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A new fear


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Really? I have been sporting Colt gear since the Mayflower rolled into town... I have been through "disappointment" ...

This is exciting, fresh, and FUN. You have been poo pooing this squad all year for one reason or one thing or another. I don't get it. This is not a fluke like 95 was. This team has a great YOUNG core. And above all they have a great staff, and GREAT LEADERS.

Enjoy it... This team will be fine next season. One year older and lots of cap space for the Executive of the year to play with. It's all good. They may not win 10 games but they will not be horrible either. The foundation is being built, it is a process.

"WHY NOT INDY?" you never have answered that question...

I put into Bold the comment that I agree with. And, as long as you recognize that, great.

I'm sorry you feel I've been pooh-pooing the team all year. I've just tried to temper expectations. Turns out the team is better than I thought. I don't think I'm alone. Anyone who called this didn't call it correctly because they 'knew' it.... they called it because they 'hoped' the team would be good, and it turns out, they are.

Someone who picks the winning lottery numbers didn't because they knew it... they picked the numbers they hoped would win and they did. Sometimes the long shot comes home in front. Turns out, the long shot in this race are the Colts. Great for us!

Just my two cents.

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I agree with many of your posts but this is one I can't agree with at all. Like others have already said multiple times, we can't help who we play, we can't help that other teams that we have played have turned out to be much worse than expected. Yeah, looking at the schedule with the benefit of hind sight, it's easy to say we had an easy schedule, but most didn't feel that way 4 months ago. I also don't know why anybody would be worried for the future. We have a ton of money to upgrade at almost any position we choose to do so. If anything, every other team in the division should be extremely worried that the Colts are winning already with a bunch of rookie's and mediocre players. What is going to happen once we finally get some talent blocking for Luck, whats gonna happen when we have a talented rotation on the D-line and better CB's. Things couldn't look better for the Colts future and there certainly isn't anything to worried about.

Not sure we disagree on much.

I also said we can't help who we played. It's not our fault. We didn't do the scheduling. I'm only observing the reality of what our schedule turned out to be.

We disagree about 4 months ago. I think the majority of posters here were saying we had a soft last place schedule. That was a reason why some here predicted 5-7 wins, when some of the Internet Geniuses (note my sarcasm!) were calling for the Colts to win 1-2 games and have the first overall pick for the 2013 draft as well. I never thought that.

As for the future, I also agree that it's bright. My one disagreement, at least for now, is what we can do with our roughly $40 million in Cap Money. So far, I don't think this is shaping up to be a very good Free Agent class. So, having a lot of money and not my quality players to spend it on is problematic. So, I caution that our timetable for 'Building the Monster' might take longer than some think/hope. Of course, I didn't see our success this season coming, so hopefully I'm wrong! :thmup:

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I'm not.

Our schedule is what it is. We've played the teams we were supposed to play. People keep talking about a soft schedule, but we have the same schedule as everyone else in our division, aside from two games. Have the Texans had a soft schedule? The only two games that are different are the Broncos and the Ravens. But for instance, people will remember that the Broncos finished strong, but they won't remember how the Broncos looked in September, when Manning had a "noodle arm." Meanwhile, the Dolphins have taken a step back, but when we played them, they were one of the better defensive teams in the league. You can't just take a snapshot of a team's schedule, compare it to another team's, and say "they had an easier schedule." That's not always the case.

And on top of that, the Texans play us twice. We play them twice. That somewhat makes up for the other two games of theirs that are "tougher" than our AFC placement games.

Not sure what you mean by "we barely beat very poor teams." What very poor teams have we played? The Jags? We rolled them. The Titans? Ehh, divisional games are tough. You could have said that a number of times during the 2009 season, but we WON, which is what matters. And the Lions are not a very poor team. Underachieving, maybe, but very talented, and they lost to the Titans as well, telling you something about how anyone can beat anyone else at anytime. If we had dominated all of those close games, wouldn't it lower our strength of schedule? Isn't the fact that we've had so many close games a testament to the fact that it doesn't matter who you play, so long as you win?

