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The D got hit hard as long as Davis is minor we will be ok. It is just one game it sure makes giving away the Philly game sting a lot more. We will bounce back get the Giants go to our bye and heal up for the stretch run no time to panic. There is still a lot of football to be played.

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Yeah... I think all the " elite" feelings have come to an abrupt end. 

Not sure why we are still a very good team. NE lost to KC 41-14 not even in the game are they still an elite team? We will learn from this and move on. It is not the end of the world.

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Not sure why we are still a very good team. NE lost to KC 41-14 not even in the game are they still an elite team? We will learn from this and move on. It is not the end of the world.


Who said we were not still a good team ? I just said all this elite talk that was on this board and was also running rampant amoung the talking heads comes to an abrupt end. Now if we win the next 3-4 games and look over powering doing it , then maybe we can talk about being an elite team again. Make sense ? I mean that score could have easily went into the 60s without a couple of drops and fumbles. 

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It's the NFL - where 5-3 is actually good, where you can go from being a top defensive team to crap in one game, and where you can also flush the game and improve when it's most important (late season). Call me not worried - we were not competitive all day yet had the ball in the 4th Quarter down one score (plus 2pt conversion). So long as injuries are not long term, we have the personnel to compete.

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Yeah... I think all the " elite" feelings have come to an abrupt end. 

Yeah, that was a train wreck. Never, in my most pessimistic outlooks did I believe that the defense from last week would give up, to the Steelers, over 600 yards in one game. That's a new one on me. But, rather than talk about the many times in the past that the defense let the Colts down, which were many, I believe this can be used as motivation to make the second half of the season a defensive gem. They sure have a lot to make up for. But, after a performance like that, the defensive stats as well as respect throughout the league will suffer greatly. Big Ben is good, but damn....;-) 

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Not sure why we are still a very good team. NE lost to KC 41-14 not even in the game are they still an elite team? We will learn from this and move on. It is not the end of the world.

Very good point. I like that mentality since its not what happens to you that matters, but how you deal with it. This team is resilient. I think they'll bounce back really well. The Patriots used that KC game as fuel to get back to being themselves. Sometimes its the adversity that's dealt with that brings out the best in a team as far as pulling together when it counts the most.

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Who said we were not still a good team ? I just said all this elite talk that was on this board and was also running rampant amoung the talking heads comes to an abrupt end. Now if we win the next 3-4 games and look over powering doing it , then maybe we can talk about being an elite team again. Make sense ? I mean that score could have easily went into the 60s without a couple of drops and fumbles.

Since when does one game determine how good (or bad) you are? The Broncos got whooped in the Super Bowl... guess they weren't elite. ???

I personally think all the talk about how good anyone is is a little premature, especially after today. But even the very best teams have a bad loss every now and then.

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Since when does one game determine how good (or bad) you are? The Broncos got whooped in the Super Bowl... guess they weren't elite. ???

I personally think all the talk about how good anyone is is a little premature, especially after today. But even the very best teams have a bad loss every now and then.

when one must panic and over react to one game.
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Since when does one game determine how good (or bad) you are? The Broncos got whooped in the Super Bowl... guess they weren't elite. ???

I personally think all the talk about how good anyone is is a little premature, especially after today. But even the very best teams have a bad loss every now and then.


Well, when you give up 50+ points to a teams that's been pretty average and your sideline looks like a MASH unit.........

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Well, when you give up 50+ points to a teams that's been pretty average and your sideline looks like a MASH unit.........

Every team has a bad game. If we aren't any good, then we weren't any good last week, either.

It's a long season. I disagree with lurching back and forth after every game, good or bad, using wins or losses to say "I told you so!"

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Since when does one game determine how good (or bad) you are? The Broncos got whooped in the Super Bowl... guess they weren't elite. ???

I personally think all the talk about how good anyone is is a little premature, especially after today. But even the very best teams have a bad loss every now and then.




