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Boston's sports media are off their rockers!


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Here's the bottom line as I see it. This organization has a history of playing fast with, or on the borderline of rules. This investigation is on going, but in the Spygate matter, fines and draft picks were levied, and the owner called his coach a s--uck.

You can't take away the four Championships obviously, but the issue will be the legacy of Kraft, Belichick , and Brady in the best of all time arguments. Perhaps they will be declared the best, or perhaps historians will compare them to a Pete Rose, Barry Bonds, or Rodger Clemens.

These guys were winners like the Patriot trio, but their legacies have been tarnished by questionable issues. Tarnished legacy, or in the best of all time arguments. You be the judge.

Another thing working in NE's favor right now is Text Gate in Cleveland & Noise Gate in Atlanta who shows other franchises playing loose with the rules at the same time. This is significant because it shows other organizations manipulating rules for a competitive advantage while breaking established rules themselves. NE is not an isolated incident here. 


Will deflate gate rise to the level of Pete Rose & gambling? No, not even close. Now, if you want to claim that Spy Gate & gambling are closer to tampering, corruption, & violating the spirit of the game, that's a closer match except that NE paid a fine, lost a draft pick, & admitted that their interpretation of the rule was wrong. Pete Rose, on the other hand, never really came out & plainly said I cheated gambling against my own club dugout. So I don't view Pete Rose & Bill Belichick on equal terms there. JMO. 


Plus, it's hard to draw analogies between two different sports when the way in which you win Championships is completely different because baseball can be easily dominated with a premier pitching rotation whereas football can be dominated in a variety of different ways: Stout pass rushers, a fantastic RB in your arsenal, an elite TE, or a franchise QB. 


I get people are saying PEDs are a form of cheating which they are, but deflated balls are not on the same level of tainting a game as PEDs are. Will Brady & Belichick still receive their HOF jackets when all is said & done? Absolutely they will. No doubt in my mind whatsoever. 

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The funny part is that local Boston media was far more agressive in their condemnations of New England than Bob Kravitz could ever hope to be.

This whole thing is silly. Let's release the darn report and move on.

Hey Jaric! You back for your yearly visit here ;) Why don't you hang out here a little more now :)

Spot on with Boston media, Some anyway.  Felger was all over it at first. I think they've dialed back with recent reports that puts it back at zero.

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Thanks! The planet is likely going to be a very angry place for the next few weeks (months...) so I figured I'd come say hi over here for a bit. The media reaction overall was completely absurd. I laughed a good ten minutes watching Mark Brunell crying over flat footballs.

But really they act that way so we'll go click their links which sells their ads which pays their bills. It's no real mystery why ever "analyst" says increasingly more and more hyperbolic opinions. Measured takes based on careful analysis of facts doesn't generate page hits the way over the top reactions do.

Aka Skip Bayless.

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Thanks! The planet is likely going to be a very angry place for the next few weeks (months...) so I figured I'd come say hi over here for a bit. The media reaction overall was completely absurd. I laughed a good ten minutes watching Mark Brunell crying over flat footballs.

But really they act that way so we'll go click their links which sells their ads which pays their bills. It's no real mystery why ever "analyst" says increasingly more and more hyperbolic opinions. Measured takes based on careful analysis of facts doesn't generate page hits the way over the top reactions do.

Aka Skip Bayless.

I rarely go to the planet. I think its good with knowledgeable and funny posters but there's no fluent continuous conversation/debate/argument. More just a one post deal. I get lost in it all :)


Wonder whatever happen to KY. LOL- now I think about it he did move to Seattle but I doubt he is a Hawks fan knowing him ;)

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I'm just gonna wait for the Wells investigation to be completed.  He was very thorough on the Incognito mess and I think we can expect the same in this instance.  He's probably looking at the texts back and forth on both sides right around the time of whatever happened, including the sideline videos.  One way or the other, we'll know by the end of the month.  I'm willing to wait and see.

