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This is unacceptable for a number 1 overall pick


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My only complain with Luck is his deep ball with Avery. Now read that again, I am not saying he has no deep ball im saying WITH avery.

it seems every game Avery manages to get behind the whole D 2-3 times a game, and Luck sometimes underthrows him or overthrows him or something like that. Those are game changing plays that if he makes that connection who knows what happends on those games.

of course that will come around with practice and getting to know his WR, thats why im not worried.

but cmon there is nothing, absolutely nothing else you can ask him. maybe taking a couple of checkdowns to brown that i saw vs the packers, but cmon he is a rookie

Actually, Luck overthrew Avery on Sunday

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So, if I understand you correctly (and I make no promises here) you're saying my 'eyes' are correct. My observation that it seems like our receivers are often catching the ball with DB/LB all over them is correct. And that other teams (all other teams) have more open receivers than do the Colts.

That's my take away from your comments and the chart you posted.

If that's the case, then, wow, I had no idea how right I was. Didn't expect it to be that lopsided toward the negative.

And I'd further agree with you that it's not all on Luck. I think there are a grocery list of reasons....

And it's worth keeping an eye on this as the season unfolds.

Don't know what website those stats are from, but that's a great site... thanks for taking the time...

That could easily be a conclusion to take away from it. Like I said i started with the top 10 in passing attempts, then added the rookies, then expanded to the rest of the league.

Most of it is gathered from each players passing splits via SI.com they expand on it more than other sites such as NFL/ESPN.come etc. NFLgsis.com is another site I use but it's password protected. So I basically take the information and organize it on my own.

http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/football/nfl/players/25711/passing_splits.html It takes a few days to have some of the splits to be updated, so if you look at it on Monday some of the information won't be 100% accurate.

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It's true his completion percentage it too low. However, it is not unacceptable that his completion percentage is too low since he has played 5 games as a professional QB and been part of this system for less than 6 months. If his accuracy, as well as the running game and OL, don't continue to improve throughout the season, and it carries over into next year, then it will start becoming unacceptable.

FJC, the stats on passes defended are intersting. I would think this is a product of poor running game/pass blocking, young WRs/TEs, and a general lack of chemistry between Luck and anyone whose name isn't Reggie Wayne. On a different yet similar note, I'm pretty dissapointed by the lack of impact Fleener has had thus far considering his history with Luck, size, and speed...

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To everyone complaining about luck over throwing avery on the deep ball and how he needs to be more accurate.....do you think real time game chemistry with your players grows on trees??? W

ait a minute I may be onto something here ....there is such a thing as a ticket oak right, so maybe we can grow a maturity tree outside the stadium and let the team pick a year or two off of it.....opinions??

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No I'm not a troll, and of course most of you don't get the point. All I'm saying is he needs to make smarter throws. Yes the offensive line is one of the reasons why it is 54.2, but at the same time Andrew luck is the one throwing the ball not the offensive linemen. He should have like 4 or 5 more interceptions then he does now, but thankfully those corners can't catch.

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To everyone complaining about luck over throwing avery on the deep ball and how he needs to be more accurate.....do you think real time game chemistry with your players grows on trees??? W

ait a minute I may be onto something here ....there is such a thing as a ticket oak right, so maybe we can grow a maturity tree outside the stadium and let the team pick a year or two off of it.....opinions??

I know it takes time, but you cannot be ok with being 2nd to last with a completion percentage of 54.2, no I am not ok with seeing Blaine gabbert(although is percentage is low to) ahead of Andrew luck in any passing category, same with Brandon weeden,cam newton,Michael Vick, Ryan tannehill

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I know it takes time, but you cannot be ok with being 2nd to last with a completion percentage of 54.2, no I am not ok with seeing Blaine gabbert(although is percentage is low to) ahead of Andrew luck in any passing category, same with Brandon weeden,cam newton,Michael Vick, Ryan tannehill

It will get better I assure you, just sit back for the ride and enjoy! Try not to dwell on such meaningless topics and watch this machine recreate itself, because it is a thing of beauty one day we can sit back and say we watched #12 and this young team develop into a championship team.

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If I had anything really negative about Luck right now, I think he holds the ball a little too long and/or doesn't anticipate yet with enough consistency that a route will run open. I think that is why he has db's all over his wr's. He also locks onto his targets a bit too much. All these things are rookie QB issues and he does it still better than all other rookies IMO. He will be fine, he has earned respect in this leAgue already.

