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Dose any one else have that feeling

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Oh dear. You certainly miss a lot. Others have quoted your mistakes if you want to learn and engage in decent banter on here. Check out Vance 87. He's got a little more class (for a Moo Cow). You might want to tag onto his coat tails for a while. Unless you just want to troll.

Have fun.

For the record, I am already friends with Vance87.

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I have been a Colt fan since 1957 and lived here in Houston since 1979. So let's talk Houston sports since 79.. I loved the Oilers even though they never "Kicked the son of a $#%#$ down" as Bum said of the Steelers, a team they could just not beat. So they leave town and later the Texans are born and a guy named Davis Carr was sacked more than any QB in NFL history while the Texans management did squat. Finally, they have come to the dance and I hope next to the Colts they win it all but this is the NFL and despite how good you are there are no guarantees. We don't want to talk baseball or basketbal in Houston now do we? Houston is my home and the Colts are my guys but in 2012 I pull for the Texans to go to the super bowl and win it. God knows this town needs a winner of some kind. If you think the Colts are done, write back in 2015 and we'll see where the Texans are and the Colts are in the standings.

Yes...Basketball and baseball should both be avoided. There seems to have been a curse on Houston sports, but I think the Texans are finally breaking it. And hey, perhaps by 2015 we will be competing similar to how the Ravens and Steelers are now. The AFC South will not be a weak division in a few short years.

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Hahaha so true. Maybe both if he's polished enough by then. But, for Texan's sakes, let's hope not.

I honestly don't know if it's an advantage or a disadvantage that nobody knows what the heck we're gonna look like in 2012. We might suck eggs, we might blow the doors off the AFC South, or anywhere in-between.

Safe odds land us between 6-10 and 8-8.

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I honestly don't know if it's an advantage or a disadvantage that nobody knows what the heck we're gonna look like in 2012. We might suck eggs, we might blow the doors off the AFC South, or anywhere in-between.

Safe odds land us between 6-10 and 8-8.

And if Jerry Hughes gets some decent playing time, we improve to 4-12....

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I honestly don't know if it's an advantage or a disadvantage that nobody knows what the heck we're gonna look like in 2012. We might suck eggs, we might blow the doors off the AFC South, or anywhere in-between.

Safe odds land us between 6-10 and 8-8.

That sounds eerily similar to the 2011 Texans...No one really knew whether to believe that we'd go far, or fall short again under massive expectations. Maybe the Colts will surprise the world...You guys aren't really that different than we were last year. Except you cut a lot of good guys...Lol but I guess Fleener should be a good replacement for Clark. Either way, I'll be keeping my eyes on you guys next season. Wouldn't want to see a sneak attack, haha if you get off to a 2-3 start, then I'll start getting worried. :D

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I honestly don't know if it's an advantage or a disadvantage that nobody knows what the heck we're gonna look like in 2012. We might suck eggs, we might blow the doors off the AFC South, or anywhere in-between.

Safe odds land us between 6-10 and 8-8.

Taking into consideration a run up the middle will negate Freeney and Mathis pass rush or a simple screen will force one of them to make a tackle out in the open field I would say were at a definite disadvantage, Mckinney and Chapman should certainly be able to stop the run up the middle but if a run is bounced outside I think we will be in deep ####, now of course I could be way wrong on that but I dont think I am
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That sounds eerily similar to the 2011 Texans...No one really knew whether to believe that we'd go far, or fall short again under massive expectations. Maybe the Colts will surprise the world...You guys aren't really that different than we were last year. Except you cut a lot of good guys...Lol but I guess Fleener should be a good replacement for Clark. Either way, I'll be keeping my eyes on you guys next season. Wouldn't want to see a sneak attack, haha if you get off to a 2-3 start, then I'll start getting worried. :D

Outside of Manning, we didn't cut anyone who had made any significant contribution since 2009.

