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How important is this game for Luck's career?


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Important, but it doesn't define his career.


This game does not make him elite if he wins it... nor non elite if he loses it.

The kid is truly special, elite already and this would just be another feather in the cap if we pull out a win. If we do not pull out the win, then it will be a learning lesson for Luck and the entire team.

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You're kidding right? Its his 3rd year, he has two playoff wins, no running game, a poor OL, a leaky defense - he's 77% of the team's offense. Give him a break. The pressure is on Grigson to fix the holes on this team

I agree with this. Based on his press conference, this is more a referendum on Irsay, and his vision of getting a GM to put complete teams around two in a lifetime quarterbacks.

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You're kidding right? Its his 3rd year, he has two playoff wins, no running game, a poor OL, a leaky defense - he's 77% of the team's offense. Give him a break. The pressure is on Grigson to fix the holes on this team

The media doesn't see it that way. Also people will be complaining later in his career about these playoff losses. It's annoying but people base how good you are based on playoff wins and Super Bowl rings. (Why some poeple believe Russel Wilson is better) later in his career Luck will most be judged largely on playoff success or get a bad rep becuase of it. So no, not kidding. Yeah it's his 3rd year, perfect time to step up, but yes Grigson needs to make the team better and finally fix our trash O Line also.

Now us as fans understand that but others don't see it that way.

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I dont wanna say that it is persay an important game for luck's career. I think it is a very important game for the organization and team as a whole. Luck will have ample opportunities at a ring. Guys like D-Jax, Mathis, and Reggie only have but so much left in the tank

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I think this win means next to nothing in the long term, but in the short term could further help the build of our team. Confidence. Playoff experience. Lots of positives come out of a win.

Very few negatives come from a loss.

In my opinion.

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I think it's more important for the coaching staff and Ryan Grigson than it is for Andrew Luck.


However, I will say that this is the next logical step that you would like to see Andrew Luck take in his yearly progressions.


1st year-make playoffs

2nd year-win playoff game

3rd year-win 2 playoff games


I'd say you go on until you win the Super Bowl in year 5. It doesn't always happen like that and in most cases, it doesn't. But I understand what people want to see here.

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The game is important but this stuff with luck is silly


Here's his reason why this is a must win for Luck

I disagree with the reason from the quote.  Luck will always have nay sayers.  Just the nature of the sport.  He could win the SB every year and be NFL MVP until he hangs them up, and I guarantee there would be at least 1 person trying to debate he has something to prove still.  I get it's a very exagerating statement, but some fans and reporters are bitter or in denial about certain things.  Just how the world goes 'round!

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This isn't a must win for Luck, the odds are stacked so hard against us, Luck would have to carry this team on his back to beat Denver, and honestly if he doesn't get it done, that is OK. As an organization you can't expect one player to carry your entire team in the post season, you think the Colts would have learned that over the last decade.

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if luck loses this game, theres a good chance Irsay will cut him after this season, if he wins he will be anointed the goat so it is fairly important

I really hope you are a guru of sarcasm, especially with your name, I cant really tell.  If that's what you're doing, you put me to shame, but if you're being serious, God bless you!

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in the grand scheme of things, it's not important. Obviously it's important for this season trying to keep it alive.


But this team has already done so much in the 3 years of a total player, coaching, and front office overhall.


3 11 win season

3 playoff appearances

2 division titles

2 home playoff games

2 playoff wins


yes there are still glaring holes, but aside from a few select players, this is a very young roster a head coach (based on experience)


this is the exception, not the rule as to how things go when this kind of overhall occurs.


They're not quite there yet, but are very close.

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This isn't a must win for Luck, the odds are stacked so hard against us, Luck would have to carry this team on his back to beat Denver, and honestly if he doesn't get it done, that is OK. As an organization you can't expect one player to carry your entire team in the post season, you think the Colts would have learned that over the last decade.

I don't think Luck would have to carry this team for this team to win. But he will have to play well but so will the o-line and the receivers have to catch the ball. The defense has to play great. This is a ultimate team sport. Everybody wants to blame the QB when we lose and praise him when we win this is a team game period.  

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You're kidding right?  Its his 3rd year, he has two playoff wins, no running game, a poor OL, a leaky defense - he's 77% of the team's offense.  Give him a break.  The pressure is on Grigson to fix the holes on this team

Thank You!


The ridiculousness of articles like this are mind numbing. Bozos like the guy who wrote this article and Skip Bayless are a joke and should never be taken seriously.  They are the true definition of cluelessness. 

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I think the notion that one game can make or break a career is a ridiculous notion.  He will be in the league for many years and be in many big games it is one game.  If we lose are we going to cut him? NO.  If we lose will he retire? NO.  If we lose will he never play great again? NO. 


Those types of statements are the same as the whole you need a superbowl ring to be a great QB arguments, this weekends game is one game just like the superbowl is one game.  Any team can lose a game at any time against any team.


I would love for us to win this game but if not I will be back in front of my screen next season the same I have been since Harbaugh was here.



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This game is more important for Peyton's career. The pressure is all on Denver to win this game.

I agree because Denver should win.  I think the Colts will play hard but come up short.  Im glad to be able to watch Peyton play for another year.  Its been a privilege.  I am so glad he was a Colt and I got to watch such a great player in my life time and to have that player the QB of my team.  Luck will be great but he has a long way to go.

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