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Peterson not sure he wants to return to Vikes


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Peterson told ESPN on Thursday night he is "still uneasy" about the prospect of returning to the Vikings in 2015, saying the organization working with the NFL to put him on the commissioner's exempt list last September made him question how much support he had from the team for whom he has played his entire career. The 2012 NFL MVP called that decision an "ambush," adding, "There were people (in the organization) that I trusted, who knew exactly what was said, that weren't heard from" in the decision-making process.


The Vikings still can't contact Adrian Peterson, so it won't be easy for them to heal the rift that's developed while he's been on the commissioner's exempt list, Ben Goessling writes.


"They weren't able to do anything about it," Peterson said.

"It's hard to say (what my future will be). I love Minnesota. There are people that have had my back, and supported me. Last year, with the things that took place, had a lot of fans that supported me through everything. For the fans, I would definitely love to come back, but then again, it's a business, when it comes down to business, you can't get caught up in the loyalty to fans or to a team or anything like that. You know how it is in the NFL. I learned a lot through this process. I'm still uneasy, to be honest with you. I'm still uneasy about a lot of things that took place within the organization. Of course those guys ultimately supported me, and I'm grateful for that. But ultimately, with me being able to be on the inside and see how cards were dealt, how things were worded, this, that and the other, it's about protecting your brand, your organization, what you have built. In the (grand) scheme of things, not one person counts over that. I get that."



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It's still kind of hard to believe that AP thought switching your child was OK. There were a lot of us who were brought up with switches, belts and other means of so called discipline and didn't use those methods to correct our children. Some say there is nothing wrong with this type of discipline but for the most part we all know it is wrong. Discipline is not beating children till they bleed. It leaves more than just physical scars. With that said I wish AP well and hope he has learned from his experience.

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It's still kind of hard to believe that AP thought switching your child was OK. There were a lot of us who were brought up with switches, belts and other means of so called discipline and didn't use those methods to correct our children. Some say there is nothing wrong with this type of discipline but for the most part we all know it is wrong. Discipline is not beating children till they bleed. It leaves more than just physical scars. With that said I wish AP well and hope he has learned from his experience.

It's not that hard to believe, it was a big part of the culture in the south and AP also grew up getting even worse punishments and beatings, so it really isn't that surprising he would become a father himself and use similar disciplinary methods on his own kids.. its very common for those types of behaviors to be passed down

He had to go to counseling, part of that is understanding why what he was doing was wrong. It's pyscological and generational with that type of abuse, I don't think AP was going out of his way just to beat on his kid like some do for power, etc.. I really think he was trying to discipline him and he was just stupid about it and didn't fully understand why what he was doing was so wrong

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It's not that hard to believe, it was a big part of the culture in the south and AP also grew up getting even worse punishments and beatings, so it really isn't that surprising he would become a father himself and use similar disciplinary methods on his own kids.. its very common for those types of behaviors to be passed down

He had to go to counseling, part of that is understanding why what he was doing was wrong. It's pyscological and generational with that type of abuse, I don't think AP was going out of his way just to beat on his kid like some do for power, etc.. I really think he was trying to discipline him and he was just stupid about it and didn't fully understand why what he was doing was so wrong

This was not the first incident of him beating his child. He has another child with a different woman who he had already been reported for beating. Once I can understand if what you say is correct. Twice, no excuse. Sorry , I don't buy it was a culture in the south. I grew up in the south. This child being abused happens all over the country, not just in the south. If I sound passionate about this it's because I am. I work with abused children and see this first hand and have been for over 20 years. I have fostered 7 abused children in the last 20+ years. Making it common practice in this time of knowledge also serves as no excuse. You may think you know AP and would not believe he could do such a thing is also a misunderstanding of the problem. Fact is, he did beat (not discipline) this young child. I take it you saw the pictures? This is all of the discussion I will have for this issue. So a response is useless.