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Somebody still sounds a little butthurt about us winning. Think about this realistically, dude: Luck is not going to be good for the next four years. Your team is in disarray, the only thing you did to get better this offseason is draft Luck and Fleener. And by the way, we won the division in dramatic fashion...Ravaged by injuries, with a rookie quarterback...while you, however, lost in dramatic fashion...

2-14 has never been so funny. Your team is pathetic, at least we kept winning when our FIRST TWO quarterbacks went down.

Not going to be good for four years? lmao. He's the best QB prospect since John Elway and with all these new rookie QB's having success early in their careers, you don't think Luck won't either? Get a clue. I guess having Matt Schaub has really lowered your expectations for a QB. No worries, if he was our QB I'd have the same expecatations. Dramatic fashion? You had a near collapse of epic porportions at the end of the season. If it weren't for the division being so weak this year you probably wouldn't of even won it. 2-14 has never been so funny but at the end of the day you got 0 rings and 1 playoff win in the past decade. You are in the same category of low-life teams as the Jets and Browns in that respect.

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If it weren't for the division being so weak this year you probably wouldn't of even won it.

Yes, if the Texans weren't so much better than the rest of the division, than they probably wouldn't have won it. EmoticonConfused.gif

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Sorry for standing up for myself and my team...It's only something an abomination would do.

I guess you're another classless fan.

Being an antagonistic troll is not synonymous with "standing up for myself and my team." I welcome your worthwhile contributions.

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I can make a strong case that wasnt started by Qwizboy and actually started by another member here who is a Colts fan, I think we have a few antogonists on these boards before we start jumping on Texans fans

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The same could have been said of our entire team in 2011. Just saying.

No it can't. Clark, Addai, Bullitt, and Brackett collectively missed more games than they played in over the past two seasons. People are making a big deal about us missing them, but really that should have been mentioned in 2010 (and it was by fans on these boards, including myself, as a major factor in us losing 6 games and Manning throwing 11 interceptions in three weeks), because that's when we really missed them. They've already been replaced going into 2012. And I appreciate everything they did, but none of them are irreplaceable. Their absence will not be a major factor in the performance of our team in 2012.

Meanwhile, you have players who were here and productive on the field for these past two years, even though we had a lousy 2011. Wayne, Mathis, Freeney, Angerer, Conner, Bethea, Powers (even though he missed some games), Collie (same), Brown, etc. Those players are the ones who actually got things done the past two seasons, and they're still here. No need to bring Manning up; we'll miss the heck out of him, no matter how good Andrew Luck might be. But the holdovers aren't chopped liver. They are actually good players who suffered through a poor management and coaching campaign last season. Everyone who was released, aside from Manning, had been marginalized over the past two seasons due to injury or lack of performance, or both.

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I can make a strong case that wasnt started by Qwizboy and actually started by another member here who is a Colts fan, I think we have a few antogonists on these boards before we start jumping on Texans fans

Thank you.

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Not going to be good for four years? lmao. He's the best QB prospect since John Elway and with all these new rookie QB's having success early in their careers, you don't think Luck won't either? Get a clue. I guess having Matt Schaub has really lowered your expectations for a QB. No worries, if he was our QB I'd have the same expecatations. Dramatic fashion? You had a near collapse of epic porportions at the end of the season. If it weren't for the division being so weak this year you probably wouldn't of even won it. 2-14 has never been so funny but at the end of the day you got 0 rings and 1 playoff win in the past decade. You are in the same category of low-life teams as the Jets and Browns in that respect.

INJURIES. Hold on, let me type it again, maybe you will hear it through the computer screen. INJURIES. We have been steadily on the rise for the past four seasons dude, if we hadn't been ravaged we would have torn through the opposition, including New England, and would probably have faced the Giants in the Super Bowl. And no, Luck is not the best quarterback since John Elway; That would be more like Tom Brady or Peyton Manning. Luck has not played a down in the NFL, nothing is guaranteed. Matt Schaub is a Pro Bowler and is the only quarterback in the AFC South that is not in his second year or younger. And don't worry about the rings; We will be getting plenty of those soon.

