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Whole Family No Longer Colts Fans.

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They think Irsay is a liar and diss like him quite a bit. Mom hopes he burns in hate mail and will be eating crow real soon... Dad is going to quit watching sports altogether (highly doubtful IMO). My brother and sister were never that big of colts fans to begin with... I've grown up watching Peyton play all of my younger years (I'm 20 now). Watched Peyton play colts ball from 8 years old to 20. I hope that Peyton wins more SBs than any QB has before. I'd like to see him win 4 more... Ive been hearing and reading a lot of negativity and rightfully so. The only thing left for me that the Colts have is the horse shoe. Everything else is new maybe even including a new uni design by Nike. But if one thing remains the same. It's the horse shoe. It's an emotional time for my parents, and I. But if one thing remains. Its my love for the horse shoe. I can't imagine myself being a fan of any one team besides the Colts. And if we lose for the next 5 years, it's going to be a long hard time for us Colts fans. Because I'm already getting a lot of ridicule from different ppl for still supporting my Colts... Guys. This is a hard time... Keep the faith.

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Keep the faith. There is plenty to be excited about with this team. Luck is an excellent QB prospect, Grigs has really shown he knows what he is doing, and Pagano brings a solid attitude with him. Once you get over the emotional attachment we all have to Peyton, you can see that these moves are really best for the franchise

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You better keep faith! Ive been a fan since i was 6 and i will never leave the colts. I get tons of riticule but i just dont care what they think. And your mom needs to think for a bit. Cutting those players were nessesary. They took cap room and they are old and past there prime. Its time for some new, young blood to come in. Its just part of the rebuilding proccess. Yes we will be bad for 2-3 years but once we get younger guys and get luck broken in we will be a great team. Us colts fans should be embracing our chance at Luck. The best QB prospect since Elway and Manning! That is just pure luck. (no pun intented)

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As ugly as it is to see Manning go, this game is so much bigger than one player to me. I have been a fan since I was 6 years old (1978) and will always be. I have a team that I will always call my own (Colts) and I enjoy getting behind other teams for various reasons. The Giants because of Eli, the Browns because of my Buckeye roots, Arizona because I lived there for 10 years and was a STL Cardinals fan as a child......and of course whatever team is lucky enough to land THE Peyton Manning.

The only thing that would cause me to even think of dropping the horseshoe would be some egregious, illegal or otherwise outrageous conduct by the Colts owner or the organization as a whole. It would take alot....alot more than just simply parting ways with my all time favorite player, #18.

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Everyone is allowed to do what they believe they have or feel like doing. I'm glad you are still a Colt fan. I am optimistic about the future, although I suspect that it will take longer than a couple of years for us to be good again. We will just have to wait and see. GO COLTS!

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a lot of the people i've watched the games with over the years say they'll lose interest. they aren't angry, they just weren't diehard fans to begin with. i totally get that. same thing happened to me when reggie miller retired from the pacers. they'll be back if luck sets the world on fire

the colts & nfl football are on another level for me. i started watching when i was 13 when they moved to indy. i didn't have any football knowledge prior to that. i learned watching the colts

there's just something magical about that horseshoe

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a lot of the people i've watched the games with over the years say they'll lose interest. they aren't angry, they just weren't diehard fans to begin with. i totally get that. same thing happened to me when reggie miller retired from the pacers. they'll be back if luck sets the world on fire

Same here. I was never an NBA fan. I started watching the NBA back when Reggie was first catching on and I stayed an avid fan until his last game against Detroit. That was the last NBA game I've watched. I was never a "real" fan and I'm not ashamed to admit it. NFL? No way brother. Hardcore junkie right here.

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it's going to be a long hard time for us Colts fans. Because I'm already getting a lot of ridicule from different ppl for still supporting my Colts...

i have been making a point to sport my colts gear as if to counter the panic. i am as proud as ever to be a fan & i'll take anyone's crap. i take pleasure in knowing that i am the 'real fan'. i hate using that term, but it's true

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They think Irsay is a liar and diss like him quite a bit. Mom hopes he burns in hate mail and will be eating crow real soon... Dad is going to quit watching sports altogether (highly doubtful IMO). My brother and sister were never that big of colts fans to begin with... I've grown up watching Peyton play all of my younger years (I'm 20 now). Watched Peyton play colts ball from 8 years old to 20. I hope that Peyton wins more SBs than any QB has before. I'd like to see him win 4 more... Ive been hearing and reading a lot of negativity and rightfully so. The only thing left for me that the Colts have is the horse shoe. Everything else is new maybe even including a new uni design by Nike. But if one thing remains the same. It's the horse shoe. It's an emotional time for my parents, and I. But if one thing remains. Its my love for the horse shoe. I can't imagine myself being a fan of any one team besides the Colts. And if we lose for the next 5 years, it's going to be a long hard time for us Colts fans. Because I'm already getting a lot of ridicule from different ppl for still supporting my Colts... Guys. This is a hard time... Keep the faith.

