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Teddy B. knocked out


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Jeff Fisher and his Rams always deliver a sucker punch to someone.


From his Titans days when the team took Merriman out and then Rodney Harrison out prior to the 2006 playoffs (thankfully in our favor :)), to the Rams days when Emmanuel Sanders got his bell rung last year, his players trying to intimidate Odell Beckham Jr., and Big Ben going out for a few games this year and now Teddy Bridgewater.


You can also see the recurring pattern with Gregg Williams as DC, yeah the Bounty guy and the guy who gave Peyton the high and low blow with his defenders that started those neck issues, and the high and low blow vs Favre in the NFCCG.


That is just how Jeff Fisher and Gregg Williams roll, I am not the least surprised.

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Teddy Bridgewater had to leave Sunday's game with the Rams with a concussion..seemed like a cheap shot but he's got to get down..

He did get down. It was a cheap shot. But I guess you have to realize who you are playing.....

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You can also see the recurring pattern with Gregg Williams as DC, yeah the Bounty guy and the guy who gave Peyton the high and low blow with his defenders that started those neck issues, and the high and low blow vs Favre in the NFCCG.


That is just how Jeff Fisher and Gregg Williams roll, I am not the least surprised.



Peyton Manning barely got hit at all in that SB vs the Saints. I highly doubt we're responsible for his neck issues. The Saints blitzed a few times, but were dropping back in secondary and begging him to throw to his main targets (and he did, hence the Tracy Porter pick). Our secondary scored over 10+ touchdowns that year off interceptions alone. Saints secondary was a lot better than people thought in 2009. 


Favre took the beating, and he didn't complain at all like the Vikings did as sorry losers to that game, where they gave up 6 turnovers. 


I miss Gregg Williams. I'd easily take him over Rob Ryan right now. 

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Peyton Manning barely got hit at all in that SB vs the Saints. I highly doubt we're responsible for his neck issues. The Saints blitzed a few times, but were dropping back in secondary and begging him to throw to his main targets (and he did, hence the Tracy Porter pick). Our secondary scored over 10+ touchdowns that year off interceptions alone. Saints secondary was a lot better than people thought in 2009.

Favre took the beating, and he didn't complain at all like the Vikings did as sorry losers to that game, where they gave up 6 turnovers.

I miss Gregg Williams. I'd easily take him over Rob Ryan right now.

Peyton got hurt by a greg Williams defense. When Williams was in Washington

He and Jeff Fisher are known for trying to take qbs out. I'm sure you recall the whole bounty gate thing

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I feel bad for NFLfan, I hope Teddy recovers and he should. That was scary seeing him lay there and not moving. 6-2 solid start for Teddy!

haha. Thanks for your concern. I was a bit worried and angry when Teddy went down, but all is well now. Losing consciousness is never good, but Teddy reportedly said he was "fine" and could have returned to the game. He is a tough player, but football players tend to minimize their injuries, especially those involving head trauma. I don't want him to return before he is all well.

Congrats on the Colts win. :)

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I wouldn't call the play dirty, it was just a late hit and the defender was just late pulling back...

9/10 it could have been any players knocking teddy out if they were in that position...just bad timing is all.

It was probably just horrible timing, but 9/10 players don't make that boneheaded play. The rules are specific about when a QB goes into a slide.

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haha. Thanks for your concern. I was a bit worried and angry when Teddy went down, but all is well now. Losing consciousness is never good, but Teddy reportedly said he was "fine" and could have returned to the game. He is a tough player, but football players tend to minimize their injuries, especially those involving head trauma. I don't want him to return before he is all well.

Congrats on the Colts win. :)

I think you have a good one with him. I am glad the Texans didn't Draft him

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He didn't get down fast enough..Guys like Rodgers slide before the defender gets there.

You cant start your slide when the bad guys arrive..

He'll learn

He's "defenseless" the second he starts to slide, not when he touches ground.  Hence hte penalty.  It was a blatant cheap shot - one in which most guys attempt to jump over the QB.  Even if it was bad timing, the defender didn't help his case by continuing to lower his shoulder and helmet (which coincidentally is why he's being called out).  Definitely deserves a fine.

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Fisher's teams and the coaches that learn under him play DIRTY, they always have. He learned under Buddy Ryan himself, and coaches his teams to play the same way. They both coach/coached like every game is the body bag game. I remember Haynesworth on the Titans terrorizing us. Fisher is easily, and has been for as long since his mentor retired, the dirtiest coach in the game.

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Fisher's teams and the coaches that learn under him play DIRTY, they always have. He learned under Buddy Ryan himself, and coaches his teams to play the same way. They both coach/coached like every game is the body bag game. I remember Haynesworth on the Titans terrorizing us. Fisher is easily, and has been for as long since his mentor retired, the dirtiest coach in the game.

and pair him with Gregg Williams and there you go.

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I was worried that Teddy might get hurt in this game. Hopefully he will be okay. We have some really tough games coming up. We need him. He does not have FF-good numbers (Fantasy Football, that is), but he makes plays when we need it.


I don't participate in FF, so I can't offer much of a comment there. But, making plays that count in the game is all that really matters. I hope he recovers quickly too.  

