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Caldwell And Staff (Merges)


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Great out of the gate ……..but not much for stamina.

And that my friends points to nothing more than coaching………. plain and simple. If you can prove that you have the ability to physically man handle your opponent in the first half, then absolutely fall apart in the second, that points to nothing more than the coaching staff’s inability to adjust to the other team’s adjustments. The defense should be well rested no? Am I wrong in thinking that they should at least be able to hold their own? And once again our so called coach stands on the sidelines with the look of someone that has no clue as to what is going on. It is painfully obvious that Peyton has been the glue to this team as Reggie Miller was to the Pacers. As much as I have been against all this show boating that goes on in the NFL today, I think that the Colts may have gone too much to the other extreme. They don’t seem to show any passion anymore. They are just this broken machine missing a main cog. And that is where coaching needs to step up, and unfortunately it hasn’t happened. Some fans need to take off their blue glasses and face reality. Until the rectal cranial inversion is treated as far as coaching is concerned it is a dismal out look for the Colts.

The person that I feel for is Painter. He played

more than well enough to win that game today, and was let down. As far as I am concerned he at least deserves the starting job regardless of Collins’ health status.

And that sums it up and covers all the bases.....'nuff said

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Well, I can't argue with getting rid of Caldwell, I've felt he never should have been placed in the position in the first place. Coyer, he needs to go too. I think the coaching staff have benefitted from Peyton Manning's superior abilities over the years, and now that PM is not available, the truth is shown....our coaches are sub-par.

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When Peyton comes back next year, why not start fresh with VETERAN coaches who wont have to learn on the job? Maybe John Gruden can come in and convince Greg Mattison to leave Michigan........its amazing what Mattison has done in Ann arbor in one year.

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All the sports analysts are saying that Caldwell's job is safe because of the "Manning crutch". I whole heartedly agree with you that he needs to go. But the injury bug has hit us too...but it does every year. The conservative play calling in the second half was frustrating to say the least.

As a fan I am at a loss....pardon the pun....I do not know what has to give to get rid of this ^^^ guy and the baggage he brought with him. We as fans deserve better...and our beloved players deserve better too!

:nono2: :cussing:


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Why is Jacob Lacey still starting? He got outplayed badly today by Dwayne Bowe and he hasn't played that well this year. Our secondary is in shambles.

Why was Justin Tryon let go? He was one of our 2 best cornerbacks on the roster but he still hardly even played. Why isn't Kevin Thomas playing? Why did you release Kelvin Hayden or resign him since our depth is not very good at CB right now?

My main problem with you right now is the Justin Tryon situation.

Also, what is with Tryon saying that Caldwell is not making the roster decisions for the games? Let the head coach make the calls.

Thank you,

Colts fan

Edited by Maureen
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Caldwell is not a head football coach in the National Football League. Infact, he wasnt in college either. He had a horrible record at Wake Forest and was fired. Why is this man our head coach. The only reason I can think of is that he brown nosed Dungy so much that Dungy actually thought Caldwell was the reason Peyton was so good. I mean how does a quaterbacks coach became the assistant head coach. Then be named the coach in waiting? This, IMHO, was doomed from the beginning. I never thought he had the chops to be a head football coach. Today when the Chiefs were comming back he looked like a deer in the headlights again. When ever something bad is starting to happen he looks like he has no idea what to do. I mean the Chiefs were running up the middle on third and shorts over and over and, until the very very end , we still only had a 4 man front rushing them. Come on, this is gettin so so old. I loved the Colts before they were any good, but now to be this bad is very very sad. I am sorry to all of you that have stood up for this joke of a coach all this time. The joke is on you now.

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I think our biggest problem is Defensive play calling and scheme. We need to get a new D coach and Scheme, plus fix our secondary. I dont think Curtis is our problem at all. Actually I liked what I seen out of Curtis today. Sure he had a few bone-head passes in the second half but He also relied on Dallas to make some catches that he simply didnt. If those would have been caught could those stalled drives be points? Maybe! Maybe not! but still He did good and I think he will only do better.

Caldwell, need to step down or get fired...This guy acts as if he doesnt have a clue. Its ridiculous! We had a chance to win this game and ticked it away with bad defense and horrible secondary

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Did someone really just put a face over the word *... I didn't know that it became a curse word as of late.

It's really meant as a deterrent from calling players and other posters names.

I agree with much of your post. Our secondary is a flop and we made some suspect moves to clear out what talent we had in place.

