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Patriots being investigated for Deflating footballs.....(Mega Merge)


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lol.. they were the #1 seed in the AFC.. they obliterated every single division leader throughout the year except for Green Bay.. they beat the Ravens, they absolutely annihilated the Colts (again) and have absolutely earned everything they've gotten thus far this year...  You can have whatever feelings you want about it, but the Pats are playing in the Super Bowl.. they proved they were the best team all year and they backed it up in 2 playoff games, now they just need to do it 1 more time and they'll be the World Champs... again.



They hate us cause they ain't us!


Your messiah is a fraud and we hate you because you habitually cheat and are arrogant about it.

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So basically you told your kids it's OK to cheat and lie as long as their is no proof. Nice.

"Remember kids, it's okay to cheat to get ahead. Just don't let anyone catch you actively doing it or else you might get in trouble. Or you might not. Who knows?" -Roger Goodell

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Well, one team should have played by the rules and then there wouldn't have been such a problem. I think that it is for that exact reason that the league needs to take action before the game by removing the two guys who made themselves, their team, and the league look like fools in the last couple of hours.


That won't happen in this lifetime or the next..  Brady will be playing in the SB and Belichick will be coaching in it.

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lol.. they were the #1 seed in the AFC.. they obliterated every single division leader throughout the year except for Green Bay.. they beat the Ravens, they absolutely annihilated the Colts (again) and have absolutely earned everything they've gotten thus far this year...  You can have whatever feelings you want about it, but the Pats are playing in the Super Bowl.. they proved they were the best team all year and they backed it up in 2 playoff games, now they just need to do it 1 more time and they'll be the World Champs... again.



They hate us cause they ain't us!

Ahh hubris...

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lol.. they were the #1 seed in the AFC.. they obliterated every single division leader throughout the year except for Green Bay.. they beat the Ravens, they absolutely annihilated the Colts (again) and have absolutely earned everything they've gotten thus far this year...  You can have whatever feelings you want about it, but the Pats are playing in the Super Bowl.. they proved they were the best team all year and they backed it up in 2 playoff games, now they just need to do it 1 more time and they'll be the World Champs... again.



They hate us cause they ain't us!




Some do for the reason you state while others do for what your team stands for. Is everyone suppose to think like you and am football and agree it's OK to lie as no one has proof on you ?

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There is no evidence leaked yet that the Patriots did anything that relates to cheating. Thats just people like you speculating because you hate them so much, you WANT them to be found cheating.. Anything to take away the pain of what happened on Sunday on national television.

Balls 2 psi under league minimum is all the proof they need

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No they don't, at least not any proof thats been leaked to the press. They have proof that the balls were under the 12.5 psi minimum, that does not equal proof that they were intentionally tampered with

So they are magically tampered? ok

edit: Don't worry. I believe in magic too.

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Well that Brady interview went pretty bad, Still don't think the shrinkage of the footballs affected the game, we still got completely outcoached and outplayed but I was shocked and disturbed as Brunnell and Bettis were listening to Bradys interview

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That won't happen in this lifetime or the next..  Brady will be playing in the SB and Belichick will be coaching in it.

Dude, no one cares about the next one. Get a grip because you are so caught up in defending this nonsense that you hardly make any yourself at times. 

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It does beg the question why the league allows any manipulation of game balls or for teams to hold their own balls during a game, can't thinnk of other sports where this sorta thing still goes on. Normally game balls are in the custody of the officials and even of multiple balls are used they start in the same condition,

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Yup, hes been prepping his game balls for 15 years.. He likes them at 12.5 psi, thats the way they provide them to the refs for inspection and he doesn't want anyone touching them after hes picked his 12-24 balls

But he couldn't tell the difference between a 10.5 psi ball and a 12.5 psi ball. His words

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There is no evidence leaked yet that the Patriots did anything that relates to cheating. Thats just people like you speculating because you hate them so much, you WANT them to be found cheating..  Anything to take away the pain of what happened on Sunday on national television.



Yeah... "speculating" . Listen to ESPN , there's not one player or commentator that's buying what Brady said. They are all pretty disgusted..

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It does beg the question why the league allows any manipulation of game balls or for teams to hold their own balls during a game, can't thinnk of other sports where this sorta thing still goes on. Normally game balls are in the custody of the officials and even of multiple balls are used they start in the same condition,

I think this process will change as a result of this ...

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No they don't, at least not any proof thats been leaked to the press.  They have proof that the balls were under the 12.5 psi minimum, that does not equal proof that they were intentionally tampered with

True regards tampering, so far. It does prove at the minimum NE's equipment guys messed up.

The only question here is intent.

