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Fred Smoot goes off on Shanahan and RG3


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Best part of this article for me:


Because I’m watching these other quarterbacks and I’m watching how they compose themselves and the things they do. With Luck and Wilson, and it’s a different vibe. Sometimes I’m starting to think that RGIII is really really buying into the attention.

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Best part of this article for me:

Because I’m watching these other quarterbacks and I’m watching how they compose themselves and the things they do. With Luck and Wilson, and it’s a different vibe. Sometimes I’m starting to think that RGIII is really really buying into the attention.

wait, i thought all of his teammates loved him and the nonsense hype around him

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RGIII is still very rusty, a step slow, and pressing. He still isn't the worst qb in that division right now. I don't think he is over confident just that he is still not healthy, not had enough reps in, and is being forced to play from behind (yes partly because the offense isn't scoring). He isn't playing well..but I wouldn't say this is a representation of how good he is as a qb....the man just had major knee surgery and didn't take any reps until the season started...that defense needs to man up and hold the fort until the offense could get healthy if they were going to be contenders...clearly they don't have leaders on that side of the ball and thus couldn't even keep them in the game. I mean people act like RGIII is playing like Tim Tebow...but Denver would at least keep it close until he would break through...not happening here.

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RGIII is still very rusty, a step slow, and pressing. He still isn't the worst qb in that division right now. I don't think he is over confident just that he is still not healthy, not had enough reps in, and is being forced to play from behind (yes partly because the offense isn't scoring). He isn't playing well..but I wouldn't say this is a representation of how good he is as a qb....the man just had major knee surgery and didn't take any reps until the season started...that defense needs to man up and hold the fort until the offense could get healthy if they were going to be contenders...clearly they don't have leaders on that side of the ball and thus couldn't even keep them in the game. I mean people act like RGIII is playing like Tim Tebow...but Denver would at least keep it close until he would break through...not happening here.

maybe because they traded away their future and possible defensive playmakers for Bob

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Best part of this article for me:


Because I’m watching these other quarterbacks and I’m watching how they compose themselves and the things they do. With Luck and Wilson, and it’s a different vibe. Sometimes I’m starting to think that RGIII is really really buying into the attention.

I never trust articles like this to properly quote interviews so here's the audio links.  Most of the quotes are from the middle two segments:







Smoot's ridiculous, a very funny interview, but he's ridiculous. Still, he's not saying fire the Shahanananan's mid-season, he's saying fire him at the end of this season regardless of outcome and move onto a new coach (a Gruden or Cowher) who can stick with Griffin over the long haul.

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maybe because they traded away their future and possible defensive playmakers for Bob

Very possible. What would you have gave up to get Luck?? Looking at Cleveland shows get the franchise qb when you can..its always worth it. I think more importantly they are playing unsound defense...this is a coaching issue. Talen isn't overwhelming for the defense but they have some decent players...I think the coaches haven't done a good job and I think the team is waiting for RGIII to take over like last year but he doesn't have it together yet. IMO he should have started Cousin at the beginning of the year and worked on bringing RGIII back around their bye week...or after 4 or 5 games. Hindsight is 20/20 and my job isn't on the line so shouldn't judge.

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I think Smoot is absolutely right. Shanny is a joke and RG3 has bought into his own hype. Things were too easy for him last yr. and now this yr. teams know how to defend him and he can not adjust because he still don't know how to read a defense. I don't buy the "he's still not healthy B-S. Yeah, he may not be 100 percent back to where he was, but I'm not sure he ever will be anyway. IMO, he just don't have the superman skills many thought he did last yr.. 

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Even if RG3 has a shaky year, I wouldn't close the book on him. It's pretty obvious that practice and preseason does a "whole" squad good. 

