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Fox bugged by Irsay's comments [Merge]



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  1. 1. How do you perceive Irsays comments to mean?

    • Mostly directed at Manning
    • Mostly directed to the team
    • A slight jab at Manning
    • Directed at noone, just frustrated in general

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BTW: I didn't vote in the poll because IMO Irsay's comments were directed at Indy's fans and the media in general. I just don't like Jim talking about what Peyton said/thought. If Jim wants to talk honestly about his own personal feelings, fine. But keep Peyton's supposed comments/opinions out 'cho mouth, Jim. . 

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I think people are misconstruing what Irsay said. If anything, the comments, to me, were shots at Polian.

Why would you even comment about Polian or Manning ? I wouldn't be taking any shots at all before the Denver game , I would be just be lying low. You don't need to be firing the other team up for a game , when you just keep quiet and let things pass.

The point is, the comments can be taken one way or another through interpretation. That is why you don't make them. I don't get his comments, or especially the timing of them.

I hear a lot of Colt fans saying the last thing they want is all this Manning drama. Unfortunately, your owner is fanning the flames. Manning is as silent as a Charlie McCarthy dummy.

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Non Issue. Ask Peyton if he thinks he should have had more than one ring here. The answer is yes. It's not directed at him and honestly it's the truth.

But suppose Manning did an interview this week that Irsay didn't put the balanced team around him to win more Super Bowls . Suppose he said Irsay and Polian's draft failures cost him Championships. Maybe if he said the owner and GM's model from 1998. - 2012 disappointingly allowed the team to win only one Super Bowl, pointing to his ring , how would people feel ? This is hypothetical because Manning has intelligently kept his mouth shut, didn't tweet , and avoided the media , thus far .

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Media twisting words to make Irsay look like an ungrateful jack***. This is why the media sucks. They only care about views and not spreading the truth. It makes me wonder where the US is going if simple reading comprehension isn't even possible anymore. 

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Here's the video of the interview: http://www.nfl.com/videos/indianapolis-colts/0ap2000000264250/Jim-Irsay-discusses-Peyton-Manning-s-return-to-Indy


If you honestly think he was bashing Manning you are insane.

he's flaunting the ring, how else can you take that? disclosing private Manning convo, etc, etc,  - he shouldn't have done it and in retrospect or at least deep inside his altered state, he will regret saying it.

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I think there's virtually no chance Irsay was taking any kind of shot,  large, medium, or small, at Peyton.


What for?    He's hosting Peyton and throwing a party in his honor this week!!    Who throws a party for someone and insults them just before they arrive?     No one.


I think that was Irsay venting in general about the franchise HE OVERSEES and that the Colts only managed One Super Bowl Championship while having the fantastic Peyton Manning as their quarterback.    I'm sure Irsay would've wanted at least two more, if not many more.


And, I think Fox knows this.    I think this was his way of stirring things up for the Broncos.   He wants their full and complete attention for this week.    There maybe a part for Peyton, but it's not for the rest of the Broncos.   Denver doesn't want to travel to Indy and come home with a loss.    This was coaching gamesmanship....     much ado about nothing....


Irsay is clean on this one.....     no crime.


Just my two cents........

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If Irsay wouldn't have made the comments in the first place, Fox would have nothing to respond to. Of course a head coach is going to stick up for their STAR quarterback knowing that his STAR quarterback is way too classy to say anything about it himself. I doubt Peyton even addresses it and will refuse to comment. I also do not think Peyton needs any more motivation to play this Sunday as he doesn't need motivation for any game. What I truly wonder about is will Peyton participate in the "tribute" or will Bowlen/Fox/Elway try and keep him away from the emotional aspect of it all? I have not heard a word from Peyton about the festivities planned for him. He is suppose to speak tomorrow so maybe he will address it then but I am curious to find out what he thinks about it all. Does he view it as a distraction right now as he is focused on doing his job as the quarterback for another team or does he welcome it? Was he asked before or during the planning? Or is this all being planned without his knowledge? I see both sides but I would hope that someone has informed Peyton of the events and made sure he is comfortable with it all taking place. I have heard former players are being brought in and a 22 minute tribute is planned, 22 minutes seems like a LONG time and could be distracting for someone like Peyton with such a rigid pre game schedule. He talks about his pre game schedule and it sounds like he is very strict with it. I am wondering how you all think he will take this? Is he suppose to be out there watching it or is this tribute stictly for the fans and he can do his wave when he comes out and be done?