And here's what my point is: Our schedule is what it is. Each team in the division has basically the same schedule. If we got a couple of easier games because of our record last season, okay, fine, but that's two games out of sixteen. Literally 12.5% of the schedule. There's still fourteen other games that are locked in stone, and twelve of those are identical to the other teams in the division. Too much noise about our schedule, for my tastes, that is. If others want to downgrade the accomplishments of this team because we haven't played the teams they think we should have played, be my guest. But I personally don't buy into the "cupcake schedule" argument. We play we we're told to play, and we've won nine of thirteen games. That's a good thing.

I appreciate that you're tired of the 'cupcake schedule' comments. But that's how I see it.

It'd be one thing if we were beating other teams like we beat J'Ville down in Florida, but we're not.

Other than the solid J'Ville win, 8 of our 9 wins have come against teams that are either what was predicted for them, or they're not as good as predicted. And 8 of those 9 wins are all 7 points or less. 3 over Minn, 4 over Cleve, 6 over Tenn, 3 over Miami, 7 over Buffalo, 2 over Detroit, 4 over Tenn. And we struggle to score more than 20 points offensively.

We scored 27 yesterday vs. Tenn and 27 vs. J'Ville and in both those wins we got a defensive touchdown. So, 20 for the offense.

9 wins and we've scored roughly 30 points fewer than we've given up. There's been a lot of smoke and mirrors this season.

Again, not our fault, nothing to apologize for, but I'm trying to look at things objectively here, and not as a fan.

Apologies for being Danny-downer. And I appreciate that my view is not a popular one. I'm just offering another perspective.

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I put into Bold the comment that I agree with. And, as long as you recognize that, great.

I'm sorry you feel I've been pooh-pooing the team all year. I've just tried to temper expectations. Turns out the team is better than I thought. I don't think I'm alone. Anyone who called this didn't call it correctly because they 'knew' it.... they called it because they 'hoped' the team would be good, and it turns out, they are.

Someone who picks the winning lottery numbers didn't because they knew it... they picked the numbers they hoped would win and they did. Sometimes the long shot comes home in front. Turns out, the long shot in this race are the Colts. Great for us!

Just my two cents.

NCF you do realize you are posting on a ....


lol.... oh lordy.. some of us will be OPTIMISTIC.

And for a dude that has all of one off season to roll in preaching ... Well sorry.. if some ain't feelin your vibe.

Oh well..

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NCF you do realize you are posting on a ....


lol.... oh lordy.. some of us will be OPTIMISTIC.

And for a dude that has all of one off season to roll in preaching ... Well sorry.. if some ain't feelin your vibe.

Oh well..

Sorry, I'm not trying to be preaching.... (apparently, I'm failing) yes, I recognize this is a message board and fans will be optimistic. I try to be realistic. That's how I've always operated as a fan. I find it's easier for me to enjoy games that way.

Works for me. I realize it doesn't work for most.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, December 11, 2012 - inappropriate
Hidden by Nadine, December 11, 2012 - inappropriate

I put into Bold the comment that I agree with. And, as long as you recognize that, great.

I'm sorry you feel I've been pooh-pooing the team all year. I've just tried to temper expectations. Turns out the team is better than I thought. I don't think I'm alone. Anyone who called this didn't call it correctly because they 'knew' it.... they called it because they 'hoped' the team would be good, and it turns out, they are.

Someone who picks the winning lottery numbers didn't because they knew it... they picked the numbers they hoped would win and they did. Sometimes the long shot comes home in front. Turns out, the long shot in this race are the Colts. Great for us!

Just my two cents.

How about rolling with the flow.... ????

It is NOT about "who calls this" or "who calls that " ...

We are Colt fans here. And when some NoCal Luck fanboy rolls into "cybertown" and tells me how to be realistic with MY expectations? For MY TEAM?... Would you let me tell you what is what with Stanford Football? Although, I know could.

Well sorry,, :goodluck: (middle, not crossed)

You have whiffed on this team all year. So.. Read some more scouting reports next year and try again.

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Here's the thing.....there is no NFL team this year that is a slam-dunk "skip the formalities" shoo-in for the Super Bowl. Although the Pats looked insanely good tonight.

As it turned out, the Texans took as much of a good ole' fashioned country whippin' from the Pats tonight as we did. They also have no long glorious history of winning crucial games. Sure, they have the talent to blow us off the field....but so far they've been iffy in big games to say the least.

We have blown by everyone's expectations and we are now playing with house money....and we're about to face a Houston team that just had their focus and swagger pimp-slapped right out of them.

