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Sick of hearing people say Wilson is better than Luck


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Just ridiculous.

No way does Wilson take this colts team to a super bowl, but Luck absolutely would take Seattle to super bowls when you have Lynch and a historic defense.

Luck has to literally break his neck carrying the team, while Wilson just has to not make mistakes and a key throw here or there.

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It is just the nature of the beast. It's human nature, to want to compare players to help us get a better sense of understanding any player's greatness and abilities.

Wilson is a very good qb, who is asked to do less than luck by a long shot. He also has a tremendous OL.

I think almost everyone knows that Andrew is certainly the superior QB.

Don't let it get to you.

The talking heads are paid to do what they do, and they would be out of a job if they all agreed all the time.

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I'm sick of people getting mad and arguing these small trivial crap over opinion. 


Who cares? It's just a difference in opinion.


I'm sick and tired of people getting sick and tired of people getting mad and arguing...


Never mind, I lost interest...

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Just ridiculous.

No way does Wilson take this colts team to a super bowl, but Luck absolutely would take Seattle to super bowls when you have Lynch and a historic defense.

Luck has to literally break his neck carrying the team, while Wilson just has to not make mistakes and a key throw here or there.

Well in some ways Russell Wilson is better. He doesn't turn the ball over as much as Luck for one. He moves better and is more of a threat running with the football. So how about that?

Overall...I'll still take Luck as he has the better overall skill set but let's not act like Russell Wilson is some kind of scrub either.

At the end of the day...neither guy needs to fail for the other to be great. Russell is on the better team right now so he has a ring and Luck doesn't...yet. 12's time will come.

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I really like Wilson. More so who he is outside of football. He landed in the perfect situation for him. I do not think he is better than Luck. Although Luck does still make some bonehead plays. So did Manning. Luck will continue to get better and hopefully make better decisions.

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Just ridiculous.

No way does Wilson take this colts team to a super bowl, but Luck absolutely would take Seattle to super bowls when you have Lynch and a historic defense.

Luck has to literally break his neck carrying the team, while Wilson just has to not make mistakes and a key throw here or there.

Sounds like history repeating its self Peyton carried the team for how many years   :???:   If you go with the logic that the pats fans have about Brady being better than Peyton because he has more SB rings then you would have to say Wilson is better than Luck. :hmm:

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Luck is unlucky and surrounded by incompetence. If I was Luck I demand a new gm and coach to allow me to at least compete w/ the Pats. Pagano vs Belichick is child's play.


Judging by your username and amount of posts...I'd say you're a troll....but what do I know? I do know this. Carroll vs. Belichick was child's play last night....in fact Belichick vs. anyone not named John Harbaugh has been child's play as of late. Surrounded by incompetence?? The same incompetence that led to 3 straight 11 win seasons, going further each year in the playoffs? If he truly were surrounded by incompetence we'd be Atlanta. The Colts aren't on the same level as the Pats, but they aren't too far off. They need to get better in the trenches and grab a few more playmakers. You want incompetence, go be a Raiders/Browns/Jags fan

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Well in some ways Russell Wilson is better. He doesn't turn the ball over as much as Luck for one. He moves better and is more of a threat running with the football. So how about that?

Overall...I'll still take Luck as he has the better overall skill set but let's not act like Russell Wilson is some kind of scrub either.

At the end of the day...neither guy needs to fail for the other to be great. Russell is on the better team right now so he has a ring and Luck doesn't...yet. 12's time will come.

He never has to throw the ball as much as Luck does. Luck has to throw sometimes 50 passes if not more a game. Wilson would make mistakes too if he had to throw that many times. Most qbs would.

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Judging by your username and amount of posts...I'd say you're a troll....but what do I know? I do know this. Carroll vs. Belichick was child's play last night....in fact Belichick vs. anyone not named John Harbaugh has been child's play as of late. Surrounded by incompetence?? The same incompetence that led to 3 straight 11 win seasons, going further each year in the playoffs? If he truly were surrounded by incompetence we'd be Atlanta. The Colts aren't on the same level as the Pats, but they aren't too far off. They need to get better in the trenches and grab a few more playmakers. You want incompetence, go be a Raiders/Browns/Jags fan

Carroll made 1 bad call. He's building a dynasty w/ Russell Wilson. That shows his genius. I doubt Pete Carroll will ever lose a gm by 30. How many have Chuck and co lost by that amount?

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Luck is unlucky and surrounded by incompetence. If I was Luck I demand a new gm and coach to allow me to at least compete w/ the Pats. Pagano vs Belichick is child's play.


Not sure if you realize this, but there isn't a better coach than Belichick out there, let alone one that's gonna come to Indianapolis and save the day.

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Wilson hasn't impressed in the playoffs all that much desire having a better defense and a way better running game than Luck. Saying that though, both Luck and Wilson are pretty good as far as QB's go.

I still think the team needs better position coaching and a more creative OC but the league has been pretty watered down over the past 5-6 years with talent all over. BB is in a coaching league of his own. It's like he sells a soul off for each tough match up game in order to assure a win

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Carroll made 1 bad call. He's building a dynasty w/ Russell Wilson. That shows his genius. I doubt Pete Carroll will ever lose a gm by 30. How many have Chuck and co lost by that amount?


Well you would be wrong.  Carroll's Patriots lost several lopsided games during his tenure from '97 until he was fired in '99.  Including a 41-10 loss to Atlanta in '98.  Good call though :thmup:

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Carroll made 1 bad call. He's building a dynasty w/ Russell Wilson. That shows his genius. I doubt Pete Carroll will ever lose a gm by 30. How many have Chuck and co lost by that amount?

