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Stay Classy Tom Brady


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3 hours ago, dgambill said:

Don't get me wrong...there have been several things I can question when it comes to Tom's integrity etc when it comes to Deflate, some whining, even some comments about Peyton in those personal emails...but to say he is classless...I think that's too much. Everyone has their opinion...I have mine but I've got a TON of respect for how hard he works to be so successful. I've never heard a teammate speak ill of him and clearly he over came great odds to be a great qb. I don't know why we need to bash him in a thread where he clearly had nothing but kind words to CJ. Maybe if Peyton can win a SB it will bring closure to the Tom Brady vs Peyton Manning thing around here. He clearly isn't the villain people make him out to be...and yes he is no Mother Teresa either. I don't know why when its clear a great deal of football players respect the guy (as a football player) that us fans can't do the same.

No, because he is Tom Brady.

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2 hours ago, dgambill said:


It's all good...let the hate build....feed the dark side lol....I understand..I don't find much appealing about them either but something just feels a little unhealthy when we even attack them when they do something good or nice. I'm a Colt fan and they've ruined plenty playoff parties of mine down through the years...but I'd like to think I can be objective when it comes to things like this and not let my fandom over shadow a good story. Also I'd like to think us good hearted midwestern values teach us a little better than getting down on the Bostonian level lol. Have at it...we've had plenty of hate on Tom threads through the years...what's one more lol.

Down to the Bostonian level?  Wow? Just when you had Tom all built up you throw the bomb.

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38 minutes ago, The Old Crow said:


Agreed. What happened to all the Patriot fans ? Was there a mass booting this week based on Manning- Brady agitation ? It's been quiet. 

Honestly has been amazing. The way I've always wanted it, wouldn't change it for anything.

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3 hours ago, dgambill said:

Wow...you'd think it was a NE Festivus celebration going on in here. Everyone just airing their NE Patriot grievances. Can't believe people hold onto such animosity for so long. You'd think someone stole their first born child or something. Just kind of sorry that in a thread of something nice about somebody we have to drag it down to this level. Oh well....it's the evil Patriots and the antichrist Tom Brady were talking about lol.


You're too objective for a message board. Lol. 


I am pleased and relieved that the Pats are not in the Super Bowl this year. I can enjoy the game this time regardless of the outcome. :) 

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On 1/28/2016 at 11:19 PM, ColtsSouljah said:

I don't understand all the hype for this story. Was it a nice thing to say? Sure. It''s hardly an example of the "ZOOM THEZ BRADY IS THEZ CLASS" craziness that has followed it.

No one ever said Brady hatred every person he ever came in contact with. Brady and all the pats organization has the reputation of being very, very classless in lose. This doesn't change that.



People like it when athletes do a nice thing every now and then so they scream at us about how "classy" they are, when they go home and get to sit in big mansions and count millions of dollars that us everyday joes are never going to have.


The garbage man that picks up the garbage, or the clerk that smiles after handing back change, could also be called 'classy'. 

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On ‎1‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 11:32 PM, ReMeDy said:

Of course he's classy when he's eliminated from the playoffs. If he was in the Superbowl, he'd be laughing at people, like Plaxico Burress, for not crediting the Patriots offense for scoring enough points.

Maybe Giselle can finally teach him how to throw, catch, and block at the same time.


To be honest your point about Brady's comments are more often taken out of context in his entire response to Plaxico.  Brady did not say that he thought Plaxico was wrong and that he thought the Pats would win the game.  Given that both teams played in a game less than a month earlier which ended up 38-35 it would not be out of the realm to expect a high scoring Super Bowl, well more that 17 points. 


Brady indicated in his response that "I wish he had said something like 45-42 and at least give us a little credit for scoring a few points"  So Brady did not say he thought the pats would win but that he indicated that the game might be a higher scoring (on both sides)  than what Plaxico predicted.  And given that that last game was 38-35, Brady's prediction of a 45-42 giant win as opposed to a 21-17 giants win is not really out of line or not classy. 

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18 hours ago, bababooey said:

If you're a coach and leave the field before the SB ends and don't shake hands with the winning coach then you can be called classless. *coughBBSB42cough*


Btw, BB did shake hands with and congratulated Tom Coughlin at the end of SB42.   


The problem with the game was there was like 0:02 seconds on the clock when the Pats turned the ball over on downs and everyone thought the game was over and all players and coaches went on the field to give congrats to the other side. 


Mike Carey the ref came over to the two coaches who were at midfield talking with each other and indicated that they officially had to run another play to end the game, which was only a kneel down and is only a formality play in the sport, in another words nothing was going to happened and the play really had no merit to the end of the game.  So they had to clear the field and ran the play.