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FJC, the stats on passes defended are intersting. I would think this is a product of poor running game/pass blocking, young WRs/TEs, and a general lack of chemistry between Luck and anyone whose name isn't Reggie Wayne. On a different yet similar note, I'm pretty dissapointed by the lack of impact Fleener has had thus far considering his history with Luck, size, and speed...

I believe all of those factors contribute to it. I agree.. He leads the team in dropped passes with 3 and like you said he should be the one that Luck is most in sync with based on their time together in College.

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Dont get me wrong, he is good and will improve eventually but right now Andrew luck has the 2nd worse completetion percentage in the league among 33 starting quarterbacks, at 54.2, 1st is mark Sanchez with 48.2(wow). Andrew luck needs to start making smarter and more accurate throws. Letting someone like Blaine gabbert,Brandon weeden,Alex smith,cam newton, and Ryan tannehill have higher %'s is embarrassing, he must improve

Yet when you watch Mark Sanchez and you watch Andrew Luck..............there is simply no comparison.......Andrew Luck is so much better of a quarterback even as a rookie than Mark Sanchez is it isn't even funny.....

Can his completion percentage get better....sure.....Can Tom Brady's completion percentage get better....sure........ANY QB's completion percentage can get better........SO WHAT..........completion percentage is one insignificant stat that is almost useless........how many games have we been IN...just because of Andrew Luck...never giving up and working his a$$ off......how many have the jets been in.......Mark isn't a rookie...so whats up with that........you see.....all stats can be talked about and made more or less relevant or not.......

And you pronouncing Andrew Lucks efforts as "unacceptable" seems to be inferring that you....of all people.....are the lone judge and jury on this matter and that's what you've decided........again.....SO WHAT.......just because you find something unacceptable doesnt mean it is......and in this instance you are just simply wrong. Sorry. But Andrew Luck is doing a GREAT JOB for all that is going on...rookie....only 4 games....loss of head coach.....constantly changing OL.........Heck I'm amazed at what he HAS done....and if it is any kind of sign at all of what he will become....Andrew Luck is going to absolutely great....and much sooner than later.. :whatever:

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It's way too early to judge his completion percentage in just 4 games. He is 96/177. If he had just completed 11 more passes out of those 177 he would be at 60.4%. Think about that for a second, the difference between 54% and 60% is 11 completions(roughly 3 more completions per game). Only reason I bring up 60% is because that is the highest comp % for a #1 pick (Carson Palmer (60.9) and Cam Newton(60)).

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This is unacceptable for a number 1 overall pick:

This week, he is running for:





Terrible, absolutely terrible. We should trade him for Christian Ponder or a concussed RGiii. They have the best completion % in the league.

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Dont get me wrong, he is good and will improve eventually but right now Andrew luck has the 2nd worse completetion percentage in the league among 33 starting quarterbacks, at 54.2, 1st is mark Sanchez with 48.2(wow). Andrew luck needs to start making smarter and more accurate throws. Letting someone like Blaine gabbert,Brandon weeden,Alex smith,cam newton, and Ryan tannehill have higher %'s is embarrassing, he must improve

:lol:mod edit You sir are right! Let's trade Luck right now!

Edited by shecolt
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So, if I understand you correctly (and I make no promises here) you're saying my 'eyes' are correct. My observation that it seems like our receivers are often catching the ball with DB/LB all over them is correct. And that other teams (all other teams) have more open receivers than do the Colts.

That's my take away from your comments and the chart you posted.

If that's the case, then, wow, I had no idea how right I was. Didn't expect it to be that lopsided toward the negative.

And I'd further agree with you that it's not all on Luck. I think there are a grocery list of reasons....

And it's worth keeping an eye on this as the season unfolds.

Don't know what website those stats are from, but that's a great site... thanks for taking the time...

Is it due to the fact that Andrew has to get rid of the ball before the receivers can get open, is he throwing to the wrong read or is just because we have been up against solid pass defenders so far?

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Is it due to the fact that Andrew has to get rid of the ball before the receivers can get open, is he throwing to the wrong read or is just because we have been up against solid pass defenders so far?

A mixture of one and three with the occasional 2. I've watched every game multiple times and it's uncommon for there to be an open receiver he ignores. It happens a few times (find me a QB it doesn't happen with) but it's far from a consistent issue.

There's also the fact he's played four times against good NFL defences, give him a minute or two to adjust to the speed of the game!