With 60 minutes of smart, well-executed football like Arians talked about after last Sunday's game....we can beat Houston.

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How about rolling with the flow.... ????

It is NOT about "who calls this" or "who calls that " ...

We are Colt fans here. And when some NoCal Luck fanboy rolls into "cybertown" and tells me how to be realistic with MY expectations? For MY TEAM?... Would you let me tell you what is what with Stanford Football? Although, I know could.

Well sorry,, :goodluck: (middle, not crossed)

You have whiffed on this team all year. So.. Read some more scouting reports next year and try again.

I have whiffed on this team? How about almost everybody has whiffed on this team. I don't know why you think I'm alone or even in the minority. I predicted 5-7 wins and there were lots of Colts fans who posted right here with numbers smaller than mine. I don't know why you feel the need to single me out??

But, if it makes you and others feel better to say you knew it all along, well, be my guest.

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Here's the thing.....there is no NFL team this year that is a slam-dunk "skip the formalities" shoo-in for the Super Bowl. Although the Pats looked insanely good tonight.

As it turned out, the Texans took as much of a good ole' fashioned country whippin' from the Pats tonight as we did. They also have no long glorious history of winning crucial games. Sure, they have the talent to blow us off the field....but so far they've been iffy in big games to say the least.

We have blown by everyone's expectations and we are now playing with house money....and we're about to face a Houston team that just had their focus and swagger pimp-slapped right out of them.

With 60 minutes of smart, well-executed football like Arians talked about after last Sunday's game....we can beat Houston.

I also am seeing a Texans team who is now out front. It reminds me of a time when I was driving N on I-5 in a snowstorm. I was doing about 40 and my visibility was about 10 feet beyond the front bumper. The guy behind me was riding my hiney and he finally went around me in a rush......only to immediately slow down as he was the one blazing the trail.

Houston just got a taste of leading the league in wins down the stretch. Very hard to maintain. They are a good team and will grow from it. Watts is a one man wrecking crew. No way is that guy not supplemented in some way. (JMO)

Texans are still the deeper team at this time, regardless of that woodshedding. I just hope we can keep Mandrew safe from the Wattage.

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I also am seeing a Texans team who is now out front. It reminds me of a time when I was driving N on I-5 in a snowstorm. I was doing about 40 and my visibility was about 10 feet beyond the front bumper. The guy behind me was riding my hiney and he finally went around me in a rush......only to immediately slow down as he was the one blazing the trail.

Houston just got a taste of leading the league in wins down the stretch. Very hard to maintain. They are a good team and will grow from it. Watts is a one man wrecking crew. No way is that guy not supplemented in some way. (JMO)

Texans are still the deeper team at this time, regardless of that woodshedding. I just hope we can keep Mandrew safe from the Wattage.

Good points and good analogy. Both teams will learn something about themselves this Sunday as far as how they handle adversity and success.

As far as dealing with JJ Watt....our surprising 2nd half run game this past week would go a long way in at at least keeping him off Andrew some of the time. But heck....Clay Matthews is a very similarly disruptive player and we were able to scratch that game out.

No doubt we'll need to cut out the turnovers as well in order to beat these guys....so if there is a week to play that solid 60 minutes of football Arians talked about, this is a great time to start.

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What part of "except for two games we had the same schedule as the Texans" didn't you understand or are you saying Houston had an easy schedule too?

Well..... since I didn't bring up any other team, including Houston, I don't know what to tell you.

But, if you really want to go down that road.... here's Houston's schedule with the results...

I think you'll find what they did to common opponents -- is, for the most part -- quite different than what he Colts did.

In short, they often drilled common opponents that we struggled to beat. Not every week. They struggled against J'Ville and Detroit. But they either blew-out, or defeated soundly, a number of common opponents.


I'm sorry, but I'm not looking for a fight here with anyone. I post to offer a different perspective. I do not try to change hearts and minds. I offer my two cents and people here are free to accept or reject it. Some seem to like my views, other people, not so much. That's the way it should be. I mean no offense or disrespect to anyone here.

I'm having a great time as a New Colts Fan, and I think long time Colts fans are enjoying it even more than I am -- and that's as it should be. All of you have much, Much, MUCH more invested in being a Colts fan than I do. It's not even close. And I'm happy for all of you.... thrilled, actually. Couldn't be much happier. Really.

