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Look At The Starters From 2009 Vs 2011


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2009/2011 roster starters

QB: Peyton Manning/Curtis Painter

RB: Joseph Addai/Joseph Addai

WR: Reggie Wayne/Reggie Wayne

WR: Pierre Garcon/Pierre Garcon

WR: Austin Collie/ Austin Collie

TE: Dallas Clark/Dallas Clark

LT: Charlie Johnson/Anthony Castonzo

LG: Ryan Lilja/Joe Reitz

C: Jeff Saturday/Jeff Saturday

RG: Kyle Devan/Ryan Diem

RT: Ryan Diem/Jeff Linkenbach

LE: Robert Mathis/Robert Mathis

DT: Antonio Johnson/Antonio Johnson

DT: Daniel Muir/Fili Moala

RE: Dwight Freeney/Dwight Freeney

OLB: Phillip Wheeler/Phillip Wheeler

MLB: Gary Brackett/Gary Brackett*, Pat Angerer

OLB: Clint Session/Kavell Conner

CB: Jacob Lacey/Jacob Lacey

CB: Jerraud Powers/Jerraud Powers

SS: Melvin Bullit/Melvin Bullitt*, David Caldwell

FS: Antoine Bethea/Antoine Bethea

14-2 vs 0-10

7/11 starters on offense (Manning injured, Lilja gone, Johnson gone, Devan gone)

9/11 starters on defense (Session gone, we still have Muir)

Not counting Manning we lost 3 O lineman and 1 LB.

If anything the line is much better this year in run blocking.

We also lost Hayden but he was injured for a short time. Powers and Lacey started most of the games at corner in 09.

This season Bullitt and Brackett are obviously injured. This is just surprising that we still have 14 out of 22 starters as of this week and 17 out of 22 starters still on the roster. (my math may be bad). The difference between 14-2 and a SB berth vs 0-10 is 3 o lineman, 1 LB and 1 Peyton Manning.

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Thank you so much for this sane post. Everyone is overreacting to our 0-10 record. Everyone acts like everyone should be fired and we should completely start over.... I'm glad those people aren't in charge. And I really hope Manning recovers and we trade the first pick.

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2009/2011 roster starters

QB: Peyton Manning/Curtis Painter

RB: Joseph Addai/Joseph Addai

WR: Reggie Wayne/Reggie Wayne

WR: Pierre Garcon/Pierre Garcon

WR: Austin Collie/ Austin Collie

TE: Dallas Clark/Dallas Clark

LT: Charlie Johnson/Anthony Castonzo

LG: Ryan Lilja/Joe Reitz

C: Jeff Saturday/Jeff Saturday

RG: Kyle Devan/Ryan Diem

RT: Ryan Diem/Jeff Linkenbach

LE: Robert Mathis/Robert Mathis

DT: Antonio Johnson/Antonio Johnson

DT: Daniel Muir/Fili Moala

RE: Dwight Freeney/Dwight Freeney

OLB: Phillip Wheeler/Phillip Wheeler

MLB: Gary Brackett/Gary Brackett*, Pat Angerer

OLB: Clint Session/Kavell Conner

CB: Jacob Lacey/Jacob Lacey

CB: Jerraud Powers/Jerraud Powers

SS: Melvin Bullit/Melvin Bullitt*, David Caldwell

FS: Antoine Bethea/Antoine Bethea

14-2 vs 0-10

7/11 starters on offense (Manning injured, Lilja gone, Johnson gone, Devan gone)

9/11 starters on defense (Session gone, we still have Muir)

Not counting Manning we lost 3 O lineman and 1 LB.

If anything the line is much better this year in run blocking.

We also lost Hayden but he was injured for a short time. Powers and Lacey started most of the games at corner in 09.

This season Bullitt and Brackett are obviously injured. This is just surprising that we still have 14 out of 22 starters as of this week and 17 out of 22 starters still on the roster. (my math may be bad). The difference between 14-2 and a SB berth vs 0-10 is 3 o lineman, 1 LB and 1 Peyton Manning.