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So he runs into some legal trouble, and his employer suspends him nearly a year with pay. Now he doesn't want to work there anymore? He should be thankful the Vikings didn't cut him and his bloated salary. He could be black balled like the other RB who got exempt listed. Instead he's a top paid player collecting checks to sit at home. I used to like the guy, but no sympathy for him now. He did the crime, not the team he plays for.

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Depending on how much money he wants...and probably a lot...I think some good landing spots would be NE, DEN, DAL(if they don't sign Murray), SEA (if they don't sign lynch) and Indy. That said I don't think any of those teams would give him what he wants so he would probably end up with the Jets, Oak, Buffalo, Tenn or Jacksonville if he really does leave.


Honestly if money wasn't an option Seattle or NE would be great fits for him. I could easily see him just slide right into that NE backfield like Corey Dillon did back in the day and get work done.

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People so oblivious, clueless, not to mention defensive and confrontational about old fashioned ways of life are a bigger travesty than old fashioned people who are behind honestly.

FWIW I don't think that is the case with very many people. They just pretend that they're that sympathetic, progressive, etc. because they're afraid to say otherwise, especially on the internet.

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Depending on how much money he wants...and probably a lot...I think some good landing spots would be NE, DEN, DAL(if they don't sign Murray), SEA (if they don't sign lynch) and Indy. That said I don't think any of those teams would give him what he wants so he would probably end up with the Jets, Oak, Buffalo, Tenn or Jacksonville if he really does leave.

Honestly if money wasn't an option Seattle or NE would be great fits for him. I could easily see him just slide right into that NE backfield like Corey Dillon did back in the day and get work done.

NE would never be able to afford him, they'll have trouble retaining their own guys as it is.

I could see Seattle going after him if Lynch hangs them up

Denver would be frightening to go against with him on that team.. scary to think about.

Colts offense would go to another level with him as well similar to denver, although I don't think the Colts o line is as good.. but that could also change in free agency with 2 or 3 of denvers starters set to hit FA

On the Cowboys he would be a monster as well, although I don't see much of a change offensively considering murray was in the MVP running last year with his production.. hard to beat that

I hope he ends up in the NFC, I don't want to deal with him ha

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This was not the first incident of him beating his child. He has another child with a different woman who he had already been reported for beating. Once I can understand if what you say is correct. Twice, no excuse. Sorry , I don't buy it was a culture in the south. I grew up in the south. This child being abused happens all over the country, not just in the south. If I sound passionate about this it's because I am. I work with abused children and see this first hand and have been for over 20 years. I have fostered 7 abused children in the last 20+ years. Making it common practice in this time of knowledge also serves as no excuse. You may think you know AP and would not believe he could do such a thing is also a misunderstanding of the problem. Fact is, he did beat (not discipline) this young child. I take it you saw the pictures? This is all of the discussion I will have for this issue. So a response is useless.

I wasn't aware of any history of him doing this before, although it makes sense because he probably didn't just decide last year to start switching his kid

he does come across as someone who isn't all that remorseful to me, which is why I think he may have just been incredibly stupid/ignorant to the idea that it was wrong

some team will sign him

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This was not the first incident of him beating his child. He has another child with a different woman who he had already been reported for beating. Once I can understand if what you say is correct. Twice, no excuse. Sorry , I don't buy it was a culture in the south. I grew up in the south. This child being abused happens all over the country, not just in the south. If I sound passionate about this it's because I am. I work with abused children and see this first hand and have been for over 20 years. I have fostered 7 abused children in the last 20+ years. Making it common practice in this time of knowledge also serves as no excuse. You may think you know AP and would not believe he could do such a thing is also a misunderstanding of the problem. Fact is, he did beat (not discipline) this young child. I take it you saw the pictures? This is all of the discussion I will have for this issue. So a response is useless.


You are to be commended for caring and doing something about it.