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I just want to see the Colts either split the division with 3 wins and 3 losses and get a minimum of 4 wins this upcoming season. I will think the season will be a huge success over the last with either of those thing happening. Since the Colts lost many veterans for leadership roles and as well a talent. The rookies wil get their lumps this season but a 4 win season will make me happy. Anything more than that will be a huge surprise and I might just wet myself.

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No it can't. Clark, Addai, Bullitt, and Brackett collectively missed more games than they played in over the past two seasons. People are making a big deal about us missing them, but really that should have been mentioned in 2010 (and it was by fans on these boards, including myself, as a major factor in us losing 6 games and Manning throwing 11 interceptions in three weeks), because that's when we really missed them. They've already been replaced going into 2012. And I appreciate everything they did, but none of them are irreplaceable. Their absence will not be a major factor in the performance of our team in 2012.

Meanwhile, you have players who were here and productive on the field for these past two years, even though we had a lousy 2011. Wayne, Mathis, Freeney, Angerer, Conner, Bethea, Powers (even though he missed some games), Collie (same), Brown, etc. Those players are the ones who actually got things done the past two seasons, and they're still here. No need to bring Manning up; we'll miss the heck out of him, no matter how good Andrew Luck might be. But the holdovers aren't chopped liver. They are actually good players who suffered through a poor management and coaching campaign last season. Everyone who was released, aside from Manning, had been marginalized over the past two seasons due to injury or lack of performance, or both.

The Colts kept and paid Bob Sanders for years despite his injuries and complete disappearance from the football field. All of the guys you mentioned were classics Colts, and did things that really helped you in winning the division for as long as you did. And of course they have been replaced, including that Hall of Fame quarterback who built your stadium, but you still cannot just think their replacements will perform to the same level that they did, or declare the formers useless due to one or two bad seasons.

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The Colts kept and paid Bob Sanders for years despite his injuries and complete disappearance from the football field. All of the guys you mentioned were classics Colts, and did things that really helped you in winning the division for as long as you did. And of course they have been replaced, including that Hall of Fame quarterback who built your stadium, but you still cannot just think their replacements will perform to the same level that they did, or declare the formers useless due to one or two bad seasons.

Bob Sanders didn't play a significant role in a single win since 2008, and even then he missed 10 games. We paid him because when he was on the field, he was a difference maker, but the time came probably a full year before we released him when it was clear that we couldn't rely on him. We won 14 games and went to the Super Bowl entirely without Bob Sanders. You're living in the past. Bob Sanders can't help us win the division anymore.

Same for the other guys. As I said, I appreciate everything that those guys did for us: Clark, Brackett, Addai, Bullitt, but they couldn't stay on the field and contribute at a high level anymore. And then there were the salaries. When we signed Brackett, it was pretty obvious that we'd be revisiting his contract before Year 3 anyways. We should have let Addai walk before 2011 (and I said so at the time). I'm not declaring any of them useless. I hope they go on to have good seasons wherever they land, although it's telling that only one of the four has resigned anywhere as of right now. I'm not claiming that their replacements will perform at the level they performed at. I'm saying that they simply have not performed in two seasons, and they haven't. We don't need Coby Fleener to be Dallas Clark; we just need him to be on the field, and that's already better than Dallas on the sideline. Angerer has already proven that he can produce like Brackett. Brown and Carter filled in just fine for Addai, and we added Ballard. Bullitt was never anything special, he was just press-ganged into starting because Sanders couldn't stay healthy. Zbikowski is a veteran player who can provide what Bullitt did, and maybe more.