It's called "tough love" if it was easy everyone would do it.

I'm a Colts fan, staying that way but I admit I'm probably going to follow another teams exploits when PM settles in.

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As ugly as it is to see Manning go, this game is so much bigger than one player to me. I have been a fan since I was 6 years old (1978) and will always be. I have a team that I will always call my own (Colts) and I enjoy getting behind other teams for various reasons. The Giants because of Eli, the Browns because of my Buckeye roots, Arizona because I lived there for 10 years and was a STL Cardinals fan as a child......and of course whatever team is lucky enough to land THE Peyton Manning.

The only thing that would cause me to even think of dropping the horseshoe would be some egregious, illegal or otherwise outrageous conduct by the Colts owner or the organization as a whole. It would take alot....alot more than just simply parting ways with my all time favorite player, #18.

The first game I remember watching was the Joe Namath Jets against the Johnny U Colts--been seriously addicted ever since.
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To the OP.

A Colts fan loves the franchise through thick and thin. Those upset about personnel change, or think the front office has been less than honest can certainly have those opinion etc...

If a person no longer supports the franchise, then they were fans of players.... They wanted the team to win becuase they liked this player and that player. In this case, perhaps their loyalty has been exposed that they are fans, more of the players, and not of the franchise. I was devastated when the team moved from Baltimore, but I stuck with them. Jim Irsay had ten times as many haters as Bob, and a lot of us still stuck with the franchise/team.

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yes it will be rough for a few years. rebuilding is hard to do but if you find the right players. And they start winning what has happen in the last days it makes it that much sweeter. I know my wife is not a sports fan, she asked our son and I if we were going to rooting for the colts. We told her no. One player no manner how good they are doesn't stop you from being a fan. As much as we are going to miss all the players that be released. It might be for the best in the long run.My son said that we will need a roster the figure out all the new players for this next season.And I agreed. But once we see and figure out how good these new player will be. Then we will know how good the front office and the coaching staff actually are. GO COLTS My son and I will always be fans

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Keep the faith. There is plenty to be excited about with this team. Luck is an excellent QB prospect, Grigs has really shown he knows what he is doing, and Pagano brings a solid attitude with him. Once you get over the emotional attachment we all have to Peyton, you can see that these moves are really best for the franchise

It will be nice to see a little passion on game day. From the coaches and players. I’m not talking about the showboating of TO or Ocho or the screaming and spitting of Bill Cohwer but just a little excitement. I have felt for the last several years that the team had gotten too caught up in playing like robots. We do what we do. Do our job go back to the sidelines and wait till we have to go back out. Then when the brain of that robot wasn’t there the rest of the body didn’t know what to do.

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Keep the faith. There is plenty to be excited about with this team. Luck is an excellent QB prospect, Grigs has really shown he knows what he is doing, and Pagano brings a solid attitude with him. Once you get over the emotional attachment we all have to Peyton, you can see that these moves are really best for the franchise

you know, pagano inheirated an amazing ravens defense with tons of great talent. I'm not so sure he had anything to do with that defense. It was more ray lewis, suggs, ngata, ed reed and more. He did't change anything up

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I don't like all the negativity that a lot of fans are showing. The guys we cut were all out of their primes and on the decline. And Peyton being cut may suck, the man is my hero, but I think it's time for fans to remember, we are :coltslogo: fans, stick with your team through the good times and the bad. We had 10+ years of great football here in Indy, we should appreciate that time we had and look forward to a bright future.

Look at the Broncos for example, John Elway left their organization with a 31st or 32nd draft pick in the 1st draft after he left and have yet to have a quality/elite QB since...Jay Cutler is the only one even relevant. At least the Colts have the first pick in the upcoming draft with the best prospect since Elway/Peyton waiting. Luck is not proven in the NFL, but he's intelligent and a hard-worker and I think will do everything he can to meet/exceed expectations. I will have L :blueshoe: ck's back from the minute we draft him and hope fans will be patient, don't expect too much this year/right away, Even Peyton Manning was 3-13 his first season.

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you know, pagano inheirated an amazing ravens defense with tons of great talent. I'm not so sure he had anything to do with that defense. It was more ray lewis, suggs, ngata, ed reed and more. He did't change anything up

He has a more aggressive attitude than Caldwell or Dungy and if you listen to Ray Lewis speak about him, he has nothing but great things to say

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As much as I hate the Chicago Cubs, you gotta hand it to their fans for always supporting. Being a die-hard fan is all about how you handle adversity.

