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Thanks Peyton


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I absolutely and unequivocally totally disagree with Manning being done. Come on, he's by far a more superior talent and effective player than say more than 90% of the players in the NFL. He can out duel almost anyone! He's still got it...I almost can guarantee he will definitely be back next year.


He isn't the Peyton Manning of 2013 or even 2004. But he's still phenomenal and a heck of a player. No doubt in my mind about it. It sounds to me more like people on here are almost saying (without actually saying it) that the COLTS won because Peyton wasn't Peyton. I don't buy it. The Colts just outplayed Denver on both sides of the ball...plain and simple.


Peyton will be back...and I will be a huge 2nd team fan of Denver next year JUST because of this game this year that we just watched. It made me appreciate Peyton so much more to watch him play and seeing him do what he does. He doesn't always win every game...and he has a HORRIBLE record in the post season...but it's not all 100% on him. I mean he didn't throw a pick today...and the fumble was just great moves by a Colts defensive unit as a whole. This loss isn't on Peyton...he still had over 200+ yards and 1 TD. Our defense just held that's what it amounted to. Don't forget all the drops Mannings receivers had today as well...some that just make you scratch your head just like our Colts had a few weeks ago.


Come on naysayers...all you people who said "Colts Won't Win This Game" and then turn around and be like "I knew we had a chance...Manning wasn't manning he is old and should hang it up". Give credit to your team they had their crap together today all over the place!



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Posted · Hidden by Superman, January 12, 2015 - trolling
Hidden by Superman, January 12, 2015 - trolling

I am here today to inform you all that I BELIEVED IN LUCK vs. MANNING over 3 years ago. I was banned from this forum from an overzealous fat moderator named "PeytonsGirl", and was censored ever since. I am here today to brag that back then I said Luck was way better than Manning, and the Colts made the right decision to dump Manning for Luck. There have been multiple times to ban my account Super8todd for years.. but I am here to say I was always the COLTS Fan, and believed in the colts more than some of these biased moderators. They cannot handle the truth and will ban me once again, but truth, freedom, and MY LEGACY of BEING CORRECT CANNOT be refuted!!!! I was NOT popular at the time, and you will not here again from me again, because this flawed moderator is still in power.. but LUCK IS way BETTER THAN MANNING... and the future is HERE now. TRUE COLTS FANS will rejoice in LUCK over MANNING, and I called this many years ago. Enjoy.

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I think it all comes down to what is actually wrong with Manning. If he has an injured thigh or something minor then I can easily see him coming back next season. However, if it's something with his neck or skill deterioration then I think it's over. No way Manning wants to go through a final season like Brett Favre had to endure a few years ago.

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If you think Peyton doesn't care about numbers, then you're delusional. It's a very attainable record that would mean a lot to him.

I think at this point all he cares about is winning games, and trying to ride off into the sun set with another championship... and if he doesn't feel like he is cappable of making Denver a better team, or he feels like he would hold them back Peyton will walk away. He sure sounded like things were as up in the air as they have ever been after the game. I woldn't be surprised to see him retire, and the team will have a new coach so who know what direction they will want to go as well.

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I think at this point all he cares about is winning games, and trying to ride off into the sun set with another championship... and if he doesn't feel like he is cappable of making Denver a better team, or he feels like he would hold them back Peyton will walk away. He sure sounded like things were as up in the air as they have ever been after the game. I woldn't be surprised to see him retire, and the team will have a new coach so who know what direction they will want to go as well.

He's a competitor. I just can't see him retiring yet.

On a different note, when Brady retires I'm throwing a party and everyone is invited. BYOB of course.

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I think at this point all he cares about is winning games, and trying to ride off into the sun set with another championship... and if he doesn't feel like he is cappable of making Denver a better team, or he feels like he would hold them back Peyton will walk away. He sure sounded like things were as up in the air as they have ever been after the game. I woldn't be surprised to see him retire, and the team will have a new coach so who know what direction they will want to go as well.

I am sure he cares MORE about winning and championships but you would be mistaken if you think numbers don't mean anything to him.  They do to all players, that's why you see teams try to get guys number when they can. 


I am sure things are up in the air right now.  I don't care what anyone says Peyton isn't right right now.  He probably only knows the true reason why and will have decide if he wants to put himself through what it will take to fix whatever is wrong with him.