Peyton is Peyton and he will show his respect to the fans and to the city.  Colts have done this in the past for other returning Colts players.  I dont think it will be that big of a distraction.

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Peyton is Peyton and he will show his respect to the fans and to the city.  Colts have done this in the past for other returning Colts players.  I dont think it will be that big of a distraction.

Just to follow up on this, Reggie was asked tonight on his radio show what he thought about the Colts doing this for Peyton and he said if anyone deserves it it's Peyton.  He then said if he's moved by it that they should put him in the Ring of Honor at the start of the second quarter, retire his number at the start of the third, and dedicate a statue for him at the start of the fourth.  Judging by that I don't think the players really care about it and think it might benefit them. 

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I read the headline wrong or rather let my imagination run wild & unchecked for a minute: "Fox bugged by Irsay's comments"


Who is being wiretapped now & did they get a warrant from the FISA court? Just kidding! It's late and neurons in my brain are obviously misfiring at the moment. LOL! My apologies.  


Hey House, did you have any spare tinfoil hats lying around? I couldn't resist that joke. Big Brother is watching you, but maybe the shutdown put a slow down in their surveillance tactics. Okay, I'll stop now. Apparently, author Tom Clancy's death hit me harder than I thought it did.  ;)

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Fox is 'stirring the pot' before the big game coming up next Sunday...probably trying to get Peyton in a more fighting mood.


This is the answer


With what Irsay said taken so far out of context.........all I can think is that he is worried that the love this city and our owner have for Peyton will cause him to somehow be less focused in the game.  


That's a shot at Peyton imo


Shame on Fox

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Why would you even comment about Polian or Manning ? I wouldn't be taking any shots at all before the Denver game , I would be just be lying low. You don't need to be firing the other team up for a game , when you just keep quiet and let things pass.

The point is, the comments can be taken one way or another through interpretation. That is why you don't make them. I don't get his comments, or especially the timing of them.

I hear a lot of Colt fans saying the last thing they want is all this Manning drama. Unfortunately, your owner is fanning the flames. Manning is as silent as a Charlie McCarthy dummy.


Crow.........he didn't even come close to taking a shot at Peyton........OPPOSITE.  He said the rest of the team wasn't good enough.  


Manning is always silent


And you, who claims to like Irsay but take shots at him every chance you get are trying to  :stir:

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But suppose Manning did an interview this week that Irsay didn't put the balanced team around him to win more Super Bowls . Suppose he said Irsay and Polian's draft failures cost him Championships. Maybe if he said the owner and GM's model from 1998. - 2012 disappointingly allowed the team to win only one Super Bowl, pointing to his ring , how would people feel ? This is hypothetical because Manning has intelligently kept his mouth shut, didn't tweet , and avoided the media , thus far .

It would be the truth

Irsay would agree

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Irsay should have NEVER made those comments, at least not the one's pointing to other players and multiple rings. And the Star Wars numbers, wha????  Why even go there, and we are talking about Peyton Manning who would NEVER say anything negative.....Why start this Jim?  The other thing that was inappropriate is repeating what Manning told Jim in private quarters, "[Manning] said, 'You've got to take Andrew,' " Irsay told USA Today Sports. " 'You have to. You're crazy if you don't.' "  THAT SHOULD HAVE STAYED BETWEEN THEM.  Sorry, I'm a HUGE Irsay guy (supporter), but C'MON MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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he's flaunting the ring, how else can you take that? disclosing private Manning convo, etc, etc,  - he shouldn't have done it and in retrospect or at least deep inside his altered state, he will regret saying it.


