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Curtis Painter


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We've seen Painter, and under no circumstances should he be allowed near the ball. We've had two seasons of stellar performances (sarcastic) in relief of Peyton and in pre-season, and he's been out performed each time by QB's that were cut. We should have kept Branstader <sp> and/or Orlovski and tossed Painter.

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Playing Painter isn't going to fix the real problem which is the o-line. When Collins had time to throw on Sunday he did fine. Yes he had a couple of timing issues but that's going to come and let's face it based on what we saw in three pre-season games I don't think Painter's timing is much better because just because he's been here longer does not mean he's gotten to work with the first teamers to get the timing down. It's been widly reported that Manning takes all the snaps in practice when he's healthy so really the only edge Painter has on Collins is the time with the playbook, I think the skills and years Collins has spent playing QB in the NFL off sets that and he can learn a playbook, Painter can't learn how to be a better player than he is.

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If Peyton is out for an extended period of time, it'll happen. Collins is 38, immobile, and injury prone.

Uh the last part isn't really true. Collins has never really had a major injury in his career. With that said I don't care who the QB is if you let them get hit like we did with Kerry on Sunday they are going to get hurt sooner or later.

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Calm down boys, it is one game.

Collins played pretty well, given he had zero time to throw. Manning would have looked bad with that offense line.

Colts were clearly out coached, having Dallas Clark blocking the Pro Bowl DE, NO EXCUSE from management, it happen several times.

Given Collins a few outings and you guys will be changing your mind, besides, we know what Painter can do, that is NOTHING.

You guys need to learn patients, it may take a couple games, but give Collins a chance man....

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Playing Painter isn't going to fix the real problem which is the o-line. When Collins had time to throw on Sunday he did fine. Yes he had a couple of timing issues but that's going to come and let's face it based on what we saw in three pre-season games I don't think Painter's timing is much better because just because he's been here longer does not mean he's gotten to work with the first teamers to get the timing down. It's been widly reported that Manning takes all the snaps in practice when he's healthy so really the only edge Painter has on Collins is the time with the playbook, I think the skills and years Collins has spent playing QB in the NFL off sets that and he can learn a playbook, Painter can't learn how to be a better player than he is.

Concurred, well said, amazing how short sighted fans get about QB's, give Collins a break. These will be the same fans that will be changing their minds in a couple weeks. We are in the WORLD OF INSTANT GRATIFICATION, patients people......

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It would be nice to get him in to the fight but resistance from many of the players would be huge, receivers for example would not like risking all to train a new kid. Blockers also may not like it. EVERYONE agrees Indy is paying the heavy price for building an organization around one player.

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Uh the last part isn't really true. Collins has never really had a major injury in his career. With that said I don't care who the QB is if you let them get hit like we did with Kerry on Sunday they are going to get hurt sooner or later.

That's fair, but he has gotten nicked up a few times. My point wasn't that he'd be put on IR or something, rather that Painter will likely get his chance, either through getting nicked up (which has happened to him a time or two, behind better lines) or just outright benching (like in Oakland when he was benched for Marques Tuiasosopo.)

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That's fair, but he has gotten nicked up a few times. My point wasn't that he'd be put on IR or something, rather that Painter will likely get his chance, either through getting nicked up (which has happened to him a time or two, behind better lines) or just outright benching (like in Oakland when he was benched for Marques Tuiasosopo.)

Not really, he's been sorta Manning like in terms of injuries. He's gotten benched for not playing well at times but he's never really had any kind of injury that has caused him tom iss time.

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It's best to just let collins get out there and play himself into shape and learn under fire. Painter would not have played any better that Collins in Game 1. However, the difference is that everybody knows that Collins will get better.

Nooo they dont, the biggest problem with collins is he is inaccurate and holds on to the ball too long.

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I don't think Painter is the answer -- at least not to the question of "who should the be the starting QB".

However -- If things keep going on like they are and they find themselves 0-4....or even worse 0-5 after the Chiefs game there isn't any reason not to throw Painter out there.

I'd stick with Collins for another couple of games, but a few more loses and there won't be any reason not to play Painter and reap any benefits that may come from it.

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Although I'm still not in the Painter camp, I will say that at least if he does come in, the pressure is off. He won't get boo'd incessantly this time around and should be able to focus better. That being said, if the Colts thought he had the talent to be the future starting quarterback, he'd be in there right now. Obviously the Colts have no faith that Painter has the skills to play in the NFL as anything but a clip board carrier.

