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The Best and Worst NFL Analysts


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Who do you think are some of the best and worst NFL analysts on TV? Some of the guys I like include:

-Heath Evans


-Sapp...at times

-Moose Johnston



-Kurt Warner

-Brian Billick

-Mike Lombardi knows what he's talking about when it comes to front office/management stuff

-Solomon Wilcots

-Schefter is awesome!

Those who annoy me and I really don't like:

-Deion has an intriguing way of talking, but he says stupid stuff

-Dukes is obnoxious and annoying

-Mayock really annoys me. The more I listen to him, the more he annoys me

-For some reason, Marshall Faulk used to throw jabs in against the Colts a number of times


-Kiper usually knows what he is talking about, but he annoys me

-Matt Millen

-La Confora


-Bayless at times

-That lady they have on NFL AM is annoying

-A lot of the articles on NFL.com are poorly written. Rosenthal, Hanzus, Kim Jones, and that other lady whose name I can't say or spell properly (something like Adithya last name starts with K)

Any others to add to either list?

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As cliche as it is, I tire of hearing Bruschi on ESPN, and his consistent reference to the Patriots. Everything comes back to the Patriots. "Well when I was in New England...." I never hear Sapp, Deion, Irvin, Faulk, Thiesmann etc start nearly ever piece with "Well in StL etc" sure they mention there previous teams, but not to the extent that Bruschi does. It's mind numbing.

And before anyone starts with the "patriots hate" stuff, that is not the case. I have nothing but respect for the Patriots.

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Gosh 21, we could almost swap your list.

I really don't like Charles Davis. He doesn't have a take of his own, and he's not a very good broadcaster.

Dukes is a good broadcaster, generally I don't agree with him but he's good at his job.

Mel Kipper is just funny to me. In fact I have no clue who he really is, but he's the "authority" so deal with it.

Soloman is pretty good in the booth, bad at giving his take though.

Deion is all flash, little substance as a broadcaster, so though I don't mind his insights I find that he's lacking in any serious points. Mooch does that for him, I like him a lot. Seems like a good guy who could coach up anyone.

La Confora needs a wedgie or swirly.

Mayock is great on the playbook. Mediocre in the booth, but a good broadcaster, bad singer.

Bayless is an op-ed guy, if you can't take him with a grain of salt, it's because op-ed can cross the line. I don't care one way or the other. At best i'll pay attention at worst I change the channel (that goes for most sports and political oped for me)

Matt Millen should get the Gregg Williams treatment for what he did to the Lions. Not a bad broadcaster, but it's very difficult to take him serious.

I like Dan Dierdorf, I don't care what anyone says. He got most of the Colts games on CBS during the last decade and has an obvious crush on Manning because of it.

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As cliche as it is, I tire of hearing Bruschi on ESPN, and his consistent reference to the Patriots. Everything comes back to the Patriots. "Well when I was in New England...." I never hear Sapp, Deion, Irvin, Faulk, Thiesmann etc start nearly ever piece with "Well in StL etc" sure they mention there previous teams, but not to the extent that Bruschi does. It's mind numbing.

And before anyone starts with the "patriots hate" stuff, that is not the case. I have nothing but respect for the Patriots.

In DEFENSE of Bruschi, the Pats are the only true reference as a player he has. I also nelieve thats his way of saying thats how things were done on the team he knows of. (aka trying avoid the line in the papers "Bruschi says ALL TEAMS find the Injury report useless" ) lol

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I would add to the list:



Mike Tirico

Al Michals

Hugh Douglas

Jaws is done atm, but we can still comment on him.

I like Gruden and Jaws, they can get annoying times, but their are some lol moments when they're talking, which helps when there's some crappy teams on (like rams/seahawks). Mike does a nice job, not flashy but gets it done.

Al Michaels is my favorite, when he's broadcasting or going on radio shows and giving his take.

Mooch is good. Dieon is just annoying. Faulk does seem to take some shots at the colts. Sapp is good. Evans dont really like nor dislike. Baldy is generally pretty good. Bayless and Rob parker are annoying on first take. Stephen A smith is pretty good (except recently when he got all worried b/c of some random report that Manning wasn't throwing deep).

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Good topic 21st!! I like the Sunday ESPN crew with Chris Berman, Mike Ditka, Keyshawn Johnson, Cris Carter and Tom Jackson. Key sometimes annoys me, but as a team they are great in my book. I also like Steven A Smith's enthusiasm in debating 'the Joker' Bayless. (Steven A is more basketball though.) I a with you on Brian Billick. I am amazed he is not a HC.

I do not care for Collinsworth and Boomer Esiason......I like Phil Sims 'sometimes.' Matt Millen may be the worst ever. He says 'way too much' to say way too little.' :)

I miss Pat Summerall with John Madden too....as well as Al Michaels with John Madden I know some did not care for Madden, but he was down to earth....."BOOM" :)

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I agree with you on Millen, I can't take him seriously. I also don't like Casserly. What drives me nuts is when a reporter or journalist doesn't have a good grasp on the English language. I think it was Gregg Rosenthal who wrote an article about Ben Roethlisberger or something and was quoting the player. Ben had said something like "we should have done ___" or something to that effect that Rosenthal wrote it as "we should of done ___". Should of? "Should of" doesn't even mean anything. You're supposed to be a journalist!

