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You can play as Jim Irsay in the next Madden.

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First of all, apologies if this is in the wrong section. I am unsure.

With the additional of owner mode in madden this year, we will be able to assume the role of Mr Irsay. Don't think there will be an option for cryptic tweets about mystery receivers though.

Also, sorry Colts fans. But in my game the colts will be moving across the Atlantic to become the Dublin Colts!


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I wish I had your resolve. I need some sort of football fix to procrastinate with come exam time!

Well said, as soon as August comes around I'm itching for football and I buy Madden, Play Madden, and become disappointed in Madden...... In that order

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Yeah, not getting this Madden this year


Sound like me when COD comes out. Every year since moder warfare 2 I have said I will not get this game. Yet, sadly, I am there buying it almost every release haha.

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Sound like me when COD comes out. Every year since moder warfare 2 I have said I will not get this game. Yet, sadly, I am there buying it almost every release haha.

Naw not me. When I say I'm not getting a game, I mean it. I said I wasn't gonna buy Madden 13 with my money.

And what do you know? I got it as a gift. See? I stuck to what I said technically

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Sound like me when COD comes out. Every year since moder warfare 2 I have said I will not get this game. Yet, sadly, I am there buying it almost every release haha.



yeah same here lol, and now ill prob break down and buy COD Ghost lol. 

You guys are disappointed with COD?  In what regard?  I didn't buy the last one because it looked too "futuristic" with some of the weapons and I didn't like that, but the previous ones (Black Ops, etc.) what were ur beefs?  Do u multiplay or strictly story mode?

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I do the sane every year then get burnt out quick and let it collect dust

I tell you what for the money Skyrim has me still playing that game and I'm easily 50hours in. . . .I can honestly say that the only other game that has kept me that involved has been the GTA series which comes out in August!  Already pre-ordered!

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Well said, as soon as August comes around I'm itching for football and I buy Madden, Play Madden, and become disappointed in Madden...... In that order


Sounds about right... although I become disappointed in myself for buying Madden again between steps one and two.

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yeah same here lol, and now ill prob break down and buy COD Ghost lol. 

I told myself I wouldn't haha.


Naw not me. When I say I'm not getting a game, I mean it. I said I wasn't gonna buy Madden 13 with my money.

And what do you know? I got it as a gift. See? I stuck to what I said technically

Well you have more willpower than me my good sir.


You guys are disappointed with COD?  In what regard?  I didn't buy the last one because it looked too "futuristic" with some of the weapons and I didn't like that, but the previous ones (Black Ops, etc.) what were ur beefs?  Do u multiplay or strictly story mode?


 Because Treyarch has focused too much on putting in new stuff and the simple things that made mod2/cod4 good were all but gone(The spawn systems, gun balancing, etc etc). Just way too many ways you can play like a scrub and be good at the game(Cod4 you pretty much could only camp or use OP guns, mod2 there was only OMA tubing added to the scrub tactics). b ops 1 had the best story mode in the franchise, but the MP was lacking(Every gun was the same by the time they got done tweaking the guns to players liking). mod3 was just an insult to cod4/mod2(Terrible maps/graphics, only a couple good guns worth using, put too much effort into the scorestreak system). Black Ops 2 isn't as bad as b ops 1/mod3 and I do enjoy playing it in spurts, but not like cod4/mod2 where I'd spend hours(Got 10th prestige legit in only a couple months and did GameBattles for it as well).


I tell you what for the money Skyrim has me still playing that game and I'm easily 50hours in. . . .I can honestly say that the only other game that has kept me that involved has been the GTA series which comes out in August!  Already pre-ordered!



I feel you on that. I play TES games, Mass Effect series is great too just started those and am hooked, and Far Cry 3 as well as Assasins Creed 3 are good(Whole series for both honestly).

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I tell you what for the money Skyrim has me still playing that game and I'm easily 50hours in. . . .I can honestly say that the only other game that has kept me that involved has been the GTA series which comes out in August! Already pre-ordered!

I agree 100% I have got more then my money's worth out of skyrim I love that game I played oblivion for a LONG time lol and have done the same with skyrim

Actually getting me a new game tomorrow gonna get injustice gods among us

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My only problem with Assasins Creed is it got so very repetitive IMO.  I haven't touch Mass Effect or Far Cry.  I will eventually pick up Bioshock infinite as that looks awesome as well.


I told myself I wouldn't haha.


Well you have more willpower than me my good sir.