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I'm just gonna wait for the Wells investigation to be completed.  He was very thorough on the Incognito mess and I think we can expect the same in this instance.  He's probably looking at the texts back and forth on both sides right around the time of whatever happened, including the sideline videos.  One way or the other, we'll know by the end of the month.  I'm willing to wait and see.

same here

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Another thing working in NE's favor right now is Text Gate in Cleveland & Noise Gate in Atlanta who shows other franchises playing loose with the rules at the same time. This is significant because it shows other organizations manipulating rules for a competitive advantage while breaking established rules themselves. NE is not an isolated incident here.

Will deflate gate rise to the level of Pete Rose & gambling? No, not even close. Now, if you want to claim that Spy Gate & gambling are closer to tampering, corruption, & violating the spirit of the game, that's a closer match except that NE paid a fine, lost a draft pick, & admitted that their interpretation of the rule was wrong. Pete Rose, on the other hand, never really came out & plainly said I cheated gambling against my own club dugout. So I don't view Pete Rose & Bill Belichick on equal terms there. JMO.

Plus, it's hard to draw analogies between two different sports when the way in which you win Championships is completely different because baseball can be easily dominated with a premier pitching rotation whereas football can be dominated in a variety of different ways: Stout pass rushers, a fantastic RB in your arsenal, an elite TE, or a franchise QB.

I get people are saying PEDs are a form of cheating which they are, but deflated balls are not on the same level of tainting a game as PEDs are. Will Brady & Belichick still receive their HOF jackets when all is said & done? Absolutely they will. No doubt in my mind whatsoever.

I think what I was trying to say was putting the total pieces of a legacy together and coming up flawed. Some might say, four Championships, great records, but Spygate, Tuck, formations, Deflategate. Rose, all his Championships and records, are overshadowed by gambling. Bonds and Clemens and that whole era of players, overshadowed by PED's. The records and championships are there, but they are eclipsed by the issues.

For example, when comparing Belichick to Lombardi or Noll, one might say, great coach , but the other guys didn't tape signals, or work on the outside peripheries of the game. With Brady, comparing him to Unitas or Montana, well he got three with Spygate and one through Deflategate.

It's not so much for us to decide, but football historians who decide these things.

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I think what I was trying to say was putting the total pieces of a legacy together and coming up flawed. Some might say, four Championships, great records, but Spygate, Tuck, formations, Deflategate. Rose, all his Championships and records, are overshadowed by gambling. Bonds and Clemens and that whole era of players, overshadowed by PED's. The records and championships are there, but they are eclipsed by the issues.

For example, when comparing Belichick to Lombardi or Noll, one might say, great coach , but the other guys didn't tape signals, or work on the outside peripheries of the game. With Brady, comparing him to Unitas or Montana, well he got three with Spygate and one through Deflategate.

It's not so much for us to decide, but football historians who decide these things.

When I think of the Steelers I think of all the roids that taint their championships. When I think of the niners I think of how they spent money basically like the Yankees before the cap period in football and pretty much bought their SBs and then there is Eddie DeBartolo's bribe admission that got him suspended from the league. And then of course there are the Broncos and their two while circumventing the cap.


I am not sure there is any true dynasty that does not have some baggage to it. As a Pats fan, spygate has never bothered me as it was legal to tape signals prior to 2006 and Goodell's memo. And deflategate has yet to be proven so that really is not part of the conversation at this point. And even still, it is a $25,000 slap on the wrist according to the games operations rule book so ...


All that being said, I think Pete Carroll said it best prior to the SB when he talked about teams wanting to play with integrity but failing at times because they are human. Every team is looking for an edge, gamesmanship, some take it took far like Pete Rose or the roid popping baseball athletes that may never get into the Hall.


But just in the last couple of years of the NFL, I have seen two HCs in Tomlin and Ryan try to trip kick returners from the sideline, the Falcons have been piping in crowd noise, the Browns haven been texting, and the officials, oh the officials, took a win from the Detroit Lions in the post-season with a call then non-call that they then admitted they got wrong. None of this makes me feel very good but I don't watch the sport because I believe everything is on the up and up. I mean that is not true in life much less a professional sports environment.