What I said is this will abruptly stop all the "elite talk" and IMO this is not an elite team. I think many of you are looking for things in a post that are not there. I didn't say this game defined the Colts , I just said I think they are a good team and not an elite one. BTW... Seattle was the best team in football last year and matched up perfectly with a weak armed Peyton Manning. I would hardly call the Steelers the best team in football going into this game.. Do you understand the difference ? 

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What I said is this will abruptly stop all the "elite talk" and IMO this is not an elite team. I think many of you are looking for things in a post that are not there. I didn't say this game defined the Colts , I just said I think they are a good team and not an elite one. BTW... Seattle was the best team in football last year and matched up perfectly with a weak armed Peyton Manning. I would hardly call the Steelers the best team in football going into this game.. Do you understand the difference ?

No, I don't.

Good teams, even elite teams, have bad losses sometimes. Except for rare situations, I don't think it makes sense to talk about anyone being elite in Week 8. The season is too long.

And yeah, if you are proclaiming that this loss proves that the Colts aren't "elite," you are defining them, specifically as < elite. And that's as premature, IMO, as proclaiming them elite a week ago.

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No, I don't.

Good teams, even elite teams, have bad losses sometimes. Except for rare situations, I don't think it makes sense to talk about anyone being elite in Week 8. The season is too long.

And yeah, if you are proclaiming that this loss proves that the Colts aren't "elite," you are defining them, specifically as < elite. And that's as premature, IMO, as proclaiming them elite a week ago.


You are really talking like a silly xxx. I didn't "proclaim" anything. I just said this will stop all the elite talk that resuted here and in the media after the Cinn win. I also said my evaluation is this is a good team but not elite. By that I mean top 3. How anyone can take issue with that is laughable

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You are really talking like a silly xxx. I didn't "proclaim" anything. I just said this will stop all the elite talk that resuted here and in the media after the Cinn win. I also said my evaluation is this is a good team but not elite. By that I mean top 3. How anyone can take issue with that is laughable

That's pretty rude. You're the one nitpicking over the use of the word "proclaim."

I don't know whether anyone is elite. To mex there's little separation between the Chargers, Pats, and us. We're all behind the Broncos. I think the Cowboys and Packers are atop the NFC, but two months ago, the Cowboys were supposed to be the worst, and the Packers have a bad loss.

That's my whole point. I don't think one game in October is proof of anything, negative or positive. I said it last week. I still believe it.

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Well, when you give up 50+ points to a teams that's been pretty average and your sideline looks like a MASH unit.........

Denver gave up 50 to Dallas last year.  Scored 51 to win.  Colts scored 34 today, would've scored more with any protection for Luck at all...   on the radio Sorgi said (I was driving, listening- didn't see the game) the receivers were open, just no time to see them...

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That's pretty rude. You're the one nitpicking over the use of the word "proclaim."

I don't know whether anyone is elite. To mex there's little separation between the Chargers, Pats, and us. We're all behind the Broncos. I think the Cowboys and Packers are atop the NFC, but two months ago, the Cowboys were supposed to be the worst, and the Packers have a bad loss.

That's my whole point. I don't think one game in October is proof of anything, negative or positive. I said it last week. I still believe it.



Please... you really are being very silly. If you want to say nobody should be having opinions on what might be the top 3 teams after game 8 ...that's ridiculous. Fans and NFL shows and talking heads have been doing it for years. Furthermore , who is making a evaluation just considering "one game in October ? " Certainly not me. 

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Please... you really are being very silly. If you want to say nobody should be having opinions on what might be the top 3 teams after game 8 ...that's ridiculous. Fans and NFL shows and talking heads have been doing it for years. Furthermore , who is making a evaluation just considering "one game in October ? " Certainly not me.

What's silly about saying that it's too early to say who is or isn't elite?

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What's silly about saying that it's too early to say who is or isn't elite?