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As far as the switching goes. Seemed like he took it too far and on a child too young. Biased I might be but I feel like I have the most loving greatest mother ever and I got switched several times as a child. Left some whelps that stung for a day or two but left a memory every time I sat down that I shouldn't be doing the stuff I got in trouble for. A few of those and I never did it again. All that said I would never condone spanking etc out of anger. My parents always took hours before disciplining and spent a lot of time explaining their reasons. So as good as my childhood was it would be hypocritical to say switching was wrong. There is a lot of context that goes into every situation. What we know from petersons it sounds totally different. I don't think he understands what he did wrong. There is a fine line in punishment and it's very easy to make a mistake. He deserves to learn from his and hopefully grow as a man and parent.

Wherever he ends up he is a special player and despite being 30 I think can make things happen even behind not the best OL. I still think the Patriots would be tailor fit for him.

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Peterson told ESPN on Thursday night he is "still uneasy" about the prospect of returning to the Vikings in 2015, saying the organization working with the NFL to put him on the commissioner's exempt list last September made him question how much support he had from the team for whom he has played his entire career. The 2012 NFL MVP called that decision an "ambush," adding, "There were people (in the organization) that I trusted, who knew exactly what was said, that weren't heard from" in the decision-making process.


The Vikings still can't contact Adrian Peterson, so it won't be easy for them to heal the rift that's developed while he's been on the commissioner's exempt list, Ben Goessling writes.


"They weren't able to do anything about it," Peterson said.

"It's hard to say (what my future will be). I love Minnesota. There are people that have had my back, and supported me. Last year, with the things that took place, had a lot of fans that supported me through everything. For the fans, I would definitely love to come back, but then again, it's a business, when it comes down to business, you can't get caught up in the loyalty to fans or to a team or anything like that. You know how it is in the NFL. I learned a lot through this process. I'm still uneasy, to be honest with you. I'm still uneasy about a lot of things that took place within the organization. Of course those guys ultimately supported me, and I'm grateful for that. But ultimately, with me being able to be on the inside and see how cards were dealt, how things were worded, this, that and the other, it's about protecting your brand, your organization, what you have built. In the (grand) scheme of things, not one person counts over that. I get that."

He doesn't totally accept that he did wrong and any team that wants him back in the NFL is doing him a favor.

He seeme to feel he was somewhat of a victim,..not his kid..

His words about what the NFL is like are 100% on target...

My advice? Minnesota is the only team that would be able to take you. Anyone else would face a serious fan and media backlash

Shut up and play.

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He doesn't totally accept that he did wrong and any team that wants him back in the NFL is doing him a favor.

He seeme to feel he was somewhat of a victim,..not his kid..

His words about what the NFL is like are 100% on target...

My advice? Minnesota is the only team that would be able to take you. Anyone else would face a serious fan and media backlash

Shut up and play.

Yeah. He does not seem to realize that he could be Rice right now with no suitors. The Vikings have been really strong in their support and wanting him back. He needs to get over his feelings and get ready to play.

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Yeah. He does not seem to realize that he could be Rice right now with no suitors. The Vikings have been really strong in their support and wanting him back. He needs to get over his feelings and get ready to play.

Peterson comes off as one who believes he has been wronged, as if he is a victim. I am unclear as to what he wanted from the Vikings. He received a paid suspension and almost everyone in the organization has voiced support for him. As you wrote, the Vikings could have voided his contract as the Ravens did to Rice. Carolina recently cut Greg Hardy (and rightly so). Peterson is still a member of the Vikings and most of the fans want him back. After this interview, I am not so sure I want him back. He does not sound remorseful for his actions or grateful that the Vikings continued to pay him after he brought shame and bad publicity to the organization.

If he is on the team this coming season, I won't be disappointed, but it also would not upset me if we would rid ourselves of his contract and the distractions he will bring.

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Well said NFLfan, AP doesn't seem to grasp how lucky he really is. He still got paid his normal salary after being placed on the exempt list by the Commissioner & AP must remember that the Vikings organization was threatening to have billion dollar companies stop endorsing their football team. 1 player no matter how elite that RB is to Minnesota is not worth losing major revenue over. I don't care how valuable you are to a franchise. The ownership had no choice but to do what they did. 


