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Herm and Polian saying Colts are in such need ... Luck walking into a mess at Indy


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Ijalana looked really good at LT last year I hope they give them all a shot at different positions and see which one works better. Im not worried about Castonzo heck be good probably better RT than LT but good at both

Ijalana looked really good at LT???

I must have blinked and missed that game. Or should I say that quarter.

Remember, Ugoh looked good for a while too. So I'll wait to believe we have the answer on either guy.

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The fact of the matter is with Manning this team was a playoff team/ Super Bowl contender year in and year out, last year and this coming year included.

Without him. Not so much.

If he is completely recovered from those 4 neck procedures, then yes. Won't be able to say that until this season plays out, though.

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If he is completely recovered from those 4 neck procedures, then yes. Won't be able to say that until this season plays out, though.

It is though. No one has said he looks bad, or even the same. I've seen better. Just can he take a hit is the big question. but he has been able to take a hit since early January.

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Well you don't go 2-14 and then cut most of your star players over the past five or six years or lose them to free agency and be a loaded team. All they are saying is what Irsay and the Colts have been saying for months. This is a rebuilding team that wont be a contender right away.

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If Herm and Bill are so skilled at predicting the future (did the Colts play in games in the 2012 season I missed?), why is it they didn't see their own firings happen sooner, pick the proper players, coach differently, call a different play... TV talking heads with 12 seconds to make a general statement about the Colts. What are most saying about a 2-14 team? Probbably the same thing. It's ok. Calling the Colts a mess today is no different than grading a draft a half hour after it concludes. Games aren't played on paper, results don't happen until the clock expires. We'll see if it's a mess or not. But I can't get caught up in soundbites, dismissive quotes from people who really just need to get to news about the Jets, Cowboys, Steelers, and the other big market teams.

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If Herm and Bill are so skilled at predicting the future (did the Colts play in games in the 2012 season I missed?), why is it they didn't see their own firings happen sooner, pick the proper players, coach differently, call a different play... TV talking heads with 12 seconds to make a general statement about the Colts. What are most saying about a 2-14 team? Probbably the same thing. It's ok. Calling the Colts a mess today is no different than grading a draft a half hour after it concludes. Games aren't played on paper, results don't happen until the clock expires. We'll see if it's a mess or not. But I can't get caught up in soundbites, dismissive quotes from people who really just need to get to news about the Jets, Cowboys, Steelers, and the other big market teams.

Good points. The only worthy criticism you will hear are about the large market teams but Mike Mayock thinks the Colts have 1 WR on the roster. Im willing to bet we know more about the recent roster moves than they do. All they know is that our DEs are moving to OLB....NO DUH.

I find it pathetic that I can get 10x more Colts info here than these industry giants. They don't even know who's on our roster!

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This team is a mess but its not quite as bad as the media is making it out to be IMO. I dont see it being nearly as bad as last season. We had the worst QB situation outside of Jacksonville, the worst coaching staff in the NFL and had a good share of injuries. Not to mention we lost quite a few really close games despite all of that. The Colts easily could have had the Redskins record and vice versa.

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Good points. The only worthy criticism you will hear are about the large market teams but Mike Mayock thinks the Colts have 1 WR on the roster. Im willing to bet we know more about the recent roster moves than they do. All they know is that our DEs are moving to OLB....NO DUH.

I find it pathetic that I can get 10x more Colts info here than these industry giants. They don't even know who's on our roster!

You know what kills me about calling it a mess is, these are the same networks, same analysts, who have said Luck is the next Elway. Well they can't have it both ways. Kiper, for example, can't spend two years saying Luck is the second coming, and then simaltaneously say the Colts stink. If Luck is as good as Kiper's grade, then guess what that means to the Colts? They'll win. Why? Because players like Elway, Manning, or Luck make everyone around them better.

As an aside, I'd like to know the last team with the number one pick, able to get the near consensus number one QB, wasn't a team rebuilding. Doesn't having the number one overall pick and selecting a QB mean the team wasn't very successful? It's like telling us the grass is green. Brilliant. Brilliant ESPN.