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The game has passed him by, just like Al Davis. He has always been good at putting together a team where ever he has gone. This helps with quarterbacks that he has had running those teams. He olso used to have good defensive coordinators or defensive minded coaches. Now he is done. The owner tweets all day, The coach is a token yes man, Coyer never was good. Remember, the coaches don't play but, they do pick who does. And this is unacceptable.

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However, Colts were running tampa 2 then and are still doing it now. There are definitely some upgrades needed to the personnel but the scheme gets half the blame too imo.

No doubt... i think we as fans are impatient cause we all know that this change of the tampa 2 is not gonna come now or soon... the colts will try to stress every thing and see if they can do something else instead of doing away with the tampa 2.

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Fans need to remember even before caldwell was the coach the defense still was horrible in most cases... this is NOT a coaching problem... its personnel, just imagine how different it would have been if the colts had some QUALITY and i mean quality CB's.. hopefully the way of getting defensive players very late in the draft or picking them up after the draft changes because the colts need help in the secondary... even when jackson and hayden were here this was not happening, this is definitely a personnel problem on the field.

I agree with you. The management needs to do something about the D and especially our secondary, it is so bad. Like I said in another thread, we have Freeney and Mathis, 2 of the best DE in the league and they get a sack and get a 3rd and long and then our CB's let the other team out by not making a play. It would be awesome if we had quality CB, out D would be so much better.

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Agreed the offense did enough today that we should have won the game however as has been the case for years our D with our soft coverage and lack of ability to stop the run cost us another win. How is it that the same problem we have year after year has never been fixed, the Polians and our tweet loving owner need to look at our system, oh yeah and the puppet coaching staff should probably say something.

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No sense to pointing finger(s) at "the problem". You win as a team and lose as a team. The Colt players have played hard every quarter this year they have not quit and that's all I need as a fan to keep watching. At the end of the season I hope management will be brutally honest and replace the players and/or coaches that did not perform to the talent level needed to win. A coaching change during the season will accomplish nothing so let's talk about the positives.

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I agree with you. The management needs to do something about the D and especially our secondary, it is so bad. Like I said in another thread, we have Freeney and Mathis, 2 of the best DE in the league and they get a sack and get a 3rd and long and then our CB's let the other team out by not making a play. It would be awesome if we had quality CB, out D would be so much better.

Yea definitely, just imagine what the defense would be like with an actual 1st round pick CB on the field... chances are he's gonna be a really good player so thats just one less thing you have to worry about buuut the colts dont have that.

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Painter was not good in the 2nd half. Some of those throws were just bad. He is an average backup QB at best.

Do you have anyone better right now? Would have helped if Clark had caught some of those passes that should have been caught. Don't know what's wrong with Clark right now. Maybe they should have put Tamme in to see what he could have done.

We still don't finish games when we get the lead. What's wrong if a player isn't playing well pull that player out and put some one else in. Worth a shot. JMO of course. Lacey would be a prime example.

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Why are ppl so bent on justin tryon??? did he even play in the giants game? the guy is about the same size as lacey and he would have gotten man handled as well... ppl should go look at the texans game where johnson threw him down lika a ragdoll on a press coverage play... the colts knew why they released him, i would rather see rucker start over lacey, let him learn on the fly there.

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No sense to pointing finger(s) at "the problem". You win as a team and lose as a team. The Colt players have played hard every quarter this year they have not quit and that's all I need as a fan to keep watching. At the end of the season I hope management will be brutally honest and replace the players and/or coaches that did not perform to the talent level needed to win. A coaching change during the season will accomplish nothing so let's talk about the positives.

yes it would it would give the new coach a jump on next year
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Good night people we don't have good enough players. The game plan was there the guy just aren't maing plays. That goes on the players not the coaches for that.

Honestly the coaches adjusted the way people wanted them too after Monday Night. We saw far less Tampa 2 and a lot more blitzing and trying to get after the QB with the linebackers up and leaving the cornerbacks in man coverage and they got burned. Maybe now people understand why the Colts were playing that way on Monday Night because it's pretty clear the secondary is not good enough to play to play man coverage.

Also once again we saw how many missed tackles? Again that goes on players not the coaching. Also I hate to say this but Lacey is our second best corner because Johnson and Rucker were getting torched just as much. I can't even begin to guess how bad Kevin Thomas must be if he can't even dress with those guys going. The secondary needs some major work in the off-season because there isn't much they can do about it right now.

The coaches did adjust they tried different corners out there today and all of them were getting burned except for Powers who missed the few tackles he had a chance to make. We just don't have good enough players in the secondary.

