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Luck considered #4 in QB power rankings


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In general, Colts fans are much more obsessed with the Pats than the other way around- which is understandable based on all the beatings we've given you.  There was a poll for each state to see who their most hated rival was, and Indiana picked the Pats.  Most other states picked someone in their division.  Colts fans are just kind of like your younger sister's annoying friend.

That was Manning and Brady nobody cares about the Patriots in Indiana anymore.  Until Brady retires and the Pats get a QB from Lucks generation I don't really see this being much of a rivalry.

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In general, Colts fans are much more obsessed with the Pats than the other way around- which is understandable based on all the beatings we've given you.  There was a poll for each state to see who their most hated rival was, and Indiana picked the Pats.  Most other states picked someone in their division.  Colts fans are just kind of like your younger sister's annoying friend.

Says the pats fan on a Colts forum.

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I know it's true. You can be wrong by yourself.


this one is close enough there is no right or wrong, it's a matter of opinion and I agree with OUM this time...I would not put Luck ahead of Brady at this point.


Now if you want to compare Luck and Jordan Palmer, then yes there is a right and wrong.

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According to Trent Dilfer, there is at least 1 long time, successful NFL coach who has told him that Luck is "hands down" the best player in the league. Not just quarterback. Best player.

Luck is the worst protected elite QB (and it's by a lot) so his numbers do seriously suffer. I'll probably be called a homer for saying this (the irony is I'm not from Indy) but I seriously don't believe there is any other QB in the league who could've carried last years Colts any further than Luck did. I don't think I'm so much a "homer" for holding that opinion as I've just got a lower opinion of the rest of our roster than most here. I look at what Manning did in the 2000s, and how many times we couldn't make it past New England. Does anyone really think if you threw him on the 2013 Colts we would've made it past the Pats this year? I certainly don't, and an immobile Manning playing behind Satele and McGlynn might well have wound up on the sideline from all the hits.

Uh, Tannehil is the worst protector QB in the NFL, and it's not even close.
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In postseason INTs, yeah.



Yep. And basically everything else. Accuracy, mobility, efficiency, ect...



Luck is nowhere near Brady yet, especially in the postseason.


Brady has been stunningly mediocre in the post-season the last couple of years. Especially since his last Super Bowl win. Keep with the narratives tho. They'll keep up as long as he's padding his stats on teams like the 2011 Broncos and the 2012 Texans. 



Brady had zero weapons last year. None.


Zero? Really? Zero? He didn't have Gronk for half the season? He didn't have a stable of above-average running-backs? He didn't have on of the most efficient slot players in the game in Julian Edleman? He wasn't being protected by a top 10 oline and being helped on the other side of the ball by a statistical top 10 defense? 


 "Led" his team to the AFCCG. Aka being terrible in his first post-season game while letting his running game do all of the work.  Then getting utterly embarrassed in Denver. He really "led" the Patrots to a victory with his 52 completion%. Truly Tebow-esque heroics. 


Keep the excuses coming. I'll be looking forward to this season's annual Brady choke-fest in the post-season. 

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Edelman had 100 catches and over a 1000 yards last year.


No you see, he was only good because of Brady, because Brady can make anyone look good. Except for those other receivers, who make Brady look bad. Apparently Brady picks and chooses what players he wants to make good. 


/Patriot fans logic. 

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There's no need to fear, forum members. Tom Brady is mentioned in a thread and ViriLudant rushes in to set everyone straight.


In postseason INTs, yeah.

Luck is nowhere near Brady yet, especially in the postseason.

Brady had zero weapons last year. None. Yet he still led his team to the AFCCG.


You are wrong.

Uh, Tannehil is the worst protector QB in the NFL, and it's not even close.

You are wrong again.  Actually Cleveland QBs were the worst protected (or protector if you prefer)

Team/Sacks/QB Hits/Total

CLV 49/111/160

HST 41/95/136

Mia 53/82/135

jax 42/92/134

IND 31/95/126


Oh, I see what you did, you just looked at sack numbers and then incorrectly assumed you knew what you were talking about.  Hits is more a function of line protection, sacks are more a combination of line protection and QB decision making

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There's no need to fear, forum members. Tom Brady is mentioned in a thread and ViriLudant rushes in to set everyone straight.

You are wrong.

