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Brad Childress To Interview With Colts


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I was going to post the exact same thing as well when I did my first response. I didn't know exactly if Childress is looney so I decided against it.

Just watching how he romanced Brett Favre was looney enough. Besides, a good play on words is worth a little exageration or inaccuracy.

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The real question is, is when he signs his contract does that include an expense account for baby oil, and shiners? B/c that glowing dome of his would be all I could look at..... Its so shiny, and reflective, then there is the mustache......I don't want him as a coach, but if I were making a 70's era adult film, and needed an actor/director, Im sure Chilly would be the first I called......

"Brad Childress stars and directs in: Thru the Uprights".......Gold..........

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I don't want him as a coach, but if I were making a 70's era adult film, and needed an actor/director, Im sure Chilly would be the first I called......

"Brad Childress stars and directs in: Thru the Uprights".......Gold..........

haha Co-Staring Rob Lowe? Thank you. Now this is all finally making some sense.

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Oh man. Now it's Childress?

I guess I'd be ok with Zimmer or even the guy from the Saints.

But please don't bring Childress in!

Now if Grigs hires Childress... this would be and EPIC FAIL... the players on teh Minny squad he coached HATED him...

This surely won't happen.

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I am not as against this as other people are.

He had a very good track record as the Eagles QB coach and then OC.

Then in his five years with the Vikings he did have a winning record and got to the playoffs with Tavris Jackson at QB and got to an NFC TItle game and might have very well gotten to a Super Bowl had Bret Favre not gone Bret Favre on him.

His last year did not go well I will give people that but I think there are worse people out there and I don't think he would be a horriable hire. He's not my first choice but I wouldn't be super upset if he gets the job.

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Why Childress or even Tressel?

Did we wait to late to get a prom date and now we're stuck with the awkward guy from science class?Take a

D-minded coach and get a strong OC.

I don't know if we waited too late. There just weren't a lot of big name coaches out there. About the only one out there this year that was interested in coming back to coaching this year was Jeff Fisher and Jim Irsay has said they didn't contact him which would lead one to believe they didn't have interest in him.

The only other guy they missed out on was the Packers OC. I am not sure if he was really on the Colts radar either.

We are looking at several could be good young coaches. I know they aren't big names yet but if they get the job here they could very well become a big name. They also have the semi big names in Chip Kelly, Jim Tressel and Brad Childress on their radar. The Colts are looking at about six guys based on the reports I've seen. Personally I want Zimmer from the Bengals so we shall see.

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Year ▴ Age Tm * No. G GS QBrec Cmp Att Cmp% Yds TD TD% Int Int% Lng Y/A AY/A Y/C Y/G Rate Sk Yds NY/A ANY/A Sk% 4QC GWD AV

1985 25 IND QB 18 16 14 5-9-0 199 393 50.6 2414 14 3.6 15 3.8 80 6.1 5.1 12.1 150.9 65.8 25 180 5.3 4.4 6.0 1 1 9

That is what our QB did with Childress coaching him in 1985.


direct link.

Awesome, that's pretty terrible...

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