I don't try to post too much.... just pick and choose a few spots here and there. Offer my two cents and say goodbye.

If I offend anyone, my apologies.... otherwise.... I'm just a fan....

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Well our colts are 9-4 which is greattttt but last year the Bengals finished 10 -6 with a rookie QB Andy Dalton and we will finish either 10 and 6 or 11 and 5 with our rookie QB Luck. Do you know why we both have a good record?? Our cupcake schedule is the reason. I have a bad feeling that houston will make us look like the ravens when they played them or worse. But my point is when we play a playoff team we get destroyed. I know you'll say we beat the packers but they were sucking when we played them. Now in the playoffs if we play @denver we get destroyed but other than that I am proud of our colts this year!!!


didn't bengals finished 9-7????

As far as I know...and I also checked wikipwedia, Dalton and Bengals were 9-7. 9 wins is a rookie record, that is tied by Luck last Sunday (somehow it skipped our attention)

As for cupcake schedule...in an other thread I've found summarized record of our opponents and the same stat for Broncos and Redskins. I cant recall the exact numbers, but those 2 teams have also cupcake schedule based on Ws and Ls of their opponents.

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As far as I know...and I also checked wikipwedia, Dalton and Bengals were 9-7. 9 wins is a rookie record, that is tied by Luck last Sunday (somehow it skipped our attention)

As for cupcake schedule...in an other thread I've found summarized record of our opponents and the same stat for Broncos and Redskins. I cant recall the exact numbers, but those 2 teams have also cupcake schedule based on Ws and Ls of their opponents.

No Big ben had a much better rookie record, as well as matt ryan I think. The 9 wins is a record by a rookie QB picked number 1 or number 2 overall. I think im not 100% sure.

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No Big ben had a much better rookie record, as well as matt ryan I think. The 9 wins is a record by a rookie QB picked number 1 or number 2 overall. I think im not 100% sure.

Rookie record for 1/1 pick rookies is 7 wins (Sam Bradford)

Rookie record for a QB in his rookie year is 9 wins (Dalton) Dalton was 2nd rounder (35th overall)

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Well..... since I didn't bring up any other team, including Houston, I don't know what to tell you.

But, if you really want to go down that road.... here's Houston's schedule with the results...

I think you'll find what they did to common opponents -- is, for the most part -- quite different than what he Colts did.

In short, they often drilled common opponents that we struggled to beat. Not every week. They struggled against J'Ville and Detroit. But they either blew-out, or defeated soundly, a number of common opponents.


I'm sorry, but I'm not looking for a fight here with anyone. I post to offer a different perspective. I do not try to change hearts and minds. I offer my two cents and people here are free to accept or reject it. Some seem to like my views, other people, not so much. That's the way it should be. I mean no offense or disrespect to anyone here.

I'm having a great time as a New Colts Fan, and I think long time Colts fans are enjoying it even more than I am -- and that's as it should be. All of you have much, Much, MUCH more invested in being a Colts fan than I do. It's not even close. And I'm happy for all of you.... thrilled, actually. Couldn't be much happier. Really.

I don't try to post too much.... just pick and choose a few spots here and there. Offer my two cents and say goodbye.

If I offend anyone, my apologies.... otherwise.... I'm just a fan....

No problem, opinions honored here but....

When it's all said and done the only difference is the won/loss record, there was no cupcake schedule for anyone. This team has matured all season and how they won each game along the way will be meaningless once they are qualified for the playoffs.

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I appreciate that you're tired of the 'cupcake schedule' comments. But that's how I see it.

Apparently. Nothing wrong with that, I just disagree. Obviously.

It'd be one thing if we were beating other teams like we beat J'Ville down in Florida, but we're not.

I don't see what that has to do with the strength of our schedule. As a matter of fact, if we were rolling these teams, that would be an indication that our schedule really is weak. The fact that these are close games highlights the old "any given Sunday" adage, further weakening the "weak schedule" line of reasoning.

Other than the solid J'Ville win, 8 of our 9 wins have come against teams that are either what was predicted for them, or they're not as good as predicted. And 8 of those 9 wins are all 7 points or less. 3 over Minn, 4 over Cleve, 6 over Tenn, 3 over Miami, 7 over Buffalo, 2 over Detroit, 4 over Tenn. And we struggle to score more than 20 points offensively.