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The only QB throwing the ball more times per game than Luck right now is Brees. Luck is on pace to obliterate Sam Bradford's rookie record of 590 attempts (and completions too). Strictly speaking, since Luck is on pace to throw the ball 708 times, he's on pace to break the all-time NFL record for pass attempts in a season. And he's on pace to obliterate Newton's rookie passing yardage record by about 800 yards. And Luck hasn't been constantly throwing dump-off passes and relying on a strong running game like some other QBs I could mention.

Now, obviously, he probably won't keep those paces up, but, the point is, it's Luck's arm that's put the Colts in position to win games.

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Interesting stats from CBSSports.com Colts Notebook article:

"The Colts have had 13 drives that began in the final five minutes of either the second or fourth quarters, and Indianapolis has scored 37 points. In those drives Luck is 40 of 64 for 467 yards, three touchdowns and just one interception."

Arians quote below illustrates a key reason why Luck went #1 and why picking out single stat to judge whether or not his performance is acceptable is just silly.

"The biggest play Andrew made in the game, he got hit, the ball came out, he went flying across the field, dove, and knocked it out of bounds or they would have had it right there on the 35 or 40," Arians said. "It shows his grit and his determination. He was not letting them get that ball. He got plastered. He should have been on the ground, but he knew it was out and he went and got it. I thought that was the best play, the turning point, because we wouldn't have recovered from that.”

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So it's *ic that I said Andrew luck needs to improve his accuracy?

Just something to consider....

But when you make a post -- no matter how good you think it is -- when it attracts the kind of response that you think it doesn't deserve (right now there are more than 100 responses and almost all of them are negative) then you might want to consider that perhaps it's something in your post that needs more explanation, or needs an addition, or a subtraction, or a correction, or SOMETHING.

But just responding to everyone that they're wrong and you're right is probably not going to get a favorable response.

Just some food for thought.... :thinking:

Just sayin....

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So it's *ic that I said Andrew luck needs to improve his accuracy?

I'm not going to go the route of name calling or insults. Let's just be reasonable. Future Hall of Famer, QB legend Peyton Manning threw for an unimpressive 56.7% in his rookie year. Compared to Luck's 54.2% number after only 4 games, I'd say it is unreasonable to describe this #1 overall QB selections completion percentage as "unacceptable".

Luck is a rookie. He's winning games. He's moving the ball. He's learning fast. Nothing unacceptable here.

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He does need to be more accurate. He also threw 4 or 5 very dangerous throws on Sunday that should and could have been intercepted. His long balls are not on point yet either. Oh, he also 'grins' too much, has a stupid beard, and also has shown a magical talent in driving his team up the field to win 2 games, and so close to winning three. For a rookie, he's been awesome so far. The improvements you (and now I) refer to are a by product of the shambles this team was left in by the previous management. He will only get better once he and his fellow rookies get more playing time.

But again, here we have a classic example of hightlighting a players downside (which everyone has) without counter balancing with their strong points. A next to worthless post. I can't believe I responded. Hey-ho...

Who are you to call a beard stupid? I dont care if he has a ZZ Top look as long as he keeps getting better. As far as the grin, who cares? I noticed he grinned after the hard hit and then put a frown on the Packers. If thats all you can whine about your in good shape.
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Who are you to call a beard stupid? I dont care if he has a ZZ Top look as long as he keeps getting better. As far as the grin, who cares? I noticed he grinned after the hard hit and then put a frown on the Packers. If thats all you can whine about your in good shape.

Braveheart was being sarcastic. C'mon man.....do people really need to utilize emoticons to convey sarcasm?

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Braveheart was being sarcastic. C'mon man.....do people really need to utilize emoticons to convey sarcasm?

Thanks Rukkie. I thought that was so obvious,. Then again, I thought crazycolt was just joining in? Who knows. It's not important. I think the OP needs to understand the difference beween a 'need to improve' (which he certainly does on many aspects of his play - and which he will do in due course) and what is 'unacceptable'. Only a few words with a very big difference.....

I agree re Arians, when Luck chased that fumble down. Very professional and a great great play.

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He does need to be more accurate. He also threw 4 or 5 very dangerous throws on Sunday that should and could have been intercepted. His long balls are not on point yet either. Oh, he also 'grins' too much, has a stupid beard, and also has shown a magical talent in driving his team up the field to win 2 games, and so close to winning three.