And then there's Manning. I've said plenty about him in the past, so let me just sum up: There's no replacing one of the five best quarterbacks in NFL history, no matter what. Andrew Luck could go on to put himself into that top five category himself when all is said and done, and he still won't have replaced Manning. But Manning is, for better or worse, gone. Has been since January 2011. We played with a triumvirate of mostly clueless quarterbacks last season, and only won 2 games. Unless Luck is a bum, we'll be better at quarterback than we were in 2011. So yes, I do think that our replacements at quarterback will be an improvement, and I think that's a reasonable belief.

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INJURIES. Hold on, let me type it again, maybe you will hear it through the computer screen. INJURIES. We have been steadily on the rise for the past four seasons dude, if we hadn't been ravaged we would have torn through the opposition, including New England, and would probably have faced the Giants in the Super Bowl. And no, Luck is not the best quarterback since John Elway; That would be more like Tom Brady or Peyton Manning. Luck has not played a down in the NFL, nothing is guaranteed. Matt Schaub is a Pro Bowler and is the only quarterback in the AFC South that is not in his second year or younger. And don't worry about the rings; We will be getting plenty of those soon.

There is no room for injuries as an excuse in the NFL. It's part and parcel of the game. You have scoffed at the Colts for going 2-14 (which was down to injuries - well ONE injury), but then defend on how you limped out of the play-offs due to injuries.

Can't have it both ways Qboy.

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Make no mistake, the Texans smell blood as it is on their dinner table. Their defense is a blast to watch thanks to their defensive coach. I firmly believe they will be on the field in February 2013 and win it. If you have the NFL on your dish then check them out if the Colts are not on opposite. I have two tv's so I never miss either game. Living in Houston I guarantee if the Texans win the super bowl NO ONE in this town will show up for work the next day!!!

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There is no room for injuries as an excuse in the NFL. It's part and parcel of the game. You have scoffed at the Colts for going 2-14 (which was down to injuries - well ONE injury), but then defend on how you limped out of the play-offs due to injuries.

Can't have it both ways Qboy.

Well, the same can be said for the reverse. No one can say that the Texans would not have gone to the playoffs if we would not have been injured. ( Wow, a lot of nots there.) And you basically just said it yourself; With your one injury, your team failed to rise to the occasion. We stepped up. In Houston it was Oh no! Schaub's down! That's okay, we will rally around Matt Leinart. Then, the second Matt went down, and people started looking around. Then it was, Okay, let's do what we can. And we did what we could, despite losing Williams, Andre for many games, heck, we even lost Foster at one point. The Colts, however, lost one guy who was a significant contributor, and could not win more than two games. I am not the only one who has scoffed; Darn near 90 % of your fan base has scoffed at your team, and they will for the next few years until the Colts can prove them wrong.

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Make no mistake, the Texans smell blood as it is on their dinner table. Their defense is a blast to watch thanks to their defensive coach. I firmly believe they will be on the field in February 2013 and win it. If you have the NFL on your dish then check them out if the Colts are not on opposite. I have two tv's so I never miss either game. Living in Houston I guarantee if the Texans win the super bowl NO ONE in this town will show up for work the next day!!!

I've been honing up on my sick voice skills! I've already got the racking cough down for the call to my boss. (Even though he probably won't be in either lol.)

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Bob Sanders didn't play a significant role in a single win since 2008, and even then he missed 10 games. We paid him because when he was on the field, he was a difference maker, but the time came probably a full year before we released him when it was clear that we couldn't rely on him. We won 14 games and went to the Super Bowl entirely without Bob Sanders. You're living in the past. Bob Sanders can't help us win the division anymore.

