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Is Irsay in DENIAL or simply turning a BLIND eye?


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As we all can see the Colts are a mess right now and have been trending that way for a WHILE now. When this season is over the Colts face the strong possibility of a dead last finish within the division once known as the "worst in football" just few years back. The Colts have entered the last week at 7-8 in the past TWO seasons and have had the luxury to finish at home in CONSECUTIVE seasons against a 3 win division foe only to pull out a nail bitter in the end. Now it appears like the "cycle" of the downward spiral will be complete from the 2nd place division finish in 2015 while falling to 3rd place last year and by sitting in the cellar of the south this year. The once all world young franchise qb is now an injury prone question mark after taking years of punishment behind a NON nfl quality offensive line.... BUT still how did the Colts get here since the dismal blowout AFCCG just 3 years ago? Even in that season the Colts looked so outmatched with huge losses against the top teams that eyebrows should've been raised as far as where the Colts stood against SB caliber teams. The Colts always seemed more like a 7-9 type of team talent and coach wise under the duo of Grigs and Pagano. 11-5 came more so from the fact that they feasted on the putrid afc south with Luck. As the division became better and the 6-0 records within the south came to a halt the Colts simply look like the reflection on how they've been built and how they are coached.  


It all started when Irsay decided to pair a first time gm with a first time non proven hc at ANY level to lead the franchise and oversee the growth of the next big thing in Andrew Luck. The problem with that is only TIME will tell if either the gm or hc can grow to become upper tier at their positions. Finding out down the line that they're in over their heads sets the franchise back at the EXPENSE of the young qb's health and future by wasting years if you hold on to them for too long!!! With that said Irsay didn't make the TOUGH decision to cut bait after year 4 in the best interest of the team but instead he chose to move forward in the WRONG direction to PROVE he made the right hires in the first place. Year one under Grigs in which fans raved about earned him EOY with the quick turn around season bringing in players like Redding, Vonte Davis, Stanton as backup qb, Butler and Jerrell Freeman to name a few while drafting Luck, TY, Allen, Fleener, Ballard, Brazill, and Chapman BUT as time went on with major whiffs in the draft, overspending of subpar FAs and the BLATANT neglect of that pitiful o-line lead to his eventual firing. The first season was also remembered as the run Bruce Arian took the team on at 9-3 earning him COY while Chuck was out battling cancer. After that season Bruce was the hot name for a hc job throughout the league (in which he won another COY with the Cards) and many wondered outside Indy what the Colts would do? Especially with Chuck being a question mark going forward health wise as well as appearing somewhat avg in coaching a few games that season. Also keep in mind that Big Ben had put up some of his best numbers with Bruce as his oc with the Steelers while winning SB under his play calling. Bruce also was Peyton's qb coach at one time. I thought Irsay should've retained Bruce as the hc and made a spot for Chuck in the FO to avoid a PR nightmare of getting rid of a coach overcoming cancer. 


Forcing the new GM Ballard to go into the season with Chuck at the helm was another mistake because no matter how much better the talent level could become you STILL would have the same subpar hc with the same bad OVERALL gameplan whose teams seem unprepared, undisciplined, unaccounted for and to me Chuck does not always field the best players for whatever reason. This team has had 3 ocs but the run right up the gut for little to no yards on 1st and 2nd downs leading to 3rd and long comes from the hc who BELIEVES in smash mouth football in his overall approach but doesn't have the personnel to do so. This team has also had 2 dcs but the defense is STILL bad with no pass rush yet are afraid to blitz more often to at least generate some pressure. Chuck has all his buddies in place yet the team is sinking in quicksand.... At the rate this team will be lucky to win 5 games. Which brings me to Ballard..... 


I know this is a long term rebuild but how much better did the Colts really get under ANOTHER first time GM? The o-line is STILL bad, pass rush is STILL non existent, Scott Tolzien is STILL the backup and the middle linebacker spot is STILL a mess!!! Ballard has done some right things so far but all the talk I've heard before about aggressive play etc. My fear is that Ballard will turn out like Grigs who also came in with high praise only to flame out. Why did it take SO long for him to get a GM job? I hear Ballard likes stc Dave Toub to become a  hc but ONCE again you tie yourself to someone who has NEVER been a hc at any level and must learn on the job which sounds eerily like the last experiment... 