Also I know I am going to hear it from Polian but I really don't want this defense is not built to play with a lead right now. They have had a double digit lead the past two weeks and the players on the field blew it. They are built for Freeney and Mathis to get a pass rush and if they don't we are in big trouble on defense.

On the other side of the ball the Colts had a great game plan on offense and a make shift o-line played really well. They scored 24 points with a back up QB. I am sorry but if that isn't enough to win the main problem isn't the offense. We had two major problems on offense today, the Addai injury which you can't do much about and then the drops by Clark. I want to be clear this is coming from someone who is a huge Dallas Clark fan to the point he's my favorite player and who rags on Garcon about his drops. Clark's drops killed the offense in the second half. I know that's not anything shocking. If he makes those catches the drives keep going and we spend more time on the field. Once again it was the players on the field who didn't make the plays.

The coaching isn't the issue right now it's the players aren't playing well enough and this goes on them. The players are playing hard they just aren't that good. If people want to blame Polian for that go for it he gets the players. With that said some of it (namely the run defense) is due in part to the fact we are missing three key players in Brackett, Foster, Nevis up front. With that said, just because the players aren't playing well doesn't mean they aren't playing hard and the reaches people are making to blame the coaching staff and not blame the players just blows my mind.

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I personally am not a fan of this coaching staff and I think we need to get some new personnel for next season. All the way from special teams, to D, and to head coach. I think at one point the Colts opponents starting field position for kickoffs was like almost the 30 yard line. How does this happen when McAfee is kicking the ball 5-7 yards into the endzone?

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Good night people we don't have good enough players. The game plan was there the guy just aren't maing plays. That goes on the players not the coaches for that.

Honestly the coaches adjusted the way people wanted them too after Monday Night. We saw far less Tampa 2 and a lot more blitzing and trying to get after the QB with the linebackers up and leaving the cornerbacks in man coverage and they got burned. Maybe now people understand why the Colts were playing that way on Monday Night because it's pretty clear the secondary is not good enough to play to play man coverage.

Also once again we saw how many missed tackles? Again that goes on players not the coaching. Also I hate to say this but Lacey is our second best corner because Johnson and Rucker were getting torched just as much. I can't even begin to guess how bad Kevin Thomas must be if he can't even dress with those guys going. The secondary needs some major work in the off-season because there isn't much they can do about it right now.

The coaches did adjust they tried different corners out there today and all of them were getting burned except for Powers who missed the few tackles he had a chance to make. We just don't have good enough players in the secondary.

Also I know I am going to hear it from Polian but I really don't want this defense is not built to play with a lead right now. They have had a double digit lead the past two weeks and the players on the field blew it. They are built for Freeney and Mathis to get a pass rush and if they don't we are in big trouble on defense.

On the other side of the ball the Colts had a great game plan on offense and a make shift o-line played really well. They scored 24 points with a back up QB. I am sorry but if that isn't enough to win the main problem isn't the offense. We had two major problems on offense today, the Addai injury which you can't do much about and then the drops by Clark. I want to be clear this is coming from someone who is a huge Dallas Clark fan to the point he's my favorite player and who rags on Garcon about his drops. Clark's drops killed the offense in the second half. I know that's not anything shocking. If he makes those catches the drives keep going and we spend more time on the field. Once again it was the players on the field who didn't make the plays.

The coaching isn't the issue right now it's the players aren't playing well enough and this goes on them. The players are playing hard they just aren't that good. If people want to blame Polian for that go for it he gets the players. With that said some of it (namely the run defense) is due in part to the fact we are missing three key players in Brackett, Foster, Nevis up front. With that said, just because the players aren't playing well doesn't mean they aren't playing hard and the reaches people are making to blame the coaching staff and not blame the players just blows my mind.

ok would someone please explain this great game plan. please anyone, there are a few few of you seeing things the majority of us are not. please explain what trhe second half game plan was. atleast we did nt play 22 yards off the ball this week. there have been numerous poor decisions already this year. so give a few great moves the stoic coach has pulled off this year. please because caldwell is obviously the next chuck knoll and will someday be

a more common name than lombardi. what am i missing. i have have been around football my whole life. it is apparent caldwell is in over his head.

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No matter who was in there, peyton or no peyton he wouldnt be able to cover up what the defense did today... listening to polian right now and he is actually emulating what alot of ppl are saying right now.. the secondary was dispicable and painter in his words "was flawless"... not even peyton could have done anything.