Farley.........if that is what you saw in that video...........you are wearing hate-colored glasses

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Crow.........he didn't even come close to taking a shot at Peyton........OPPOSITE. He said the rest of the team wasn't good enough.

Manning is always silent

And you, who claims to like Irsay but take shots at him every chance you get are trying to :stir:

If not shots, left handed compliments that might be misinterpreted. I'm just saying all of this was unnecessary . Your best bet as an owner in a week like this is complete silence. That is what Manning is doing because it's a very emotional time for all parties.

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If not shots, left handed compliments that might be misinterpreted. I'm just saying all of this was unnecessary . Your best bet as an owner in a week like this is complete silence. That is what Manning is doing because it's a very emotional time for all parties.


I don't think it's emotional for you

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It would be the truth

Irsay would agree

I think Irsay and Polian tried to put a balanced team as possible out there. They did well with 2 Super Bowl appearances and 1 ring. As with all teams , you have cap issues , bad draft picks, and some free agents that may have worked out.

What I see more , is Irsay going to a larger offensive and defensive lines and power running games , versus some of the speed defenses you had previously. However , it may or may not work out. You just don't know. Instead of frustration, he should be happy he finally got a Super Bowl ring in 2006. Some great players have none. Naturally you want more , but just lay low and work with your GM to put out the best team possible.

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I think Irsay and Polian tried to put a balanced team as possible out there. They did well with 2 Super Bowl appearances and 1 ring. As with all teams , you have cap issues , bad draft picks, and some free agents that may have worked out.

What I see more , is Irsay going to a larger offensive and defensive lines and power running games , versus some of the speed defenses you had previously. However , it may or may not work out. You just don't know. Instead of frustration, he should be happy he finally got a Super Bowl ring in 2006. Some great players have none. Naturally you want more , but just lay low and work with your GM to put out the best team possible.


You believe it's best if Jim Irsay does not speak.......even when spoken to

Unlike everyone here

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I don't think it's emotional for you

Nadine, obviously it's more emotional for you guys. From an NFL fan, or outside fan's perspective. , I just don't understand what Irsay is doing PR wise this week.

Trust me, I've seen owners goof up many times. Remember , we have Peter Angelo's of the Orioles here , who has made more PR gaffes than the man in the moon.

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Broncos' John Fox slams Jim Irsay over Manning comments,2 articles



Personally I am not saying Irsay is wong just his timing could of been better , esp as he is going to honor the man


 this is  just Irsay form of gamesmanship to get things overly emotional for peyton & hope he is off game I think as does Fox's interviewer  who  says Peyton to mature to take Irsays bait


Still now peyton will be asked questions hed rather not have to be bothered with starting today



"I saw the comments, and to be honest with you I thought it was a bit of a cheap shot," Fox told the hosts. "To me, in my opinion, they were disappointing and inappropriate. Peyton would never say anything, he's too classy to do that, but they sounded a little ungrateful and unappreciative to me, for a guy that's set a standard, won a Super Bowl, won division titles, won four MVP awards. I'd be thankful of that one Super Bowl ring, because a lot of people don't have one."


During Fox's radio appearance, Miller and Kirwan pointed out that Lucas Oil Stadium might not have been built without the success on the field Manning orchestrated for 14 years in Indianapolis.


"I think any time you're able to get that done as an organization, there's got to be great commitment from your city, your fans," Fox responded. "I know at least the feedback that I've gotten, I don't live in Indy, but we do spend some time there during the combine every year. He did a lot of great things in that community and for that organization."


As for whether Manning will get caught up in the hype surrounding his return to Indianapolis, Fox didn't buy it.


"He's the most prepared player I think I've ever been around," the head coach said. "He's a guy that raises all boats in that locker room. Nobody cares more about winning than Peyton Manning. I think his teammates feel that, and it doesn't even just mean offense -- I'm talking about offense, defense, kicking game, everybody down there.


"So he's going to stay focused. He's not going to get involved in the circus. All his focus will be on the preparation that's going to take us to beat the Indianapolis Colts."


