we learned that once again, pocket quarterbacks are the most successful in the NFL.

What is your take?

Aren't we just over two weeks away from Luck and the Colts O struggling mightily against the Chargers? Chill out, and just enjoy the ride without all the needless glances over your shoulder.
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So Reggie made Andrew?


Nobody in a team sport is 'made' by one person, but yes,  Reggie was his 'go to' guy and made him in large. Dependable and always in the proper spot.  I almost thought to look up stats and see how many of andrew's 3rd down passes went Reggies way, vs. all the other guys.  But it isn't necessary,  Just a couple articles will bring some light on the issue.






A QB never defers leadership, but in Wayne's case, Luck makes a powerful statement.

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Nobody in a team sport is 'made' by one person, but yes, Reggie was his 'go to' guy and made him in large. Dependable and always in the proper spot. I almost thought to look up stats and see how many of andrew's 3rd down passes went Reggies way, vs. all the other guys. But it isn't necessary, Just a couple articles will bring some light on the issue.



A QB never defers leadership, but in Wayne's case, Luck makes a powerful statement.

No one denies Wayne and Luck are special together, but Andrew can still have success with TY as his guy.

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