You are wrong again. Actually Cleveland QBs were the worst protected (or protector if you prefer)

Team/Sacks/QB Hits/Total

CLV 49/111/160

HST 41/95/136

Mia 53/82/135

jax 42/92/134

IND 31/95/126

Oh, I see what you did, you just looked at sack numbers and then incorrectly assumed you knew what you were talking about. Hits is more a function of line protection, sacks are more a combination of line protection and QB decision making


A Colts fan up above said that Luck has the worst protection last year.

And you didn't say a word to correct him. I was more accurate than that guy.

By the way, NONE of you predicted that Edelman would be a good WR last year.

He's a possession WR. I like the guy , but please , Brady had no one elite to throw to. Gronk missed all but 7 games last year, so he only played 7 out of 18 games.

Luck is an INT machine in the playoffs . That's a fact. You can't disprove that.

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No you see, he was only good because of Brady, because Brady can make anyone look good. Except for those other receivers, who make Brady look bad. Apparently Brady picks and chooses what players he wants to make good. 


/Patriot fans logic. 

Giselle has been picking who Brady can throw to ever since Welker dropped those few passes in the post-season.

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A Colts fan up above said that Luck has the worst protection last year.


And you didn't say a word to correct him. I was more accurate than that guy.


1.  There are no degrees on wrong, something is either right or wrong.  And you were wrong.

2.  It's a Colts forum and you are not a Colts fan.

By the way, NONE of you predicted that Edelman would be a good WR last year.


Really, prove it.

He's a possession WR. I like the guy , but please , Brady had no one elite to throw to. Gronk missed all but 7 games last year, so he only played 7 out of 18 games.


Oh, now it's no ELITE.  Before it was no weapons at all.  I find it quite funny how you have to change your point every post.

Luck is an INT machine in the playoffs . That's a fact. You can't disprove that.


Sure I can.  A machine is defined as, "an apparatus consisting of interrelated parts with separate functions, used in the performance of some kind of work: "  While you can look at the last part of that and say that describes a football player, the key word in the definition is apparatus.  A human being is not an apparatus and therefore cannot be a machine, so Luck is not and cannot be an INT machine in the playoffs.



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I'm a Colts fan and I don't see how you look at Luck in the postseason and don't see that he has an interception problem in the playoffs.  Could someone please explain to me how you don't see 8 interceptions in 3 playoff games as an issue that needs correcting?  Yes, he's a great young quarterback with a lot of potential.  I don't think anyone could disagree with that even the Pats fan but please explain to me how 8 interceptions in 3 playoff games isn't an issue.  Do we seriously need to have this discussion?

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In general, Colts fans are much more obsessed with the Pats than the other way around- which is understandable based on all the beatings we've given you. There was a poll for each state to see who their most hated rival was, and Indiana picked the Pats. Most other states picked someone in their division. Colts fans are just kind of like your younger sister's annoying friend.

Gee, could that be because the Colts were moved in realignment into a division that has 2 expansion teams?

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I'm a Colts fan and I don't see how you look at Luck in the postseason and don't see that he has an interception problem in the playoffs.  Could someone please explain to me how you don't see 8 interceptions in 3 playoff games as an issue that needs correcting?  Yes, he's a great young quarterback with a lot of potential.  I don't think anyone could disagree with that even the Pats fan but please explain to me how 8 interceptions in 3 playoff games isn't an issue.  Do we seriously need to have this discussion?

Not all interceptions are created equal. If you you just wanna look at the stat sheet and make an argument, fine, but I prefer to watch the game and pass judgement.

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There's no need to fear, forum members. Tom Brady is mentioned in a thread and ViriLudant rushes in to set everyone straight.

You are wrong.

You are wrong again. Actually Cleveland QBs were the worst protected (or protector if you prefer)

Team/Sacks/QB Hits/Total

CLV 49/111/160

HST 41/95/136

Mia 53/82/135

jax 42/92/134

IND 31/95/126

Oh, I see what you did, you just looked at sack numbers and then incorrectly assumed you knew what you were talking about. Hits is more a function of line protection, sacks are more a combination of line protection and QB decision making

Indy was the only team on that list to make the playoffs. Pretty impressive with the lack of protection

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Brady has been good for a long time but last year he stunk it up most of the season they relied on the run and D to win them games . Not that I follow the Pats but had Brady in my FF team so saw his stats every game at a point he was bottom 5 QB in a lot of stats midseason he did bounce back at the end of the year though .