Its the same team basically....Its amazing..

That's why we can be 10-6 or 12-4 with a healthy Manning and some secondary help next year

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I am very glad you posted this. I had said in posts that peoople act so surprised we suddenly have these holes. They were always there. We had pretty much the same players. They were just covered up by Peyton Manning, having a lead, and some good breaks. Those 10 yard cushions on defense were always there.

As you pointed out, it can be argued we have a BETTER offensive (without Manning, of course) then two years ago. The line is bigger and better at run blocking. I think the defensive line is better with Nevis, Moali, and Johnson playing. The only place where I think it is obviously worse now is cornerback. But then again, if we were ahead by 14 points and Freeney and Mathis are going after the QB, it tends to make the secondary look much better.

So I do completely expect that if Manning is healthy next year, we will go from 0-16 to Super Bowl contenders, if not the winner. It will be the greatest one season turn around ever! The picks we will get for trading the Luck pick will be sweet!

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Jesus Christ thank you for finally saying this. We're the same team we were in '09 with a few better players, and no Peyton Manning. I fail to understand why some people think that even with a healthy Manning we're no better than a .500 team. A lot of our players are below average, but Big P is so good it doesn't matter.

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Howard Mudd was O line coach when we let Scott go and kept Lilja. Scott started 3 years for the Titans when Johnson was rushing for 1500 yds per season.

Then we let Lilja go and Ryan is starting for K.C. and Thomas Jones is a major part of the Chiefs offense. Polian listened to Mudd and continued to draft the wrong type of O linemen. Peyton was so good he covered up the inequities on the O line with his quick release.

Polian listened to Coach Dungy and continued to draft smaller quicker D linemen and the Colts were consistently unable to stop the run. Bill knows where the buck stops. At his desk.

I was watching the Eagles game week ago and the commentators were talking about how Howard Mudd, their new line coach had changed the O line to smaller quicker players and how well they were doing. Vick was running for his life and now has a broken rib. So much for Mudd and his smaller quicker O linemen.

Colts have started to get a running game with this patch work O line we have this year. Costanza is playing on one leg, Ijolana is on IR but hopefully he will be back next year and this O line will be better. Reitz will have full years experience at LG. Saturday is probably playing his last season. How much longer will Diem play at RG? Easier playing RG than RT so maybe another year or 2. Brown is starting to get some yards and Delone sure looks like a player.

This season has been a wake up call and the problems are there for everyone to see. Don't blame Chris, Bill left him a mess. It is up to Chris to change some of the philosophy with next years draft and we will see where we go from there.

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Its almost like this team has aged very quickly and not gracefully. Lets be honest our defense back then wasnt too great so having that many of them still here is probably not a great thing. On offense we were great because of manning and only manning. They should have taken this offseason and imploded the whole team when there was time. It was inevitable to happen eventually and now we will have to do it with either a banged up manning or a potential bust QB in Luck.

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Lilja, Johnson, Session, Hayden, are still starters,.....just somewhere else.

Sanders would be too, if he was healthy....(while he didn't start here, he was 1st on depth chart, I believe)

Just making light of situation here with this response.

Not making light of your position, which is very well taken, and with which I totally agree.....

Oh, and Thank You for your effort...

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SO... with Peyton, we can lose in the wildcard round again? If anything the secondary play has gone from bad to worse. The O-line is garbage aside from Saturday. The DT position is undermanned. The offensive skill guys have put up 20 points in a month. I don't see any point here other than Peyton is really good, I already understood that.

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I think you've hit the nail on the head with this post. We have the same core as we did when we made the Superbowl run minus Manning. However, I think this onky proves how great Manning is and how much the rest of the team needs to improve to be on a championship level. We should have won more Superbowls, but we rely solely on Manning to win games. He can't do it alone. No QB can do it alone. Most perennial Superbowl contenders have stout defenses that keep the pressure off thei offense when they're having a bad game. Instead, Manning has to win games despite a defense who allows long extended drives that eat up clock and puts points on the board (remember the Miami Dolphin game when we had the ball less than a quarter?). The team still needs to be fixed with or without Manning at the helm.