I am one of those Cubs fans and frankly what the Colts are going threw is nothing new to Cubs fans. I don't know how many times I've seen them tear down and rebuild and never sniff anyting close to the playoffs let alone the kind of success the Colts have had. That's why I kept saying enjoy it when it was going on because it's not the right that some fans act like it is.

Here's my request for the forum can we just make one thread for people to denouce their Colt fan hood? I don't get why everyone feels the need to have their own thread saying I am no longer a Colts fan. Frankly I don't really care if you (and I mean you in a general sense I don't think this poster is denoucing anything) aren't going to cheer for the Colts anymore because they gave away your favorite players (and completely ignore as much as it hurts to do so it's the right moves.) You are more than welcome to do so that is your right but at the sametime you don't see the fans that are going to stick with the team feeling the need to start a thread and say look at me I am still a Colts fan. None of us had anything to do with these players getting released and I really doubt Grigson, Pagano, or Irsay spends much time reading the forum just to see who how the fans feel about the moves the team made. If you want to annouce you are no longer a Colts fan I would suggest you write a letter to Irsay or Girgson that has a better chance of them seeing it than doing it here.

All posting that here does is annoy the people who are sticking with the team because they are tired of seeing their team just being pounded on and leads to them calling out the poster as a bandwagon fan which causes that poster to get mad and go I am not a bandwagon fan and it's just down hill from there. Again, that's not to say you have to come in and say hey everything is great! You are more than welcome to disagree with the moves the Colts did make or question them or express pain from that is what a forum is for. However there is a diffrence between doing that and still supporting the team and denouncing your fan hood and just ripping on them.

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haha. I wouldn't have figured it out if it wasn't for his avatar. Once my eyes fell on it, it all made perfect sense.


For the record my comment had zero to do with my avatar, but more about a couple of former Cleveland Browns fan that are new here and pretending to be life long Colt fans, who are actually only here due to Andrew Luck.

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Colts wont be down for to long, 2014 the latest and they will be competitive again. i have a feeling this new team that is being put together and with luck the colts could win 2 or 3 superbowls by the time Luck retires. pagano will get the colts defense up to baltimore and pittsburghs level, and Luck will prob. be a much better QB then Flacco has been. alot of good years in the near future

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For the record my comment had zero to do with my avatar, but more about a couple of former Cleveland Browns fan that are new here and pretending to be life long Colt fans, who are actually only here due to Andrew Luck.

o. then I totally got it wrong. I thought you were talking about YOU with that CB avatar. nvm.

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No.. Sorry for that being misleading.

I have friends who are Browns fans, they've been numbed by the perpetual spiral of hope and despair with that team. That's my fear, that we 'rebuild' forever.

All that being said, you still have that stupid song in my head ... "My name is Cleveland Brown..."

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This whole thing is so shocking to the people who dont dedicate their loyalty to one team, this kinda thing happens......Be excited for the future, at least in this situation we have an excellent prospect joining the Colts its time to rally around our team, this is when they need it most! So wear the Horseshoe proud it represents much more than any one person......GO COLTS!!!!!

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I will no longer spend money on the colts. My wife is a die hard patriots fan which i can not stand. My son grew up knowing Manning like a super hero, You didnt see the pats release there franchise QB after a injury that basicly made there whole city a city of doing things the right way.

Instead we have an owner who completely tossed manning aside after he got what he wanted, new stadium on tax dollars , superbowl ring, hosted superbowl. Irsay is a joke, he could of given Manning a contract laced with Bonus incentives to keep him and drafted Griffen who stated he would of enjoyed sitting behind Manning like Rogers an learned till it was his time.

Me and my family have put all the colts jersey's in a box donated them to goodwill, and will not watch anymore colts games on tv or radio, Or head to the yearly colts games, i dont make a lot of money so we only make 1 game a year and i think i would rather spend that money driving up to chicago and watching the bears that one time a year instead of here In the city Manning Built.

Simply when 1 single person does as much as he did for the city / state / team / he needed to be allowed to finish his carrer here no matter how good or bad his Health is / was as long as he is cleared to play.

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Keep the faith. There is plenty to be excited about with this team. Luck is an excellent QB prospect, Grigs has really shown he knows what he is doing, and Pagano brings a solid attitude with him. Once you get over the emotional attachment we all have to Peyton, you can see that these moves are really best for the franchise

Comforting words..man of steel

..but its hard..we dont even have a full boat of players right now..

no QBs...2 WRs....left

..few DBs.....

I appreciate that faith is the belief in something you cannot see and is not obvious..