 Because Treyarch has focused too much on putting in new stuff and the simple things that made mod2/cod4 good were all but gone(The spawn systems, gun balancing, etc etc). Just way too many ways you can play like a scrub and be good at the game(Cod4 you pretty much could only camp or use OP guns, mod2 there was only OMA tubing added to the scrub tactics). b ops 1 had the best story mode in the franchise, but the MP was lacking(Every gun was the same by the time they got done tweaking the guns to players liking). mod3 was just an insult to cod4/mod2(Terrible maps/graphics, only a couple good guns worth using, put too much effort into the scorestreak system). Black Ops 2 isn't as bad as b ops 1/mod3 and I do enjoy playing it in spurts, but not like cod4/mod2 where I'd spend hours(Got 10th prestige legit in only a couple months and did GameBattles for it as well).




I feel you on that. I play TES games, Mass Effect series is great too just started those and am hooked, and Far Cry 3 as well as Assasins Creed 3 are good(Whole series for both honestly).

:thmup::woah::hat:.  I think I finally stopped playing at level 45 I think on COD.  Ghost looks pretty good but I'm leary of it.  I think that they need to put more into the story mode and stop tweaking the MP.  It got so annoying with the kill streaks after awhile, I think that was the ultimate demise for me.  I just can't wait for ps4 :yay:

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Just had a look on my xbox live rewards stats and in the last 6 months i have played nearly 500 hours of madden.


I will be definitely be getting the game.


Really want to move a franchise to London (even though i'm not from there its still the closest thing and its a franchise in the uk) but i really don't want to move the colts. Any suggestions on who i should move?

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I think the mode sounds fun. I haven't played since like 06 or something, and my favorite mode had always been franchise mode. I loved taking my team through the season then the ensuing offseason to do FA, draft, and training camp where you could improve your players' stats. I can only imagine many things could have changed since then, but I'm excited to actually get a Madden game again. Also Kudos to some of gamers in this thread. You all have good taste.

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As I own an Xbox, NCAA games are unavailable in my region :(

The only game Ireland ever gets is Navy vs Notre Dame!

Yeah same it's really annoying. I have tried for ages to get a NCAA game but just can't seem to get it, even on the internet i have no luck. Any idea why you can't get them but you can get madden?

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Yeah same it's really annoying. I have tried for ages to get a NCAA game but just can't seem to get it, even on the internet i have no luck. Any idea why you can't get them but you can get madden?

NFL is becoming huge in the UK, with tv deals with the bbc and games in the UK annually now. The college game gets little to no coverage this side of the pond, and any that are on ESPN are either the middle of the day or middle of the night. Just not a big enough market for them in Europe. Next gen I will be getting a PlayStation, they are regionless.

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I've never played NCAA. It looks worse than Madden to me.

What do you prefer about it?

Gameplay, Presentation, & unpredictable

On Madden, it's kinda repetitive in the franchise or as they call it connected careers now. The same teams make the playoffs and it starts to bore me. Especially when I use the Colts, the Texans, Jags, & Titans NEVER change their roster on mine. Like I expect a better QB than Gabbert but nope, they make him the starter every year so they never win more than 4 games. I expected the Titans to get a new QB too but nope they keep Locker and he never wins them more than 6 games. Texans are also repetitive cause they refuse to get a good WR opposite A. Johnson. It was a time where they had Braylon Edwards as their #2 and I was just so disgusted with them for that so I skipped that game. The Texans usually only Win 8-9 games a year. So there's that division, if I hit 10 wins I'm pretty much AFC South champs. Where's the fun in that?

NCAA, you never know who will make the BCS Top 10 rankings. One year Alabama could be out of the Top 25 & Southern Miss could be in the Top 5. It's just exciting to me cause I never know what to expect from other schools.

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Gameplay, Presentation, & unpredictable

On Madden, it's kinda repetitive in the franchise or as they call it connected careers now. The same teams make the playoffs and it starts to bore me. Especially when I use the Colts, the Texans, Jags, & Titans NEVER change their roster on mine. Like I expect a better QB than Gabbert but nope, they make him the starter every year so they never win more than 4 games. I expected the Titans to get a new QB too but nope they keep Locker and he never wins them more than 6 games. Texans are also repetitive cause they refuse to get a good WR opposite A. Johnson. It was a time where they had Braylon Edwards as their #2 and I was just so disgusted with them for that so I skipped that game. The Texans usually only Win 8-9 games a year. So there's that division, if I hit 10 wins I'm pretty much AFC South champs. Where's the fun in that?

NCAA, you never know who will make the BCS Top 10 rankings. One year Alabama could be out of the Top 25 & Southern Miss could be in the Top 5. It's just exciting to me cause I never know what to expect from other schools.

You would hate European sports where there is no draft system and salary cap!

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