Same for the other guys. As I said, I appreciate everything that those guys did for us: Clark, Brackett, Addai, Bullitt, but they couldn't stay on the field and contribute at a high level anymore. And then there were the salaries. When we signed Brackett, it was pretty obvious that we'd be revisiting his contract before Year 3 anyways. We should have let Addai walk before 2011 (and I said so at the time). I'm not declaring any of them useless. I hope they go on to have good seasons wherever they land, although it's telling that only one of the four has resigned anywhere as of right now. I'm not claiming that their replacements will perform at the level they performed at. I'm saying that they simply have not performed in two seasons, and they haven't. We don't need Coby Fleener to be Dallas Clark; we just need him to be on the field, and that's already better than Dallas on the sideline. Angerer has already proven that he can produce like Brackett. Brown and Carter filled in just fine for Addai, and we added Ballard. Bullitt was never anything special, he was just press-ganged into starting because Sanders couldn't stay healthy. Zbikowski is a veteran player who can provide what Bullitt did, and maybe more.

And then there's Manning. I've said plenty about him in the past, so let me just sum up: There's no replacing one of the five best quarterbacks in NFL history, no matter what. Andrew Luck could go on to put himself into that top five category himself when all is said and done, and he still won't have replaced Manning. But Manning is, for better or worse, gone. Has been since January 2011. We played with a triumvirate of mostly clueless quarterbacks last season, and only won 2 games. Unless Luck is a bum, we'll be better at quarterback than we were in 2011. So yes, I do think that our replacements at quarterback will be an improvement, and I think that's a reasonable belief.

Of course Bob can't help you win the division anymore. He is a free agent now. He did not lead you to the Super Bowl in 2009, but he did help you win the one that you went to in 2006. Yes, your replacement at quarterback will be better than 2011, but don't you think there will be a learning curve? If you thought Painter was awful, or Kerry Collins, those guys at least had some experience in the league. So, in the long run, Luck will be much better than what you guys had this past season. But year one? Probably not. And Manning did not leave the Colts until March 2012. He may not have been on the field in person, but you can bet he was in spirit. Manning probably told Painter, Collins, and Orlovsky all he could, especially about division opponents. Starting over has more pluses then minuses, but do not expect that things will be much different than this past season.

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INJURIES. Hold on, let me type it again, maybe you will hear it through the computer screen. INJURIES. We have been steadily on the rise for the past four seasons dude, if we hadn't been ravaged we would have torn through the opposition, including New England, and would probably have faced the Giants in the Super Bowl. And no, Luck is not the best quarterback since John Elway; That would be more like Tom Brady or Peyton Manning. Luck has not played a down in the NFL, nothing is guaranteed. Matt Schaub is a Pro Bowler and is the only quarterback in the AFC South that is not in his second year or younger. And don't worry about the rings; We will be getting plenty of those soon.

Oh here we go with the injuries excuse. Do you want me to list how many players the Colts lost to injuries last year? I'm willing to bet it's more than the Texans. Tore through New England? You couldn't even get past the Ravens and the first time you guys actually HAD Matt Schaub playing. Matt Schaub got into the Pro Bowl as an alternate FYI. And once again you are wrong, Matt Hasselbeck has been in the league way longer than Schaub. The Colts will win the division again before the Texans sniff a Super Bowl.

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No it can't. Clark, Addai, Bullitt, and Brackett collectively missed more games than they played in over the past two seasons. People are making a big deal about us missing them, but really that should have been mentioned in 2010 (and it was by fans on these boards, including myself, as a major factor in us losing 6 games and Manning throwing 11 interceptions in three weeks), because that's when we really missed them. They've already been replaced going into 2012. And I appreciate everything they did, but none of them are irreplaceable. Their absence will not be a major factor in the performance of our team in 2012.

Meanwhile, you have players who were here and productive on the field for these past two years, even though we had a lousy 2011. Wayne, Mathis, Freeney, Angerer, Conner, Bethea, Powers (even though he missed some games), Collie (same), Brown, etc. Those players are the ones who actually got things done the past two seasons, and they're still here. No need to bring Manning up; we'll miss the heck out of him, no matter how good Andrew Luck might be. But the holdovers aren't chopped liver. They are actually good players who suffered through a poor management and coaching campaign last season. Everyone who was released, aside from Manning, had been marginalized over the past two seasons due to injury or lack of performance, or both.

the point of my joke was that everyone's numbers (contribution) were down last year. Look at Reggie Waynes stats. It wasn't because of them personally but rather the coaching and the system and the fact that we couldn't get a first down, or stop a third down...etc... I'm not saying they are chopped liver but on paper everyone suffered.