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Jim Irsay,


Haven’t we all paid a big enough price? We are financially and emotionally invested in this team. Do you think our fandom has no limits? Most of us can deal with a few losing seasons. What cannot be tolerated is absolute incompetence, total disrespect for public safety, and an organization that assumes we will always stand by the Colts. 


33 years ago, I didn’t sign up for this dumpster fire. I signed up to be a part of something great. Greatness doesn’t always show up in the win and loss columns. Through thick and thin, many of us have remained faithful. Is our loyalty taken for granted?


This all comes down to principles and core values. We are not winning anything this year. Most of us have accepted that, and I think we can live with it. Personally for me, the losses haven’t been the hardest part. The incompetence of the coaching staff and the politics have been far tougher than the actual losses. There is no doubt this season has tested my patience more than any other. 


The Colts fan base is absolutely shattered, and you have to clean up this mess. We need real leaders to replace this coaching staff. We have no leadership on this team, and no one is stepping up to take command. That’s on you!


Robert Mathis is one of my favorite Colts of all time, and it saddens me to acknowledge that you need to fire him. You need to send a message to everyone that no person is greater than the Shoe! We don’t need any cheap talk when actions are necessary.


If you want to remain respected then own your damn team!

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1 minute ago, WoolMagnet said:

I'm surrounded by Drama queens


If you think people are being too melodramatic then you need to pay closer attention to what’s going on. 


There is a really good chance, especially if Luck doesn’t play, that we won’t win another game this season. We have coaches drinking and driving. There is no leadership on this team whatsoever. This organization is not capable of molding talent. The list goes on and on. 


Wake up! None of that is exaggerated. 

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5 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


If you think people are being too melodramatic then you need to pay closer attention to what’s going on. 


There is a really good chance, especially if Luck doesn’t play, that we won’t win another game this season. We have coaches drinking and driving. There is no leadership on this team whatsoever. This organization is not capable of molding talent. The list goes on and on. 


Wake up! None of that is exaggerated. 

I am watching closely.

especially some of the overly dramatic posts here

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6 minutes ago, bluephantom87 said:


So you think the Colts are just fine in YEAR 6 with Andrew Luck? Touted by many to be the next face of the nfl after Manning, Brady, Brees and Rodgers step away....

Of course not.

but you dont throw out the baby with the bathwater.

well, most dont.  Around here, im not so sure.

there must be dozens of babies swimming around Indy area water treatment plants.

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I don't blame Irsay for not changing head coaches and personnel every other year. You definitely want continuity on a football team. I personally think that Irsay wanted to give Pagano the benefit of the doubt and let him coach another year. It's almost not fair because Andrew Luck isn't in the line up, however, it unfortunately still falls on the head coaches shoulders. I'm not excited about where the football team is and I do agree that Irsay should part ways with Pagano and staff after this season's end.


We don't know what happens behind closed doors with Irsay. Rumor was that he was trying to put the bug in a few coaches ears about potentially coaching the Indianapolis Colts (i.e. Gruden). He's not oblivious on where his team is heading and I think he's changed his approach over the years. Remember when we lost bad in a PRESEASON GAME and Irsay vented on Twitter about that? Yeah... He's definitely changed and is holding back from speaking in the public eye. It's a good thing, but some fans are bothered because they feel they are owed something from Jim about the situation. 


I've been telling myself to relax and just watch the games. If they win, that's cool. If they lose, that's fine too. This season and most likely next season are and will not be pretty. Especially if we change HC and personnel. Kick up your feet guys, it's coming later!

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1 minute ago, WoolMagnet said:

I am watching closely.

especially some of the overly dramatic posts here


What exactly is overdramatized?


Do you see anyone making this crap up?


I can tell you what’s happening but you won’t like it. Some of us are accepting the reality of the current Colts. I have no idea what world the others are living in. 

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3 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


What exactly is overdramatized?


Do you see anyone making this crap up?