How the Pats are remembered 10 years from now or 20 really does not concern me. Their achievements are in the books and every team going forward will be trying to catch them. I am just happy it happened during my lifetime. We are truly blessed in New England with 9 championships the last 12 years spanning all four major sports. Sometimes I think my 81 year dad thinks he has already died and gone to heaven. He still does not believe the Red Sox won one ring much less three. :)

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It's about not allowing your obvious biases to come through and color your supposed reporting. To me, throwing out a serious allegation and then using the 2 small words "if guilty" as a free pass to then go on at length about what should be done, who should be fired, who should be suspended, who should be removed from the game, etc etc etc when there is nothing other than a single source making an allegation is kind of bush league. The Reiss article on this reads like a news story. The Kravitz and Doyel columns make it pretty clear that these guys have a major agenda against the Patriots and are literally salivating at the prospect of them being caught at something.



How about addressing my post 59 where you leave out that Kravitz did not make allegations like you claim. The fact is he laid out what he thought should be punishment IF it was proved that NE was guilty. You real are along with Vridundant are ridiculous. You two make posts that involve lies or information left out and just hide when someone call you out. 

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I think what I was trying to say was putting the total pieces of a legacy together and coming up flawed. Some might say, four Championships, great records, but Spygate, Tuck, formations, Deflategate. Rose, all his Championships and records, are overshadowed by gambling. Bonds and Clemens and that whole era of players, overshadowed by PED's. The records and championships are there, but they are eclipsed by the issues.

For example, when comparing Belichick to Lombardi or Noll, one might say, great coach , but the other guys didn't tape signals, or work on the outside peripheries of the game. With Brady, comparing him to Unitas or Montana, well he got three with Spygate and one through Deflategate.

It's not so much for us to decide, but football historians who decide these things.

I think you're right.  I think others will decide these things.  I'm new to the Board and came here off a link from someplace else, live in New York and was born and bred a Philadelphia Eagles fan (saw my first game when they still played at U Penn's Franklin field).  Thanks for letting me post on your Board.  I'll always be polite but might get in a dig or two when you play the Eagles.


Back to "others deciding."  


Spygate was Belichick's utter arrogance in thinking he could continue doing what used to be OK before the League memo, despite the memo. I believe Kraft himself called Belichick a "*" for doing so.  But what Spygate really did was to make it legitimate and reasonable to ask what else Belichick might have been doing. That kind of suspicion is not going to go away as long as Belichick is around, which is why people immediately assumed he'd done something wrong with the formations in the Ravens game (not true) and that he was guilty in Deflategate (TBD, pending the Wells report).  And, as you suggest, "football historians" will draw their conclusions about all of this.

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To the people who post in this topic.  If you want to discuss this, keep your cool and post reasonably.


If you don't want to discuss it or you think people posting in the thread are too annoying to you, please stay away from the thread.


The discussion at this point is going to be ridiculous with reporters calling for owners to be banned.  Good grief.


Knowing that, you enter this topic at your own will


Pats fans, keep it polite.  Don't go in circles else you end up in the mod queue/suspended or banned


Colts fans keep in mind, if you post shots at a team, their fans are not going to take it kindly.  No matter how much you think they should


Everybody is responsible for what they read and what they post.  If you are angry, take a break.  Don't blame others for your reaction

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No "Patriots" reporter said any such thing. Firstly because we don't have "Patriots" reporters here...we just have reporters who report the news objectively and if it is negative for the local team, then so be it...we don't have a lot of "fan-boys" here. Secondly, most reporters here reported what Kravitz and Mortensen had to say without the added hysterical and ridiculous calls for firings and suspensions. I don't recall a single reporter "defending" them unitl there were actual reports that supported doing so.

How can you say objectively with a strait face? This article in question was not written under any form of objectively. Another scoop on your pile of horse dung.