As the last play was only a formality and most players and coaches had given they congrats, it seemed kind of superfluous imo to then run out again 5 mins later to give a second hand shake when you have already given your hand shake and given congrats. 


As an interesting side note to the above, in SB36 when Adam V hit the game winning FG there was 0:02 seconds on the clock when the ball went through the uprights and should of stopped the clock requiring the pats to kick off with 0:02 seconds on the clock.  The refs in that game just let the clock run out and the game was over and all folk came on the field to give congrats.      

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1 minute ago, Yehoodi said:


As an interesting side note to the above, in SB36 when Adam V hit the game winning FG there was 0:02 seconds on the clock when the ball went through the uprights and should of stopped the clock requiring the pats to kick off with 0:02 seconds on the clock.  The refs in that game just let the clock run out and the game was over and all folk came on the field to give congrats.      

This is amazing that nobody complained with the conspiracy videos showing the clock like after SB 42. I guess before youtube and social media no one can catch it.

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1 minute ago, bababooey said:

This is amazing that nobody complained with the conspiracy videos showing the clock like after SB 42. I guess before youtube and social media no one can catch it.


It has been mentioned a few times.  I remember Coach Martz having angry look on his face as he was coming across the field to meet BB and he had to move a rope out of the way, I just thought that he was upset at the loss, which was likely partly due to him being upset. 


I do remember hearing him say later about the fact that the clock should of stopped and perhaps one reason why he was mad at the end of the game.   Here is the video, its blurry so you can not see Martz's expression




The trouble with the SB is that they are so quick to get to the end game festivities that teams kind of do not have time to talk at the end of the game.  In fact I think that rope that the coach had to move was for the post game festivities.   So sometimes the losing team can not spend much time on the field after the game.   You can see the inertia in the video that the game was over and might be tough to clear it to have a kickoff although it should of been done.


I half think that because the NFL did not run a play at the end of SB36 was part reason why they wanted to officially end SB42 even though it was just a kneel down that the pats, like all teams, where not going to do anything.  

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On Thursday, January 28, 2016 at 0:45 AM, Archer said:

Tom Brady...classy.  Yeah, that's pretty funny.  That man's got NC - No Class!

Tommy has always had the fans best interest at heart....Im sure Tommy is gearing up for the Pro Bowl which is basically a game played for the fans ...oh wait..I forgot...thats beneath him...he refuses to participate. Stay classy Tom.

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15 hours ago, NFLfan said:


You're too objective for a message board. Lol. 


I am pleased and relieved that the Pats are not in the Super Bowl this year. I can enjoy the game this time regardless of the outcome. :) 

Yep..I'll let everyone run with it. No wonder Pats fans come on here and throw stuff in our face when we don't act any better than we say they act. I've never regretted taking the high road...and won't now. Despite the fact I don't ever root for the Pats or Tom...it was a very nice comment he made to CJ. Respect for that. Thanks for the nice comment...I agree with you too it will be a stressful game but its much preferred over last years.

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3 hours ago, cdgacoltsfan said:

Tommy has always had the fans best interest at heart....Im sure Tommy is gearing up for the Pro Bowl which is basically a game played for the fans ...oh wait..I forgot...thats beneath him...he refuses to participate. Stay classy Tom.


Yea, and it's a good thing he met the President of the United States after the Superbowl to show his appreciation to his country, and his fans… Oh wait… Well, I'm sure he had a good excuse for missing it, like… Shopping for Apple watches?

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3 hours ago, dgambill said:

Yep..I'll let everyone run with it. No wonder Pats fans come on here and throw stuff in our face when we don't act any better than we say they act. I've never regretted taking the high road...and won't now. Despite the fact I don't ever root for the Pats or Tom...it was a very nice comment he made to CJ. Respect for that. Thanks for the nice comment...I agree with you too it will be a stressful game but its much preferred over last years.

If you would go to other Message Boards and read the way Pats fans make fun of the Colts and Luck and see how they trash Peyton you wouldn't be objective. I have never been to a Patriots Board until today, just ESPN and NFL.com Boards. I went out of curiousity and it's awful the things they are saying about Peyton. Calling him a choker and forehead and they are running with the HGH story like it's the best thing ever. Just really ridiculous. They want to see Peyton crash and burn in this SB. Why should they, their team isn't in it as some Colts fans here would say why should we care if Peyton wins as he isn't a Colt anymore? It's because they know if Peyton wins, it enhances his legacy greatly and some people will even think he is better than Brady all-time. I said 2 months ago that the Pats fans worst nightmare was having Peyton win the SB and after reading their awful Posts I know it to be true now haha Go to Patriots Planet and you will puke if you are any kind of Colts fan or like Peyton at all.