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Howard Mudd was O line coach when we let Scott go and kept Lilja. Scott started 3 years for the Titans when Johnson was rushing for 1500 yds per season.

Then we let Lilja go and Ryan is starting for K.C. and Thomas Jones is a major part of the Chiefs offense. Polian listened to Mudd and continued to draft the wrong type of O linemen. Peyton was so good he covered up the inequities on the O line with his quick release.

Polian listened to Coach Dungy and continued to draft smaller quicker D linemen and the Colts were consistently unable to stop the run. Bill knows where the buck stops. At his desk.

I was watching the Eagles game week ago and the commentators were talking about how Howard Mudd, their new line coach had changed the O line to smaller quicker players and how well they were doing. Vick was running for his life and now has a broken rib. So much for Mudd and his smaller quicker O linemen.

Colts have started to get a running game with this patch work O line we have this year. Costanza is playing on one leg, Ijolana is on IR but hopefully he will be back next year and this O line will be better. Reitz will have full years experience at LG. Saturday is probably playing his last season. How much longer will Diem play at RG? Easier playing RG than RT so maybe another year or 2. Brown is starting to get some yards and Delone sure looks like a player.

This season has been a wake up call and the problems are there for everyone to see. Don't blame Chris, Bill left him a mess. It is up to Chris to change some of the philosophy with next years draft and we will see where we go from there.

Your assuming that Chris just got involved last year and that is why we had a great draft. Based on the Kravits article, Chris started rising up the ranks in the colts organization in 2004, and the higher that he has rosen, the more quality scouts, personel managers, key executives, and top coaches that we have let go. You could argue that he is a MAJOR reason for the colts drop in drafting ever since 2006. I am still angry about Tom Moore and Howard Mudd "retiring" as long as the other executives as well.

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2009/2011 roster starters

QB: Peyton Manning/Curtis Painter

RB: Joseph Addai/Joseph Addai

WR: Reggie Wayne/Reggie Wayne

WR: Pierre Garcon/Pierre Garcon

WR: Austin Collie/ Austin Collie

TE: Dallas Clark/Dallas Clark

LT: Charlie Johnson/Anthony Castonzo

LG: Ryan Lilja/Joe Reitz

C: Jeff Saturday/Jeff Saturday

RG: Kyle Devan/Ryan Diem

RT: Ryan Diem/Jeff Linkenbach

LE: Robert Mathis/Robert Mathis

DT: Antonio Johnson/Antonio Johnson

DT: Daniel Muir/Fili Moala

RE: Dwight Freeney/Dwight Freeney

OLB: Phillip Wheeler/Phillip Wheeler

MLB: Gary Brackett/Gary Brackett*, Pat Angerer

OLB: Clint Session/Kavell Conner

CB: Jacob Lacey/Jacob Lacey

CB: Jerraud Powers/Jerraud Powers

SS: Melvin Bullit/Melvin Bullitt*, David Caldwell

FS: Antoine Bethea/Antoine Bethea

14-2 vs 0-10

7/11 starters on offense (Manning injured, Lilja gone, Johnson gone, Devan gone)

9/11 starters on defense (Session gone, we still have Muir)

Not counting Manning we lost 3 O lineman and 1 LB.

If anything the line is much better this year in run blocking.

We also lost Hayden but he was injured for a short time. Powers and Lacey started most of the games at corner in 09.

This season Bullitt and Brackett are obviously injured. This is just surprising that we still have 14 out of 22 starters as of this week and 17 out of 22 starters still on the roster. (my math may be bad). The difference between 14-2 and a SB berth vs 0-10 is 3 o lineman, 1 LB and 1 Peyton Manning.