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I miss Captain Obvious!! Sunday night still isn't the same without big ole Madden standing next to Al. Collinsworth was the worst choice ever to replace him. Should have picked Berman or Eisen IMO. Who doesn't love those two guys as analyst?

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That is why I kept mine simple....I am with you for sure on 'more dislikes.' :)

I guess I'll have to list a few... Then make another post as more come to mind.

I cannot stand Deion Sanders, Jamie Dukes, Dan Dierdorf. It would take a lot for someone to knock of those out of the top 3. I hate the condescending approach Mike Pierra brings to his segments as well. Jim Nantz calling a Patriots game is on the list, but he is tolerable if he's calling any other team. I'm not a fan of Mike Tirico.

I like Irvin Sapp. Aikman, Johnston, & Mayock. Siragusa is up there too.

I wish Gruden was not held back and wasn't inhibited. If people have an issue with his salty language then they need to get over it..

I was watching a feed of a MNF game where I think it was the Patriots playing whoever, and this feed didn't have commercials and you actually got to here the banter between Jaws/Gruden & Tirico and each were riding Gruden about the Tuck play, well he was going off on each of them and it would have been a solid line of "beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep", if it would have been a real broadcast because he laying it on each of them. I wish I had access like that every week.

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I guess I'll have to list a few... Then make another post as more come to mind.

I cannot stand Deion Sanders, Jamie Dukes, Dan Dierdorf. It would take a lot for someone to knock of those out of the top 3. I hate the condescending approach Mike Pierra brings to his segments as well. Jim Nantz calling a Patriots game is on the list, but he is tolerable if he's calling any other team. I'm not a fan of Mike Tirico.

I like Irvin Sapp. Aikman, Johnston, & Mayock. Siragusa is up there too.

I wish Gruden was not held back and wasn't inhibited. If people have an issue with his salty language then they need to get over it..

I was watching a feed of a MNF game where I think it was the Patriots playing whoever, and this feed didn't have commercials and you actually got to here the banter between Jaws/Gruden & Tirico and each were riding Gruden about the Tuck play, well he was going off on each of them and it would have been a solid line of "beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep", if it would have been a real broadcast because he laying it on each of them. I wish I had access like that every week.

Gruden has really grown on me....your Deion. Dukes and Dierdorf to me are spot on....I will add Warren Sapp to that only because he always is shaking his head no before other analysts speak. :) I really used to enjoy the pleasant nature of Dick Enberg and Merlin Olsen...they had fun together.
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Gruden has really grown on me....your Deion. Dukes and Dierdorf to me are spot on....I will add Warren Sapp to that only because he always is shaking his head no before other analysts speak. :) I really used to enjoy the pleasant nature of Dick Enberg and Merlin Olsen...they had fun together.

The only reason I like Sapp is that I think he speaks what he is thinking. I get what you are saying about the shaking of the head and his somewhat stuttering oh oh oh n-n oh no... when someone else is talking but for content purposes I think he doesn't hold back.

Enberg & Olsen are from a different era. I also liked Summerall & Madden being paired together, but didn't like either all that much when they were paired with others..

Dilfer is good. I like Mooch.. Billick is one of the best even though he talks over the head of a lot of people, but that happens.

Beuerline and Pennington are both underrated analysts.

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This is a great question because it works on 3 levels. 1. Who can break down schemes, formations, and gap control the best on the field? 2. What broadcasters use language and imagery the best to illuminate the NFL GameDay experience for those individuals who can't occupy a seat in the stadium right now? 3. What analysts are so miserable at their current gig you are amazed that they still receive a paycheck for their football knowledge?

Best masters of the human language during football games/game day analysis: Pat Summerall, Al Micheals, Tom Waddle, and Rich Eisien.

Best grid iron X's and O's guru's: Mike Mayock, Mark Schelerth, Phil Simms, Howie Long, Charles Davis, Eric Mangini, Tedi Bruschi, Chris Berman, Matt Light, and Sean Ohara.

How do they still get paid: Deion Sanders, Cris Collinsworth, Terry Bradshaw, Keyshawn Johnson, Jerry Rice (great WR poor analyst skills), Warren Sapp ( love his candor; hate his speaking voice.)

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McGinest - a bit Patriots-biased, but other than that...

Daryl Johnston

Brian Billick

Mike Mayock

Al Michaels

Absolutely hate:

Deion Sanders - Annoying, talks crap about others then reverses his opinion when he faces them (i.e. Peyton i 2010)... what a coward!