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Bill Polian last year referred to the media as the 'liars and rats." He built a team starting in 1998 that went 3-13 with a rookie named Peyton Manning. The Colts had 12 years of excellence on offense, and the defense constantly played within the realm of bend but don't break all the way through. Games were 37-34 with Manning's comebacks

After Tony Dungy left the defense got weaker each year. Ron Meeks had some success, but then came Larry Coyer who led the Cover 2 defense to a lax "bend but don't win" Cover Nobody...Prevent a victory defense.

The board here mentions correctly that Chris Polian brought down Bill Polian. There is a reason why Bill, even with a HOF career is now a member of the "liars and rats."

This team will have a better record than 3-13.....I guarantee, It. Tonight my forum friends starts the journey to "BUILD THE MONSTER!!!!" Go Colts!

Edited by BrentMc11
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Speaking of criticism out of the blue...what do you guys think of this one from Paul Kuharsky's AFC South blog?

Scouting chatter: Indianapolis Colts

April, 26, 2012

Apr 26



By Paul Kuharsky | ESPN.com


“I like Anthony Castonzo better at right tackle, he’s not a true left tackle to me. But there won’t be one of those at 34.”

Yeah I'd have to agree with this sorry. Ben should be our left tackle.

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Bill Polian last year referred to the media as the 'liars and rats." He built a team starting in 1998 that went 3-13 with a rookie named Peyton Manning. The Colts had 12 years of excellence on offense, and the defense constantly played within the realm of bend but don't break all the way through. Games were 37-34 with Manning's comebacks

After Tony Dungy left the defense got weaker each year. Ron Meeks had some success, but then came Larry Coyer who led the Cover 2 defense to a lax "bend but don't win" Cover Nobody...Prevent a victory defense.

The board here mentions correctly that Chris Polian brought down Bill Polian. There is a reason why Bill, even with a HOF career is now a member of the "liars and rats."

This team will have a better record than 3-13.....I guarantee, It. Tonight my forum friends starts the journey to "BUILD THE MONSTER!!!!" Go Colts!

You become what you hate at times.

I lost respect for him when he became a talking head.

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Somebody needs to help me out on Ben Ijalana ever playing left tackle last year. He played right tackle and looked fat and slow. I was watching as he barely got out of his stance and was turned around for his awful season ending knee injury.

If he moves to left tackle he needs to be healthy and improve his footwork. I think we need to keep him on the right side to battle Justice at RT. Justice has not been a world beater. Some say Ijalana at right guard. Once again he needs to show better foot work and be in fantastic shape. Castonzo, Reitz, and Ijalana will benefit from an entire training camp. I am not going to give up on these young men.

Lastly, yes we need more depth especially at guard......looking forward to 8 PM.

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A few points...good and bad on BP. He did do a good job in his first 6+ years here but the reason the cupboard is bare is because he whiffed on his last several drafts. He still tried to hang his hat on several aging stars but his draft replacements didn't pan out. So the team got old. That's where and why they are in the shape they're in now. You can defend him a little since the Colt's were drafting late in the 1st round for years but there's still talent there and he didn't find it. Also his ego really started to get in the way and it showed over the couple of years. In my opinion, Irsay made the correct call in shaking up the organization.

One last note...you can tell by his mannerisms that when the talking heads mention the Colt's...his facial expressions say it all. He is bitter for sure about Irsay canning him and his kid(s). There is ill will there...you can tell.

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Somebody needs to help me out on Ben Ijalana ever playing left tackle last year. He played right tackle and looked fat and slow. I was watching as he barely got out of his stance and was turned around for his awful season ending knee injury.

If he moves to left tackle he needs to be healthy and improve his footwork. I think we need to keep him on the right side to battle Justice at RT. Justice has not been a world beater. Some say Ijalana at right guard. Once again he needs to show better foot work and be in fantastic shape. Castonzo, Reitz, and Ijalana will benefit from an entire training camp. I am not going to give up on these young men.

Lastly, yes we need more depth especially at guard......looking forward to 8 PM.