You left out a few coaching staff changes.

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You left out a few coaching staff changes.

the point is we still have all our core players and I mean players that make a big impact such as Wayne, Clark, Addai, Freeney etc. and the difference is amazing without Manning. I was frustrated seeing posts saying we are a terrible team this year, we are a .500 team at best, the secondary sucks etc. People forget the defense looks worse than it really is because our offense keeps going 3 and out. We just can't move the ball. When you leave the defense on the field for eternity they are going to wear down.

With Manning we would be moving the ball and giving the defense time to rest.

Also Freeney and Mathis lately have become non factors because teams are running the ball at them or just doing quick slants etc. before they reach the QB. That on top of an already tired defense due to our offensive struggles really really makes the defense look bad.

Back to the main point, most of the players on that 09 SB team are still on this roster and we are looking at a monumental difference of 14-2 and 0-10. This goes back to my original point of just how good Manning was. He was able to sustain drives, actually score points so the defense isn't on the field all game. His awareness and pocket presence made that 09 line look very good, imagine what he can do with our current line which is much bigger and better at run blocking, Remember we had basically no run game in 2009, this year we are actually getting yards running the ball.

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2009/2011 roster starters

QB: Peyton Manning/Curtis Painter

RB: Joseph Addai/Joseph Addai

WR: Reggie Wayne/Reggie Wayne

WR: Pierre Garcon/Pierre Garcon

WR: Austin Collie/ Austin Collie

TE: Dallas Clark/Dallas Clark

LT: Charlie Johnson/Anthony Castonzo

LG: Ryan Lilja/Joe Reitz

C: Jeff Saturday/Jeff Saturday

RG: Kyle Devan/Ryan Diem

RT: Ryan Diem/Jeff Linkenbach

LE: Robert Mathis/Robert Mathis

DT: Antonio Johnson/Antonio Johnson

DT: Daniel Muir/Fili Moala

RE: Dwight Freeney/Dwight Freeney

OLB: Phillip Wheeler/Phillip Wheeler

MLB: Gary Brackett/Gary Brackett*, Pat Angerer

OLB: Clint Session/Kavell Conner

CB: Jacob Lacey/Jacob Lacey

CB: Jerraud Powers/Jerraud Powers

SS: Melvin Bullit/Melvin Bullitt*, David Caldwell

FS: Antoine Bethea/Antoine Bethea

14-2 vs 0-10

7/11 starters on offense (Manning injured, Lilja gone, Johnson gone, Devan gone)

9/11 starters on defense (Session gone, we still have Muir)

Not counting Manning we lost 3 O lineman and 1 LB.

If anything the line is much better this year in run blocking.

We also lost Hayden but he was injured for a short time. Powers and Lacey started most of the games at corner in 09.

This season Bullitt and Brackett are obviously injured. This is just surprising that we still have 14 out of 22 starters as of this week and 17 out of 22 starters still on the roster. (my math may be bad). The difference between 14-2 and a SB berth vs 0-10 is 3 o lineman, 1 LB and 1 Peyton Manning.

Whilst a nice post, and a good effort, it really doesn't tell us much. I bet the difference between 2009 (16-0*) and 2010 (10-6) wasnt due to major roster changes. Schedule, planning, coaching, backups, IR, lucky bounces, motivation, weather, other teams, drafting, rules, refereeing, bad decisions, penalties, suspensions, game planning, adjustments, timeouts........no season is the same. Manning coming back 100% guarantees nothing next season. Not even 8-8.

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Whilst a nice post, and a good effort, it really doesn't tell us much. I bet the difference between 2009 (16-0*) and 2010 (10-6) wasnt due to major roster changes. Schedule, planning, coaching, backups, IR, lucky bounces, motivation, weather, other teams, drafting, rules, refereeing, bad decisions, penalties, suspensions, game planning, adjustments, timeouts........no season is the same. Manning coming back 100% guarantees nothing next season. Not even 8-8.

the reason I didnt compare 2010 is because the Colts had way too many injuries last year, when I looked it up there was almost a new player starting at a position every week, it was like how MLB pitchers are in a rotation. Every few weeks the player would return then be injured then return etc. you get the point.