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Posted · Hidden by -JJ-, February 6, 2015 - inflamatory
Hidden by -JJ-, February 6, 2015 - inflamatory

DISCLOSURE : Die-hard Pats fan here

( my first post on this sight and NO ...not here to TROLL )


 On the Boston sights I frequent , I've been lucky enough to strike up meaningful conversations  ( sports-wise anyways ) with a few INDY fans . I'm a huge PEYTON  MANNING fan ( even cheered for him to get his first against da Bears ) and though our rivalry would preclude any real comraderie  , I've always tried to maintain a high level of respect for the Colts regime. That said - the Colts front office has made it tough on more than a few occasions to not go ...huh ?.

    Bill Polian using his leage connections to lobby for rules changes /points-of-emphasis for the sole purpose of enhancing his teams strengths was sketchy business  - but totally understandable.

   The blatant disregard for the integrity of game by willfully losing just enough games to garner the #1 pick was also unbecoming of such a historic franchise  - but Andrew Luck was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that would cloud anybodys desire to "maintain the integrity of the league ".

(but maybe In hindsight keeping Manning and using a 3rd on Russel Wilson was actually the better way to go - especially when factoring in the shabby treatment the guy who built Lucas Stadium was given ) 

   Speaking of which  - when rumors swirled about pumped in crowd noise in INDY a few years back  , I wanted to give the Colts org. the benifit of the doubt ( tho it was hard to dismiss the sudden sound eminating from the Live feed video ) My guess is many people in INDY will likely have an eye on what penalties befall the Falcons down in Atlanta this offseason.


   I chalked up all of the above to a kind of Al Davis mentality ...JUST WIN BABY  ( which I always kinda liked )

( Or maybe ...just LOSE baby ? )


At any rate , to me the outstanding INDIANAPOLIS COLTS' on-field accomplishments spoke volumes about their excellence

( No denying that If it wasn't for the Pats - the Colts would have clearly been alone in their dominance of the NFL in 2000's )


 But now we have news that maybe... just maybe ...it was Irsay / Grigson behind DEFLATEGATE all along.


   Is it that impossible to think that in their over-exuberance to stick it to the Patriots Org. at any cost - the Colts let a bit of air out of the Pats football that they were in possesion of  - before handing it over to the Refs ?


I'm not saying they did ...just asking ...Is it a possibility ?


Would anybody here actually "stake-their-life" on the fact that they didn't ?


( personally I wouldn't vouch 100% that Brady / BB had zero to do with....anything  )


So taking it a step further and playing Devil's Advocate for a second ...


IF it's proved beyond a shadow of a doubt ( confession , etc. ) that the COLTS did in fact let out those now infamous 2 lbs of pressure ...


I respectfully ask ...


Is anybody wiling to state ( honestly ) what the punishment should be for those involved  - and indeed IF it rises to the specter of a systematic problem reaching all the way up to Mr. Irsays desk ...


What should the penalty be ?


( Note :  my appologies for any /all mispellings ...not into spellcheck )

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How about addressing my post 59 where you leave out that Kravitz did not make allegations like you claim. The fact is he laid out what he thought should be punishment IF it was proved that NE was guilty. You real are along with Vridundant are ridiculous. You two make posts that involve lies or information left out and just hide when someone call you out. 

Which is why no one can take them seriously.  It's people like them that are why people have such negative opinions on the Pats fan base in the first place.

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In my opinion, pretty much every time they start typing, or when they go on-record about anything New England related. Their tone just comes off as sour grapes, and makes the Colts organization and fanbase look like whiny sore losers.

With regard to the topic, I do not see how they embarrassed themselves for reporting on an investigation by the NFL. Also, how they write does not reflect on the Colts organization or their fans, maybe their employers, but certainly no one else.

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How about addressing my post 59 where you leave out that Kravitz did not make allegations like you claim. The fact is he laid out what he thought should be punishment IF it was proved that NE was guilty. You real are along with Vridundant are ridiculous. You two make posts that involve lies or information left out and just hide when someone call you out.

I haven't left anything out.

YOU are the one claiming that Rapaport stated that there were more than one ball 2 PSI over. That's false.