Click here to listen to the audio of Fox's radio appearance.  Interviewer says Peyton to mature to take Irsays bait

Fox Interview (((  http://www.denverbro...a5-c49992951aa3 )))






Manning will meet with reporters on Wednesday, when he will certainly be asked to respond to Irsay's comments,


which included praise from the Colts' owner for the success Manning has found in Denver, and a recounting on a conversation in which Manning told Irsay he would be crazy not to draft Luck.


But in the same interview, Irsay also said the Colts, in releasing Manning before he was due a $28 million bonus, was a conscious effort to change the franchise's business model, to build a team that was better suited to win in January than put up what Irsay called "Star Wars numbers" in the regular season.


"(Tom) Brady never had consistent numbers, but he has three of these," Irsay told USA TODAY Sports' Jarrett Bell, showing off his 2006 Super Bowl ring. "Pittsburgh had two, the Giants had two, Baltimore had two and we had one. That leaves you frustrated. You make the playoffs 11 times, and you're out in the first round seven out of 11 times. You love to have the Star Wars numbers from Peyton and Marvin (Harrison) and Reggie (Wayne). Mostly, you love (the ring)."



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Nadine, obviously it's more emotional for you guys. From an NFL fan, or outside fan's perspective. , I just don't understand what Irsay is doing PR wise this week.

Trust me, I've seen owners goof up many times. Remember , we have Peter Angelo's of the Orioles here , who has made more PR gaffes than the man in the moon.


There isn't anyone who is not a colts fan that understands how Colts fans feel about Peyton........how Jim Irsay feels about Peyton


Watching fans of other teams...........fans who have an agenda against our owner and our team........trying to twist that love into something else


It's annoying 


They don't understand...........they just see it as a reason to take more cheap shots.

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You believe it's best if Jim Irsay does not speak.......even when spoken to

Unlike everyone here

I would just lay completely low this week. There is nothing to gain for him and the Colts speaking out this week. I would have maybe just had a prepared statement saying that it will be a great game between the Colts and Broncos , and welcoming a great quarterback back to Indy , that meant so much to the football community. End of statement, no tribute, article , or tweet. If you want to do more, send Manning a nice , personal note wishing him well .

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There isn't anyone who is not a colts fan that understands how Colts fans feel about Peyton........how Jim Irsay feels about Peyton

Watching fans of other teams...........fans who have an agenda against our owner and our team........trying to twist that love into something else

It's annoying

They don't understand...........they just see it as a reason to take more cheap shots.

I understand , because I feel that way about Unitas . Honestly, I don't think most NFL fans think about Irsay that much. , one way or another. , so I don't think there is an agenda.

When you make comments before a game like this, you will definately bring attention to your team , either positive or negative. Instead of the attention building on Peyton , Irsay has transferred some of this to himself . It would be better had he said nothing, and let the press speculate about Manning.

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I would just lay completely low this week. There is nothing to gain for him and the Colts speaking out this week. I would have maybe just had a prepared statement saying that it will be a great game between the Colts and Broncos , and welcoming a great quarterback back to Indy , that meant so much to the football community. End of statement, no tribute, article , or tweet. If you want to do more, send Manning a nice , personal note wishing him well .


Sorry to disappoint you

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What bothers me, the only thing that bothered me....was the bit about Peyton supposedly saying "[irsay] would be crazy not to take Luck." That's.....mind-blowing betrayal IMO.

Firstly, if it's true, than fine, it's true. Peyton gave Irsay the nod on that. HOWEVER...I'm assuming this comment was made privately?

Not cool, Jim....not cool at all. If I was PM, Sunday...I'd give the crowd a long, honest heart-felt waive and then give Irsay a long, honest heart-felt middle finger. Seriously.

I get your sentiment, but it's been over a year and a half. Deails surrounding one of the biggest stories in NFL history are going to come out eventually.

If Irsay really wanted to "betray" Peyton, he could have thrown this out to defend himself when fans were ready to run him out of town on a rail in the immediate aftermath.