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I will say this. Mort is the only one that reported that not the league itself. And nothing else has come out since then. As you said yourself, you have to prove it which is near impossible. Also it was horrific weather AND the Pats had their balls at the minimum to start. Lots going on here and suspicion is not proof. It's just not. Not sure what else to tell you.

OK, let's pretend it was the weather and the Pats balls started at 12.5 and went down to 10.5. That's a 2lb drop...correct? The spec should be 12.5-13.5 correct? So let's say the Colts balls started at 13.5 and since they were in the same weather they should also drop 2. So, 13.5 - 2 = ? I believe that final number also falls out of the range yet it was stated the Colts balls were within spec. Interesting.

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But he couldn't tell the difference between a 10.5 psi ball and a 12.5 psi ball. His words

because even tho he is VERY particular about the way his footballs are prepared, and how they feel,   once he takes the field he doesn't really pay attention to how they feel.    Excuse me for being confused here,  but isn't that where it should matter most...???

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no, he said he can't tell difference in the balls Even though he said he likes them at exactly 12.5 psi a minute earlier


Yea, they have a range of 12.5 to 13.5 psi, he prefers his at 12.5 and always has.. Aaron Rodgers prefers his at 14 PSI and will often try to slip them past the refs (he admitted this, yet miraculously there is ZERO push back from the public about it).


The physics of it from Sports Science and MythBusters proved that the difference is so minimal, it would only make a physcological difference to the player, like a placebo effect



watch the video yourself:



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Just as we all knew - the NFL would shovel this all under the NFL rug of shame that no one is to ever see ... PATHETIC!

They know they have a product that will survive practically anything and their arrogance has become more and more brash over the years - all the sheep will follow and in another week or two this incident of cheating will be long forgotten - does that not also make everyone willing to let another instance like this slide away also pathetic?

Bradys presser was a JOKE!

One of the best of all time at handling a football who says one moment that he works all the balls over and likes them a certain way yet in the next breath he cant tell the difference between a ball 2lbs less? What a FARCE!!!

Typical of crooks - deny deny deny! Had all day to get their stories straight practice their speeches and deny deny deny....

NOT typical of an innocent person who jumps up and down proclaiming they will get to the bottom of this - who would dare tarnish me an innocent person.... what a crook!

When is the crook leader going to have his presser? Surely he can not proclaim that he is on top of getting to the bottom of this as its been 4 days and no one has talked to Brady yet? GEEEESH FARCE FARCE FARCE!

So is the NFL going to deny fan signs at the SB calling them cheaters?

When do the paying fans finally have enough of the underhanded good ole boy network getting rich off of us while delivering a phony system! And you want to say there isnt too much money involved to actually fix the outcomes of games? ROFL!!!

To hell with fair competition for the sake of competing ... the NFL is so arrogant that they seemingly couldnt care less about issues like this!

All over the place here, but I'm steaming mad ad these phoney crooks!

And I do not buy for one second that they changed out the balls at half time ... if they had done that would they not have told the pats they did that? How come brady and Belichick both claim they knew nothing at all until Monday? IF they changed the balls at half time Brady one of the best of all time at handling the ball would have noticed!

The center as well - surely he was in on this he handles that ball just as much as brady - guilty guilty guilty!

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Yea, they have a range of 12.5 to 13.5 psi, he prefers his at 12.5 and always has.. Aaron Rodgers prefers his at 14 PSI and will often try to slip them past the refs (he admitted this, yet miraculously there is ZERO push back from the public about it).

The physics of it from Sports Science and MythBusters proved that the difference is so minimal, it would only make a physcological difference to the player, like a placebo effect

watch the video yourself:


I thought he preferred softer footballs but now 14 psi? Interesting

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I think this process will change as a result of this ...

The league needs to stop this, and start supplying all game balls to the same specifications for everyone with no questions asked. Any tampering should then result is forfiture of any game the balls are used in. 

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Yea, they have a range of 12.5 to 13.5 psi, he prefers his at 12.5 and always has.. Aaron Rodgers prefers his at 14 PSI and will often try to slip them past the refs (he admitted this, yet miraculously there is ZERO push back from the public about it).

The physics of it from Sports Science and MythBusters proved that the difference is so minimal, it would only make a physcological difference to the player, like a placebo effect

watch the video yourself:


that was for ball flight, not grip. you have posted thus many times. its still irrelevant

as far as rodgers goes, he also said the refs let the air out at the inspection before the game. He doesn't add air after the inspection

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No they don't, at least not any proof thats been leaked to the press.  They have proof that the balls were under the 12.5 psi minimum, that does not equal proof that they were intentionally tampered with


Somebody deflated footballs. No one is doubting that nor disputing it other than you who gave us the theory that the Colts did it. I'm sure the league and people with IQ's over 70 realize someone tampered with footballs. Because they can't prove who , means absolutely zero in removing culpability from the TEAM.