I can tell you what’s happening but you won’t like it. Some of us are accepting the reality of the current Colts. I have no idea what world the others are living in. 

We have different perspectives.

Im accepting the reality but im not letting it ruin my life.

its a GAME.

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3 minutes ago, WoolMagnet said:

I call a spade a spade when i see it


So you exaggerate when you name call, but fall short of proper observation when assessing the current dumpster fire called the Colts?


How about we leave the personal name calling out of the conversation and stick to the topic of the Colts.

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Irsay is very concerned with the status of the team. Unlike in other markets, (NY, Chicago, Pittsburgh, and a few others) the fan base will not support a lousy team for long. This is a small market and he should know this team needs to win soon or the fan base will disappear.

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Man people act like we've been the Browns or Jaguars for the last six years. People act like we weren't just in a AFC Championship game a few years back. Being a bottom five team is not the end of the world especially when your star QB has been injured the whole season.


When Dallas lost Tony Romo a couple of years ago, they lost almost every game even though they had a better roster than we did. And what did that give them... Ezekiel freaking Elliot. 


I'm not a Pagano fan especially with the decisions he made this year, however, I hate the hypocrisy of people that criticize coaching when we lose even though they admit themselves that the coaches took a "7-9 team and made them 11-5." I don't care who they are facing, these coaches took an untalented roster that was not expected to do well and made it to an AFC Championship game.


The doom and gloom is going completely overboard just because people are used to winning ten games a year. Nothing last forever.

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7 minutes ago, Blueblood23 said:

Irsay is very concerned with the status of the team. Unlike in other markets, (NY, Chicago, Pittsburgh, and a few others) the fan base will not support a lousy team for long. This is a small market and he should know this team needs to win soon or the fan base will disappear.


Yep. If this doesn’t keep him up at night thinking then nothing will. 

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I don't know why anyone here would think that Jim Irsay does not know what's going on? 


He he is neither in denial nor has he turned a blind eye.    We will hear from him when he makes a move on Pagano, either in-season or at the end if the year.


If he speaks sooner because of fans not buying tickets or some other reason -- great.


But the man is not oblivious to what is going on.   THIS is his family business.  THIS is source of income, the source of his wealth.    He knows his business is having a terrible year.


Moves are coming.   Maybe not as soon as some here would like but they ARE coming.   We are all going to have to be more patient than any of us thought necessary just a few months ago,  but that's what we're going to need.  


Sorry, but there it is...   


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Pop's Irsay was the impetuous drunk, who'd fire everyone on the drop of a dime and no one would work for him, because of that right?

Jim, isn't pop's. He's no saint, but he's totally in a damned if you do, damned if you don't, here. I respect his wanting to maintain some continuity and his assessment of those qualities in a team- people LOVE that the Steelers keep coaches through the thick and thin. Yeah, I know, we're not the Steelers, but it's the principal of the point.


Anyway, this season is going worse than anyone anticipated, including Jim.. Now what? Fire Chuck now and be bad or fire Chuck later and... still be bad.



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I'm not flipping out because nothing has changed.  This is more or less the same team it was the day Grigson and Chuck were hired.  


During the past three seasons what has changed?


- Luck was injured in two of the seasons, obviously.

- When he was healthy in 2016, we failed to complete the 4th quarter comebacks we routinely completed his first three seasons.

- The AFC South began improving.

- During the first few years of this era you had a healthy and effective Reggie and Mathis.


Outside of that, nothing has changed.  Outside of the QB, this was a terrible team in 2012 and it's a terrible team today.  They got fat off the weakest division in football and rode Luck's ridiculous comebacks to the playoffs, but in essence it's the same team.