Warren Sapp

Mel Kiper

Charles Davis - Very visible before and during the draft, but he just jumps on the bandwagon and has no personal opinion or great knowledge (or so it seems)

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i like trent dilfer...i wish chris berman would die a slow painful death

If Chris Berman would spend less time making up nicknames and those silly little noises, and focus on what is happening he wouldn't be that bad. Emmit Smith was another one that annoyed me greatly. The guy is a great player, but sucked as a analyst. ESPN has a lot annoying people... Thankfully, Jaworski is gone from MNF. I like Gruden a lot.

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As far as studio guys, I'm almost to the point of not watching any of the pre-game coverage. My list of those who need to find other work are:

Chris Berman - as stated earlier, the nickname thing is way old and I can't understand half of what he's saying, because he growls most of the time.

Stuart Scott, Skip Bayless and Stephen A. Smith - ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just because you say it louder, doesn't mean you know what you're talking about!

I don't expect ex-players to be great on TV, but Shannon Sharp needs to go....again, can't understand what he says most of the time. Others are tolerable.

In game announcers that irritate are Collinsworth, Simms, Deirdorf, Millen and anyone with the last name of Albert (fake sounding voices, and they all sound alike)

I think the studio crews are just too large....too many guys trying to talk, and they think they have to be comedians, too.

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Michael Irvin's obnoxious behaviour and Cowboys homerism drive me nuts

I used to say that but I think he's grown up some.

My faves are Aikman, Gruden, Jaws, Collinsworth, Steve Young, Trent Dilfer, Mark Schlereth, T. J. I'm sure I'm missing some.

I cannot stand Skipp Bayless. He only exists to antagonize me. He makes Stephen A Smith look reasonable.

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I used to say that but I think he's grown up some.

My faves are Aikman, Gruden, Jaws, Collinsworth, Steve Young, Trent Dilfer, Mark Schlereth, T. J. I'm sure I'm missing some.

I cannot stand Skipp Bayless. He only exists to antagonize me. He makes Stephen A Smith look reasonable.

Good call on Schlereth!!! I think he does a great job. I think SW mentioned Eric Mangini. It took a little bit, but he is as good at x's and o's I have seen too!!
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Good call on Schlereth!!! I think he does a great job. I think SW mentioned Eric Mangini. It took a little bit, but he is as good at x's and o's I have seen too!!

It doesn't hurt that he is a former Bronco for me but he is great beyond that. I never heard him speak while he was playing. Our O line had a pact to never speak to the media. So it's nice to hear his great voice now.

And yes! on Mangini.

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I like Mayock,




Stuart Scott

Gruden is alright

AL Micheals

Mel Kiper




Bruschi is alright

Entire Fox NFL crew

Bill Cowher

Dan Marino


Skip Bayless (I put him at the top for a reason)


Stephen A Smith (he gets to be to much just like Bayless)

Shannon Sharpe (he needs an interpreter)

Boomer Esiason

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Just another reason why I don't listen to many analysts on TV. Before our game against the Rams, the analysts said we had little depth and no playmakers and our defense would be terrible and we would be in contention for the #1 overall pick. Now, those same analysts want to say that we are a deep team and have some really good pieces in places and that we could be around the .500 mark. How do these people still have jobs when all they do is follow the flavour of the month?

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Can I just list them real easy by saying the entire crew over at ESPN including medicore to bad scale players like Trent Dilfer, Merrill Hoge, and Tim Hasselbeck whom think they are great cause they get to analyze things. By far they are the worst. Michael Irvin also is pretty bad.

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Who do you think are some of the best and worst NFL analysts on TV? Some of the guys I like include:

-Heath Evans


-Sapp...at times

-Moose Johnston



-Kurt Warner

-Brian Billick

-Mike Lombardi knows what he's talking about when it comes to front office/management stuff

-Solomon Wilcots

-Schefter is awesome!

Those who annoy me and I really don't like:

-Deion has an intriguing way of talking, but he says stupid stuff

-Dukes is obnoxious and annoying

-Mayock really annoys me. The more I listen to him, the more he annoys me

-For some reason, Marshall Faulk used to throw jabs in against the Colts a number of times


-Kiper usually knows what he is talking about, but he annoys me

-Matt Millen

-La Confora


-Bayless at times

-That lady they have on NFL AM is annoying

-A lot of the articles on NFL.com are poorly written. Rosenthal, Hanzus, Kim Jones, and that other lady whose name I can't say or spell properly (something like Adithya last name starts with K)

Any others to add to either list?

My fav football talking heads have ALWAYS been....

Charlie Jones

Merlin Olsen

Dick Enberg

Vern Lunquist

AL Michaels

And I really miss Charlie J.....

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My fav football talking heads have ALWAYS been....

Charlie Jones

Merlin Olsen

Dick Enberg

Vern Lunquist

AL Michaels

And I really miss Charlie J.....

Good list Johnny Dee! I remember the Sunday Bengal games when the Colts were in Baltimore...Charle Jones......The 4 PM game was fellow Hoosier Dick Enberg and Merlin Olsen.....and further back Curt Gowdy in baseball and football!!
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