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Rams need a QB (Trade Hasslebeck?)


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Guest TeamLoloJones

This thought crossed my mind seriously...but then I think crap, it's nice to have a backup who's not Curtis Painter or Jim Sorgi for a change....but what if you got something decent for him would you do it?

I think the Rams should take this "opportunity" to tank the rest of the season.  Get Bridgewater or Clowney, and they also have the Redskins #1 pick.

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Rams are supposedly talking about Tebow anyway. atleast that is what they said on NFL AM. and if the redskins want their first round pick back they could easily ship Cousins to St.Louis for their return of the first pick. a few NFL GM's said he is worth the pick. only question is would they gamble on RG3 knee to do such a thing? only way we get another WR is prob more then likely through FA or we stick with what we have. either way Wayne's injury may hurt us later in the season. and to think we still have undefeated KC left on our schedule also. 

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Rams are supposedly talking about Tebow anyway. atleast that is what they said on NFL AM. and if the redskins want their first round pick back they could easily ship Cousins to St.Louis for their return of the first pick. a few NFL GM's said he is worth the pick. only question is would they gamble on RG3 knee to do such a thing? only way we get another WR is prob more then likely through FA or we stick with what we have. either way Wayne's injury may hurt us later in the season. and to think we still have undefeated KC left on our schedule also. 


Yea I don't see Cousins going anywhere...they saw how much they needed him without RGIII and especially now given the knee repair and probable worries.


Glad we have a decent backup myself.

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in preeasons from what i saw i disagree.

Well....a backup is a backup for a reason.


But he'd give us a puncher's chance against a lot, not all, but a lot of NFL teams compared to many other backups....and he's a good sounding board for Luck. Hopefully, we'll never need to find out. :)

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no thanks. it's not that i'm worried about Andrew getting hurt, but i like him having an experienced guy like Hasselbeck around from which to learn. sure, i'd be the first to say of all the young quarterbacks, Andrew is the one who does not need that. on the other hand, i think every young quarterback can benefit from it. don't make that trade.

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The Rams aren't giving up anything for a Hasselbeck or any other high priced back up.  How is that in their best interest?  Odds are they aren't going to playoffs regardless so all they would be doing is paying for a lower draft pick.


Hasselbeck's value to the Colt's is not that if Luck goes down with a season ending injury. I doubt the organization thinks he is going to step in and take us deep into the playoffs/Superbowl if Luck goes down with a season ending injury.  Hasselbeck's value is in a short term injury to Luck... if he had to come in to finish a game or even a 2-3 game stretch hes gives us a competitive chance to stay in playoff contention or in postseason Superbowl contention.

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Nope, if for some unfortunate reason Luck were to get injured then we would be screwed



No way! We need a backup QB.

Precisely, don't dismiss the value in possessing a quality backup. As long as Matt's back holds up, he can win games right now. I realize Reggie Wayne is out, but let's not doing anything rash & shortsighted here. 

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we would be screwed even with matt.

I don't know Jvan. With a solid line & a clean pocket, Matthew can still move the chains. Age is Hasselbeck's biggest knock against him not the ability to win. Yes, mobility matters & he isn't light on his feet, but so does leadership, experience, & confidence in the huddle. This isn't Kerry Collins in INDY 2.0 JMO. 

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Well....a backup is a backup for a reason.


But he'd give us a puncher's chance against a lot, not all, but a lot of NFL teams compared to many other backups....and he's a good sounding board for Luck. Hopefully, we'll never need to find out. :)

Another excellent point PAC56! All young QBs go through some form of adversity during the season, or a pot hole in the road, Matthew can keep Andrew focused & reassured on the task at hand: Taking the AFC South Division Title away from the Houston Texans.  

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I really don't think Matthew Hasselbeck needs "special accommodations" just quite yet Gabriel. Just Kidding! Grigs signed him to a 2 year contract not a 4 year one. 



By step I hope you all know i don't really mean mobility... More Ability wise, he just didn't seem like he had it this preseason. Proabbly due to lack of snaps or something like that.

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