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51 minutes ago, bluephantom87 said:

As we all can see the Colts are a mess right now and have been trending that way for a WHILE now. When this season is over the Colts face the strong possibility of a dead last finish within the division once known as the "worst in football" just few years back. The Colts have entered the last week at 7-8 in the past TWO seasons and have had the luxury to finish at home in CONSECUTIVE seasons against a 3 win division foe only to pull out a nail bitter in the end. Now it appears like the "cycle" of the downward spiral will be complete from the 2nd place division finish in 2015 while falling to 3rd place last year and by sitting in the cellar of the south this year. The once all world young franchise qb is now an injury prone question mark after taking years of punishment behind a NON nfl quality offensive line.... BUT still how did the Colts get here since the dismal blowout AFCCG just 3 years ago? Even in that season the Colts looked so outmatched with huge losses against the top teams that eyebrows should've been raised as far as where the Colts stood against SB caliber teams. The Colts always seemed more like a 7-9 type of team talent and coach wise under the duo of Grigs and Pagano. 11-5 came more so from the fact that they feasted on the putrid afc south with Luck. As the division became better and the 6-0 records within the south came to a halt the Colts simply look like the reflection on how they've been built and how they are coached.  


It all started when Irsay decided to pair a first time gm with a first time non proven hc at ANY level to lead the franchise and oversee the growth of the next big thing in Andrew Luck. The problem with that is only TIME will tell if either the gm or hc can grow to become upper tier at their positions. Finding out down the line that they're in over their heads sets the franchise back at the EXPENSE of the young qb's health and future by wasting years if you hold on to them for too long!!! With that said Irsay didn't make the TOUGH decision to cut bait after year 4 in the best interest of the team but instead he chose to move forward in the WRONG direction to PROVE he made the right hires in the first place. Year one under Grigs in which fans raved about earned him EOY with the quick turn around season bringing in players like Redding, Vonte Davis, Stanton as backup qb, Butler and Jerrell Freeman to name a few while drafting Luck, TY, Allen, Fleener, Ballard, Brazill, and Chapman BUT as time went on with major whiffs in the draft, overspending of subpar FAs and the BLATANT neglect of that pitiful o-line lead to his eventual firing. The first season was also remembered as the run Bruce Arian took the team on at 9-3 earning him COY while Chuck was out battling cancer. After that season Bruce was the hot name for a hc job throughout the league (in which he won another COY with the Cards) and many wondered outside Indy what the Colts would do? Especially with Chuck being a question mark going forward health wise as well as appearing somewhat avg in coaching a few games that season. Also keep in mind that Big Ben had put up some of his best numbers with Bruce as his oc with the Steelers while winning SB under his play calling. Bruce also was Peyton's qb coach at one time. I thought Irsay should've retained Bruce as the hc and made a spot for Chuck in the FO to avoid a PR nightmare of getting rid of a coach overcoming cancer. 


Forcing the new GM Ballard to go into the season with Chuck at the helm was another mistake because no matter how much better the talent level could become you STILL would have the same subpar hc with the same bad OVERALL gameplan whose teams seem unprepared, undisciplined, unaccounted for and to me Chuck does not always field the best players for whatever reason. This team has had 3 ocs but the run right up the gut for little to no yards on 1st and 2nd downs leading to 3rd and long comes from the hc who BELIEVES in smash mouth football in his overall approach but doesn't have the personnel to do so. This team has also had 2 dcs but the defense is STILL bad with no pass rush yet are afraid to blitz more often to at least generate some pressure. Chuck has all his buddies in place yet the team is sinking in quicksand.... At the rate this team will be lucky to win 5 games. Which brings me to Ballard..... 


I know this is a long term rebuild but how much better did the Colts really get under ANOTHER first time GM? The o-line is STILL bad, pass rush is STILL non existent, Scott Tolzien is STILL the backup and the middle linebacker spot is STILL a mess!!! Ballard has done some right things so far but all the talk I've heard before about aggressive play etc. My fear is that Ballard will turn out like Grigs who also came in with high praise only to flame out. Why did it take SO long for him to get a GM job? I hear Ballard likes stc Dave Toub to become a  hc but ONCE again you tie yourself to someone who has NEVER been a hc at any level and must learn on the job which sounds eerily like the last experiment... 



49 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:

Jim Irsay,


Haven’t we all paid a big enough price? We are financially and emotionally invested in this team. Do you think our fandom has no limits? Most of us can deal with a few losing seasons. What cannot be tolerated is absolute incompetence, total disrespect for public safety, and an organization that assumes we will always stand by the Colts. 