Only thing I found was this, which says Ijalana played LT when Castonzo was injured, so for plays, not games:

"Colts second-round T/G Ben Ijalana reportedly suffered ACL damage in his left knee Monday night.

Ijalana was pressed into service on Curtis Painter's blindside when fellow rookie Anthony Castonzo exited with an ankle injury. The extent of the damage in Ijalana's knee isn't know just yet, but the Indianapolis Star confirms that his season is in jeopardy. Tue, Oct 4, 2011 06:28:00 PM

Source: Indianapolis Star "


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Somebody needs to help me out on Ben Ijalana ever playing left tackle last year. He played right tackle and looked fat and slow. I was watching as he barely got out of his stance and was turned around for his awful season ending knee injury.

If he moves to left tackle he needs to be healthy and improve his footwork. I think we need to keep him on the right side to battle Justice at RT. Justice has not been a world beater. Some say Ijalana at right guard. Once again he needs to show better foot work and be in fantastic shape. Castonzo, Reitz, and Ijalana will benefit from an entire training camp. I am not going to give up on these young men.

Lastly, yes we need more depth especially at guard......looking forward to 8 PM.

He played left tackle for a quarter in the Bucs game when Castonzo got hurt and then he got hurt himself. He didn't look horriable but you can't really judge anyone fairly either way when they are thrown into a game like that because of an injury to someone else and they play so little time.

I don't know if Ijalana can play left tackle or not in the NFL. I know he was viewed as a little bit of a project when the Colts took him where as Castonzo was seen as the most ready to play now tackle in last year's draft. I think people being in love with him playing left tackle is being driven from the fact they don't like Castonzo at left tackle so they think hey why not give Ijalana a shot at left tackle.

Frankly it might happen down the road but that's the key down the road, I doubt it happens this season at least at the start of the season because Ijalana is more or less going to be a rookie all over again and if he was a project player last year he's still going to be a bit of a project player this year that will need to develop and you don't develop a project player but throwing them out there to protect the blindside of your brand new franchise QB when you have a guy who spent last year doing that and did a decent job as a rookie. I could see them playing hm at right tackle to develop and if he does the way the Colts help (and he has to over come his injury fist) and Castonzo isn't developing the way the Colts like at left tackle then I could see them making the move and switching the two.

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Only thing I found was this, which says Ijalana played LT when Castonzo was injured, so for plays, not games:

"Colts second-round T/G Ben Ijalana reportedly suffered ACL damage in his left knee Monday night.

Ijalana was pressed into service on Curtis Painter's blindside when fellow rookie Anthony Castonzo exited with an ankle injury. The extent of the damage in Ijalana's knee isn't know just yet, but the Indianapolis Star confirms that his season is in jeopardy. Tue, Oct 4, 2011 06:28:00 PM

Source: Indianapolis Star"


I lists him as a guard too. I was watching his footwork and I am positive he was right tackle.....I have slept since then though....Maybe he did have some plays...but he was at right Tackle when he went down.
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He played left tackle for a quarter in the Bucs game when Castonzo got hurt and then he got hurt himself. He didn't look horriable but you can't really judge anyone fairly either way when they are thrown into a game like that because of an injury to someone else and they play so little time.

I don't know if Ijalana can play left tackle or not in the NFL. I know he was viewed as a little bit of a project when the Colts took him where as Castonzo was seen as the most ready to play now tackle in last year's draft. I think people being in love with him playing left tackle is being driven from the fact they don't like Castonzo at left tackle so they think hey why not give Ijalana a shot at left tackle.

Frankly it might happen down the road but that's the key down the road, I doubt it happens this season at least at the start of the season because Ijalana is more or less going to be a rookie all over again and if he was a project player last year he's still going to be a bit of a project player this year that will need to develop and you don't develop a project player but throwing them out there to protect the blindside of your brand new franchise QB when you have a guy who spent last year doing that and did a decent job as a rookie. I could see them playing hm at right tackle to develop and if he does the way the Colts help (and he has to over come his injury fist) and Castonzo isn't developing the way the Colts like at left tackle then I could see them making the move and switching the two.