He will also have his family to think about.  There was a story today that he was greeted by his son crying after the loss today.  I am not saying Peyton will walk away from football because the loss upset his son but you know what how many of us would walk away from our jobs if we could to just be a dad or a mom?  He's no longer just a single guy or even a married guy who just lived for football, he's a father now too.  We all know he has the money to walk away if he wants and Peyton will have decide if he wants to play another demanding year probably with rehab this off-season or if there are more important things for him in life and will his family want him to put himself through that?  I mean I am sure right now spending time with the family and kids sounds like a lot more fun than doing everything he has to do to get ready for a season of football. 


Also there has to be a very real sense of frustration with him right now.  Not only did he go one and done again but it came at the hands of the Colts, the team that cut him.  I don't care how wonderful of a person Peyton is it's only human nature to want to show a team that gave up on you that they were wrong and to have them end your season has to be a bit crushing. I am sure right now it does have to be tempting to just walk away.  I have a feeling though after Peyton gets a chance to get away from football and recover from the season he will have the competitive juices start pumping again and he'll come back. 

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He's a competitor. I just can't see him retiring yet.

On a different note, when Brady retires I'm throwing a party and everyone is invited. BYOB of course.

All players are competitors, but what sets some guys apart are knowing when to walk away. Like Joe Montana who played 16 years... and walked away while he still could. Favre on the other would probably still come back if the right team offered him a shot, and I don't see Manning being like that. He also has a family too.

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All players are competitors, but what sets some guys apart are knowing when to walk away. Like Joe Montana who played 16 years... and walked away while he still could. Favre on the other would probably still come back if the right team offered him a shot... and I don't see Manning being like that. He also has a family too.

You're right. I'm sure every NFL player is a competitor, but Peyton has a way higher drive. He lives football unlike any other player. 

It's going to be more difficult for him to hang it up than it was for Favre I think.

He has a lot of evaluating to do this off-season and I respect any decision he makes, but I don't think he's done.

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I would not write the obituary on PM's career yet. He was doing great until the past six weeks or so. I am convinced this sudden drop off has an undisclosed injury tied to it and not the publicized injury that had been nagging him. Let's wait and see. Many of us were convinced the multiple neck injuries were the end of him, only to watch him put up record breaking numbers in Denver.

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I do not know if he returns but some of you guys stated he is washed up is a joke. We just out played them we earned it . Yeah he missed some deep throws by over throwing them does that not mean he still has the arm streght. The only play I seen that was just a bad play bad Peyton was on the 3rd and 5 I think where he could had walked for a first down and elected to throw down field to a covered receiver. Our team just out played them on o and d

Peyton has looked bad for over two months now. I love Peyton and always will but the reality is that he stunk for the last two months. I hope he doesn't retire but you can tell his arm just isn't what it used to be.

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9 time One & Doner. AFC South Champ 4 sure!

Luckily this will be the last post I have to directly see from you. One of the many disgusting posts Ive seen and wish I could say some words to you in person about how much of a disgrace of a Colts fan you are, but will have to just rely on ignoring your profile.

Peyton Manning is in consideration for the greatest QB to ever play the game and he did so often in spite of a GM and HC that others like him had the luxury of. You tell me where Brady would be without Belichek, or Montana without Walsh, or Marino and Unitas without Shula? He single handedly turned our franchise into a contender and in spite of everything against him put this team on his back.

Saying anything negative about him as a colts fan is pretry bold, but to dismiss him in the manner that you do is just disgraceful.

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I'm amazed at the amount "grieving" that's happening in this thread (and a few others).  I did most of mine Luck's first year and was pretty much over it by the time the Broncos were blown out in the Super Bowl.  


It's always sad to see a beloved player nearing the end of his career, but I'm not overcome by it.  I heard the boos in the crowd and understood why.  But reading some of posts here, it's like


"Peyton is thy football GOD.  Thou shalt never speak words of negativity about HIM or in HIS presence.  Thou shalt bring small sacrifices of meat as well as money wads that thou shalt lay at HIS feet should he make his presence known to your city.  ALL HAIL THE FOOTBALL GOD, for we shall never again witness the like!"


C'mon, people.  He did make Indy a football city and made the Colts a force to be reckoned with, but he still poops like everybody else.  He isn't a sacred cow. 

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Before last night's game, I told friends - "Well, if the Colts lose, at least we'll have Manning to root for against the Patriots." Now we know #18 would have zero chance against New England.  So strange to witness the likely end of a generational QB like Peyton.

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Peyton was better off the field that he was on it.  All time great QB and the best ever off it.  He has left and will continue to leave a legacy of excellence as a human being.  


