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We cant be the team that loses to Miami and beats SF


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If you allow me moment that Miami (3-0) is really not a team

...going by yards allowed despite the record..

..we cant be the team that is mediocre at home against Oakland and Miami and then strong on the road against a team like SF...

I enjoyed last year but we beat Houston and GB...and lost to the Jets and Jax.

Are we doing that again.....so different from week-to-week...?

I'd like to see us take out Jax the way Seattle did....If you are not consistenlty good..you are not really good...


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I agree about the consistent part. I think we just couldn't find the grove and balance this year starting off, kinda like last year due to brand new rookie QB and rookie receivers. I believe we have found our game and will know how to stay consistent with our new RB additions. I have confidence we will beat Jacksonville and Houston on the road.

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You know what they say "it is not who you play, it is when you play them".


When we play a team with a new identity earlier in the season with enough offensive system changes, you are figuring yourself out and the other team out at the same time. Both the Raiders and Dolphins have had enough changes in the offseason, so it took us a while to get adjusted to what we were offensively first along with adjusting for the opponent.


The 49ers, we knew what the 49ers were made of, and it seemed like we figured out what we offensively were made of as well. The curve is pointing up moving forward

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It has nothing to do with who beat who. Its about the execution on game day and no team is as good as you think or as bad as you think.

I know this frustrates those who like to rank teams but that's how the NFL really is. If you didn't have talent you would not be in the NFL.

Which is a different way of saying what the 2 above posters said:)

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Perhaps Miami and Oakland are good teams, we don't really know yet.

But accept for a moment the probability (AND ITS HIGH) that Miami is not SF and Oakland certainly is not....

...we need to (and its not a lot to ask this week) be dominant 2 weeks in a row.

...we cant let Jacksonville (0-3) stay in the game.....in Indy....we're a playoff team.......

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Guest TeamLoloJones

If you allow me moment that Miami (3-0) is really not a team

...going by yards allowed despite the record..

..we cant be the team that is mediocre at home against Oakland and Miami and then strong on the road against a team like SF...

I enjoyed last year but we beat Houston and GB...and lost to the Jets and Jax.

Are we doing that again.....so different from week-to-week...?

I'd like to see us take out Jax the way Seattle did....If you are not consistenlty good..you are not really good...


Miami just beat Altanta..so I think they are better than Mediocre.  Yards per game means absolutely nothing.  Points allowed/scored is the only stat to look at.

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If you allow me moment that Miami (3-0) is really not a team

...going by yards allowed despite the record..

..we cant be the team that is mediocre at home against Oakland and Miami and then strong on the road against a team like SF...

I enjoyed last year but we beat Houston and GB...and lost to the Jets and Jax.

Are we doing that again.....so different from week-to-week...?

I'd like to see us take out Jax the way Seattle did....If you are not consistenlty good..you are not really good...



Games are all about matchups.  Sometimes you might be a great team, but do not match up well against what many consider a 'lesser' opponent.  It's how upsets are made.  And while not plaentiful, upsets happen frequently enough.  And the Parity in the NFL is closer than many believe.  That is why Colts and Chiefs can go 2-14 one year and next year Ball like gangbusters.

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different teams match up differently, all 32 teams in the NFL have rosters filled with PRO's, that's why they actually play the games...

Me too, Buck....you probably know how I feel about the pass-first truth of today's NFL

..and how good a passer Andrew is...

But 'Chuck and Pep' (sounds like a steakhouse) want to be run-first and SF struggled to stop it .....we executed the game plan..

..Now, against somebody like Denver.....we'll have to channel our inner passing gene

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Division games can be tricky, I expect a blowout but MJD made most of his career earnings against our beloved Colts, so you never know. I am interested to see the game tonight, I think the Raiders may be highly underrated especially on defense.



But accept for a moment the probability (AND ITS HIGH) that Miami is not SF and Oakland certainly is not....

...we need to (and its not a lot to ask this week) be dominant 2 weeks in a row.

...we cant let Jacksonville (0-3) stay in the game.....in Indy....we're a playoff team.......

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Me too, Buck....you probably know how I feel about the pass-first truth of today's NFL

..and how good a passer Andrew is...

But 'Chuck and Pep' (sounds like a steakhouse) want to be run-first and SF struggled to stop it .....we executed the game plan..

..Now, against somebody like Denver.....we'll have to channel our inner passing gene

Good name for a Steakhouse/coffee shop combo restaurant....wow coffee and steak, did I just have the greatest idea ever?