One of the most *ic posts in a while braveheart. He is a professional. Dumb dumb dumb.

:goodluck::thmup: :thmsup: ;) :highfive2: :highfive2: :clap:

Are those enough emoticons to convey jest?

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No I'm not a troll, and of course most of you don't get the point. All I'm saying is he needs to make smarter throws. Yes the offensive line is one of the reasons why it is 54.2, but at the same time Andrew luck is the one throwing the ball not the offensive linemen. He should have like 4 or 5 more interceptions then he does now, but thankfully those corners can't catch.

Offensive linemen aren't throwing, but they are providing time for passing. If LBs can penetrate our O-line easily and Luck has to run to escape sacking he simply can't throw accurate passes.

Nuff said. It isn't entirely Luck's flaw that his cmpl percentage was low, many factors are contributing to it (dropped passes, opponents' effective pass rushing, etc.). As long as O-line can't protect Luck more effectively than it does right now, this percentage won't rise drastically. On the other hand with 7 TDs Luck is more effective than Tannehill.

You can cry rivers here, but this is Lucks rookie year with a rookie team, therefore mistakes happen, accept it. There is no serious thing that should be/can be mended right now. Don't get stacked with one single stat (be it either good or bad), his overall performance is more than spectacular for a rookie.

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I think this is a case of how something was worded causing people to ignore the message. I get the OP poster's point and frankly I agree with most of it I just think he came across as a little harsher than was needed. Luck is throwing too many incomplete passes and we can sit here and say well guys drop them, or the line doesn't block well enough for him, or whatever lines we want to come up with I can promise you the Colts coaches at looking at Luck and telling him we have to improve your completion percentage. Again, it's something Luck needs to work on. With that said I wouldn't say it's unacceptable for a number 1 overall draft pick. Frankly I think it's expected for a rookie QB who is playing with mostly other rookies or guys for the most part getting their first extended action in the NFL on offense at the skill positions. Honestly the only real vets he's playing with at the skill positions are Wayne, Avery, and Brown. The rest are or pretty much are rookies. With that said it's still something that needs to get better.

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This section peeked my curiosity.

So I started looking at Passes defensed/defended which is defined by stats inc as : Any pass which a defender, through contact with the football, causes to be incomplete.

The results are not very flattering. Luck has the highest % of his attempts that have been defended by a defensive player. I started out taking the top 10 based on attempts(Luck is #10 in attempts) and Luck was ranked 10th, so I wondered if it was a rookie thing(although Weeden has more attempts(5 games), and Luck was still the lowest, so I continued digging into all 33 starers(used both Tennessee QB's[i didn't use Skilton or the Redskins qb2] since htey have limited action, and Luck ended up with the highest %.


Is that scheme? Is that accuracy issues? Is it more of an issue with WR/TE's? , Is it Arians' predictably? It might be a combination of each of those along with some other attributes.

Roethlisberger was in the bottom 5, and even though he has a new OC, their offense looks similar. Weeden, the other rookie with the most passing attempts is also in the bottom 5.

The top 2 QBs come from the WCO as do six of the top 10. I'm not certain that it is limited to Arians scheme because other offenses/teams often looked to have more wide open receivers over the years... Warner with the Rams/Cardinals always seemed to have guys that didn't have anyone near them. The same can be said for Brady and New England. Peyton always had much tighter windows to fit the ball into than Brady. So it might be a bit schematic but it is not exclusive to this years team.

By no means is this "stat" all on Luck but it is an interesting stat.

Taking the running game/O-line out of the equation and looking strictly at Andrew's passing and where he is "targeting", he seems to be a step behind in his throws. Going back and looking at the throws he makes to receivers going across the middle of the field, and particularly to Reggie on his sideline throws, he doesn't seem to lead them with the ball. He throws more at the receiver instead of out in front of them. Those passes make it much easier for defenders to knock down as well as slow the receivers up to allow the defenders to get there. He had quite a few this past weekend where Reggie caught the ball right in his chest or had to catch the ball from behind.

His deep ball to Avery this past weekend was beautiful, and was a shame that it was a little overthrown.

I don't think its really anything to worry about as I undoubtedly believe he will get better. As some have said, this is just his 4th pro game and he's playing like veteran already for the most part. This was just something that me and my father happened to notice and noticed it in other games as well. I'm completely thrilled with what Luck has been able to do so far, and once he really gets his timing down with everyone else, he's going to be a VERY dangerous QB.

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