33 years ago, I didn’t sign up for this dumpster fire. I signed up to be a part of something great. Greatness doesn’t always show up in the win and loss columns. Through thick and thin, many of us have remained faithful. Is our loyalty taken for granted?


This all comes down to principles and core values. We are not winning anything this year. Most of us have accepted that, and I think we can live with it. Personally for me, the losses haven’t been the hardest part. The incompetence of the coaching staff and the politics have been far tougher than the actual losses. There is no doubt this season has tested my patience more than any other. 


The Colts fan base is absolutely shattered, and you have to clean up this mess. We need real leaders to replace this coaching staff. We have no leadership on this team, and no one is stepping up to take command. That’s on you!


Robert Mathis is one of my favorite Colts of all time, and it saddens me to acknowledge that you need to fire him. You need to send a message to everyone that no person is greater than the Shoe! We don’t need any cheap talk when actions are necessary.


If you want to remain respected then own your damn team!


51 minutes ago, bluephantom87 said:

As we all can see the Colts are a mess right now and have been trending that way for a WHILE now. When this season is over the Colts face the strong possibility of a dead last finish within the division once known as the "worst in football" just few years back. The Colts have entered the last week at 7-8 in the past TWO seasons and have had the luxury to finish at home in CONSECUTIVE seasons against a 3 win division foe only to pull out a nail bitter in the end. Now it appears like the "cycle" of the downward spiral will be complete from the 2nd place division finish in 2015 while falling to 3rd place last year and by sitting in the cellar of the south this year. The once all world young franchise qb is now an injury prone question mark after taking years of punishment behind a NON nfl quality offensive line.... BUT still how did the Colts get here since the dismal blowout AFCCG just 3 years ago? Even in that season the Colts looked so outmatched with huge losses against the top teams that eyebrows should've been raised as far as where the Colts stood against SB caliber teams. The Colts always seemed more like a 7-9 type of team talent and coach wise under the duo of Grigs and Pagano. 11-5 came more so from the fact that they feasted on the putrid afc south with Luck. As the division became better and the 6-0 records within the south came to a halt the Colts simply look like the reflection on how they've been built and how they are coached.  


It all started when Irsay decided to pair a first time gm with a first time non proven hc at ANY level to lead the franchise and oversee the growth of the next big thing in Andrew Luck. The problem with that is only TIME will tell if either the gm or hc can grow to become upper tier at their positions. Finding out down the line that they're in over their heads sets the franchise back at the EXPENSE of the young qb's health and future by wasting years if you hold on to them for too long!!! With that said Irsay didn't make the TOUGH decision to cut bait after year 4 in the best interest of the team but instead he chose to move forward in the WRONG direction to PROVE he made the right hires in the first place. Year one under Grigs in which fans raved about earned him EOY with the quick turn around season bringing in players like Redding, Vonte Davis, Stanton as backup qb, Butler and Jerrell Freeman to name a few while drafting Luck, TY, Allen, Fleener, Ballard, Brazill, and Chapman BUT as time went on with major whiffs in the draft, overspending of subpar FAs and the BLATANT neglect of that pitiful o-line lead to his eventual firing. The first season was also remembered as the run Bruce Arian took the team on at 9-3 earning him COY while Chuck was out battling cancer. After that season Bruce was the hot name for a hc job throughout the league (in which he won another COY with the Cards) and many wondered outside Indy what the Colts would do? Especially with Chuck being a question mark going forward health wise as well as appearing somewhat avg in coaching a few games that season. Also keep in mind that Big Ben had put up some of his best numbers with Bruce as his oc with the Steelers while winning SB under his play calling. Bruce also was Peyton's qb coach at one time. I thought Irsay should've retained Bruce as the hc and made a spot for Chuck in the FO to avoid a PR nightmare of getting rid of a coach overcoming cancer. 