..but these are dark, dark days.

we are the worst team in the NFL and since the dn of the year..we've done nothing but release players...while other teams sign them

WE have to start adding players

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Let us thank the salary cap, the rookie wage scale for all things the NFL has designed to promote parity, the very reasons why a new franchise like the Texans can, over the years, aspire to be division winners, and then SB contenders. The Colts' new situation will be no different. If not for the rookie wage scale, I would be scared way more about our ability to be competitive again. Of course, you need that franchise QB that would make it all work with this new NFL framework with the rookie wage scale.

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Let us thank the salary cap, the rookie wage scale for all things the NFL has designed to promote parity, the very reasons why a new franchise like the Texans can, over the years, aspire to be division winners, and then SB contenders. The Colts' new situation will be no different. If not for the rookie wage scale, I would be scared way more about our ability to be competitive again.

we desperately need draft choices to rebuild quickly..but we dont have a lot high ones

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I will no longer spend money on the colts. My wife is a die hard patriots fan which i can not stand. My son grew up knowing Manning like a super hero, You didnt see the pats release there franchise QB after a injury that basicly made there whole city a city of doing things the right way.

Instead we have an owner who completely tossed manning aside after he got what he wanted, new stadium on tax dollars , superbowl ring, hosted superbowl. Irsay is a joke, he could of given Manning a contract laced with Bonus incentives to keep him and drafted Griffen who stated he would of enjoyed sitting behind Manning like Rogers an learned till it was his time.

Me and my family have put all the colts jersey's in a box donated them to goodwill, and will not watch anymore colts games on tv or radio, Or head to the yearly colts games, i dont make a lot of money so we only make 1 game a year and i think i would rather spend that money driving up to chicago and watching the bears that one time a year instead of here In the city Manning Built.

Simply when 1 single person does as much as he did for the city / state / team / he needed to be allowed to finish his carrer here no matter how good or bad his Health is / was as long as he is cleared to play.

Seriously have some faith, this will happen to every team......IT HAS TO HAPPEN! its the evolution of the game dont give up on the Colts because they have to rebuild, your a Colt for life or you were never one to begin with.....
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I agree with Portage Coltsfan.....Pagano is not the answer....coaching at a place where a great defense lives doesn't make you a great coach if it wasn't your work, but time will tell on that one. Being a Colts fan for over 50 years and following them from Baltimore to Indianapolis, watching Bert Jones throw the football from one end-zone to the other end-zone as only a couple of QB's can do, and wearing all things Colts......I don't like "gutting the team" as we have done. Don't believe that we can be competitive in 2 years, even though I wish we could. It took years to build our offensive team and we never really built a defensive team that anyone feared.......I'm just saying we need to be realistic in our expectations. I'm really hurt that Irsay promised that if Peyton was healthy enough to play in 2012 that he would play as a Colt. Irsay wanted to pay Peyton more than Peyton accepted, because Peyton wanted to retain more players to make us more competitive. Manning put the clause in the contract that said if he wasn't healthy enough that his contract i.e. 28 million, could be waved and he could be let go. I really don't think that Peyton believed that if he was healthy enough to play that Irsay would let him go. But as always Peyton was a man....a man that gave his all and loved Indianapolis more than anyone who has ever lived in that city. I feel he was betrayed and I feel a lot of fans who could think we could be better without him are betraying him too. Its not just business and football.....its character and honesty...both of which Peyton has and none of what Irsay has retained........better without Peyton.....ya'll may be crazy.....but this Colts fan is not.

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Guys we are really getting out of control with this "im not a colts fan anymore" seriously this is a business. i dont know Irsay, ive never met him, i wasnt in the room when him and Peyton had their talks, but i really believe that this wasnt easy for Irsay either, he saw the decline in the team, he saw a team without 18 go 2-14, so ask yourself this what would you have done? if we went 2-14 without Manning i believe i would have hit the d-day button as well. not easy but true.

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Seriously have some faith, this will happen to every team......IT HAS TO HAPPEN! its the evolution of the game dont give up on the Colts because they have to rebuild, your a Colt for life or you were never one to begin with.....

will we live long enough to see the Colts in the playoffs again.. 1863....?

When was the last time Washington was in the playoffs?.....what about Oakland??

does it 'have to happen?"

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I think I am more proud then ever of the Colts. In many ways with all the firings this offseason I feel cleansed. A fresh start and new era I feel is what the doctor ordered. This team was developing more holes over recent years then an aging slice of swiss cheese.

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Seriously have some faith, this will happen to every team......IT HAS TO HAPPEN! its the evolution of the game dont give up on the Colts because they have to rebuild, your a Colt for life or you were never one to begin with.....

rebuilding is different i understand rebuidling, ^messing^ over Manning the 1 person that made the team . city , is another thing. Its not about them being a 1-15 team for the next 5 years that i can deal with, Its the idea of letting someone go that done more then anyone else just cause Irsay is scared of being a 1-15 team instead of doing the right thing by letting Manning finish his career here.

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