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Yea, they have a range of 12.5 to 13.5 psi, he prefers his at 12.5 and always has.. Aaron Rodgers prefers his at 14 PSI and will often try to slip them past the refs (he admitted this, yet miraculously there is ZERO push back from the public about it).


The physics of it from Sports Science and MythBusters proved that the difference is so minimal, it would only make a physcological difference to the player, like a placebo effect



watch the video yourself:




Ohhh my aching rear end.

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Yea, they have a range of 12.5 to 13.5 psi, he prefers his at 12.5 and always has.. Aaron Rodgers prefers his at 14 PSI and will often try to slip them past the refs (he admitted this, yet miraculously there is ZERO push back from the public about it).


The physics of it from Sports Science and MythBusters proved that the difference is so minimal, it would only make a physcological difference to the player, like a placebo effect



watch the video yourself:



I R R E L E V A N T  - it's a rule.  Go after Rodgers for it and anyone else that does the same, but the CURRENT issue is the Patriots and 11 balls that were 16% under-inflated after being in their possession after being at correct psi.  Doesn't matter "if it does anything" to improve the performance of the balls it is an illegal act according to the agreed upon rules. 

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Yea, they have a range of 12.5 to 13.5 psi, he prefers his at 12.5 and always has.. Aaron Rodgers prefers his at 14 PSI and will often try to slip them past the refs (he admitted this, yet miraculously there is ZERO push back from the public about it).


The physics of it from Sports Science and MythBusters proved that the difference is so minimal, it would only make a physcological difference to the player, like a placebo effect



watch the video yourself:



The same Mythbusters who tested if putting a giant mock up of Homer Simpson on a wrecking ball would stop it from damaging a house? Yeah. No thanks.

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The league needs to stop this, and start supplying all game balls to the same specifications for everyone with no questions asked. Any tampering should then result is forfiture of any game the balls are used in.

no they don't. they just need the teams to not tamper with them after the pregame inspection

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This is reminding me of all the businesses and banks that said essentially......"yeah we did it, but we are too big to fail".


We'll see if we get the same result here.  I honestly can feel the NFL imploding


I heard on PTI  the league will defer results of its investigation and resulting punishment until after the Super Bowl.  Much reporter and fan speculation to take place in the interim.  This isn't going away...  just postponed.

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Analysis shows Patriots' zero home fumbles this year were off-the-charts unlikely. Deflated balls = easier to grip. http://www.sharpfootballanalysis.com/blog/?p=2932 




"The 2014 Patriots were just the 3rd team in the last 25 years to never have lost a fumble at home!  The biggest difference between the Patriots and the other 2 teams who did it was that New England ran between 150 and 200 MORE plays this year than those teams did in the years they had zero home fumbles, making the Patriots stand alone in this unique statistic.


I actually went back and researched 5 year periods for the entire NFL over the last 25 years. The Patriots ratio of 187 plays to 1 fumble is the BEST of ANY team in the NFL for ANY 5 year span of time over the last 25 years. Not was it just the best, it wasn’t close:

  1. 2010-2014 Patriots:  187 plays/fumble
  2. 2009-2013 Patriots:  156 plays/fumble
  3. 2006-2010 Colts:  156 plays/fumble
  4. 2005-2009 Colts:  153 plays/fumble
  5. 2007-2011 Patriots:  149 plays/fumble
  6. 2008-2012 Patriots:  148 plays/fumble
  7. 2010-2014 Texans:  140 plays/fumble
  8. 2004-2008 Colts:  139 plays/fumble
  9. 2006-2010 Jets:  135 plays/fumble
  10. 1999-2003 Chiefs:  134 plays/fumble

There are a few key takeaways.  First and foremost, the 187 plays/fumble dwarfs even the rest of the best seasons the last 25 years.  Second, the Patriots have been at the top of the NFL since 2007."


This is pretty good stuff, I suggest to read the whole article, as it gets into their performance in bad weather games.


lol, this just supports how Belichick constantly has an emphasis on protecting the ball.  Look at the Colts in that list 3 times... very suspicious!



Not to mention that the Pats fumbled the ball twice in the AFCCG but the Colts couldn't recover it.  Enjoy your witch hunt


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I R R E L E V A N T  - it's a rule.  Go after Rodgers for it and anyone else that does the same, but the CURRENT issue is the Patriots and 11 balls that were 16% under-inflated after being in their possession after being at correct psi.  Doesn't matter "if it does anything" to improve the performance of the balls it is an illegal act according to the agreed upon rules. 


There's nothing to go after Rodgers about. The Packers' balls haven't been found to be over-inflated. 


That is what's called a red herring.

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