We scored 27 yesterday vs. Tenn and 27 vs. J'Ville and in both those wins we got a defensive touchdown. So, 20 for the offense.

9 wins and we've scored roughly 30 points fewer than we've given up. There's been a lot of smoke and mirrors this season.

Just to highlight part of my argument: The Lions have nine losses, and eight of them were within one score (they're basically the exact opposite of the Colts at this point). Before the Lions game, many people suggested that we weren't going to be able to win, "chock it up as a loss," and we should have lost. They came out and played much better than us, because they have a really talented roster. This is part of the reason I don't buy into the strength of schedule argument.

We do struggle to break 20 points, but that's just one of our weaknesses. It's well documented, but has nothing to do with how easy or tough our schedule has been.

Again, not our fault, nothing to apologize for, but I'm trying to look at things objectively here, and not as a fan.

Apologies for being Danny-downer. And I appreciate that my view is not a popular one. I'm just offering another perspective.

If your point is that we've won nine games in an unconventional fashion, and that maybe the softer bottom half of the division has helped, okay. But that helped the Texans as well, and nobody is talking about how weak their schedule is. The Broncos have been beating up on sorry divisional opponents, but no one is talking about how weak their schedule is. And overall, the only games that you can really judge for quality are the two placement games, and that's just two games.

The schedule is the schedule. Maybe our schedule isn't as tough as the Steelers or the Bengals, but that's irrelevant. You play who you play, and that's just that. It doesn't mean anything when it's time for the playoffs to start.

If we're going to talk about our chances to do something in the playoffs, fine. We don't have a great chance, because our team has weaknesses that will hinder us from beating the top teams in the AFC. But I can't co-sign on the "weak schedule" argument.

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Apparently. Nothing wrong with that, I just disagree. Obviously.

I don't see what that has to do with the strength of our schedule. As a matter of fact, if we were rolling these teams, that would be an indication that our schedule really is weak. The fact that these are close games highlights the old "any given Sunday" adage, further weakening the "weak schedule" line of reasoning.

Just to highlight part of my argument: The Lions have nine losses, and eight of them were within one score (they're basically the exact opposite of the Colts at this point). Before the Lions game, many people suggested that we weren't going to be able to win, "chock it up as a loss," and we should have lost. They came out and played much better than us, because they have a really talented roster. This is part of the reason I don't buy into the strength of schedule argument.

We do struggle to break 20 points, but that's just one of our weaknesses. It's well documented, but has nothing to do with how easy or tough our schedule has been.

If your point is that we've won nine games in an unconventional fashion, and that maybe the softer bottom half of the division has helped, okay. But that helped the Texans as well, and nobody is talking about how weak their schedule is. The Broncos have been beating up on sorry divisional opponents, but no one is talking about how weak their schedule is. And overall, the only games that you can really judge for quality are the two placement games, and that's just two games.

The schedule is the schedule. Maybe our schedule isn't as tough as the Steelers or the Bengals, but that's irrelevant. You play who you play, and that's just that. It doesn't mean anything when it's time for the playoffs to start.

If we're going to talk about our chances to do something in the playoffs, fine. We don't have a great chance, because our team has weaknesses that will hinder us from beating the top teams in the AFC. But I can't co-sign on the "weak schedule" argument.

I think I'm doing a poor job of connecting two points. One, what I see as our soft schedule. Two, how we have performed against it. My concern (this thread was about a 'new fear'...) is that beyond winning, we're not winning with any level of command. Whereas Houston -- with pretty much the same schedule as you note -- is not only winning, they're winning convincingly. I think no one says anything about Houston's schedule because they often win big and they've beaten good teams like Chicago (when they were hot) and Baltimore (when they were playing better) and beat both pretty convincingly.

The Colts, by the same measure, seem to beat similar opponents by the skin of their chin. (or their chinny-chin-chin!)

I hope that clarifies my concerns... contrasting the two teams I think exposes the difference in my mind between Houston and Indy.

Again, just my two cents....

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Why even start talking about next year right now?

So much can happen before next years season starts and especially the different team rosters.