OK...thanks....I have no clue how I missed that one. I just know his footwork was lacking. Again...no training camp for two young guys...and Reitz as a newby too....
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I lists him as a guard too. I was watching his footwork and I am positive he was right tackle.....I have slept since then though....Maybe he did have some plays...but he was at right Tackle when he went down.

You're right. Villanova LT, Colts RT, Castonzo gets hurt and he moves to LT, he gets hurt in the same game, and goes on IR. He will go back to RT, or G. I can't believe Castonzo doesn't go back to LT unless something really weird happens in the draft.

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You're right. Villanova LT, Colts RT, Castonzo gets hurt and he moves to LT, he gets hurt in the same game, and goes on IR. He will go back to RT, or G. I can't believe Castonzo doesn't go back to LT unless something really weird happens in the draft.

Looks like I was right and wrong. :) 50% was an F in any grade unless it was a huge bell curve. HA HA! Thanks guys.
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A lot of you really need to stop believe this "money" excuse Irsay is pushing on all of you. We were not over the cap this year. Bill Polian knew exactly what he was doing, and to think he was just giving out money to players that didn't deserve it then you are wrong. Those big contracts are no longer on the team, but I guarantee these "saving" cuts made by the new front office would have been made by Polian too. Think about it, the best defensive player we ever had Bob Sanders. He got a huge contract after his '07 defensive player of the year. I don't even know the last time a Colts defensive player got that. In 2008 and 2009 he gets injury prone. The 2010 season he cuts him. The same thing would have happened to Bullitt and Brackett. Clark and Addai are the only two i see they would've kept, and that's because of Peyton. If they truly didn't "pass the physical" they would have been cut.

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Thank you, Bill, for your input.

Maybe you should have thought that before you drafted Anthony Gonzalez, Mike Pollack or Donald Brown. I am sure you could have found 1-2 round talent and solid potential starters those years.

Or maybe you should have thought twice about moving up to get Tony Ugoh without doing your due diligence and finding out beforehand that he didn't give 100%.

Or maybe you should have thought through your defensive draft wonders like Quinn Quitcock, Brandon Condren, Marcus Howard or Terrence Taylor - none of which survived two years.

Or maybe you should have thought twice about drafting Fili Moala or Jerry Hughes while we were still running the no-cover-2.

Or maybe you should have let a drunk monkey pick your entire 2007 draft. I'm sure it would have sufficed.

Wow. Think before you talk on the radio, Bill. Please.

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We are a team with lots of holes, but I would not say we are a mess. On the other hand we definitely are not one player away from going right back to the team we are all use to seeing.

Grigson and Pagano have at least a two year project on their hands to get this team turned around.

I do find it funny that Polian is saying we are a total mess. Well thanks Bill because you are just bashing yourself since you and your son are the ones who put us in this mess in the first place.

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Speaking of criticism out of the blue...what do you guys think of this one from Paul Kuharsky's AFC South blog?

Scouting chatter: Indianapolis Colts

April, 26, 2012

Apr 26



By Paul Kuharsky | ESPN.com


“I like Anthony Castonzo better at right tackle, he’s not a true left tackle to me. But there won’t be one of those at 34.”

Jon Martin from Stanford is still there and Ijalana has the tools to be a very good LT.

I believe it was Superman who first said this and after thinking about it, I agree: our roster isn't as bad as advertised. People want to think that just because we went 2-14, we have tons of holes on the roster, but I think the roster is better than what most people think

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The Colts still have some offensive weapons. The analysts saying that the Redskins have more is what bothers me the most. Our #3 receiver is going to be their #1. If Avery is any good and Collie can return to form the Colts could have a very formidable receiving corps.

With the exception of losing Saturday, our O-line is already better, and losing Saturday may even be a plus allowing for more size in the middle as well. So all we can really say at this point is we don't know what we have on offense or defense going into the season since there are so many new parts. We won't be as good as if Manning were under center, but we should still win some games.

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