I respectfully think you're wrong. Manning would have probably covered up the defense's flaws by going out and scoring another 21 points in the second half

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I respectfully think you're wrong. Manning would have probably covered up the defense's flaws by going out and scoring another 21 points in the second half

Not if Dallas Clark dropped the passes he was dropping for Painter today. One was a hard catch and I could have lived with that if it was the only drop he had. The others Peyton couldn't have thrown better than Painter did and Clark just dropped them and they were drive killers regardless of who the QB was.

Painter had one really bad threw where he over threw Wayne. Other than that he played very well today.

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All the sports analysts are saying that Caldwell's job is safe because of the "Manning crutch". I whole heartedly agree with you that he needs to go. But the injury bug has hit us too...but it does every year. The conservative play calling in the second half was frustrating to say the least.

As a fan I am at a loss....pardon the pun....I do not know what has to give to get rid of this ^^^ guy and the baggage he brought with him. We as fans deserve better...and our beloved players deserve better too!

:nono2: :cussing:


green bay was banged up last year. pittsburgh is banged up this year. they can win. no excuses.
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I agree that our coaches are sub-par at best. Unfortunately, nothing will change.

I do think Painter has potential under the right system. It's not the Polian system.

+1 to you...Nothing will change...just like our coaches don't make any adjustments to the terrible schemes that let other teams march up and down the field on us. Like in the second half, you know that KC went into the locker room at half and adjusted what they were doing on offense. We come out with the same terrible tampa 2 and when KC starts marching on us, do we adjust? The end result speaks for itself. We have good talent on defense but they are stuck in a complete FAIL scheme.

Edited by Truebluefan85
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Why does this same argument break out every week? Some blame solely the coaches and others blame the players. The fact is, it's on both the players and the coaches. The team simply is not very good and it is abundantly obvious that the coaching staff can not make adjustments on the fly. Once again Caldwell and staff had an ultra conservative gameplan after halftime and either flat refused to change as KC was lighting it up, or they just do not have the coaching know how to do so. Either way it's inexcusable. This team IMO has became very complacent and except for a few players, they look like they just don't care at all. Today was a disgusting display of incompetence from everybody.

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Lacey is still starting because Johnson and Rucker are worse. Watch them play. They are getting burned too. Also Polian doesn't decide who plays Caldwell does.

Justin Tryon was let go because based on reports he was upset about not starting. He wasn't starting because when they would play him he was getting burned too.

Also the owner said TWICE it is Caldwell who makes the call on who plays and who doesn't. Some fans just choose to ignore that because it doesn't support their arguement against Polian. It's very possiable Tryon was just disgruntled about being released.

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I wonder if anyone still going to say is not Caldwell fault. That stupid :censored: punted the ball & let the Chiefs run the time out! wth!!! Did he not see our Defense couldnt stop Chiefs at all the 2nd half..

This is exactly what I meant when I said he doesnt possess the intestinal fortitude to ever gamble like a gunslinger. He is gutless.

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I wonder if anyone still going to say is not Caldwell fault. That stupid :censored: punted the ball & let the Chiefs run the time out! wth!!! Did he not see our Defense couldnt stop Chiefs at all the 2nd half..

That would be great if it was true but it's not...we didn't punt. We went for after the off-sides and didn't complete the pass and gave the ball up on downs.

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Lacey is still starting because Johnson and Rucker are worse. Watch them play. They are getting burned too. Also Polian doesn't decide who plays Caldwell does.

Justin Tryon was let go because based on reports he was upset about not starting. He wasn't starting because when they would play him he was getting burned too.

Also the owner said TWICE it is Caldwell who makes the call on who plays and who doesn't. Some fans just choose to ignore that because it doesn't support their arguement against Polian. It's very possiable Tryon was just disgruntled about being released.

How are you so 100% sure that Irsay is telling the truth? Do you honestly believe he would actually admit that Polian was calling the shots? If you believe that Irsay is always honest about the inner workings of the Colts FO you are being very naive. You can say "Irsay hasn't lied to us fans before" but the truth is, you have no idea if thats true or not.

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This was not caldwell's fault at all, this was all on the defense.. they have to get better on the field. The coaches actually had a good game plan but the defense just got outplayed.

Caldwell is the Head Coach. He is responsible for the team. If he sees something wrong in the defense he just doesn't ignore it. He gets with his DC and come up with ideas. Everyone in the stadium could see the defense dying out there. Where is the HC to help his team?

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