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Posted this in another thread, but it deserves to be here too:


Anyone who honestly believes Irsay took a shot at Manning please self-check into the insane asylum.


IF anything it's a shot at Polian and even then that's a stretch. Honestly all Irsay was saying was changing our game plan. He believes the best way to win a Super Bowl is with a team that can play great defense, be great running the ball, and still be able to throw the ball as well (like the Pats, Ravens, Steelers SB years). Instead of solely relying on the passing game.


Stop this nonsense.



The interviewer says it if u listen to audio in the espn aticle, also says Irsay shouldnt of done it as provides locker room material v by critizing Peyton   http://espn.go.com/n...ning-cheap-shot


I say in comment 64 with 2 articles


Personally I am not saying Irsay is wong just his timing could of been better , esp as he is going to honor the man


 this is  just Irsay form of gamesmanship to get things overly emotional for peyton & hope he is off game I think as does Fox's interviewer  in interview link i posted , again comment 64,  who  says Peyton to mature to take Irsays bait  http://www.denverbro...a5-c49992951aa3


Still now peyton will be asked questions hed rather not have to be bothered with starting today

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Fox is 'stirring the pot' before the big game coming up next Sunday...probably trying to get Peyton in a more fighting mood.


and the interviwers reporting this say its other way around & Irsay is criticizing Peyton 




as is another , see my comment and interview in comment 64 ,  link to interview repeated below

saying Manning is to mature to take Irsays Bait


still starting today with media , Manning has tom defelect ?? on this he rather not be asked




Enough now on this, wish this game didnt come up till afc championship


That's not the interview in question. The one in question was done by USA Today



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I have been a big fan of Irsay over the years, but I have to say his new habit of being very visible in the media in general is really starting to irk me. I think John Fox took what Irsay was saying the wrong way-- I do not begin to believe Irsay was blaming Manning for winning only a single ring. I think he was stating that he has learned you need more than just a great QB to win multiple rings. Fox twisted this around as a dis on Manning-- whether intentional as motivation for Sunday or not I do not know.


Regardless, Irsay needs to go back to being a silent owner. He is becoming the new Jerry Jones and it is extremely irritating to Colts fans. Our team has always preached Midwest values of being humble and down to Earth. Going on the radio or on Twitter where millions could potentially hear you and make some of the comments Irsay has made is just putting more and more pressure on our team and making their job that much more difficult week to week. It is unfair to our team and unfair to us as Colts fans. Irsay needs to get off Twitter and be much more guarded in what he says if he is going to be giving interviews (although I prefer he not). I would be happy at this point if he just deleted the stupid Twitter account.

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he's flaunting the ring, how else can you take that? disclosing private Manning convo, etc, etc,  - he shouldn't have done it and in retrospect or at least deep inside his altered state, he will regret saying it.


Um... What? Because he's flaunting his ring that's a shot at Peyton? Uh... ok. Peyton would just flaunt the same ring right back at him.


Think about what you're saying. Really.

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Irsay is pretty kooky on the twitter feeds, but I seriously doubt he was directing that at Peyton. Polians, yes. Peyton, no. 


Fox is just trying to get Peyton fired up. 


se my coment # 75 right after yours, interviews blame irsay for criciizing Peyton to stir the pot


Man i hate this stuff just when u are to honor the man yet 

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The media is going to blow this think up and make a mountain out of a mole hill. It's all propoganda!

Pretty much. I don't think there's anything wrong with what he said. He could of worded it more clearly so it wouldn't give the media hype machine ammo. I think he was talking more about Polian and in general. I for one agree with him. Media just picked it up and ran with it. Then that bum Fox had to get his butt kissing nose in it.

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I just wish nothing was said, just let the game play, Irsayu knows the media will jump on all things especially at such a time


Even jjust so we startr this thread ( LOL ) 


But really u r about to honor the guy , dont say anything that may be construed right or wrong about Peyton and Colts direction change just before u are to hoinor him before we play him


I am off this topic, I hate it though as many  others commented I added  my worthless 3 cents on it

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