Nope. If a guy has a shaky start then his career is automatically over and he bought into his own hype and he is the Devil. Griffin is doomed to be out of the league after this season, and he doesn't get a pass because of his injury or his defense's inability to stop, well, anyone. And he (gasp) made a Subway commercial so he is not getting the respect of his teammates at all this year, despite the fact that he carried them last year. Lol now that my sarcasm meter is full, I agree. I don't think the rest of the year will continue to be as bad as the first three games. Everyone left him for dead last year and we see what happened....Rookie of the Year and division winner.

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I think it's funny how some people tried to cover up for RG3 and the Redskins.  All we heard during the offseason was that RG3's recovery was superhuman and he's gonna be fine and he's ahead of schedule and everything.  Then, the season started and when the Redskins played poorly, people wanted to say that they should be given more time and we shouldn't judge their team yet.  Why not?  After all the comments over the offseason (that the Redskins made on their own) about how they were ready to roll and compete in the NFC East, now we have to hold off on judging their team or RG3?  I was never sold on Shanahan as a head coach and I used to be an RG3 fan, but recently I have started to like him less.  He seems a little arrogant

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Bottom line... 


the Cream rises to the top of the barrel.  


RG3's record is what it is....          Ya I know he is on line for 5 thousand yards this season.    Someone look up his FIRST HALF stats over 3 games and report back.      They are not good.   Garbage time numbers made Matt Flynn a millionaire. 


Just saying.  ;)

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Much ado about nothing, Griffin is only averaging 3 less runs per game then he did last year in regards to his on field play, The defense has been absolute crap, There is some truth to what Smoot says but Griffin is no different then most other athletes who have performed well and capatilized on it with off field success, Griffin has played fine....So he is throwing more then what he did last year, He is doing that well

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Much ado about nothing, Griffin is only averaging 3 less runs per game then he did last year in regards to his on field play, The defense has been absolute crap, There is some truth to what Smoot says but Griffin is no different then most other athletes who have performed well and capatilized on it with off field success, Griffin has played fine....So he is throwing more then what he did last year, He is doing that well

i take it you haven't watched any of the first half,of those three games. he has been terrible.

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Bottom line... 


the Cream rises to the top of the barrel.  


RG3's record is what it is....          Ya I know he is on line for 5 thousand yards this season.    Someone look up his FIRST HALF stats over 3 games and report back.      They are not good.   Garbage time numbers made Matt Flynn a millionaire. 


Just saying.  ;)

No....The Redskins record is what it is, His numbers speak for themselves.......as does the redskins awful defense

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i take it you haven't watched any of the first half,of those three games. he has been terrible.

I know, but he got alot better as the game went on, Luck was the same way last year when he was asked to throw so much, I think that brace is giving him more problems than he is letting on, watching him try to scramble(watching him vs Detroit now) but I think his play has been alright overall, He appears asked to still do alot of 1 read things still, I saw the Philly game

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You are never going to get it.

I know, but he got alot better as the game went on, Luck was the same way last year when he was asked to throw so much, I think that brace is giving him more problems than he is letting on, watching him try to scramble(watching him vs Detroit now) but I think his play has been alright overall, He appears asked to still do alot of 1 read things still, I saw the Philly game

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Ah Fred Smoot. Getting some pub for himself by putting RG's name in his mouth. Had to have one of the most non-memorable careers and is best known for the "Love Boat" scandal with the Vikes. I love these guys that talk about things they know nothing about.

i think he knows more about it than any fan on any forum

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did you read the article? It doesn't seem like Smoot is a huge fan and I'm guessing he isn't the only one

Smoot's not his teammate. And the bulk of his article was on Shanny and his belief that Rg does not respect him which is complete and total conjecture with no facts to back it up. But go ahead and put stock in a guy that was best known for one of the worst sex scandals in the NFL...