This is NFL and remember we were 2-14 last season and because of the draft and house cleaning, we are now one of the best teams in the league (currently among the 8 best teams based on record), but who knows, maybe some of the bad teams we face, like the chiefs, rams, oakland and titans will have a monster draft and offseason like we just had and play their butts off next year and be the big surprise of the season like we are this year.

So why even start talking next year? We could have won a Super Bowl or Luck could have been injured or something else can happen before then. It´s next year, not now.

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Don't people usually eat cupcakes?? I've personally never beat the crap out of a cupcake. It would be messy, sides they taste really good sometimes!!!!


Exactly, why mess up the icing and such. You eat the cupcake, not wonder why it's so delicious.

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I think I'm doing a poor job of connecting two points. One, what I see as our soft schedule. Two, how we have performed against it. My concern (this thread was about a 'new fear'...) is that beyond winning, we're not winning with any level of command. Whereas Houston -- with pretty much the same schedule as you note -- is not only winning, they're winning convincingly. I think no one says anything about Houston's schedule because they often win big and they've beaten good teams like Chicago (when they were hot) and Baltimore (when they were playing better) and beat both pretty convincingly.

The Colts, by the same measure, seem to beat similar opponents by the skin of their chin. (or their chinny-chin-chin!)

I hope that clarifies my concerns... contrasting the two teams I think exposes the difference in my mind between Houston and Indy.

Again, just my two cents....

Houston is easily 1 of the most balanced teams out there and have been steadily building for years, while we are more or less rebuilding. We've lost 2 more games than they have.

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I think I'm doing a poor job of connecting two points. One, what I see as our soft schedule. Two, how we have performed against it. My concern (this thread was about a 'new fear'...) is that beyond winning, we're not winning with any level of command. Whereas Houston -- with pretty much the same schedule as you note -- is not only winning, they're winning convincingly. I think no one says anything about Houston's schedule because they often win big and they've beaten good teams like Chicago (when they were hot) and Baltimore (when they were playing better) and beat both pretty convincingly.

The Colts, by the same measure, seem to beat similar opponents by the skin of their chin. (or their chinny-chin-chin!)

I hope that clarifies my concerns... contrasting the two teams I think exposes the difference in my mind between Houston and Indy.

Again, just my two cents....

I get your point; however, at the beginning of this season, many sports commentators looked at our schedule and predicted The Colt's at 6-wins max. The Colt's beat a formidable Green Bay team and, a poor Jacksonville team fairly convincingly. And remember, Jacksonville gave Houston a very good game. I highly doubt that The Colts will beat Houston twice, but I also feel there will not be any blowouts either.

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How about rolling with the flow.... ????

It is NOT about "who calls this" or "who calls that " ...

We are Colt fans here. And when some NoCal Luck fanboy rolls into "cybertown" and tells me how to be realistic with MY expectations? For MY TEAM?... Would you let me tell you what is what with Stanford Football? Although, I know could.

Well sorry,, :goodluck: (middle, not crossed)

You have whiffed on this team all year. So.. Read some more scouting reports next year and try again.

My did we get up on the wrong side of the bed today JohnDee? :funny: Looks that way to me with all your post today. :hide::peek:

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, December 11, 2012 - personal argument
Hidden by Superman, December 11, 2012 - personal argument

1 vote for insta-ban for posts of this nature.

yes, lets ban people we don't agree with. and we'll ban the people that agree with the people we don't agree with too.

maybe we can label them with a derogatory term like ..."peytonites".

we can all wear armbands to show our unison while we ban the peytonites.

and this post was liked so much it has a star.....honestly you all should hear yourselves sometimes.

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, December 11, 2012 - personal argument
Hidden by Superman, December 11, 2012 - personal argument

yes, lets ban people we don't agree with. and we'll ban the people that agree with the people we don't agree with too.

maybe we can label them with a derogatory term like ..."peytonites".

we can all wear armbands to show our unison while we ban the peytonites.

and this post was liked so much it has a star.....honestly you all should hear yourselves sometimes.

First of all the post practically defined being a Homer. Secondly, it concerns me that you went to great lengths to draw out a comparison between my post and the nazi regime, while it is a totally laughable comparison it speaks volumes as to who you are as a person. Honestly... You should hear yourself sometimes.

