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Curtis Our Potential Rogers?


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He didnt do horrible and I think with more play this kid can only get better..I mean sure he had a few bone-head passes that he shouldnt have made but this kid isnt as bad as what we all thought 2 yrs ago.

My main reason seriously for this is that we dont need to take a qb in the draft next year. if we do end up with over all 1 pick I think we should trade it for more picks and work on defense tough..and more on oline. Our reciever core is not at its strongest either..we have Garcon, Wayne, and Collie. I dont see Gonzo coming back next year. So we need some WR Depth..

But Our main focus in this upcoming draft needs to be DEFENSE. Painter isnt horrible, sure he isnt a franchise QB but with more play this kid can shine into a nice piece if he is surrounded by a strong wr core, line, and defense that can stop other teams.

Any thoughts from you guys?

(and by the way...comparing Painter to Rogers was seriously sarcasm)

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I sadly don't see him being half of what Rodgers is now or even in that same area. He might be average/slightly above average at best later on down the road, but I can't see him being Rodgers like.

Yeah Me either, I said it was meant as sarcasm...being that Rogers was a back up behind a great qb like painter is..it was the only reference I had...other than that...their skills will never be on the same level

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slow your roll.

Slow my roll on what...I said him being like Rogers was sarcasm....and the true reason for this thread was to simply say we dont need to take luck when we have a back up or decent qb in painter....Yeah its only 2 weeks, but this has been 2 good weeks for us at qb...lets just see how he does throughout the season, but as for now i say no qb in the draft next year...and go all defense

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I'm still torn on what we need to draft next year. Part of me wants to go after a QB so we can set ourselves up for success 10 years after Peyton is gone. The other half of me wants to trade our high pick and bolster up our defense. Once thing is for certain...Lacey needs to be gone, so I could see us going after a shut down CB.

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Slow my roll on what...I said him being like Rogers was sarcasm....and the true reason for this thread was to simply say we dont need to take luck when we have a back up or decent qb in painter....Yeah its only 2 weeks, but this has been 2 good weeks for us at qb...lets just see how he does throughout the season, but as for now i say no qb in the draft next year...and go all defense

get a clue comparing to a mvp future hall of famer,that's what!

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I was wondering the same. He has the potential, but I don't know. I don't think we should draft Andrew Luck this year, because we shouldn't give up on this kid yet. He's not that young though, he's 26, so we're thinking that if he's the future starter, he's 29 or 30 when he takes over. I think he has the potential to be, but to be honest, I don't know. He'll definitely be no Rodgers, but he could be good. Let's just hang on to this kid.

Edited by Andy246
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Anyone hear the announcer say "Curtis Manning" in the middle of the second quarter, I about fell out of my seat..

Yes, I did hear that...horrible coverage/reporting from the booth. Was that Marv Albert ? After Joseph Addai left the game, not a single word as spoken about him or his injury. They didn't keep the viewers updated, but neither did the cameras catch very much of the sidelines & bench. Then they're showing a replay OVER a live play ! (AND...did anyone notice Albert's exuberance when the Chiefs did well, but not for the Colts ?). CBS coverage sucked today. (:-(

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Painter is above average... he reads the defense, makes accurate reads, strong arm, accurate, mobile, poised... everything you want in a QB, with more reps the guy is gonna get better, he sure isnt turning the ball over and thats a big plus. Now im gonna hold crowning him until the colts have played a really good defense but so far the guy has shown that he can come into a situation and play and produce.

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I think it would be great if he turned out to be a very serviceable QB maybe better than some starters in the league. If that happened it would be great if we could trade him for some defense or picks. He's getting older and may be good enough to start for some other team. MAybe though. Honeslty its been two games and I find that when the defenses adjust to him he doesn't have an answer.

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The question can be taken three ways.

Do I think that Painter is going to be as good as Aaron Rodgers? - No. It would be nuts for anyone to make that assumption - Rodgers is probably the best player in the league right now. I'd be hesitant to project ANY unproven QB against Rodgers demonstrated ability.

Do I think that Painter can be a starter in the NFL? - Yes. He has all the physical skills, and is getting better in the mental department every time he steps on the field. It is hard to evaluate his performances because we are so spoiled, but I seem to remember getting frustrated in Manning's early years because HE only seemed to play well for half of each game (and never in cold weather). It takes a lot more than 2 1/4 games to become a reliable starter.

Do I think that Painter will be the Colts next starter? - I certainly hope not, because he is already 26 years old and I VERY much want Peyton to play here for several more years. It is conceivable that if Peyton is forced to retire, than Painter would get the first shot at replacing him - even if another QB is drafted - but there is little in that scenario that any of us would view as a positive. We'd be too depressed about Peyton.

The ideal situation for all parties would actually be for Painter to prove himself, back up Peyton for a bit longer, and then get traded just as he is hitting his prime and the Colts are ready to draft a new franchise QB.

Everyone should bear in mind that Rodger's presence forced the Packers to send a beloved icon out of town - it wasn't much fun for ANY of the parties involved.

Edited by MAC
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Everyone should bear in mind that Rodger's presence forced the Packers to send a beloved icon out of town - it wasn't much fun for ANY of the parties involved.

yeah but no way that happens here...this is happy town where the media proclaimed best QB since Elway (who would be a #1 pick not #24 like Rodgers) would be happy to sit on the bench for 3-4 years since, you know, that seems to be what some fans want him to do. It makes perfect sense to groom a QB who's biggest selling point is that he doesn't need to be groomed.

/end sarcasm :D

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He didnt do horrible and I think with more play this kid can only get better..I mean sure he had a few bone-head passes that he shouldnt have made but this kid isnt as bad as what we all thought 2 yrs ago.