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I don't think Painter is the answer -- at least not to the question of "who should the be the starting QB".

However -- If things keep going on like they are and they find themselves 0-4....or even worse 0-5 after the Chiefs game there isn't any reason not to throw Painter out there.

I'd stick with Collins for another couple of games, but a few more loses and there won't be any reason not to play Painter and reap any benefits that may come from it.

Why should we risk going on a losing streak?

Why not take the gamble and see what our other quarterback can bring to the table?

What if he goes out there and surprises us?

What if we don't have to go 0-4?

Collins has now played as many regular season games as Painter has.

I'm not impressed.

We are going to lose to the Steelers if Collins plays. So if we lose to the Steelers with Painter playing, is that really so bad? At least we gave him a shot...

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Why should we risk going on a losing streak?

Why not take the gamble and see what our other quarterback can bring to the table?

What if he goes out there and surprises us?

What if we don't have to go 0-4?

Collins has now played as many regular season games as Painter has.

I'm not impressed.

We are going to lose to the Steelers if Collins plays. So if we lose to the Steelers with Painter playing, is that really so bad? At least we gave him a shot...

I just noticed that and its true, i mean if im painter i would be ticked i mean how you gonna bring a guy in here who is obviously still lacking and not put me in... a 38yr old over a 26yr old? the colts look like they wanna tank it lol jk

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I think Painter should be the starter for the first month or so of the season to give collins time to get used to the offense. First of all, Colts need to run the no huddle offense which Collins clearly can not do and Painter can. Also, Painter is more mobile than collins which is important because the pocket is going to collapse (like it often did yesterday). I know Painter has been horrible but I think the logical thing to do would be to start the QB who knows the playbook. Throwing to Wayne every play (like collins did yesterday) looks great for fantasy football but it wont win games.

....no....no way......NO....NOO Painter sucks end of story

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I'd rather see Painter just because I've seen enough of Collins. Painter did show some signs in that GB preseason game. If we lose with Painter we'll lose with Collins.

Well Painter didn't do anything until the GB game and then he knew that Collins was already here and paid that large sum of money. If he had shown the coaches and FO that he could do it before they went after Collins they would have started him and kept Orlovsky and saved a bunch of money. I guess he shot himself in the foot so to speak. JMO of course.

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Well Painter didn't do anything until the GB game and then he knew that Collins was already here and paid that large sum of money. If he had shown the coaches and FO that he could do it before they went after Collins they would have started him and kept Orlovsky and saved a bunch of money. I guess he shot himself in the foot so to speak. JMO of course.

Basically I figure this. Painter should start regardless of bad preseason as these QBs can get good with real game time. But that would be if it was known PM would be out for the season. Since they didn't know PM's return and maybe assumed 4 weeks...the intent was to go with a Vet QB and maybe get to 2-2. Which of course is still possible at 0-2.

That would be the conventional wisdom

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Green Bay didn't play us in the preseason the way they played New Orleans opening night. They might not have even had a game plan in place and even then they were fairly conservative. So Painter leading the team to a "lead" in a meaningless preseason game isn't a feather in the cap.

Painter still has the pocket awareness of Ray Charles and while he's more mobile than Collins, Collins was still the best we could put on the field at that point.

I'm still amazed at the people think that we would have been within 4td's of the Packers in a real game with Painter playing if it were a regular season game.

you must be amazed that painter beat the 1st string packers in the 1st half. another collins supporter clearly. pocket awareness of ray charles? maybe u drank a 30 pack while u were watching the game . even ray charles could do better then kerry collins. Its not even the fact weve only started the season 0-2. he soo happens to overthrow every receiver in his near sighted vision. thrown for 2 touchdowns in 2 games. fumbled 2 posessions in a row. takes about 13 minutes in the pocket to decide if he should take a sack or throw it to reggie. his arm takes about 3 of those seconds as well, its like slow motion at its best. OOOHHH yeaa the guys only been with the colts for 3 weeks! he probably knows maybe 14 out of the 573 plays at his disposal. this has nothing to with a qb trying to measure up to mannings level of success. Its about making the logical decision who can benefit our team the most and give us the best chance to win. collins is a bum he hasnt been good since the year 2000. Painter has been with us 3 years and obviously knows the playbook and has better chemistry, hes younger, faster, more aware and just simply better then kerry collins at this stage. it will take collins 2 months or more to become comfortable and in sync with the team. and it will be too late by then. So my point, put painter in to go 9-7. or collins to go 2-14. any body can see this. obviously not you.

