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The Colts Have Hired Ex-Chargers Defensive Coordinator Greg Manusky To Run The Defense.


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He was also the DC for the 49ers from 07-10, wonder how much he had to do with that D being good? In 02-06 he was the LB coach in SD and returned there this past year as DC.

He was fired in SD and we picked him up WEIRD > headline Chargers fire Greg Manusky and replace him with John Pagano - isnt that our coaches brother?

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Statistically, haven't the Chargers had a pretty solid defense in the last few years? Weren't they usually top 10 in almost every category?

They were average last year.

He did ok with the 9ers. Apparently he gets conservative early in games at times.

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Well let's see. He has a middle of the road D in SF (jumped from 20 something to 13 with the drafting of Willis). He then leaves SF, they add 5 new starters to the D(in football terms that is called an overhaul) and they are playing in the NFCC game with a much more aggressive D.

He goes to San Diego and takes over the reigns of the NFL's #2 ranked D (#6 AER), he drives them all the way to 16 (26 AER).

The Colts D was absolutely horrible on 3rd down last year allowing 45% conversion. That was still 4% better than the Chargers did under Manusky.

He may end up being a perfect pairing with Pagano, but his resume is less impressive than Coyer's.

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How long was John Pagano on SD's staff? If he was there with him last year then he'd have worked with Manusky for a full year. If John worked with Manusky for a full year, then I bet Chuck spoke to John about Greg before making the hire. So perhaps John thought highly of Manusky and felt the defensive issues SD has had weren't Greg's fault. Maybe lack of talent or injuries had a lot to do with SD's defensive woes. Or, maybe John is ultra-competetive and lied to Chuck so that Chuck would hire Greg knowing that Greg was an inferior coach. Maybe he's trying to get a competetive edge for SD over the Colts but I highly doubt it.

So all that said, I really would be surprised if Greg was hired without a conversation having taken place between Chuck and John about Greg's potential. Plus, it doesn't really matter how conservative or aggressive Manusky is at playcalling if Chuck decides to do the playcalling on defense. :)

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Manusky's 49ers defense was very decent. But it was the best in the league i 2011 - first year after Manusky was gone.

Chargers' defense was ranked 1st in the league i 2010 (inflated stats however), but was terrible in 2011!

This hire sucks! I just naively pray that Pagano will take control of the defense.

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The 49ers signed LBs from the Chargers in the offseason - namely Laboy and Applewhite, if I remember right. Plus, of course the Chargers did lose Shaun Philips for most of the games on defense. Signed Bob Sanders that did not work out.

Then, offensively, the Chargers had Floyd or Gates or O-line issues out the wazoo; not to mention they lost Sproles. So, the Chargers had serious starter issues that ended up reflecting in their record.

So, I give Manusky a little benefit of doubt. But then, the schemes he used had that Chargers secondary out of position several times.

To me, it is no better a hire than Larry Coyer. MEAH!!!

Given how the other hires were all coaches that were in the top 3rd of their league on ST (Malouf), and O (Arians), this hiring pales in comparison and is terrible in comparison!!!

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Well let's see. He has a middle of the road D in SF (jumped from 20 something to 13 with the drafting of Willis). He then leaves SF, they add 5 new starters to the D(in football terms that is called an overhaul) and they are playing in the NFCC game with a much more aggressive D.

He goes to San Diego and takes over the reigns of the NFL's #2 ranked D (#6 AER), he drives them all the way to 16 (26 AER).

The Colts D was absolutely horrible on 3rd down last year allowing 45% conversion. That was still 4% better than the Chargers did under Manusky.

He may end up being a perfect pairing with Pagano, but his resume is less impressive than Coyer's.

Totally agree!!! Mediocre hire at best!!!

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Manusky's 49ers defense was very decent. But it was the best in the league i 2011 - first year after Manusky was gone.

Chargers' defense was ranked 1st in the league i 2010 (inflated stats however), but was terrible in 2011!

This hire sucks! I just naively pray that Pagano will take control of the defense.