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I think I'm doing a poor job of connecting two points. One, what I see as our soft schedule. Two, how we have performed against it. My concern (this thread was about a 'new fear'...) is that beyond winning, we're not winning with any level of command. Whereas Houston -- with pretty much the same schedule as you note -- is not only winning, they're winning convincingly. I think no one says anything about Houston's schedule because they often win big and they've beaten good teams like Chicago (when they were hot) and Baltimore (when they were playing better) and beat both pretty convincingly.

The Colts, by the same measure, seem to beat similar opponents by the skin of their chin. (or their chinny-chin-chin!)

I hope that clarifies my concerns... contrasting the two teams I think exposes the difference in my mind between Houston and Indy.

Again, just my two cents....

Just one quick point: The Texans want to overtime with the Jags, giving up 37 points to them, a week after we beat them by 17. They lost to the Pats just as bad as we did, and they gave up 42 points in a loss to the Packers, whom we beat. So again, any given Sunday.

But I agree with all of this. Contrasting how Houston has played and the way they've won with the way we've won shows very clearly that they are better than we are. I expect them to demonstrate that further this weekend. If anyone is arguing that our results this season highlight how far we have to go to truly be a contender, I agree fully with that.

I just disagree with the thought that we're only 9-4 because we have a weak schedule.

As to your fear -- that we're not winning with command -- I agree with that as well. But I'm encouraged by the fact that we seem to have skipped a step that most young teams have trouble with: winning close games. Usually, with a rookie quarterback, new coaches, young players all over the field, new starters in other positions, etc., teams struggle to win close games. I mentioned the Lions earlier; they can't win a close game to save their lives this year. We seem the THRIVE in close games, come-from-behind situations, and so on. These are the games I thought we'd struggle with, but from Week 2, we were able to make it happen, and we've only blown one of them.

So the next step is to distinguish yourself from the lesser teams, like Houston has done, and be more competitive against the elite teams (maybe Houston hasn't done that yet, but they're much further along than we are). But we're already further along than I thought we would be at this point. Even if we're still a middle of the road playoff hopeful, that's still not bad, considering all the change this team has been through over the past couple of years.

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, December 11, 2012 - personal argument
Hidden by Superman, December 11, 2012 - personal argument

First of all the post practically defined being a Homer. Secondly, it concerns me that you went to great lengths to draw out a comparison between my post and the nazi regime, while it is a totally laughable comparison it speaks volumes as to who you are as a person. Honestly... You should hear yourself sometimes.

Yes. Because when one spouts hate and ignorance towards others, one sounds like a facist.

I don't categorize anyone here, not even you.

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No poor teams exist in the NFL with the salary cap.It is very hard to win any game. The 9-4 record for the Colts is remarkable, one of my favorite years. WIth the Colts leading the league in dead cap money, over $30 million, and still winning games is one of the best stories ever. The Colts could get into the playoffs as a wildcard, an astounding accomplishment. Could they get waxed by any of the likely playoff teams, of course (see Patriots or Jets or Bears games). If you take a serious look at their roster, who they are playing where and how they aquired many players you have one of the best NFL stories since the 49'ers won their 1st Super Bowl with 3 rookies starting in the secondary.

Great job Arians, Grigson, Pagano, and Irsay.

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As to your fear -- that we're not winning with command -- I agree with that as well. But I'm encouraged by the fact that we seem to have skipped a step that most young teams have trouble with: winning close games. Usually, with a rookie quarterback, new coaches, young players all over the field, new starters in other positions, etc., teams struggle to win close games. I mentioned the Lions earlier; they can't win a close game to save their lives this year. We seem the THRIVE in close games, come-from-behind situations, and so on. These are the games I thought we'd struggle with, but from Week 2, we were able to make it happen, and we've only blown one of them.

Good post, Super.... and you make a strong point. Somehow, we keep finding ways to win. And it's often new people every week. I mean, yes, Luck is the focal point. But it was Darius Butler making a play vs. J'Ville, and Cassius Vaughn with a pick vs. Tenn and Donnie Avery vs. Detroit and TYH vs. Buffalo and Ballard against the Titans and on and on and on....

Good teams find a way to win, so that speaks very well of the players and coaches. So, we have indeed skipped that critical step of learning how to win close games. We're doing it week after week. Let's enjoy this a few more weeks, shall we!! :thmup:

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