Sad to see him go down hill so quickly, but age is undefeated.  I hope he either can come back full strength or will just leave gracefully and not hang on too long.  

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I'm amazed at the amount "grieving" that's happening in this thread (and a few others).  I did most of mine Luck's first year and was pretty much over it by the time the Broncos were blown out in the Super Bowl.  


It's always sad to see a beloved player nearing the end of his career, but I'm not overcome by it.  I heard the boos in the crowd and understood why.  But reading some of posts here, it's like


"Peyton is thy football GOD.  Thou shalt never speak words of negativity about HIM or in HIS presence.  Thou shalt bring small sacrifices of meat as well as money wads that thou shalt lay at HIS feet should he make his presence known to your city.  ALL HAIL THE FOOTBALL GOD, for we shall never again witness the like!"


C'mon, people.  He did make Indy a football city and made the Colts a force to be reckoned with, but he still poops like everybody else.  He isn't a sacred cow. 



I don't know, isn't you complaining about someone else's opinion worse?


There's nothing wrong with being a fan and we don't define what that means for other people


While I have grown accustomed to Manning as a Bronco.........it still offended me to hear the boos.  He deserves better than that.


You can't have watched him all those years and not have been taken aback by that.  I couldn't anyway

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Luckily this will be the last post I have to directly see from you. One of the many disgusting posts Ive seen and wish I could say some words to you in person about how much of a disgrace of a Colts fan you are, but will have to just rely on ignoring your profile.

Peyton Manning is in consideration for the greatest QB to ever play the game and he did so often in spite of a GM and HC that others like him had the luxury of. You tell me where Brady would be without Belichek, or Montana without Walsh, or Marino and Unitas without Shula? He single handedly turned our franchise into a contender and in spite of everything against him put this team on his back.

Saying anything negative about him as a colts fan is pretry bold, but to dismiss him in the manner that you do is just disgraceful.

I second that, great post

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I guarantee you he doesn't retire. One half season away from the all time passing record.

In some ways you may be right. If so, that's so incredibly sad. Was everyone correct back in the day that called him "stat boy" and an Individual guy? You're tellin me the Broncos front office will pay $20M (US, not pesos) for an 7-9 season and an individual record? Wish he would retire with honor. Build him the statue at LOS. Come back to Indy.

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I guarantee you he doesn't retire. One half season away from the all time passing record.

In some ways you may be right. If so, that's so incredibly sad. Was everyone correct back in the day that called him "stat boy" and an Individual guy? You're tellin me the Broncos front office will pay $20M (US, not pesos) for an 7-9 season and an individual record? Wish he would retire with honor. Build him the statue at LOS. Come back to Indy.

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At some point in every great QBs career, the end is sort of like this (Marino, Favre, Young). It's hard to ride off into the sunset like Elway did.

Hold your head up high Peyton. We were lucky to see you play when there was so much uncertainty back in 2012 that you would ever play again.

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So sad to see it end like this.  I wish it would have been against another team.  That hurt me more than anything.   Thank you for bringing the Colts from a lousy team to one that won the SB.  you will always be the GOAT to me.  They wont give you that status and allot of Colts fans have no idea what it was like before you got here.  But I remember.   You have all of my respect.  Hold your head up high because you deserve it.

yes it was sad ,this might be last game,also it broak my heart when thay showed reggy sitting thare knowing he wanted to be in thare

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We all share the same father and his name is Time and what matters is what one does with the time given to that person. We do not live and work to satisfy everyone around us rather to those we share life's ups and downs with.  When memories are good then we have done our job and if there are those that do not approve or agree that is to be expected. To leave knowing you gave it your best shot every moment is what matters most. Glory is not given, it is achieved ask those in the Hall of Fame. Remember the song, "Thanks For The Memories", that is all that needs to be said to Peyton Manning so thanks for the memories number 18, I'll book a flight to Canton soon to pay my respects.


Forever a Colt fan

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In some ways you may be right. If so, that's so incredibly sad. Was everyone correct back in the day that called him "stat boy" and an Individual guy? You're tellin me the Broncos front office will pay $20M (US, not pesos) for an 7-9 season and an individual record? Wish he would retire with honor. Build him the statue at LOS. Come back to Indy.

Every player would be lying if they said they didn't care about their stats.

Why do you think the Broncos would be 7-9 next season?

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Peyton is the GOAT.  Sure, brady has more rings, but SB rings are the mark of a great team, not a great player.