These Seahawks have also never won a game after giving up 24 pts. That offense needs better receivers after Tate, Harvin, and Rice left. Now they have to pay the bill for Wilson so instead of taking up 1% of the cap he is taking up 20, hardly dynasty material.

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These Seahawks have also never won a game after giving up 24 pts. That offense needs better receivers after Tate, Harvin, and Rice left. Now they have to pay the bill for Wilson so instead of taking up 1% of the cap he is taking up 20, hardly dynasty material.

Draft is loaded with wr talent, Im expecting them to draft 1 or 2

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97?Im talking about his Seahawks team.


is it not fair to compare records from Carroll's early years, when he had about the same amount of HC experience as Pagano currently has?  Or should we just expect Pagano to have the knowledge and wisdom of a 10+ year HC even though he's only been a HC for ~3 years?  That's not even mentioning the difference in talent levels from the Seahawks roster compared to the Colts roster.

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is it not fair to compare records from Carroll's early years, when he had about the same amount of HC experience as Pagano currently has? Or should we just expect Pagano to have the knowledge and wisdom of a 10+ year HC even though he's only been a HC for ~3 years? That's not even mentioning the difference in talent levels from the Seahawks roster compared to the Colts roster.

Chuck Pagano is in his 50s. I don't know what more he'll learn. If he wants to take a sabbatical and go learn how to coach in college, lets not stop him from doing that though.

Hire Josh McDaniels

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Chuck Pagano is in his 50s. I don't know what more he'll learn. If he wants to take a sabbatical and go learn how to coach in college, lets not stop him from doing that though.

Hire Josh McDaniels


a lot of HCs get their start in their 50s.  Your continued assertion that he can't learn or improve is asinine.  As is the suggestion to hire Josh McDaniels...the guy who saw Tim Tebow as a 1st round talent.  Yeah, good call.  :thmup:

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I dont think anyone is saying Wilson is better than Luck.

actually there are a lot of people out there that think wilson is better if you read various online fourms.  most of them are probabally seahawk fans.  also the colts are not a very popular team compared to others. we play in the least popular divison in a market that most outsiders consider to be small.


that said there is no way that wilson is a better passer or QB overall then luck.  he is a better scrambler that gets asked to do far less then luck

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Can you imagine how bad Luck would get thrown under the bus by the talking heads if he'd have thrown that INT on the 1-yard line last night? With the Super Bowl at stake?

Yeah he would but the Colts didn't have Lynch so with the Colts it would've been a likely scenario that Luck would have to throw the ball, lol. Hence if he did make the INT yeah he would've been crucified by the media. With the Colts OL and running woes, who knows if the Colts could've pounded it in at the 1.

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Just ridiculous.

No way does Wilson take this colts team to a super bowl, but Luck absolutely would take Seattle to super bowls when you have Lynch and a historic defense.

Luck has to literally break his neck carrying the team, while Wilson just has to not make mistakes and a key throw here or there.

Just wondering....can you attach the quote of who said this....because honestly I'm calling you out....I don't think anyone has said that...other than possibly a Seattle fan or someone trying to get your goat...but can you post someone in the NFL community that is saying this? I will be the first to agree with you if that is the case but honestly I've heard nothing but praise for Luck..nothing (don't count Skip who I never listen to).

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Just wondering....can you attach the quote of who said this....because honestly I'm calling you out....I don't think anyone has said that...other than possibly a Seattle fan or someone trying to get your goat...but can you post someone in the NFL community that is saying this? I will be the first to agree with you if that is the case but honestly I've heard nothing but praise for Luck..nothing (don't count Skip who I never listen to).

I'm mainly talking about fans. I don't know if anyone in the media has said it(maybe it has but I didn't hear about it), but I've seen it said by fans on social media (like some of the Facebook football groups I'm in) And I'm nearly positive I've seen it said on twitter too.

It does get said trust me.

Edit: there was also a poster who used to say it on this board (I don't remember the posters name though)

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I'm mainly talking about fans. I don't know if anyone in the media has said it(maybe it has but I didn't hear about it), but I've seen it said by fans on social media (like some of the Facebook football groups I'm in) And I'm nearly positive I've seen it said on twitter too.

It does get said trust me.

Than who cares what an uninformed nobody says? Honestly then your opinion is just as good as theirs. Do you listen to what everyone else says about other things too? Just saying if you go around worrying about random dudes on the internet your going to have a really depressing day. First off...its just football...second off...those guys accomplished their goal of getting your goat. They win...you lose. Don't let them win...don't feed trolls. Ignore them and move on because an honest observant fan or person that watches these games and knows football knows that isn't the case...that Wilson is a GREAT up and coming star...lots of talent...but Luck has many many more tools in his arsenal and a superior player even though he doesn't play on as good of a team. Just let them look dumb and really just take a deep breath...you know the truth.

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Chuck Pagano is in his 50s. I don't know what more he'll learn. If he wants to take a sabbatical and go learn how to coach in college, lets not stop him from doing that though.

Hire Josh McDaniels

He sure lit it up at Denver.  I mean in two years he won the same number of games as Pagano did his rookie year with Indy.  


That .393 win pct sure makes me think he is the next Belichick.  

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Than who cares what an uninformed nobody says? Honestly then your opinion is just as good as theirs. Do you listen to what everyone else says about other things too? Just saying if you go around worrying about random dudes on the internet your going to have a really depressing day. First off...its just football...second off...those guys accomplished their goal of getting your goat. They win...you lose. Don't let them win...don't feed trolls. Ignore them and move on because an honest observant fan or person that watches these games and knows football knows that isn't the case...that Wilson is a GREAT up and coming star...lots of talent...but Luck has many many more tools in his arsenal and a superior player even though he doesn't play on as good of a team. Just let them look dumb and really just take a deep breath...you know the truth.

I totally agree with you. It just annoys me lol.

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