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Oh here we go with the injuries excuse. Do you want me to list how many players the Colts lost to injuries last year? I'm willing to bet it's more than the Texans. Tore through New England? You couldn't even get past the Ravens and the first time you guys actually HAD Matt Schaub playing. Matt Schaub got into the Pro Bowl as an alternate FYI. And once again you are wrong, Matt Hasselbeck has been in the league way longer than Schaub. The Colts will win the division again before the Texans sniff a Super Bowl.

Guys who were injured for the Texans (missed):

Matt Schaub - Top 10 QB (8 games)

Arian Foster - Top 5 RB (3 games)

Andre Johnson - Top 5 WR (9 games)

Mario Williams - Top 5 DE (13 games)

Brett Hartmann - Top 10 P (6 games)

Mike Brisiel -Top 10 G (3 games)

Danieal Manning - Top 10 FS (3 games)

Alright so if the guys you lost were top 10 at their position, and missed at least 3 games, then I'll sympathize with you. And still say you guys should have done way better than 2-14.

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I appreciate people's optimism, and certainly hope we do win 9-10 games, but I have a feeling certain fans are in for a rude awakening over the next few years. It's not easy to win with a team like this. Just because Manning could do it, doesn't mean Luck, at age 22-24, can do it. Manning was special... all-time special. And let's face it, Luck is not walking into a Flacco or Roethlisberger type situation here. It's going to take time to finally build this team the right way - the way it should have been built under Manning. And it can't be done in one offseason, one draft.

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Guys who were injured for the Texans (missed):

Matt Schaub - Top 10 QB (8 games)

Arian Foster - Top 5 RB (3 games)

Andre Johnson - Top 5 WR (9 games)

Mario Williams - Top 5 DE (13 games)

Brett Hartmann - Top 10 P (6 games)

Mike Brisiel -Top 10 G (3 games)

Danieal Manning - Top 10 FS (3 games)

Alright so if the guys you lost were top 10 at their position, and missed at least 3 games, then I'll sympathize with you. And still say you guys should have done way better than 2-14.

Peyton Manning -Top 1 QB (16 Games)

Joseph Addai - Starting RB 3/4 games

Pierre Garcon - Starting WR 2 games

Dallas Clark - Starting TE - 3/4 games

Jerraud Powers - Starting CB - 4/5 games

Gary Brackett - Starting MLB - 15 games

Melvin Bullitt - Starting SS - 15 games

Ernie Sims - Starting OLB - 4/5 games I believe

Anthony Castanzo - Starting LT - 6/7 games (could be off on this one)

Ryan Diem - Starting RT - atleast 3 games

Ben Ijlana - Backup LT who came in and played for starting LT - Tore ACL and missed rest of season week 5

There might be more players Im forgetting too. Now my numbers could be a little off on the exact amount of games here but that list shows STARTERS all missing significant amount amount of playing time last year. The Texans got insanely lucky that the Titans didn't have a QB or else they would of taken the division in a year where you guys practically had it handed to you on a silver platter.

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Make no mistake, the Texans smell blood as it is on their dinner table. Their defense is a blast to watch thanks to their defensive coach. I firmly believe they will be on the field in February 2013 and win it. If you have the NFL on your dish then check them out if the Colts are not on opposite. I have two tv's so I never miss either game. Living in Houston I guarantee if the Texans win the super bowl NO ONE in this town will show up for work the next day!!!

