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Peyton who?


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Luck would have to go back in time, and teach a 6 year old boy everything hew knows about the game by watching him play. I highly doubt that's possible.

I mean I use to sit alone in my back yards going through the passes Manning threw each game.

Like Superman said, Luck can be the greatest of all time. He doesn't touch Peyton in my mind.

True, I guess it's just your perspective. To 8 year olds around the country right now, Luck may be the big thing in their minds, the person they are learning how to play football from. It's probably awkward for the tweens though...Once they reach the draft who do they say inspired them, Manning or Luck? Rodgers or Favre? Hahaha too many franchises are getting their chance at once in a lifetime quarterbacks. Some teams are unfortunate as to have never seen one...I'm not saying Luck is a once in a lifetime quarterback after one preseason game, but if he's as good as he's made out to be, the Colts have won the lottery thrice.

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hey all . . . been away watching the Olympics over the last two weeks so been out of touch and need to respond to some threads, not sure if I'll have time tonight to get to many of them, perhaps later in the week . . . but did see this "Peyton Who?" and just had to add my two cents to the discussion . . . surely the title was not used to be disrepectful but perhaps a softer title could of been used . . .

surely it hurts to see a legend go . . . but in the rarity of having back to back QB who are both franchise QBs,it must be really exciting to see your present QB having so much promise . . . there are only so many franchise QBs and its very unlikely to be able to trade for one that is not on the back nine (for instance its unlikely a team will be able to trade for A. Rogers) so one is not going to get a franchise QB in his prime via a trade or FA . . . and as such we can only hope to built on through the draft and thus really only have the hope of great potential until that is recognize . . .

well you all have that is Luck and that must be a great feeling . . . time will tell if he fulfill that potential, but at least you can sleep at night and get exciting that the potential is sitting in the locker room . . .

Speaking of PM, he won't be forgetton about in Indy, we all know that, . . . for me I like to look to what Peyton has been able to establish in Indy and what can be passed on to Luck . . . for me I look at the cultural change in the city that Peyton help to transform it from a Basketball city to a football city . . . and Luck gets to walk into that situation . . . a new stadium, a bigger fan base, and establish record, momentun, all of which should help jump start his career . . . and even too help attract more players that might have been attracted to the team in '98 . . .

no Luck has not proven himself yet . . . but it must be exciting to look forward to a potential franchise QB in the city for the many years to come . . .

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As per topic though....no one forgot Joe Montana when Steve Young replaced him....no one has forgotten Roger Staugbach in Dallas when Aikmen came along etc etc with other teams.

We don't know what will proceed this...great...good....or bad....people haven't forgotten Favre even with Rodgers winning a championship (although its the best transition lol)...or forgotten Aikmen with Romo coming along (great stats no SB). Certainly no one has forgotten Dan Marino since....well since like 10 qbs in 10 years so there is a ton of ways this turns out....but none of them mean we will ever forget Peyton. Even if Andrew surpasses his stats like Young did with Montana and like Aikmen did with SBs the special qbs all will be remembered.

It will definately make transition from Peyton a whole lot easier to take if he plays great....but we won't forget PM...the memories....the audibles and antics at the line and the OC PM lol....honestly that is something I will cherish....and hopefully I will cherish Lucks career too!!

Great start kid!!! Something to build on....but man....a LONG way to go we all agree!!

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I seen they won and that Luck did well,told my wife this thread would be here.All i can say is some things are so predictable.1 preseason game doesnt make a career,im optimistic .Go Colts,outta here till i can watch this game!

I have such a crush on Pagano as well.

I feel like such a satisfied woman tonight thanks to this team. *happy sigh*

Yes, it was Andrew Luck's debut. A nice first on the field display, but let's not get overzealous here and erase the HOF legacy of #18 either. Peyton made INDY football a must see fan, media, & audience draw.

Jules, you always know how to loosen the grid iron mood and make me laugh. haha I expect nothing less from you. :thmup: Thank you.