AP needs to grow up & grasp the complete picture here. Mike Zimmer is a darn good HC. He will turn that team around & give GB a run for it's money. Forget this Dallas nonsense. Stay put, remain in Minnesota where you are beloved as a back & well compensated, & put Spank Gate behind you once & for all. 

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Well said NFLfan, AP doesn't seem to grasp how lucky he really is. He still got paid his normal salary after being placed on the exempt list by the Commissioner & AP must remember that the Vikings organization was threatening to have billion dollar companies stop endorsing their football team. 1 player no matter how elite that RB is to Minnesota is not worth losing major revenue over. I don't care how valuable you are to a franchise. The ownership had no choice but to do what they did.

AP needs to grow up & grasp the complete picture here. Mike Zimmer is a darn good HC. He will turn that team around & give GB a run for it's money. Forget this Dallas nonsense. Stay put, remain in Minnesota where you are beloved as a back & well compensated, & put Spank Gate behind you once & for all.

Spank Gate? Lol. Switch Gate may work too.

I like what Tom Powers of the Pioneer Press wrote:

"Here's a guy who was charged with felony child abuse, then announced he had "smoked a little weed" before a court-mandated drug test. Then he refused to meet with Commissioner Roger Goodell when there seemed to be an opening for a lesser suspension.

Earlier in the year, he reportedly called Jerry Jones and told him he wanted to be a Dallas Cowboy. And I'm not even going to get into the fact that he is a one-man population explosion.

My goodness, the fellow probably thinks Johnny Cash is a pay toilet and that Taco Bell is the Spanish phone company. :funny: In other words, if he were any dumber, he'd have to be watered twice a week.

The Vikings' big shots are reaching out and trying to pull him back in. He apparently is going to fight it every step of the way. I guess we'll find out what the Vikings' tolerance level is for stupidity."


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Yeah. He does not seem to realize that he could be Rice right now with no suitors. The Vikings have been really strong in their support and wanting him back. He needs to get over his feelings and get ready to play.

Peterson is a far superior player compared to rice. He would get signed quickly if he becomes a FA

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Peterson is a far superior player compared to rice. He would get signed quickly if he becomes a FA

Maybe but that was not my point. Him not understanding why the Vikings would have treated him the way they did is dumbfounding. Just because you are a great player/athlete does not put you above reproach when you mess up. He does no seem to understand fully the impact of his actions on the organization and then their subsequent actions toward him. If he walks away from the Vikings for the reasons he has stated after they have publicly said they want him more than once, I am not so sure other teams will be running to sign him.

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Maybe but that was not my point. Him not understanding why the Vikings would have treated him the way they did is dumbfounding. Just because you are a great player/athlete does not put you above reproach when you mess up. He does no seem to understand fully the impact of his actions on the organization and then their subsequent actions toward him. If he walks away from the Vikings for the reasons he has stated after they have publicly said they want him more than once, I am not so sure other teams will be running to sign him.

His agent would get ten calls the minute he was no longer a Viking.

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Peterson comes off as one who believes he has been wronged, as if he is a victim. I am unclear as to what he wanted from the Vikings. He received a paid suspension and almost everyone in the organization has voiced support for him. As you wrote, the Vikings could have voided his contract as the Ravens did to Rice. Carolina recently cut Greg Hardy (and rightly so). Peterson is still a member of the Vikings and most of the fans want him back. After this interview, I am not so sure I want him back. He does not sound remorseful for his actions or grateful that the Vikings continued to pay him after he brought shame and bad publicity to the organization.

If he is on the team this coming season, I won't be disappointed, but it also would not upset me if we would rid ourselves of his contract and the distractions he will bring.

I hope they keep him. I think if they grab DeVante Parker in the first and Gurley in the second (assuming he falls due to injury) as well as keep Peterson, then they can make the playoffs. They should let Peterson finish his contract and have Gurley ready for when Peterson leaves.