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He's "defenseless" the second he starts to slide, not when he touches ground.  Hence hte penalty.  It was a blatant cheap shot - one in which most guys attempt to jump over the QB.  Even if it was bad timing, the defender didn't help his case by continuing to lower his shoulder and helmet (which coincidentally is why he's being called out).  Definitely deserves a fine.

I don't debate the penalty, the cheapness or a fine....that's not the point

I'm talking about his longevity....He's got to get down BEFORE the defender gets there..or he risks being hit in the head.

That fine or a suspension isn't going to get Teddy B back on the field next week because he got knocked out

. I would slide before the defender gets there..and not time it to begin your slide just as his forearm approaches your head.

That's just me

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I don't debate the penalty, the cheapness or a fine....that's not the point

I'm talking about his longevity....He's got to get down BEFORE the defender gets there..or he risks being hit in the head.

That fine or a suspension isn't going to get Teddy B back on the field next week because he got knocked out

. I would slide before the defender gets there..and not time it to begin your slide just as his forearm approaches your head.

That's just me

well yeah, but there's not much you can do when a guy decides to cheap shot you. Starting the slide a yard or two quicker won't help that.
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I don't participate in FF, so I can't offer much of a comment there. But, making plays that count in the game is all that really matters. I hope he recovers quickly too.

Thank you. Coach Zimmer said today that Teddy might be well enough to play next Sunday. We should learn more on Wednesday. I hope they are not rushing him back.

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I wouldn't call the play dirty, it was just a late hit and the defender was just late pulling back...

9/10 it could have been any players knocking teddy out if they were in that position...just bad timing is all.

Yeah IWF, this is exactly how I interpret the play too. Nothing dirty about it. Just a defender who didn't realize Teddy was sliding before it was too late. Remember as a runner that QBs can be hit hard on the take down. 


I feel bad for Bridgewater & I pray he's okay, but I also think Gregg Williams is taking unnecessary heat as well. He served his Bounty Gate punishment already. Let it go & stop treating him like a black sheep. Gregg served his time. He's not the anti-christ. HC Zimmer was too emotional & went over the line. 

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Fisher's teams and the coaches that learn under him play DIRTY, they always have. He learned under Buddy Ryan himself, and coaches his teams to play the same way. They both coach/coached like every game is the body bag game. I remember Haynesworth on the Titans terrorizing us. Fisher is easily, and has been for as long since his mentor retired, the dirtiest coach in the game.

No, he's not. Remember when Jeff Fisher chewed out Albert Haynesworth for stomping on Dallas Cowboys center Andre Gurode's head without a helmet back in 2006 & Jeff Fisher personally apologized to then HC Bill Parcells on the sidelines after the game? The Tuna even mentioned how grateful he was to Jeff for doing that at the post press conference. Hardly the actions of a dirty coach jb95. These are grown men after all & no HC could have predicted that Albert was gonna do what he did. 


Jeff Fisher is not dirty. That inference is beyond ridiculous. Gregg Williams is an adult & so is Mr. Fisher. They are both responsible for their own independent actions as grown men. We aren't talking about toddlers here. 

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The hit wasn't dirty. Brutal? Oh yeah, but not dirty. It was a bang bang play.

With that said, Fisher and Williams made their bed long before this. Now they have to lay in it, karma, reap what you sow, etc etc etc.

Fisher's little production in 2006 was just that, a production, just like when he walks out onto the field every time 1 of his players is down.

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Peyton got hurt by a greg Williams defense. When Williams was in Washington

He and Jeff Fisher are known for trying to take qbs out. I'm sure you recall the whole bounty gate thing

I will fully admit that that high/low hit on Manning vs Washington was as dirty as you can get trying to split Peyton Manning in half was below the belt. No argument there. 


I will also acknowledge that Sean Payton should have known what his DC Williams was doing when Brett Favre darn near got killed in 2009 during all those brutal hits in the NFC Championship Game. Playing dumb never works. Just own your role in the whole event & part of me will respect your honesty even years after the fact. 


I never hold bad blood over guys for years. Gregg paid his debt rightly so I might add. However, I don't punish coaches or coordinators forever. Based off that Bridgewater concussion, it looks devastating & underhanded when you slow the play down, but football is a gladiator sport & bad stuff sometimes happens. Williams wouldn't be foolish enough to engage in 'dark antics' now let alone teach it anymore because it is was proven twice he'd never work in the league professionally again. 


At some point, just cut the time honored stereotype loose & move on. JMO. 

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This seemed to be one of those plays where the result drew the criticism. I did not think the hit was dirty at all. It was bang, bang with a terrible result of Teddy getting hurt/knocked out. But given the rep of Fisher and Williams, you get this type of fall out.

He lowered his shoulder into his head when they were both headed to the ground

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I dont think it was a dirty play. It was a late hit however. Would it be the same if it was a running back instead of a quarterback? When ever a quarterback takes off running they arent treated the same as a running back and in my opinion they should be. Defensive backs tend to back off alot because of flags getting thrown quickly in those cases. 

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I dont think it was a dirty play. It was a late hit however. Would it be the same if it was a running back instead of a quarterback? When ever a quarterback takes off running they arent treated the same as a running back and in my opinion they should be. Defensive backs tend to back off alot because of flags getting thrown quickly in those cases.

QBs are protected when they begin their slide

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