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hey all . . . been away watching the Olympics over the last two weeks so been out of touch and need to respond to some threads, not sure if I'll have time tonight to get to many of them, perhaps later in the week . . . but did see this "Peyton Who?" and just had to add my two cents to the discussion . . . surely the title was not used to be disrepectful but perhaps a softer title could of been used . . .

surely it hurts to see a legend go . . . but in the rarity of having back to back QB who are both franchise QBs,it must be really exciting to see your present QB having so much promise . . . there are only so many franchise QBs and its very unlikely to be able to trade for one that is not on the back nine (for instance its unlikely a team will be able to trade for A. Rogers) so one is not going to get a franchise QB in his prime via a trade or FA . . . and as such we can only hope to built on through the draft and thus really only have the hope of great potential until that is recognize . . .

well you all have that is Luck and that must be a great feeling . . . time will tell if he fulfill that potential, but at least you can sleep at night and get exciting that the potential is sitting in the locker room . . .

Speaking of PM, he won't be forgetton about in Indy, we all know that, . . . for me I like to look to what Peyton has been able to establish in Indy and what can be passed on to Luck . . . for me I look at the cultural change in the city that Peyton help to transform it from a Basketball city to a football city . . . and Luck gets to walk into that situation . . . a new stadium, a bigger fan base, and establish record, momentun, all of which should help jump start his career . . . and even too help attract more players that might have been attracted to the team in '98 . . .

no Luck has not proven himself yet . . . but it must be exciting to look forward to a potential franchise QB in the city for the many years to come . . .


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This is a what have you done for me lately league - certainly Colts fans will never forget Manning, but I figure a day will come where most will move on and eventually stop mentioning his name every time the Colts are discussed.

I am sure it will die down some but this is the same fan base that called for us to bring back edge for years after It was clear he was done and a couple of weeks ago wanted us to go get bob sanders and bring him back. If a good chunk of our fans hold on to them I can only guess how long they will hold on to peyton even if luck is the next great one.
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Actually I make no such comments - creepy or otherwise. I couldn't care less about my wife's rare comments - it's all in good fun - but the fact is that if a porno scene spontaneously broke out on the tv while my wife was in the room, it would just make me uncomfortable. I'd either pretend it wasn't happening (not saying a word, and not even changing the expression on my face) or make some pained noises and change the channel. Cheerleaders? Maybe in high school it's kind of cute, and in college it's part of the "school spirit" that only students can bring, but on the pro level in my opinion it's one of the most absurd wastes of time, money, and space in the history of "civilization". And even ignoring being respectful to my wife, the VAST majority of them do absolutely nothing for me - just a bizarre sideshow comprised of wannabe something or others. I hate to think what it is they wannabe.

I know you don't. Sorry for giving the wrong impression

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Yes, it was Andrew Luck's debut. A nice first on the field display, but let's not get overzealous here and erase the HOF legacy of #18 either. Peyton made INDY football a must see fan, media, & audience draw.

Jules, you always know how to loosen the grid iron mood and make me laugh. haha I expect nothing less from you. :thmup: Thank you.

Exactly Brother ,bottom line what people say will never erase PM acomplishments and what hes done for the colts .He may be the single most important reason we have the fan base we do to day.Fact is his career is not over I see another SB in his future and shoe in HOF 1RST BALLOT.I know you would agree with me Brother on this,lets not disrespect the man,because we dont need to alieanate the fan base he brought and thats what some in this forum are doing to some really Good People and good fans,and some are close to leaving because of it.This is not fair to PM OR A LUCK.AL needs all the support he can get,and yes it was a great 1rst performance,and i see what the hype was about.The kid has some tools and a mind to go with them,reminds me of someone else lol,but hes got major obsticles in front of him to get to that point,years in the league and all the accolades.If he stays healthy his future is bright GO COLTS!!! PM will always have my respect and i will follow him to the end of his career.Quite frankly ive been a football fan for going on 47 years and hes the best ive ever seen!Forgive me for rambling on this post back to you my Freind,but thought i needed to say some of these things before part of our COLTS FAMILY is torn apart
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Exactly Brother ,bottom line what people say will never erase PM acomplishments and what hes done for the colts .He may be the single most important reason we have the fan base we do to day.Fact is his career is not over I see another SB in his future and shoe in HOF 1RST BALLOT.I know you would agree with me Brother on this,lets not disrespect the man,because we dont need to alieanate the fan base he brought and thats what some in this forum are doing to some really Good People and good fans,and some are close to leaving because of it.This is not fair to PM OR A LUCK.AL needs all the support he can get,and yes it was a great 1rst performance,and i see what the hype was about.The kid has some tools and a mind to go with them,reminds me of someone else lol,but hes got major obsticles in front of him to get to that point,years in the league and all the accolades.If he stays healthy his future is bright GO COLTS!!! PM will always have my respect and i will follow him to the end of his career.Quite frankly ive been a football fan for going on 47 years and hes the best ive ever seen!Forgive me for rambling on this post back to you my Freind,but thought i needed to say some of these things before part of our COLTS FAMILY is torn apart

