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Come on, Irsay


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The coaching staff is losing this team. Luck is clearly uncomfortable, staring at receivers on every down and holding onto the ball. I don't understand what I'm seeing honestly. By the end of the first quarter, it was evident the Colts were losing the time of possession battle and putting unnecessary pressure on the defense. Of course, I lost the broadcast sometime during the second half when Fox went to the Redskins game...I'm not certain if I had fallen asleep first though...There are two inevitable positives that should come from this: 1. The Colts potentially get an impact player in the first round for the first time since 2012.   2. We can upgrade/replace the coaching staff and/or GM. We had a good draft earlier this year, and there are a lot of good pieces on this team. Next year, upgrade at the linebacker, secondary positions and offensive line. Stop paying average, aging free agents big money and expecting that they are going to produce the same results they did 7-8 years ago. This team is nowhere near "Win now" mode.

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Vegas knows everything there is to know when they make the spreads.

Stocks and sports gambling are not that different

Vegas doesn't care about tge outcomes. They set the spreads to get equal money on both sides. Or as close to it as possible. If you use all the information availible they aren't close. Low risk low reward stocks are what most 401k investments are built on. There arent any low risk low reward bets in sports where spreads are involved

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Vegas doesn't care about tge outcomes. They set the spreads to get equal money on both sides. Or as close to it as possible. If you use all the information availible they aren't close. Low risk low reward stocks are what most 401k investments are built on. There arent any low risk low reward bets in sports where spreads are involved

It seems that way if you only consider low risk stocks. High risk high reward is out there too.

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But there has to be a plan if you fire Pagano? Replace him with Pep?? lol Manusky? No way. Pep is the problem in my opinion. Fire Pep and have Chud call plays.

Chud has head coaching experience. If Pagano were fired mid season it would be Chud I'm nearly positive as the coach for the rest of the year

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I would welcome some change in season at the coordinator level but I'm not so certain how much is to be blamed on Pep. It seems when we have an experienced vet quarterback under center who plays within the confines of the offense then what Pep calls doesn't look so bad and the ball moves down the field. When we put Luck back in there he is getting sacked and throwing picks. It seems he is having some real problems with his reads out there and just the over all delivery of the football. On the other hand you see issues with play design. The whole screen game needs to be overhauled because our screens almost never work. We are pitiful at running screens. There are other examples as well.

I have never seen a QB struggle to throw the ball to a running back rather it be on a screen or on a dump off as much as Luck is this season.  That's a bit alarming.

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Just stop

I do get more than a little tired of people telling me to stop, or that I'm not a fan because I have some criticism of the coaching or the play of the team. Get used to it. I'm a fan of this team, and I'm not going away. If I wanted to be a fan of a truly mediocre team, I'd be a fan of Houston.

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I do get more than a little tired of people telling me to stop, or that I'm not a fan because I have some criticism of the coaching or the play of the team. Get used to it. I'm a fan of this team, and I'm not going away. If I wanted to be a fan of a truly mediocre team, I'd be a fan of Houston.

You can criticize all you want. But atleast have something intelligent to say. You are going thread to thread posting nonsense.

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If the Colts fire all the coaches responsible for this mess, maybe they can get some cheerleaders to fill in on an interim basis. Couldn't hurt.

Jesus, triple Bill Belichick's salary, we don't need any more receivers or 30 year old players,  get someone in here to fix this mess.

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No, you made a ridiculous post that should be ridiculed. The Colts can't move even if they wanted to. You do understand that right?

And having "hard" fans does nothing in terms of team success. Ask eagles, jets, raiders, browns fans

maybe not but at least but the crowd could have more sack than the team,and be the laughing stock of the league.Somethings they show the seats in the stadium and its looks like a catholic middle grade school class,and those god awful goofy costumes and gid-ups are really embarrassing. 

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maybe not but at least but the crowd could have more sack than the team,and be the laughing stock of the league.Somethings they show the seats in the stadium and its looks like a catholic middle grade school class,and those god awful goofy costumes and gid-ups are really embarrassing.

How does that have anything to do with the production on the field?

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Pep needs to go. Now.

That seems the consensus. But to us 'out of the know', then: why did his plan work for Matt but not for Andrew?