His receivers had a ton of drops and terrible routes last year, and no Gronk. I have several friends who are Pats fans so I saw plenty of games, his fantasy output was a direct result of having basically all rookie receivers.

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You said brady had ZERO weapons. I was just helping you remember

Funny; no one thought that he was a weapon pre 2013.

Why is that? Because Brady had to focus on him due to rookie WRs and an injured Gronk.

Btw, I notice that no one here is refuting that Luck is only ahead of Brady because, as the article states explicitly, Brady has a worse cast around him.

Not because of him.

That's explicit in that list, but hey, let's ignore that.

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Uh, Tannehil is the worst protector QB in the NFL, and it's not even close.


He isn't elite though. Luck's protection is so much worse than guys like Brees and Manning. Especially Manning. He went off this past year not just because he had weapons, but also because his O-line was one of the best in the league.


Obviously Luck's career isn't the best in the NFL. That's kind of a toss up between Manning and Brady, with Brees, Rodgers, and Big Ben in the chase pack. However, I stand by what I said in that don't think any of those guys could have put up better than 11-5 and a playoff win with the 2013 Colts roster. We had a bad O-line, the best WR and TE got injured, and our defense was inconsistent. Judging based on the first 2 seasons in the NFL alone, I'd give Luck the third best QB of all time spot behind Marino and Warner. Careers aren't judged on just 2 years, but it's been a hell of a start throwing almost 8200 yard, 46 tds, running for 9 more, and back to back 11 win seasons picking up the pieces of a 2-14 train wreck. 

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Not all interceptions are created equal. If you you just wanna look at the stat sheet and make an argument, fine, but I prefer to watch the game and pass judgement.


Curious but what about his interceptions make you think they weren't his fault and how would you judge interceptions than?  Isn't whether or not one was thrown the only objective standard.  Isn't anything outside of that completely subjective. 

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Funny; no one thought that he was a weapon pre 2013.

Why is that? Because Brady had to focus on him due to rookie WRs and an injured Gronk.

Btw, I notice that no one here is refuting that Luck is only ahead of Brady because, as the article states explicitly, Brady has a worse cast around him.

Not because of him.

That's explicit in that list, but hey, let's ignore that.

So brady is the reason edelman had a great year? Why couldnt he make the othet guys great?

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Luck is already better than Brady.


Thought you were a metrics/numbers guy. Is it the "eye test" this time?  ;)


There's virtually no statistic you could point to to justify that. Their passing numbers were nearly identical in 2013, with Brady having a slight edge overall. As far as the running aspect goes it's obviously no comparison - Luck is way ahead there. But the Patriots won more games, advanced further, and Brady didn't throw seven interceptions in two playoff games in January.  


I'm a big fan of Luck actually, but saying he's already better than Brady is the kind of fanboy stuff you always seem so disgusted by when other posters do it. The article could well be correct (since it's projecting into the 2014 season). Hasn't happened yet though.


Giants gear?


Even I had to LOL at this one. Well played sir.  :thmup:


Says the pats fan on a Colts forum.


CD should I be taking offense here?  ;)


I'm kidding, but you know very well that there are migrants on every board. Pats Planet has at least a half dozen regular Colts fans "fixtures." Most come and go but let's not act like this only happens here. 





Overall... the Patriots with Brady are 8-3 against Indy. Throw in the 2008 game with Cassel and it jumps to 8-4 overall for the team. I don't think any Patriots fans I know have been paying a lot of attention since Manning left Indy (and I've been overstaying my welcome here for years already, so I'm not a good example of your typical Pats fan). Usually, the animosity spills from the losing side of a rivalry. Someone posted the map here of "most hated NFL teams by region" and there in the midwest, right over Indiana, is the Patriots' logo, lol... almost every other region's choice was a divisional rival. So it's pretty obvious that the majority of the hate is flowing east, not west! 

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CD should I be taking offense here?  ;)


I'm kidding, but you know very well that there are migrants on every board. Pats Planet has at least a half dozen regular Colts fans "fixtures." Most come and go but let's not act like this only happens here. 


It was a response to a specific comment.  The poster stated that Colts are more obsessed with the Pats than the Pats are with the Colts.  Seemed like a funny comment to me considering it was a Pats fan posting that statement on a Colts forum.


I think you know me (or at least my online persona) well enough by now that I will comment on logical flaws from any poster, no matter what team they support.