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On ‎1‎/‎29‎/‎2016 at 3:30 PM, 2006Coltsbestever said:

If you would go to other Message Boards and read the way Pats fans make fun of the Colts and Luck and see how they trash Peyton you wouldn't be objective. I have never been to a Patriots Board until today, just ESPN and NFL.com Boards. I went out of curiousity and it's awful the things they are saying about Peyton. Calling him a choker and forehead and they are running with the HGH story like it's the best thing ever. Just really ridiculous. They want to see Peyton crash and burn in this SB. Why should they, their team isn't in it as some Colts fans here would say why should we care if Peyton wins as he isn't a Colt anymore? It's because they know if Peyton wins, it enhances his legacy greatly and some people will even think he is better than Brady all-time. I said 2 months ago that the Pats fans worst nightmare was having Peyton win the SB and after reading their awful Posts I know it to be true now haha Go to Patriots Planet and you will puke if you are any kind of Colts fan or like Peyton at all.

That's ok...I'll take your word for it. I don't focus my time on negative energy. I understand where your coming from..but it takes more muscles in the face to frown then smile...so my motto is don't sweat the small stuff. I'm not going to let others negativity affect me...bring me down to their level. Studies have shown happy people are more healthy...or maybe its healthy people are happier either way I'm choosing not to focus the majority of my attention on being negative. I address it and move on...much like I think it would benefit others to move on from it too....I know it works for me quit wonderfully. So in this instance...a positive comment and action from Brady shouldn't warrant such negativity...at least in my eyes. There are plenty of negative Tom threads I'm sure you could resurrect to beat the old dead horses many people seem intent on pulverizing. I'm sure it happens as you say on other web sites....but this is the Indianapolis Colts forum...and just like our organization stands out above the rest so does this forum...and I like it that way.

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On 1/29/2016 at 11:30 AM, cdgacoltsfan said:

Tommy has always had the fans best interest at heart....Im sure Tommy is gearing up for the Pro Bowl which is basically a game played for the fans ...oh wait..I forgot...thats beneath him...he refuses to participate. Stay classy Tom.

He hasn't gone to the Pro Bowl since 2005.  

He's a turd.   

He doesn't care about any of his fans. 

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On Thursday, January 28, 2016 at 4:31 PM, BrentMc11 said:

There was a Bill Cosby cartoon earlier in my life that was called Fat Albert.  Brady reminds me a lot of Fat Albert, because all of his friends used to say:


"Fat Albert, You remind me of an empty schoolroom."


Fat Albert would always say:  "Why's that."


His little buddy would  say every time..."No class."  HMMMM Fat Albert....Brady...I liked Fat Albert a lot more. :)


Funny - that's where I got my NC quote above.  Cosby must have loved the "No Class" lines...

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On 1/28/2016 at 11:09 PM, danlhart87 said:


I remember Tom Brady after the AFC game on stage grinning like the cat who ate the canary classy no just a phony with lil hands .

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On 1/29/2016 at 4:30 PM, 2006Coltsbestever said:

If you would go to other Message Boards and read the way Pats fans make fun of the Colts and Luck and see how they trash Peyton you wouldn't be objective. I have never been to a Patriots Board until today, just ESPN and NFL.com Boards. I went out of curiousity and it's awful the things they are saying about Peyton. Calling him a choker and forehead and they are running with the HGH story like it's the best thing ever. Just really ridiculous. They want to see Peyton crash and burn in this SB. Why should they, their team isn't in it as some Colts fans here would say why should we care if Peyton wins as he isn't a Colt anymore? It's because they know if Peyton wins, it enhances his legacy greatly and some people will even think he is better than Brady all-time. I said 2 months ago that the Pats fans worst nightmare was having Peyton win the SB and after reading their awful Posts I know it to be true now haha Go to Patriots Planet and you will puke if you are any kind of Colts fan or like Peyton at all.


Dude its always been that way .


07 minutes after the SB was online congratulating Bears Fans on there season & thanking them for there nice pots the Patriot Trolls started rolling thru with all the same O same O , There are some good & knowledgeable Patriot fans & I'v met & talked with them unfortunately there seems to be a lot of trolls supporting all teams .

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3 hours ago, ÅÐØNϧ 1 said:


Dude its always been that way .


07 minutes after the SB was online congratulating Bears Fans on there season & thanking them for there nice pots the Patriot Trolls started rolling thru with all the same O same O , There are some good & knowledgeable Patriot fans & I'v met & talked with them unfortunately there seems to be a lot of trolls supporting all teams .

I know it has but it's just bothersome reading a lot of their stuff. I just went over to Patriots Planet for the 1st time ever the other day out of being curious and wont go back. I am only registered here and usually never go to other Boards now anyway except ESPN.

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