I agree 100% Jay. I have never believed in dividing our Horseshoe fan base. This us vs. them mentality is a exercise in futility. Why divide our fan base into Manning Vs. Luck comparison? It serves no logical purpose. Yes #18 is in Denver now and yes Luck is now our field general. I want both men and their respective teams to do well. Why negatively slam either individual? Just because Luck and Manning operate different line of scrimmages now doesn't make me despise and disown one QB over another. Both squads can co-exist with an avid fan following no bitterness is necessary here whatsoever.

Thank you for your useful reminder Jay. It needed to be said. Like you, I will always respect and admire Peyton and I know, although Andrew Luck's first preseason game looked promising. It was just one game in the preseason with a vanilla defense against him. Let's wait and see how Luck performs on the NFL opening day first okay. Thank you.

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Whilst Peyton is indeed a footballing legend, I already feel that wih every passing day, the small 'failings' he had are shrinking, and his 'magnificance' is expanding. In ten years time he will have never had any poor games, and all his difficulties in the big games totally forgotten. Time is indeed a great healer.....

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Not to sound like someone stomping on the flowers but I think it's over kill of Peyton.

It's all over every national sports website and media outlet. Even when we got one year without him we had to hear about him a lot, but now that he's back you have two sides of the coin. One is just going over the moon with expectations, praying he brings as many SBs as possible to Denver, and the other is praying to see him fall.

I'm tired of hearing about him, but I wish the best to him. I can't help but comment on how Denver spent so much on him without giving him WRs or at least working on the offensive line. He's going to need guys to throw to and some protection.

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Not to sound like someone stomping on the flowers but I think it's over kill of Peyton.

It's all over every national sports website and media outlet. Even when we got one year without him we had to hear about him a lot, but now that he's back you have two sides of the coin. One is just going over the moon with expectations, praying he brings as many SBs as possible to Denver, and the other is praying to see him fall.

I'm tired of hearing about him, but I wish the best to him. I can't help but comment on how Denver spent so much on him without giving him WRs or at least working on the offensive line. He's going to need guys to throw to and some protection.

The Broncos do have receivers, and added a couple of familiar faces for Manning. And their offensive line looked outstanding against the Bears.

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The Broncos do have receivers, and added a couple of familiar faces for Manning. And their offensive line looked outstanding against the Bears.

ITA at least in the game I watched he had great protection and they will only get better like the rest of the teams in the NFL. It was the 1st preseason game for everyone. JMO of course.

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Not to sound like someone stomping on the flowers but I think it's over kill of Peyton.

It's all over every national sports website and media outlet. Even when we got one year without him we had to hear about him a lot, but now that he's back you have two sides of the coin. One is just going over the moon with expectations, praying he brings as many SBs as possible to Denver, and the other is praying to see him fall.

I'm tired of hearing about him, but I wish the best to him. I can't help but comment on how Denver spent so much on him without giving him WRs or at least working on the offensive line. He's going to need guys to throw to and some protection.

You know who I am tired of hearing about.. Tim Tebow...

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The o line does need work and so does the D. But, for some reason I think Luck can take some hits.....he will..and he is sturdy. Teams will be gunning for him more then ever now. Today will give him more buzz then ever.

BIG test next weekend in Pittsburgh. Oh boy.....thats a D I will worry about him facing.

Don't forget. This is the first time this new era took the field together. The crowd was pumped and the score was lopsided. Luck was good. This is the best thing that could have happened to our franchise today. It worked out great.

At least we all know Luck will be "prepping" for the next game''''

and not playing with is "toys"... for inspiration.

I can not wait for the Wash/Indy PRESEASON GAME.

Yes I am geeked...

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