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Jim Irsay, now (23/08)

Marcio James

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from what ive been seeing on eagles and jets forum is that freeney most likely dealt to eagles for nt cullen jenkins, also winston justice and cassius vaughn for cb kyle wilson. i think it would be a great deal trading freeney because jenkins is one of the best dt's in the nfl. he also played 3-4 for the packers and played some nt as well. as for kyle wilson he would be an immediate upgrade over any cb's on our roster except powers. justice is an average player we always can move joe reitz to and move linkenbach to lg.

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from what ive been seeing on eagles and jets forum is that freeney most likely dealt to eagles for nt cullen jenkins, also winston justice and cassius vaughn for cb kyle wilson. i think it would be a great deal trading freeney because jenkins is one of the best dt's in the nfl. he also played 3-4 for the packers and played some nt as well. as for kyle wilson he would be an immediate upgrade over any cb's on our roster except powers. justice is an average player we always can move joe reitz to and move linkenbach to lg.

Neither of those trades are based on reality.

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from what ive been seeing on eagles and jets forum is that freeney most likely dealt to eagles for nt cullen jenkins, also winston justice and cassius vaughn for cb kyle wilson. i think it would be a great deal trading freeney because jenkins is one of the best dt's in the nfl. he also played 3-4 for the packers and played some nt as well. as for kyle wilson he would be an immediate upgrade over any cb's on our roster except powers. justice is an average player we always can move joe reitz to and move linkenbach to lg.

One question, In the highly unlikely event that this even has minuscule chance of happening, why would Reitz go to RT and Linkinbach to LG. Considering Link is the backup RT and Reitz hasn't even attempted Tackle since he's been with the Colts, I think it is more likely Link would just step into the starting role at RT instead of screwing up 2 positions at once.

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Decided against making a new thread:

SERIOUS TRADE WINDS Swirling! We're talking given up high pick for SERIOUS Vet/Starter!.. these deals often crumble n don't reach completion

Sounds like he's prepping us all for the reality that this will never happen.

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intriguing.......JI seems to read these boards and saw the comments in regards to whether he was blowing this out of proportion or not...... the ( these things often crumble ) comment, while being very true..... makes me wonder if he really is pulling our leg, but I doubt he'd purposely do that with his fans/consumers...... SO...that said, bring it on Jim!!!! and if this pans out as something big, much respect for staying so connected with your franchises fan base!!!!!

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I like the Justice/Vaughn for Wilson deal, and because I like it, it's probably unlikely to happen. Seems lopsided to me.

I don't like Freeney for Jenkins, and I really can't imagine that happening.

I doubt they do the Vaugn for Wilson deal it seems a bit lopsided talent wise as far as swapping Corners the Jets would get the raw deal on that one to this point at least, Personally I like the idea of trying Reitz at Right Tackle and Justice or Tepper or Seth Olsen at Right Guard and whichever two that dont make it at Right Guard can fight it out for Left Guard, Those players I mentioned, (Tepper, Justice Olsen and Reitz) all played pretty decent vs Pitt but I still cant get the idea that Reitz is a Tackle out of my head,
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Sounds like he's prepping us all for the reality that this will never happen.

I don't think so. Theres no way he posts that just for it to not happen. I mean I know it still may not happen, but he obviously has a good feeling about whatever trade is being talked about. He wouldn't keep tweeting about it if he didn't.

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Looks like they tried for a big trade earlier in the day and it may have fallen through based on his recent tweets.

Still hoping for o-line or a corner.

This is exciting/interesting none the less!!!

I kind of agree with this. Although, this may be his way of saying "We haven't been saying much just in case it falls through"


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