Only one, according to Rapaport, was 2 PSI under. The one that the Colts had in their possession.

The rest were all less than that; at least the majority them were a "tick" under 12.5.

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I haven't left anything out.

YOU are the one claiming that Rapaport stated that there were more than one ball 2 PSI over. That's false.

Only one, according to Rapaport, was 2 PSI under. The one that the Colts had in their possession.

The rest were all less than that; at least the majority them were a "tick" under 12.5.



Around the same amount were a tick under that were 1 pound under, with 1 at 12.5 and one 2 under.

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I haven't left anything out.

YOU are the one claiming that Rapaport stated that there were more than one ball 2 PSI over. That's false.

Only one, according to Rapaport, was 2 PSI under. The one that the Colts had in their possession.

The rest were all less than that; at least the majority them were a "tick" under 12.5.



More lies by you. I never stated Rapoport stated there was more than 1 ball @ PSI over. Blatant lie by you.  You stated more than once that Papoport said the remaining balls were just a tick under. That gave you conspiracy crap more validity. I pointed out to you at leaf 3 times that Rapoport said many not the rest of the balls were a tick under.  Either you just want to constantly lie or misstate facts to further your point of you have a real time with reading comprehension. So if you like , I'll spend the time and prove exactly what I have here . You in the meantime should go find the post where I stated Rapoport said more than 1 ball 2 LBS under. To save you some work .. here's paraphrasing what I said.


Rapoport says 1 ball 2 LB's under and many just a tick under. That said some or even all of the balls between what was "many" and the rest (could be 3-4 ?.. hard to say ) could be significantly deflated. Maybe 1.5 LBs ? 1.6 LBs ? I don't know .. the info is not there. 


Bottom line is you said 1 ball in the Colts possession measured 2 LB's under and said the rest were just a tick under. Then said Hmmmmmm... the only ball really under was the one on the Colts sideline and went off on the conspiracy theory. You have now backed off the insistence that " 1 ball was alb's under and the rest were only a tick under. " But only after I posted the direct quote from Rapoport about 3 times. 


Ya know what makes you and some others so bad ? It's the fact that you simply didn't say something like "my bad" when you were posting something in error. You still won't give it up. Your stating that I said Rapoport stated more than 1 ball at albs under. I said no such thing and you really need to stop all this lying and embellishing

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Around the same amount were a tick under that were 1 pound under, with 1 at 12.5 and one 2 under.



It's no use. He just makes things up as he goes along . Anyway , addressing the balls , I never saw anything that gave what the other balls were. I only saw 1 at 2LBs and many just a tick under. Did you see something where the remaining balls were said to all be a pound under ?

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That is completely besides my point. The point is Bob Kravitz cannot be blamed for the deflategate situation. He has a right to voice an opinion thanks to a little thing you have in your country called the 1st ammendment. Ultimately, his opinion of the matter has no bearing on the decision the NFL will come to as a result of the investigation.

He is a journalist. Giving an opinion is his job and right or wrong, it get's his articles hits. For him to be discredited he would have had to have provided wrong information, which he did not.

As an aside, can we PLEEEAAAAAAASE stop using the -gate suffix for every single controversy ever!

Hopefully after we are done with Kravitz-gate, Jackson-gate and gate-gate, we can stop using the gate suffix.


As for whether Jackson is as rude/crude as a typically New Englander, a quick check shows that he was born in FL, which as we all know is infested with East Coasters, so the answer to that question is:  Perhaps.


For the rest, 11 out of 12 balls for the Patriots were not inflated to REGULATORY pressures.  None of the Colts balls were out of spec, so thusly one team played within the regulations, one team (Uh-hm Patriots) did not.  The NFL is investigating, and I am sure will do absolutely nothing about it.  Which brings me to the next thought.....why the hell are we still even talking about this?