I think it's ridiculous to say that football fans should not be rating teams after 8 games in the season.  I mean you can think what you like and I can either agree with your opinion or I can think it's silly. Just put me down for silly on that one. BTW... when are we "allowed" to form an opinion on our sports teams ? If you think the half way point in the season is way too early... maybe 3/4 mark ? BTW... these opinions can change . No one is "proclaiming " anything. If you don't understand that . let me explain before you start embellishing on that one . 


Example .. the Colts are 5-3. Fan X thinks they are a good team but not a top three team. He figures wins over 2 good teams (even though Cinn was decimated.. but hey we killed them ) and a fair team coupled with 3 losses just does't make them elite. Then V. davis comes back and they win their next 4 with a win over NE and now sit at 9-3. That fan has the right to now think they are elite after the 12 games. Now what you infer is that because the Colts gave up 51 points and it easily could have been 65 , that fans (me) are now saying the team is not that good. That's really not the case with me . I'm looking at the wins vs the losses and the whole body of work. 


Also I'm done with this thread.

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I think it's ridiculous to say that football fans should not be rating teams after 8 games in the season. I mean you can think what you like and I can either agree with your opinion or I can think it's silly. Just put me down for silly on that one. BTW... when are we "allowed" to form an opinion on our sports teams ? If you think the half way point in the season is way too early... maybe 3/4 mark ? BTW... these opinions can change . No one is "proclaiming " anything. If you don't understand that . let me explain before you start embellishing on that one .

Example .. the Colts are 5-3. Fan X thinks they are a good team but not a top three team. He figures wins over 2 good teams (even though Cinn was decimated.. but hey we killed them ) and a fair team coupled with 3 losses just does't make them elite. Then V. davis comes back and they win their next 4 with a win over NE and now sit at 9-3. That fan has the right to now think they are elite after the 12 games. Now what you infer is that because the Colts gave up 51 points and it easily could have been 65 , that fans (me) are now saying the team is not that good. That's really not the case with me . I'm looking at the wins vs the losses and the whole body of work.

Also I'm done with this thread.

I didn't say rating teams is wrong. I said that I don't think we can say who is and isn't elite -- the best of the best -- after 8 games. Except in rare cases. Because typically, before you grade something as elite, you observe a significant body of work.

And if we're talking about what the pecking order is, then let's do that. I think Denver is clearly tops in the AFC, but I don't think there's much distinction after that. And in the NFC, I would have said Dallas and Green Bay, but the Packers are getting trounced right now by the Saints, who have been pretty terrible so far. Maybe you see a distinction between us and the Chargers, Pats, Packers, Seahawks, Eagles, etc. I don't. I think you'll probably be rearranging that group every week, all season long. (I keep forgetting the Cardinals, but they are probably top three.) So it's kind of hard for me to exclude anyone at this point in the season, when everyone is beating up on each other.

So I don't think, like I said, that the Colts were elite based on last week's performance, and I don't think they're bad now. I didn't say you said they were bad. My point is we can lurch back and forth from one week to the next, but that doesn't really have any bearing on who the best teams are. And when you look at the season in four week increments, for instance, you can see how what you thought in October wasn't really the case. Again, I don't know why that's silly.

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Only people Pagano named in the press conference was Vontae Davis(knee) and Erik Walden(Hip flexor)

redding got hurt but went back in. I think he might has taken a shot south of the boarder and just needed a moment.

Gordy also went out late.

The big concern is Davis. Hopefully it's not a serious knee injury. We have 8 days for the Giants then our bye. So if guys are dinged we came into a good spot to get healthy.

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Denver gave up 50 to Dallas last year.  Scored 51 to win.  Colts scored 34 today, would've scored more with any protection for Luck at all...   on the radio Sorgi said (I was driving, listening- didn't see the game) the receivers were open, just no time to see them...

if the defense had played halfway decent Colts win. I wouldn't want to be either teams secondary in film study tomorrow.
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