My main reason seriously for this is that we dont need to take a qb in the draft next year. if we do end up with over all 1 pick I think we should trade it for more picks and work on defense tough..and more on oline. Our reciever core is not at its strongest either..we have Garcon, Wayne, and Collie. I dont see Gonzo coming back next year. So we need some WR Depth..

But Our main focus in this upcoming draft needs to be DEFENSE. Painter isnt horrible, sure he isnt a franchise QB but with more play this kid can shine into a nice piece if he is surrounded by a strong wr core, line, and defense that can stop other teams.

Any thoughts from you guys?

(and by the way...comparing Painter to Rogers was seriously sarcasm)

I just wanted to highlight this part for everyone who replied to this thread but somehow missed this.

To the point of the thread, however, I've thought all along that drafting a QB (especially Luck) would be wasting the opportunity this presents us. I know everyone is nervous about our future at QB because Manning is hurt this season, but it just doesn't add up yet.

Manning will be back next season, and I have confidence that with a full year off and plenty of rehab and rest, he'll be able to play at the level we've come to know and expect for the duration of his contract.

Luck is "NFL ready" so drafting him to sit and waste 4 years of his career is not fair to him, nor is it smart to do with the #1 overall pick. The Packers picked up Rodgers because he slipped way down the draft and the writing was more clearly on the wall for Favre, though he tried to extend his career.

This team is full of holes, especially on defense, specifically the DBs and LBs, but also along the O-line still, and depth on the D-line and WRs. IMO, this draft is a strong draft all through the first round and into the second, and amassing picks and adding quality players all over the roster is clearly a better option than adding one player who won't even see the field for 4 years.

If we get the #1 pick, it also comes with the first pick in each of the other rounds. Now, say we trade down to somewhere between #10 and #20 for a few more rounds, and maybe a pick or two next year likely in the same range, that gives us a lot of high picks. Higher picks than we've seen in the Manning era, and theoretically better players. That sets us up with a young, promising team to help Manning finish his career, and then continue after he retires.

Draft a QB in a late round, or (my preference) next year, and have him learn from Peyton. But, don't get the most hyped guy to enter the NFL in 15 years only to have him sit quietly the entire time.

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I just wanted to highlight this part for everyone who replied to this thread but somehow missed this.

To the point of the thread, however, I've thought all along that drafting a QB (especially Luck) would be wasting the opportunity this presents us. I know everyone is nervous about our future at QB because Manning is hurt this season, but it just doesn't add up yet.

Manning will be back next season, and I have confidence that with a full year off and plenty of rehab and rest, he'll be able to play at the level we've come to know and expect for the duration of his contract.

Luck is "NFL ready" so drafting him to sit and waste 4 years of his career is not fair to him, nor is it smart to do with the #1 overall pick. The Packers picked up Rodgers because he slipped way down the draft and the writing was more clearly on the wall for Favre, though he tried to extend his career.

This team is full of holes, especially on defense, specifically the DBs and LBs, but also along the O-line still, and depth on the D-line and WRs. IMO, this draft is a strong draft all through the first round and into the second, and amassing picks and adding quality players all over the roster is clearly a better option than adding one player who won't even see the field for 4 years.

If we get the #1 pick, it also comes with the first pick in each of the other rounds. Now, say we trade down to somewhere between #10 and #20 for a few more rounds, and maybe a pick or two next year likely in the same range, that gives us a lot of high picks. Higher picks than we've seen in the Manning era, and theoretically better players. That sets us up with a young, promising team to help Manning finish his career, and then continue after he retires.

Draft a QB in a late round, or (my preference) next year, and have him learn from Peyton. But, don't get the most hyped guy to enter the NFL in 15 years only to have him sit quietly the entire time.

Could not agree more. If we could somehow work it out to get Manti Te'o, Josh Chapman and one of the handful of great CB's who will be available at the top of the 2nd round and our defense has a very different look. If Mark Barron slips to the 3rd round then that's just icing on the cake.

If we start at #1 then there's no reason we can't trade down multiple times and get anywhere between 3-6 additional picks in the 2-4th rounds plus additional picks next year.

Edited by Jason
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Curtis Painter this year is a different person that he was last year or year before. It's like day and night difference.

I have never seen a QB learn so quick and go from the worst embarassment in NFL history to an actually decent QB.

I am not sure if he is Rogers caliber tho. People like that don't grow on trees. Not many can make some of the throws Rogers makes, out of the pocket, no one can do it besides Ben maybe. Maybe.

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yeah but no way that happens here...this is happy town where the media proclaimed best QB since Elway (who would be a #1 pick not #24 like Rodgers) would be happy to sit on the bench for 3-4 years since, you know, that seems to be what some fans want him to do. It makes perfect sense to groom a QB who's biggest selling point is that he doesn't need to be groomed.

/end sarcasm :D

So sorry. Thinking happy thoughts now. :cloud9: :kitty::banana:

Much better. Maybe the three of them can play Pinochle together while they wait.

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So sorry. Thinking happy thoughts now. :cloud9: :kitty::banana:

Much better. Maybe the three of them can play Pinochle together while they wait.

I foresee a round robin tournament in Candyland and Chutes and Ladders but I could be off-base. :D lol

+1 for awesome smiley combo :D

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I foresee a round robin tournament in Candyland and Chutes and Ladders but I could be off-base. :D lol

+1 for awesome smiley combo :D

haha Of course I'm not sure I'd even want to play a game of " :goat::trout: against a guy named "Luck".

(I should point out that that is supposed to be a play on "Go Fish". What do you want, it's almost 4 in the morning).

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