Also in 2010 the Colts lost 4 of their 6 games by 3 points or less. The 10-6 isn't as bad as it looks.

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Lilja, Johnson, Session, Hayden, are still starters,.....just somewhere else. Sanders would be too, if he was healthy....(while he didn't start here, he was 1st on depth chart, I believe) Just making light of situation here with this response. Not making light of your position, which is very well taken, and with which I totally agree..... Oh, and Thank You for your effort...

Kelvin Hayden is a backup with the Falcons. There starters are Daunte Robinson and Cody Grimes, at least I think that's what Grime's first name is...

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the point is we still have all our core players and I mean players that make a big impact such as Wayne, Clark, Addai, Freeney etc. and the difference is amazing without Manning. I was frustrated seeing posts saying we are a terrible team this year, we are a .500 team at best, the secondary sucks etc. People forget the defense looks worse than it really is because our offense keeps going 3 and out. We just can't move the ball. When you leave the defense on the field for eternity they are going to wear down.

With Manning we would be moving the ball and giving the defense time to rest.

Also Freeney and Mathis lately have become non factors because teams are running the ball at them or just doing quick slants etc. before they reach the QB. That on top of an already tired defense due to our offensive struggles really really makes the defense look bad.

Back to the main point, most of the players on that 09 SB team are still on this roster and we are looking at a monumental difference of 14-2 and 0-10. This goes back to my original point of just how good Manning was. He was able to sustain drives, actually score points so the defense isn't on the field all game. His awareness and pocket presence made that 09 line look very good, imagine what he can do with our current line which is much bigger and better at run blocking, Remember we had basically no run game in 2009, this year we are actually getting yards running the ball.

No just sustain and score, but long 80 yard drives way to often, or quick 2 minute drill drives ending the half or wining the game with points

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id say with manning back in the offense, and the ability to make 10 yards, and since time is needed to be controlled, can make the 10 yards and do that many times, rather than just get a touchdown in the first set of downs, or nothing at all

so with time being controlled, the other teams d gets worn down, and offense put under more pressure, our guys spirits are up on D and the dline pushes harder to get to the qb, makes pressure throws etc

so really its all about momentum, affects the entire team, and plus if one guy screws up it will look even worse if it creates a momentum shift in the game. so mr manning makes a huge difference, and as do many of the qbs in the league, the ones that control the game, and give your team the boost of confidence and adrenalin! Always good when offense comes out firing, gets a td and then opp offense cant get anything done, D comes off in a good state and sort of sets up the game.

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^ I agree with what you said but look at Tebow, he is atrocious at the QB spot and still wins games.

I agree too. There is a point to be made based on the Tebow case, the coaches over there are not trying to force a square peg into a round hole while we have been asking Painter to run the offense like Manning does. I bet they do the same with Orlovsky with the same results. The definition of insanity is trying to do the same thing over and over again expecting different results. That is why Tebow has a chance to win while Painter/Orlovsky do not unless something changes along the line of revised expectations from the QB. Got to give some props for the Broncos' coaches over there.

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Your assuming that Chris just got involved last year and that is why we had a great draft. Based on the Kravits article, Chris started rising up the ranks in the colts organization in 2004, and the higher that he has rosen, the more quality scouts, personel managers, key executives, and top coaches that we have let go. You could argue that he is a MAJOR reason for the colts drop in drafting ever since 2006. I am still angry about Tom Moore and Howard Mudd "retiring" as long as the other executives as well.

When Mudd and Moore retired, the Star was reporting they were retiring because the new NFL contract with the players would affect there retirement benefits. I did not read the Kravitz article so I am in the dark about what he was inferring regarding Chris Polian. You are suggesting they retired because of conflict with Chris Polian?

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