QBs are judged by their post season achievements, and Peyton has 9 one-and-done AND the most playoff loses of all time. People can talk all about Tom & Bill, Montana & Walsh, but it doesn't matter since the consensus will be something like: Peyton was a great QB, but not the greatest, because he choked too much in the playoffs.


Sadly, that's how it's going to be. If Brady wins a 4th ring this year, he'll be 4/6 in Super Bowls, AND he has the regular season stats to back his post season succes up. He'll be in the GOAT discussions more frequently that Peyton. 

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So sad to see it end like this.  I wish it would have been against another team.  That hurt me more than anything.   Thank you for bringing the Colts from a lousy team to one that won the SB.  you will always be the GOAT to me.  They wont give you that status and allot of Colts fans have no idea what it was like before you got here.  But I remember.   You have all of my respect.  Hold your head up high because you deserve it.

Peyton was the best qb I have ever seen play , It takes a team to win in the playoffs not one player, This stuff about how many rings a player gets is ridiculous, Has he ever really besides 06 ever had a team where the defense could win a game? NO. I have watched every Colt game the last 15 years and all I can ever remember saying was just give Peyton the ball with 2 minutes left and we will win. Please come back and retire a Colt where you belong.

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I think it'll eventually come out that Manning was hurt the last quarter of this season. He was just too much of a competitor to give up.

Above all, I'm a Colts fan and Luck is my QB, but The Sheriff will be one of the greatest QB of all time. I'd hate to see him go out like this.

If he does retire, I would love for him to come back as QB coach and/or an OC.

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I think it all comes down to if the OC stays in denver. He said that if the same coaches would be there next year will effect his decision. I dont think at this point in his career he wants to learn another offense if someone new comes in. If he hangs it up, really hope we can do a 1 day contract for him to retire here.

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I don't know, isn't you complaining about someone else's opinion worse?

There's nothing wrong with being a fan and we don't define what that means for other people

While I have grown accustomed to Manning as a Bronco.........it still offended me to hear the boos. He deserves better than that.

You can't have watched him all those years and not have been taken aback by that. I couldn't anyway

I'm playing Devil's Advocate because I don't see many people doing it. MY opinion: he's not my team's QB anymore, and unhappy fans boo regardless of who's playing.

I'm not unappreciative; I think he's one of the greatest to play the game and I'm really glad he played here. And just like everyone else has been allowed to take their turn at being Captain Negativity, I'm allowed to state that the man can still be treated like he's a human being. Bad play will get you booed, period.

If you (or anyone else) feels bad when any player is booed, that's different. I'm bothered only because I haven't seen threads complaining if anyone else gets booed. Everyone else is open to a verbal or written pounding when fans (however that is defined) are unhappy and that's ok. Stand up for those players, and you get shouted down.

But that's irrelevant. You can feel sad all you want. His performance yesterday made me a little sad, too. But I'm still allowed to say "get a grip."

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it sure was hard watching him struggling to make accurate throws. He looked tired seemed to grimace on throws quite a bit. He was much more than a quarterback for this team. He was an ambassador to the NFL and if it where not for him I believe that Lucas Oil Stadium would not have been built and the Colts would be playing in Los Angeles.


We owe a great deal to Peyton, He raised football in the city to the level of basketball and beyond and created a franchise for Indianapolis.  


Thanks #18

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I think he's done


Broncos QB Peyton Manning played Sunday’s Divisional Playoff loss and the past month of the season with a torn right quad, per two sources.

— Adam Schefter (@AdamSchefter)

January 12, 2015

Explains why he didn't run on 3rd and 5 with 20 yards in front of him. Was hoping he would go for all time wins next year for the hell of it. Still hoping that. We wrote off Brady after a bad month to start the season, you never know.

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I'm playing Devil's Advocate because I don't see many people doing it. MY opinion: he's not my team's QB anymore, and unhappy fans boo regardless of who's playing.

I'm not unappreciative; I think he's one of the greatest to play the game and I'm really glad he played here. And just like everyone else has been allowed to take their turn at being Captain Negativity, I'm allowed to state that the man can still be treated like he's a human being. Bad play will get you booed, period.

If you (or anyone else) feels bad when any player is booed, that's different. I'm bothered only because I haven't seen threads complaining if anyone else gets booed. Everyone else is open to a verbal or written pounding when fans (however that is defined) are unhappy and that's ok. Stand up for those players, and you get shouted down.

But that's irrelevant. You can feel sad all you want. His performance yesterday made me a little sad, too. But I'm still allowed to say "get a grip."


Of course your entitled to your opinion.  I'm not saying your not

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