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Without Crabtree & V Davis that isn`t the Mighty SF that we beat. Not even close.

Their D missed some critical tackles, had some penalties that hurt, were on the field 35+ minutes and Bradshaw showed why he has a SB ring. It is just that simple.

I just hope its that simple this coming week, is my point

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I wouldn't let the Miami loss get you down.

a good point..If Miami is an 11-5 team....that wasn't a bad loss.

But I dont think they're good..we'll see..

By the way..we need someone to take them down...we lose any tiebreaker with Miami

If we don't win the division...we need Miami to take some hits....starting next week at NOLA

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Guest TeamLoloJones

3-0 is misleading Lolo...remember you said what you just said here.

The Miami team I saw at Indy looks like an 8-8 team

All I'm saying is you have to give Miami a little credit, and I feel better about losing to them after they went and beat Atlanta.  Honestly with the way their division is looking right now, I think 8-8 is the worst they could finish. I see them going 4-2 and maybe 5-1 in their div.

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Me too, Buck....you probably know how I feel about the pass-first truth of today's NFL

..and how good a passer Andrew is...

But 'Chuck and Pep' (sounds like a steakhouse) want to be run-first and SF struggled to stop it .....we executed the game plan..

..Now, against somebody like Denver.....we'll have to channel our inner passing gene

I hope what Colts fans are seeing is a new defensive scheme & this year a new offense scheme coming together & gelling... Historically the Niners haven't covered the spread the week following a Seattle game, but this young Colts team still put together the most complete game they have played...

Hopefully it is a sure sign of things to come!!!


I expect more of the Bradshaw/Richardson show... I thought it was awesome yesterday & I will thoroughly enjoy being one of the most dominant run games in the league, it will open up big pass plays down the road....

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a good point..If Miami is an 11-5 team....that wasn't a bad loss.

But I dont think they're good..we'll see..

By the way..we need someone to take them down...we lose any tiebreaker with Miami

If we don't win the division...we need Miami to take some hits....starting next week at NOLA

I think Miami wins their Division...

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Miami is better than 8-8 ,but IMO we gave that game away.Vin. missed another yesterday good thing it wasn't a close game.

other than the ugly luck INT, i don't really thing Luck played that badly. we just choked a little bit in crunch time at LOS.  I think we are pretty good at home and I look to the Seattle game to be nationally televised before it's all said and done.

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I hope what Colts fans are seeing is a new defensive scheme & this year a new offense scheme coming together & gelling... Historically the Niners haven't covered the spread the week following a Seattle game, but this young Colts team still put together the most complete game they have played...

Hopefully it is a sure sign of things to come!!!


I expect more of the Bradshaw/Richardson show... I thought it was awesome yesterday & I will thoroughly enjoy being one of the most dominant run games in the league, it will open up big pass plays down the road....

If that's the way it works out....we'll be that chameleon that adapts to what the other side cant stop that day...

..and bank on a constant 'D'.....we're back in the playoffs

..and thank you...I forgot we're out of town next week...///I want to see another 27-7....Businesslike..TCB..

Conservative teams sometimes play to the level of the competition......

I hope Chuck isn't stone cold against lighting someone up early with our all-pro passer

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other than the ugly luck INT, i don't really thing Luck played that badly. we just choked a little bit in crunch time at LOS.  I think we are pretty good at home and I look to the Seattle game to be nationally televised before it's all said and done.

Seattle is a force,IMO best D in the league,looking forward to it,as well as Broncos game.

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If you allow me moment that Miami (3-0) is really not a team...going by yards allowed despite the record....we cant be the team that is mediocre at home against Oakland and Miami and then strong on the road against a team like SF...I enjoyed last year but we beat Houston and GB...and lost to the Jets and Jax.Are we doing that again.....so different from week-to-week...?I'd like to see us take out Jax the way Seattle did....If you are not consistenlty good..you are not really good...Comments?

I don't think the Colts found themselves before the 49er game and the Dolphins are better than expected( by most )

Our team is in a good place rightnow.

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All I'm saying is you have to give Miami a little credit, and I feel better about losing to them after they went and beat Atlanta.  Honestly with the way their division is looking right now, I think 8-8 is the worst they could finish. I see them going 4-2 and maybe 5-1 in their div.

Miami's going to lose at NOLA...and they'll have trouble with Baltimore..

The Dolphins will have major problems with Cincinnatti...

I dont see a division team they'll sweep...and I dont see them beating NE at all...

the game at Pittsburgh wont go well..

////Arizona was 4-0 last year

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