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Smoot's not his teammate. And the bulk of his article was on Shanny and his belief that Rg does not respect him which is complete and total conjecture with no facts to back it up. But go ahead and put stock in a guy that was best known for one of the worst sex scandals in the NFL...

i was thinking he was still playing there.... carry on

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Griffin went number 2 in the draft, said he should be #1, had a great year w/ a their system, went to the playoffs, his jersey was number 1, he got injured, wrote a book (on sale now), said he could still run a 4.3 and was ready to return and that's where the fairy tale ended.  He has lost the first 3 games, bad form, fumbles when sliding, etc....In the end, this has to be good for him. 

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Griffin went number 2 in the draft, said he should be #1, had a great year w/ a their system, went to the playoffs, his jersey was number 1, he got injured, wrote a book (on sale now), said he could still run a 4.3 and was ready to return and that's where the fairy tale ended.  He has lost the first 3 games, bad form, fumbles when sliding, etc....In the end, this has to be good for him. 

I agree. He will learn from this as all great players do when things don't go there way. But he was 3-6 last year and did not lose another game in the regular season. He knows what he needs to do. The real question is whether the rest of the team is good enough. It is still very early the East us up for grabs so the skins are by no means out of it but they need to string together some wins soon.

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Even if RG3 has a shaky year, I wouldn't close the book on him. It's pretty obvious that practice and preseason does a "whole" squad good. 


You would be an * to close the book on him.  He was very good last year before his injury and that was with only have Alfred Morris as his only real weapon.  Garcon is a good WR, but he is not a top tier WR and then the rest of the receiving core is just meh.  They have no tight end to speak of and their defense is abysmal.


They need to get RG3 some real help on the outside and just maybe actually get him a defense like Grigs is doing for Luck.

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You would be an * to close the book on him. He was very good last year before his injury and that was with only have Alfred Morris as his only real weapon. Garcon is a good WR, but he is not a top tier WR and then the rest of the receiving core is just meh. They have no tight end to speak of and their defense is abysmal.

They need to get RG3 some real help on the outside and just maybe actually get him a defense like Grigs is doing for Luck.

That Fred Davis guy is pretty good.

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That Fred Davis guy is pretty good.


Fred Davis is average at best and injury prone.  The guy has only played a completely season two times in six years in the league.  He is an average TE who will not be horrible, but he is not going to tear it up consistently.  Add the fact the guy can never stay on the field and you have a guy you just cannot rely on.

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I agree. He will learn from this as all great players do when things don't go there way. But he was 3-6 last year and did not lose another game in the regular season. He knows what he needs to do. The real question is whether the rest of the team is good enough. It is still very early the East us up for grabs so the skins are by no means out of it but they need to string together some wins soon.


My mother-in-law was from Washington DC and was a big Redskin fan.  We used to pull for them against the Cowboys, whom I despise.  So, I WANTED Griffin to be good for Washington, but I have been turned off by every single thing he says and does.  He would have been the ultimate Dallas Cowboy, the way he acts.  

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You would be an * to close the book on him. He was very good last year before his injury and that was with only have Alfred Morris as his only real weapon. Garcon is a good WR, but he is not a top tier WR and then the rest of the receiving core is just meh. They have no tight end to speak of and their defense is abysmal.

They need to get RG3 some real help on the outside and just maybe actually get him a defense like Grigs is doing for Luck.

Unfortunately they mortgaged the ability to get him help through the draft, in order to draft him lol.

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My mother-in-law was from Washington DC and was a big Redskin fan.  We used to pull for them against the Cowboys, whom I despise.  So, I WANTED Griffin to be good for Washington, but I have been turned off by every single thing he says and does.  He would have been the ultimate Dallas Cowboy, the way he acts.  

It amazes me all the talk around this guy. I never hear him saying anything to detract from his team. He enjoys the spotlight and embraces it. I find him refreshing. The bravado is part of many of these young guys, i.e. Kaep, Sherman, Newton. They have grown up with Sports Center and the attention since they were young so there is no intimidation or shyness. I can see how it may rub some the wrong way but honestly I have always just cared if the guy can play and win. As much as I could not stand Michael Irvin and Deion when he was a cowboy they were great players and loved to watch them play.

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