Was it the competition, the blocking, the defense, or did Luck change the call and try to do too much?

Like yesterday "s opening series:successful run, successful run. Third and two, incomplete pass. Was there a run called, checked out of? Or did Pep call it? The question is- who is running the failing offense? I'm not knowledgable enough to know...

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That seems the consensus. But to us 'out of the know', then: why did his plan work for Matt but not for Andrew?

Was it the competition, the blocking, the defense, or did Luck change the call and try to do too much?

Like yesterday "s opening series:successful run, successful run. Third and two, incomplete pass. Was there a run called, checked out of? Or did Pep call it? The question is- who is running the failing offense? I'm not knowledgable enough to know...


I think the game plan was tweaked a bit for Hasselback, and because Matt was playing against the Jags and Titans. 


I think Matt is smart enough enough to take what's there and throw the underneath routes and get the ball out quick because the O-line sucks. Matt was taught by good coaches. Luck only had Arians for his first year. 

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this is what I'm saying. This is a football forum in a discussion why this team STINKS and these guys want to change over to a English class, WT-  lol   Can you understand me better now?

Except for the "WT."  I don't have a clue what that means.  


And I'm not disagreeing that this team isn't where it needs to be (and it really has stunk in more quarters than it's been a "not stinky" team).  I just don't see what the fans have to do with anything.  What's the point of calling fans soft?  It detracts from the point you were trying to make, which is why you're post is getting thrashed.

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maybe not but at least but the crowd could have more sack than the team,and be the laughing stock of the league.Somethings they show the seats in the stadium and its looks like a catholic middle grade school class,and those god awful goofy costumes and gid-ups are really embarrassing. 

Yesterday though, the crowd when heard on tv, was Loud with the booing. It had a NY attitude to it. I mean the crowd would never be like a Raider freak show atmosphere.

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Except for the "WT."  I don't have a clue what that means.  


And I'm not disagreeing that this team isn't where it needs to be (and it really has stunk in more quarters than it's been a "not stinky" team).  I just don't see what the fans have to do with anything.  What's the point of calling fans soft?  It detracts from the point you were trying to make, which is why you're post is getting thrashed.

I'm saying that the rest of us are talking football complaining about the Colts are  stink'in it up


When the Giants beat the undefeated Pats, they had the perfect D.Line. Strahan and crew. They had Tommy running for his life.

Well then we need a perfect D line and not receivers and old traded off players.

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the colts players wouldn't be in tears laughing so much. And as far as moving goes, A sale is a sale and everyone has a price go ask the city of Baltimore,and a whole bunch more cities.

You really don't know how it works. Please read a bit on the subject. Google the lease that was signed with the city

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Not sure if the blame for this falls on Irsay or Grigson or both, but you just don't go into a season with a lame duck coach!  


If Pagano wasn't going to be extended before the season, he should have been fired.  I realize that he turned down the one year extension offered, but if that's the case, then sign him multi-year or get rid of him.  Having a lame duck coach playing out his contract begs for nothing but disharmony and guess what the Colts have?


Coaching disharmony is management's fault.  They should have either sewed Pagano up for more years before the onset of the season (you can still fire him down the road if you want anyway) or got rid of him straight away.  The situation now is just crappy.

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I'm curious as to what you could possibly see that would make you think we would stand a chance in a playoff game?  This team?  No way they get past the first round, assuming they win the AFC South, which is not a sure thing, btw.



Anything that would make anyone think that the Colts can do anything in the playoffs would have to happen over the next two and a half months, because it hasn't happened yet. No question the team can play a lot better than it has so far. The question is whether they will...

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We'll see what happens I guess.  Many of us were saying the Colts would go one and done in the playoffs last year when they were playing pretty bad.  I know it's pretty awful right now, but I ain't giving up on my boys.  I'm going to see it through!

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You really don't know how it works. Please read a bit on the subject. Google the lease that was signed with the city

I read they have a 30 year lease with the city that's going to be 8 years old in 2016. It's a lease and leases can be broken or bought out in the case of a sale or change of ownership.Or simply Re done.all depends on the small print.billionaire owners and buyers don't have issues with some fines or penalties.never say never if there is a will there is a way

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