Nothing said here on the forum about this topic has ANY meaning what so ever, because you know what?  They don't give a rat's rump about the fans, its about the money, and only that.  Surely there are more important not to mention pertinent topics to discuss......like how bad TRich sucks!  ;)

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It's no use. He just makes things up as he goes along . Anyway , addressing the balls , I never saw anything that gave what the other balls were. I only saw 1 at 2LBs and many just a tick under. Did you see something where the remaining balls were said to all be a pound under ?



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Thats the first thing I've seen that at this gives a good implication of what the ball other than the 1 at 2LBs under and the many at a tick under measured. It at last strongly implies they were about 1LB under. Which is what you said.

 And any ball within a pound of the legal minimum was most likely not deflated by a human being. Once you start getting into a pound and a half-two pounds, now you can start thinking that there's either a defect with the ball or somebody did something to them.

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 And any ball within a pound of the legal minimum was most likely not deflated by a human being. Once you start getting into a pound and a half-two pounds, now you can start thinking that there's either a defect with the ball or somebody did something to them.


That's possibly true and hopefully everyone will be satisfied with what the investigation reveals. Myself , I've no idea and have not been commenting much on probable guilt or the contrary since Mort's report was refuted. I'm not a scientist nor do I know if they will ever be able to get all the facts on this. For instance .. how will anybody be sure what temperature air the Pats inflated their balls with ?  What were the Colt balls originally inflated to ? They didn't record what the balls measured when pre tested. So you can't even argue that the Colt footballs might have only lost say .3 of a LB and Pat footballs showed much larger deflation. Need to get the report and move on IMO.

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That's possibly true and hopefully everyone will be satisfied with what the investigation reveals. Myself , I've no idea and have not been commenting much on probable guilt or the contrary since Mort's report was refuted. I'm not a scientist nor do I know if they will ever be able to get all the facts on this. For instance .. how will anybody be sure what temperature air the Pats inflated their balls with ?  What were the Colt balls originally inflated to ? They didn't record what the balls measured when pre tested. So you can't even argue that the Colt footballs might have only lost say .3 of a LB and Pat footballs showed much larger deflation. Need to get the report and move on IMO.

Just based on Belichick's presser, he was explaining why the Pats balls would be 1 lb psi to 1 1/2 lb under psi from the way they prep them. That tells me that enough of the balls were at least 1 lb under for him to explain it the way he did. That being said, how many were that low? No ones that. But I doubt the league would be investigating anything if most of the balls were only a tick under. Also, if the league did not write down the psi's of the balls either pre game or half time then I am not sure how they prove anything to actually charge the Pats with tampering which is what I think Kraft was getting at with his presser at the SB. This may also explain why Goodell said at the Super Bowl that he was not certain an infraction took place at all.  

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Just based on Belichick's presser, he was explaining why the Pats balls would be 1 lb psi to 1 1/2 lb under psi from the way they prep them. That tells me that enough of the balls were at least 1 lb under for him to explain it the way he did. That being said, how many were that low? No ones that. But I doubt the league would be investigating anything if most of the balls were only a tick under. Also, if the league did not write down the psi's of the balls either pre game or half time then I am not sure how they prove anything to actually charge the Pats with tampering which is what I think Kraft was getting at with his presser at the SB. This may also explain why Goodell said at the Super Bowl that he was not certain an infraction took place at all.  

The PSI's were taken down on halftime, we are in week 3 and you are still fabricating about what actually happened.

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Just based on Belichick's presser, he was explaining why the Pats balls would be 1 lb psi to 1 1/2 lb under psi from the way they prep them. That tells me that enough of the balls were at least 1 lb under for him to explain it the way he did. That being said, how many were that low? No ones that. But I doubt the league would be investigating anything if most of the balls were only a tick under. Also, if the league did not write down the psi's of the balls either pre game or half time then I am not sure how they prove anything to actually charge the Pats with tampering which is what I think Kraft was getting at with his presser at the SB. This may also explain why Goodell said at the Super Bowl that he was not certain an infraction took place at all.  



Yeah.. the not recording of the readings of the balls when they were pretested is a big issue if the Pats did mess with the balls. Pretty hard to argue why all the Colt balls were in compliance and not the Pats when you don't have where they started at.

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