The funny thing is I live in Houston as well, but I have been a Colts fan since 2001. I live off of Westheimer and Wilcrest so I see the same amount of Texans games as you do. I will say the Texans have gotten better since I moved here 2 and half years ago because when I first arrived you had to force me to watch their games. Heck I can even say I pay more attention to their games now than I ever did. But I just feel that the Texans will get a handful out of the Colts head to head, but the Texans may possibly get an edge in the division from games they win in the rest of their schedule. Head to head the Colts have a good history against the Texans

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Oh here we go with the injuries excuse. Do you want me to list how many players the Colts lost to injuries last year? I'm willing to bet it's more than the Texans. Tore through New England? You couldn't even get past the Ravens and the first time you guys actually HAD Matt Schaub playing. Matt Schaub got into the Pro Bowl as an alternate FYI. And once again you are wrong, Matt Hasselbeck has been in the league way longer than Schaub. The Colts will win the division again before the Texans sniff a Super Bowl.

Do you have any of that sweet green left? I would like some, so I can see the purple clouds that you apparently do. Do you remember who won the last meeting between us and NE? Our defense is Tom Brady's nightmare. And I will say it again...While you faltered and did not win, we kept on winning. We won a playoff game, and should have won the one that we lost had Jacoby " No Hands" Jones not fumbled the ball that led to a Ravens touchdown. Have you even seen that game, by the way? Something similar happened last year, our offense, one of the best in the league, had their defense gassed, and Schaub threw a critical interception in OVERTIME to lose the game. And come on now, dude. Let's not play this game. We all know that Locker will be the starter coming into this season. Hasselbeck is old and Locker was selected 8th overall in the 2011 NFL Draft. He will be the starter, and he will perform the same as Gabbert and Luck, while we will dominate with the aforementioned Matt Schaub, who is a Pro Bowler even if he was an alternate. For the record, we sniffed a Super Bowl last year- we were only one game away. You, however, will not win the division for several years. Heck, the Titans are more likely than the Colts at this point. Will Luck be good? Probably. But will we already have been established as the dominant team in the division by the time it happens? Yes. And I would say we will probably have a Super Bowl win or two by then.

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Peyton Manning -Top 1 QB (16 Games)

Joseph Addai - Starting RB 3/4 games

Pierre Garcon - Starting WR 2 games

Dallas Clark - Starting TE - 3/4 games

Jerraud Powers - Starting CB - 4/5 games

Gary Brackett - Starting MLB - 15 games

Melvin Bullitt - Starting SS - 15 games

Ernie Sims - Starting OLB - 4/5 games I believe

Anthony Castanzo - Starting LT - 6/7 games (could be off on this one)

Ryan Diem - Starting RT - atleast 3 games

Ben Ijlana - Backup LT who came in and played for starting LT - Tore ACL and missed rest of season week 5

There might be more players Im forgetting too. Now my numbers could be a little off on the exact amount of games here but that list shows STARTERS all missing significant amount amount of playing time last year. The Texans got insanely lucky that the Titans didn't have a QB or else they would of taken the division in a year where you guys practically had it handed to you on a silver platter.

Addai is not a very good back. We lost our top offensive target, Andre Johnson, for 9 games. Gary Brackett- not very good player either. That is the equivalent to us losing Darryl Sharpton. Dallas Clark was replaced by Jacob Tamme, who is a good TE. Pierre Garcon is useless, which is why your team just got rid of him. We lost many more major contributors than you did. Just admit it like everyone else has, the reason you lost 14 games (tsk tsk) is because Manning was the only player who had heart on your team. Once he went down, it seems the other guys thought it would be okay to slack off, unless Irsay actually instructed them to Suck for Luck...And luck is the exact opposite of what we had last year. Ironically, our quarterback who led us to a PLAYOFF win wears number 13. And the Titans had Locker, a fresh, change-up that defenses were not prepared for, and Hasselbeck, a very experienced quarterback. You're in a state of denial kid.