Forcing the new GM Ballard to go into the season with Chuck at the helm was another mistake because no matter how much better the talent level could become you STILL would have the same subpar hc with the same bad OVERALL gameplan whose teams seem unprepared, undisciplined, unaccounted for and to me Chuck does not always field the best players for whatever reason. This team has had 3 ocs but the run right up the gut for little to no yards on 1st and 2nd downs leading to 3rd and long comes from the hc who BELIEVES in smash mouth football in his overall approach but doesn't have the personnel to do so. This team has also had 2 dcs but the defense is STILL bad with no pass rush yet are afraid to blitz more often to at least generate some pressure. Chuck has all his buddies in place yet the team is sinking in quicksand.... At the rate this team will be lucky to win 5 games. Which brings me to Ballard..... 


I know this is a long term rebuild but how much better did the Colts really get under ANOTHER first time GM? The o-line is STILL bad, pass rush is STILL non existent, Scott Tolzien is STILL the backup and the middle linebacker spot is STILL a mess!!! Ballard has done some right things so far but all the talk I've heard before about aggressive play etc. My fear is that Ballard will turn out like Grigs who also came in with high praise only to flame out. Why did it take SO long for him to get a GM job? I hear Ballard likes stc Dave Toub to become a  hc but ONCE again you tie yourself to someone who has NEVER been a hc at any level and must learn on the job which sounds eerily like the last experiment... 



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Just don’t bring his personal life into this discussion. We have one hell of an owner with a heart. That’s why Pagano is still here. Irsay thanked God first when we won the SB in 06. It was the first thing to come out of his mouth. He is great in my book. My personal opinion on the topic though. He addressed us already. Ballard as well. At the beginning of this season they both said they had a lot of work to do fixing the roster. He said this would be just like 2012. We also needed to have patience. I was truly hurt like everyone else was. I don’t think Pagano should coach this team after his post game conference. Saying he did have the team ready. We play Jax twice a year. There’s no excuse for that. I’m with any decision the owner and GM make going forward.

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This forum is so funny. It's so obvious that this was always the plan, no matter how many times I hear that Ballard and Irsay have no plan at all.  


It was reported after the Ballard hire that Irsay prefferred to keep Pagano for continuity and Ballard agreed on a 1-year interview of sorts.  Why is it so hard to believe that the plan all along was that if things went south, they would rather look for a new coach in the off-season than in-season?  I'm not saying it won't eventually happen, but it would take something very drastic to fire in-season.  You all better believe that perspective head coaches all pay attention to how an organization handles coaching changes, as it affects them directly.  I think Harbaugh or Gruden or the next hot coaching prospect would rather come here if they believe the organization will stick behind their coach and give them every chance to succeed.  I think we would all agree a coaching change should have happened 1 or 2 seasons ago, but why act like Irsay and Ballard have no plan?  They were up front about their intentions from day 1.  Silence to me means they are following their plan, if they decided on a different plan they would hold a conference and let us know about it.


For the record I'm on the fire Pagano train as well, but I can absolutely see why they haven't done it.  Combine it with the fact Andrew is out and we are pretty much out of playoffs and what would be the point?  We don't need the extra wins that typically come with coaching changes.

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He could fire pags, ballard and the head usher, and its not going to change the product on the field very much this year. Should he do something, yes, and probably sooner rather than later would make a good impression. But lets try to do the right thing instead of just something.

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3 minutes ago, a06cc said:

Just don’t bring his personal life into this discussion. We have one hell of an owner with a heart.


I did not see anyone talk about Irsay’s personal life. Did I miss something?


I believe Jim Irsay is a great person, and has been a heck of an owner. He is one of the reasons I have become such a huge Colts fan. 


This message board is a place for fans to discuss the Colts. Those discussions will not always be wrapped in a bow, but they should be respectful. 

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Mr. Irsay is in an unenviable position.  His team is now a "circle game" on every other teams schedule.  He knows his head coach is a lame duck.  He knows his $120M QB likely won't play this year.  He knows (I would guess) that the fans want him to take action...now.  But, he also knows anything he does will only be an interim step as there are no viable candidates for the HC position available at this point in the season.  He likely feels firing the HC in mid-season is a bad move from a personnel side - because Pagano is doing his best (which isn't good enough and he never should have gotten the job in the first place) - but, Irsay hired...and extended him. 

So, he likely figures he should just let the season play out, then bring in a new coaching staff. 


Unless, of course, he feels he should let Pagano have a shot with a healthy Luck in 2018.