I'm sure Pagano will have great input defensively...

Its so hard to judge a DC's future with your team by what he did with soemone else's players..

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I haven't really looked him up yet, but I've been reading and I'm seeing a lot of negative things. Look from what I've heard he is a great teacher and motivator of the 3-4 Defense which is important for now since we are transitioning to a 3-4. SD is a weird place for me to figure out, they are so inconsistent and always underachieving so its a tough call there. I have confidence in Irsay, Grigson, and Pagano who have so far acquired great pieces to our staff. Again I have no knowledge of his philosophy, scheme, game planning etc I'm going by what I've read on these boards. If anyone has a website with great info on Manusky feel free to post and save me some trouble lol.

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From what I have read, he took both San Diego and San Fran from relatively bad to relatively middle of the road defenses. Pagano pretty much stated on JMVs show that the 3-4 is on its way.

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm kind of disappointed that we're going to the 3-4 defense. We are following the crowd and going with the trend on this move. Everybody's switching to the 3-4. This insures that the majority of our most popular players on defense will be gone as well and that we can look forward to at least 3 years of sub-par seasons.

Are you all ready for the pain? It will be difficult for us ever to match the success of the Polian era, let alone surpass it. I guess we have no choice but to strive for even more excellence. Change is good so they say.

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I honestly don't care if we have a 34 or 43 as long as we are big, physical, and fast. I could kind of see why the 34 is popular today due to a passer friendly league. I like the fact that we are finally getting rid of the cover 2 and tampa 2, and going into a hybrid D. If we look anywhere near the Ravens on D, and high flying Colts on offense omg watch out NFL!

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If we are going to a base 3-4, it is going to take a few years. I believe we will see a good number of snaps with both. IMO, the offenses that evolved in today's game almost require the 3-4 to an extent. It is either use a 3-4 for go to the 4-3 nickel and get run on all day. The game is just so pass heavy. If the TE trend continues, we will probably see some sort of hybrid LB/DB/S used to be able to cover. Just my IMO.

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Just popped op on Colts Facebook. Who's Happy - who's disappointed?

I am mildly disappointed in this pick just because he hasn't succeeded somwhere and just lasted 1 season in San Diego for whatever reason and he is not a up and coming coaching mind from under the DC rank, meaning defensive assistant. I think as long as we can get Pagano and Manusky together to game plame and find workable changes, it should come out ok. As long as we don't play off 15 yards from the wr's all game, I will be happy.

Well let's see. He has a middle of the road D in SF (jumped from 20 something to 13 with the drafting of Willis). He then leaves SF, they add 5 new starters to the D(in football terms that is called an overhaul) and they are playing in the NFCC game with a much more aggressive D.

He goes to San Diego and takes over the reigns of the NFL's #2 ranked D (#6 AER), he drives them all the way to 16 (26 AER).

The Colts D was absolutely horrible on 3rd down last year allowing 45% conversion. That was still 4% better than the Chargers did under Manusky.

He may end up being a perfect pairing with Pagano, but his resume is less impressive than Coyer's.

Your last 2 lines are concerning to me and you just have to wonder what the circumstances were that he was discharged from SD after 1 season, that is a rare deal in the NFL to get axed after 1 season. The brass must have felt comfortable enough with the coaches firing in all that to bring him here for a chance to transform this defense.

I'm not overly excited about the new DC, but I'm not going to write him off either.

I'm just glad he won't have a Polian tying his hands behind his back.

I think this is a big thing, not having Polian telling the coaches who and how to play players. Let the coaches coach and judge their performance based from that. If it is not up to what the goals were at the start of the contract, make decisions to retain or remove based upon those goals met/not met and cause. Not all great coaches win because of their decisions and not all bad coaches lose because of their ability to coach, sometime circumstances affect the outcomes.

I am not excited about the pick, as I was happy to see Pagano, but I am also cautiously optimistic as well in a transformation of this defense into Pagano's vision executed by Manusky and co.

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