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I hope they keep him. I think if they grab DeVante Parker in the first and Gurley in the second (assuming he falls due to injury) as well as keep Peterson, then they can make the playoffs. They should let Peterson finish his contract and have Gurley ready for when Peterson leaves.

I too would like him to finish his career with the Vikings, but I would not draft Gurley or any RB in the first 2 rounds. We have too many other needs.

If we do not sign a free agent guard, I believe we need to draft an offensive lineman in the first or second round and another in the lower rounds to protect Teddy. I would love Parker too, as we need a #1 WR but there are many defensive players that I could see us drafting. I would like us to trade down from #11 and draft the CB from Michigan St (Waynes) or the LB from UCLA to play again with Anthony Barr.

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Spank Gate? Lol. Switch Gate may work too.

I like what Tom Powers of the Pioneer Press wrote:

"Here's a guy who was charged with felony child abuse, then announced he had "smoked a little weed" before a court-mandated drug test. Then he refused to meet with Commissioner Roger Goodell when there seemed to be an opening for a lesser suspension.

Earlier in the year, he reportedly called Jerry Jones and told him he wanted to be a Dallas Cowboy. And I'm not even going to get into the fact that he is a one-man population explosion.

My goodness, the fellow probably thinks Johnny Cash is a pay toilet and that Taco Bell is the Spanish phone company. :funny: In other words, if he were any dumber, he'd have to be watered twice a week.

The Vikings' big shots are reaching out and trying to pull him back in. He apparently is going to fight it every step of the way. I guess we'll find out what the Vikings' tolerance level is for stupidity."


That's a very well written article on Switch Gate to use your vernacular. Cute NCF.  :P The Vikings organization has treated AP with purple regal loyalty ever since this story broke & he's bound & determined to burn Twin City/Mall Of America bridges there. Why? Ownership is willing to pay you $15,000,000 next season & you're still upset.


Gee, if my boss defended me & offered to pay me that kind of dough as if nothing ever happened all would be forgiven in my eyes very easily. AP had money, loyalty, & a steadfast fanbase in his corner from day 1 & he still feels slighted how? If that's considered abandonment AP, please sign me up immediately. 


Great stuff NFLfan!  :thmup:


AP may dream of playing in Dallas, but there's no guarantee that even if he could leave that Jerry Jones would pay him more than he is making now in Minnesota. Stop acting crazy man & return home already. 

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The 1st line from Tom Powers article made me chuckle. "It's becoming increasingly apparent that if you were to put Adrian Peterson's brain inside a small bird, that bird would fly backward." 


That's a nice way of saying AP Minnesota fans love you to death but maybe you need a CAT scan to ensure that your brain is firing all it's neurons properly with not blockages or obstructions to speak of. 

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Here's another well written section from Tom Peters:


"But apparently Peterson isn't feeling the love. I guess he wants them all to pucker up and try harder. Meanwhile, he seems oblivious to the fact that he is in the process of killing the golden goose." 


If Vikings are historically known for pillaging & plundering for treasure & riches to make a legendary name for themselves, why would any Viking leave any gold coins unclaimed believing that the next village will offer you more wealth & bounty than the town you just left? 


It's like exchanging reliable currency for fools gold & then arguing over the exchange rates from bartering market to bartering market in primitive civilizations with a hunt & gather mentality. I have no idea what, if anything, is going through AP's head right now. 

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I like AP. He's an incredible running back who made a horrific mistake. I was willing to forgive him because he went to professional counseling to learn how to discipline his son less harshly & still raise a fine, upstanding citizen. We all make mistakes. I sure am not perfect, but I just can't figure out what AP's beef with front office management is. AP, you've gotta look at it from their vantage point. Ownership can't run an NFL franchise without sponsors. You still got paid your salary on leave & management wants you back at your full salary next year.


What's the problem All Day? How did you get shortchanged & left alone in the dark? You still had money in your back account like clockwork sir. Elighten me Adrain please. I'm all ears. 

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