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I appreciate people's optimism, and certainly hope we do win 9-10 games, but I have a feeling certain fans are in for a rude awakening over the next few years. It's not easy to win with a team like this. Just because Manning could do it, doesn't mean Luck, at age 22-24, can do it. Manning was special... all-time special. And let's face it, Luck is not walking into a Flacco or Roethlisberger type situation here. It's going to take time to finally build this team the right way - the way it should have been built under Manning. And it can't be done in one offseason, one draft.

I agree.

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Do you have any of that sweet green left? I would like some, so I can see the purple clouds that you apparently do. Do you remember who won the last meeting between us and NE? Our defense is Tom Brady's nightmare. And I will say it again...While you faltered and did not win, we kept on winning. We won a playoff game, and should have won the one that we lost had Jacoby " No Hands" Jones not fumbled the ball that led to a Ravens touchdown. Have you even seen that game, by the way? Something similar happened last year, our offense, one of the best in the league, had their defense gassed, and Schaub threw a critical interception in OVERTIME to lose the game. And come on now, dude. Let's not play this game. We all know that Locker will be the starter coming into this season. Hasselbeck is old and Locker was selected 8th overall in the 2011 NFL Draft. He will be the starter, and he will perform the same as Gabbert and Luck, while we will dominate with the aforementioned Matt Schaub, who is a Pro Bowler even if he was an alternate. For the record, we sniffed a Super Bowl last year- we were only one game away. You, however, will not win the division for several years. Heck, the Titans are more likely than the Colts at this point. Will Luck be good? Probably. But will we already have been established as the dominant team in the division by the time it happens? Yes. And I would say we will probably have a Super Bowl win or two by then.

Tom Brady's nightmare? Why because you won a pointless regular season game and knocked Wes Welker out before the playoffs? I guess that's the eqivilant to a Super Bowl for you guys since you don't know what a real one is. Kept on winning? You guys lost 3 straight going into the playoffs. If the Titans had an semblence of a QB last year, they would of won the division. Yes Locker will be the starter at some point but he wasn't last year and won't be going into this year unless Hasslebeck sucks it up or gets hurt. Pro Bowler as an alternate is a joke. There's a reason they aren't even going to have a Pro Bowl last year. Half of the players don't care and the actual good ones don't even participate anymore. So you can have your "pro bowl" QB who can't stay healthy a full season and chokes in OT games on Monday night. You don't have a HOF GM or QB running your team the way we did in the past decade. Keep dreaming. You'll win the division this year and maybe even the next, but after that, its over. Enjoy your short ride while it lasts.

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Addai is not a very good back. We lost our top offensive target, Andre Johnson, for 9 games. Gary Brackett- not very good player either. That is the equivalent to us losing Darryl Sharpton. Dallas Clark was replaced by Jacob Tamme, who is a good TE. Pierre Garcon is useless, which is why your team just got rid of him. We lost many more major contributors than you did. Just admit it like everyone else has, the reason you lost 14 games (tsk tsk) is because Manning was the only player who had heart on your team. Once he went down, it seems the other guys thought it would be okay to slack off, unless Irsay actually instructed them to Suck for Luck...And luck is the exact opposite of what we had last year. Ironically, our quarterback who led us to a PLAYOFF win wears number 13. And the Titans had Locker, a fresh, change-up that defenses were not prepared for, and Hasselbeck, a very experienced quarterback. You're in a state of denial kid.

Addai is and was a good pass catcher and blocker out of the backfield. He just can't hit the hole anymore. Gary Brackett was a formidable coverage LB but struggled against the run. He was a captain on defense. Pierre Garcon actually was a half-way decent WR and started to show promise last year, he just wanted way too much money and wasn't worth it. No the reason why we were horrible was because we were playing with QB's who wouldn't even make 3/4th of the league's roster last year. 1 playoff win in the past decade. I'd expect that for all those years you guys sucked you would actually do something with all those high picks. Its resulted in 1 playoff win and 1 divsion title. Congrats.

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