Or maybe, just maybe...he doesn't really care one way or the other any longer.

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31 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


I did not see anyone talk about Irsay’s personal life. Did I miss something?


I believe Jim Irsay is a great person, and has been a heck of an owner. He is one of the reasons I have become such a huge Colts fan. 


This message board is a place for fans to discuss the Colts. Those discussions will not always be wrapped in a bow, but they should be respectful. 

Some bring up his personal life. I’m just warning those who try. Mostly trolls, but some fans do. We all have our own mistakes to own up too. I’m just making those who make it personal aware so they don’t. 

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33 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


I did not see anyone talk about Irsay’s personal life. Did I miss something?


I believe Jim Irsay is a great person, and has been a heck of an owner. He is one of the reasons I have become such a huge Colts fan. 


This message board is a place for fans to discuss the Colts. Those discussions will not always be wrapped in a bow, but they should be respectful. 

And I respect you because you actually read my full post.

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58 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


We are not allowed to talk about kneeling on this board, and understandably so. If you want to have this conversation then you can IM me. The rules state we cannot talk about in the open though. 


It suggested a 'yes', or 'no' answer. No discussion necessary.

Just holding out the hypocrite monitor.

Heck, you can consider it rhetorical, as I don't need to know, and you already know.

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4 minutes ago, buccolts said:


It suggested a 'yes', or 'no' answer. No discussion necessary.

Just holding out the hypocrite monitor.

Heck, you can consider it rhetorical, as I don't need to know, and you already know.


No discussion necessary? Okay. The answer is no. I am completely against it, and it's painful to watch. Can we leave it at that or continue the discussion in IM?

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3 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


No discussion necessary? Okay. The answer is no. I am completely against it, and it's painful to watch. Can we leave it at that or continue the discussion in IM?


Nope, that's it. 

It's not for me to tell you what/how to feel about it.


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He's neither in denial nor turning a blind eye.


His goal has always been to get the right people in the jobs and step back.  Some of getting the right people is who is available.  He made his decision in Grigson and Pagano.  It was not working, various coaches were released, and then Grigson.


Irsay has always admired the Steelers and their stability.  It's true we had our best run when our coaching staff and players were not constantly changing.  So, I get not wanting to change for change sake.


I have to say, that people on this forum are ok when the colts win.  But when they lose......and in this case lose horribly, suddenly everything is bad and everyone has known all along.


Lots of swearing and people absolving themselves of following board rules because they're angry.


Hind sight is 20 20.  Suddenly Jim Irsay has been mismanaging and 'meddling' with the team all along.


I've watched this false narrative spring out of nowhere but anger.


I have no doubt that this team and these fans are very important to Jim Irsay. I doubt anyone wants to win as much as he does.


We'll get there.  For sure not as fast as we'd like to but, I don't question Irsay at all.

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2 hours ago, BlueShoe said:


If you think people are being too melodramatic then you need to pay closer attention to what’s going on. 


There is a really good chance, especially if Luck doesn’t play, that we won’t win another game this season. We have coaches drinking and driving. There is no leadership on this team whatsoever. This organization is not capable of molding talent. The list goes on and on. 


Wake up! None of that is exaggerated. 


   Gee, Chuck IS who many here said he is. NO Drama there. Chud-Same. Monochino-Same,
   Minus LUCKY for my predicted at least 3 games, with half the roster new, a Totally unproven O-Line that, is not a big surprise, FAILING, ILB'ers that were predictably Terrible, a  Receiving group that was/is mediocre, MUST be the reason i predicted a 5-11 season.
  For those that were Listening, P T Irsay did kindly express quite publicly that there might be a couple down years

 ahead, that it was a preference to having a future of 8-8 as our expectations. HINT HINT
  Personally, i am really ______ we didn't lose to Cleveland and SF. 
 And like most here, I Love my Colts!   :colts:

 And i do feel bad for the players putting their hearts, minds, and bodies towards a bad season. But this happens to a few teams each yearI All those bad drafts and good drafts by our SOUTH competition and YOU All expected More. Get a Grip!
  Wake Up smell the Coffee. 

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