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Basically I figure this. Painter should start regardless of bad preseason as these QBs can get good with real game time. But that would be if it was known PM would be out for the season. Since they didn't know PM's return and maybe assumed 4 weeks...the intent was to go with a Vet QB and maybe get to 2-2. Which of course is still possible at 0-2.

That would be the conventional wisdom

I disagree. Conventional wisdom would be to use the QB that knows your system the most, not expect an outsider to work some magic in 2 weeks based on the sales pitch we were given about Kerry Collins. I think it would have been a better plan to let Kerry Collins learn the nuances of the system while Painter went in there for a few games in the beginning of the season. If no one can run this offense like Peyton (in Polian's words), why try and force Kerry Collins into a bad situation (so much for Kerry can learn this offense in 48 hours or whatever was said before)? If Painter stunk it up, then after a few games (say 4), Kerry would have had more time and reps under his belt to take over and be more efficient than what he has been starting the season with a handicap.

I think the management made the same knee jerk reaction that we, as fans, get accused of. If we had all this time invested in Painter who knows the playbook, our O-line deficiencies and had watched Manning from the sidelines for a long time, we could have at least given him a shot to start the season while KC was learning the offense for a few games. If Painter was as bad as management and fans thought he was w.r.t giving us a chance to win games, Kerry Collins playing with a handicap is no better but just comes with a higher price tag. Someone dropped the ball, IMO.

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I disagree. Conventional wisdom would be to use the QB that knows your system the most, not expect an outsider to work some magic in 2 weeks based on the sales pitch we were given about Kerry Collins. I think it would have been a better plan to let Kerry Collins learn the nuances of the system while Painter went in there for a few games in the beginning of the season. If no one can run this offense like Peyton (in Polian's words), why try and force Kerry Collins into a bad situation (so much for Kerry can learn this offense in 48 hours or whatever was said before)? If Painter stunk it up, then after a few games (say 4), Kerry would have had more time and reps under his belt to take over and be more efficient than what he has been starting the season with a handicap.

I think the management made the same knee jerk reaction that we, as fans, get accused of. If we had all this time invested in Painter who knows the playbook, our O-line deficiencies and had watched Manning from the sidelines for a long time, we could have at least given him a shot to start the season while KC was learning the offense for a few games. If Painter was as bad as management and fans thought he was w.r.t giving us a chance to win games, Kerry Collins playing with a handicap is no better but just comes with a higher price tag. Someone dropped the ball, IMO.

Putting Painter in first and then collins would be backwards. Painter might flop and then you're in a hole. If PM is out all season then you start painter (you assume collins is not enough to go deep in the playoffs with the current team roster). Conventional wisdom is bring in a vet for a few games to keep pace in the race till PM gets back. In that particular case vet experience far out weighs exp in the system.

Old vet QBs are typical used to fill a small time of absence of the starting QB. You're hard pressed to get 16 games out of them.

Youth (painter) would be for the season..here it's your team.

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Putting Painter in first and then collins would be backwards. Painter might flop and then you're in a hole. If PM is out all season then you start painter (you assume collins is not enough to go deep in the playoffs with the current team roster). Conventional wisdom is bring in a vet for a few games to keep pace in the race till PM gets back. In that particular case vet experience far out weighs exp in the system.

Old vet QBs are typical used to fill a small time of absence of the starting QB. You're hard pressed to get 16 games out of them.

Youth (painter) would be for the season..here it's your team.

I think what probably happened was they were trying to avoid the PR nightmare that would have come down on them if they didn't bring someone in. If Painter failed miserably it would have been even worse, knowing fan sentiment with Painter. If Collins fails, at least they can say they tried. Plus, it would have kept fans coming to the game when they know someone other than Painter is QB, at least initially :).

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Never thought I'd say this, but I want CP to start. I mean, who are we to criticize him for not playing well, in his FIRST game, vs the BEST PASS D in the league, when we were playing our PS and they were starting their Pro Bowlers? That ruined the career he MIGHT have had.

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My friends and I were talking and I was hoping someone here could fill me in about Painter. If my info is correct, it's his third year with the team and they drafted him. Now we were wondering why he doesn't start seeing as he should have spent the last two years learning the offensive system in Indy. To me this is the time to use him otherwise he's been an expensive cheerleader. It doesn't show much confidence from the FO adn coaching staff that Painter is once more, a backup without even letting him try.

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