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It was a response to a specific comment.  The poster stated that Colts are more obsessed with the Pats than the Pats are with the Colts.  Seemed like a funny comment to me considering it was a Pats fan posting that statement on a Colts forum.


I think you know me (or at least my online persona) well enough by now that I will comment on logical flaws from any poster, no matter what team they support.


No, I got ya... we have a decade of understanding going here.  ;)

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Curious but what about his interceptions make you think they weren't his fault and how would you judge interceptions than?  Isn't whether or not one was thrown the only objective standard.  Isn't anything outside of that completely subjective.

It takes little brain power to figure if a ball bounces off the receivers hands or runs the wrong route that it's not the QB's fault. Other times it's just situational. If a team is trying to comeback from a significant deficit then the QB is going to take more chances to get his team back into it., etc.. Not saying Luck hasn't thrown some bad ones, he obviously threw two stinkers vs NE, but there is more to it than just repeating "7 ints"over and over again.

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Judging based on the first 2 seasons in the NFL alone, I'd give Luck the third best QB of all time spot behind Marino and Warner.


Russell Wilson says hi.


Career passing

Wilson:  63.6% cmp pct.; 52 TD; 19 INT; 8.1 Y/A; 7.05 ANY/A;  100.6 rating 

Luck:     57.0% cmp pct;  46 TD; 27 INT; 6.8 Y/A; 5.85 ANY/A;  81.5 rating


Career rushing

Wilson:  1029 yds;  5.4 avg; 5 TDs

Luck:      632 yds;  5.1 avg;  9 TDs


Playoff passing:

Wilson:  63.1% cmp pct; 6 TD; 1 INT; 8.43 Y/A;  102.0 rating;  1 Super Bowl ring

Luck:     55.0% cmp pct; 6 TD; 8 INT; 7.59 Y/A;  70.0 rating;  0 Super Bowl rings

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Russell Wilson says hi.


Career passing

Wilson:  63.6% cmp pct.; 52 TD; 19 INT; 8.1 Y/A; 7.05 ANY/A;  100.6 rating 

Luck:     57.0% cmp pct;  46 TD; 27 INT; 6.8 Y/A; 5.85 ANY/A;  81.5 rating


Career rushing

Wilson:  1029 yds;  5.4 avg; 5 TDs

Luck:      632 yds;  5.1 avg;  9 TDs


Playoff passing:

Wilson:  63.1% cmp pct; 6 TD; 1 INT; 8.43 Y/A;  102.0 rating;  1 Super Bowl ring

Luck:     55.0% cmp pct; 6 TD; 8 INT; 7.59 Y/A;  70.0 rating;  0 Super Bowl rings

Hopefully his annoying fanboy (you) says bye

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It takes little brain power to figure if a ball bounces off the receivers hands or runs the wrong route that it's not the QB's fault. Other times it's just situational. If a team is trying to comeback from a significant deficit then the QB is going to take more chances to get his team back into it., etc.. Not saying Luck hasn't thrown some bad ones, he obviously threw two stinkers vs NE, but there is more to it than just repeating "7 ints"over and over again.


And the sun was in his eyes, the wind was in his face, and his astrological sign was in a turbulent cycle.

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How many times has A Luck brought this team back in the 4th Q?    No Luck and this team is picking in the top 3 the last 2 seasons, probably even picking first both.      The talent level on this team when Luck arrived was SAD.   It is getting better but the fact of the matter is Andrew Luck is and has carried this team from the get go.    And I won't even comment on the OLine play if one cannot factor that in then.......   mehhhh


Yes he has had bad throws in the playoffs but he simply has to take chances and "go for it" for this team to win.    PERIOD.  


Hopefully this year will be different?   Perhaps the Colts can run the ball, and maybe this D can actually stop someone consistently this season.  


Oh and bye the way.    Luck is a third year QB....      drafted by the worst team in the NFL...   I think he has been as advertised.  



I'm a Colts fan and I don't see how you look at Luck in the postseason and don't see that he has an interception problem in the playoffs.  Could someone please explain to me how you don't see 8 interceptions in 3 playoff games as an issue that needs correcting?  Yes, he's a great young quarterback with a lot of potential.  I don't think anyone could disagree with that even the Pats fan but please explain to me how 8 interceptions in 3 playoff games isn't an issue.  Do we seriously need to have this discussion?

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