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Will we make a trade this offseason?


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As you all know, in the past 2 years, Ryan Grigson has made at least one biggish trade. In his 1st year- it was for Vontae Davis and of course last one for Trent Richardson. 


Do you think this trend will continue into this season. Although they say we are okay in the secondary, if they had to trade for 1 position, a defensive back would be my bet.


Let me know on whether we could pull off a trade and any names that can come to mind.

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It's possible, but you have to remember how many contracts are coming up next year. We definitely need a veteran safety, but they already made the decision on how much is too much for that spot when they let AB go.

I expect us to pick up a FA rather than trade for a S. We're pretty well set everywhere else.

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Highly Likely, especially if someone dangles a good cover safety, but I really hope they leave the '15 draft alone.

If the trade is for player/s okay, but at least put the first three picks of '15 on the untouchables list.


I hope a lesson was learned this year!

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With the failed Richardson trade, Grigson shouldn't trade any more picks from now on. We need to keep every pick because we still have a lot of needs defensively. We didn't address any of our major needs in the draft which is CB, NT, OLB, C, FS. We also could use a RB because Brown is now with the Chargers and Bradshaw and Ballard are coming off major injuries.

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With the failed Richardson trade, Grigson shouldn't trade any more picks from now on. We need to keep every pick because we still have a lot of needs defensively. We didn't address any of our major needs in the draft which is CB, NT, OLB, C, FS. We also could use a RB because Brown is now with the Chargers and Bradshaw and Ballard are coming off major injuries.

not failed yet

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With the failed Richardson trade, Grigson shouldn't trade any more picks from now on. We need to keep every pick because we still have a lot of needs defensively. We didn't address any of our major needs in the draft which is CB, NT, OLB, C, FS. We also could use a RB because Brown is now with the Chargers and Bradshaw and Ballard are coming off major injuries.

1. I wouldn't consider the Richardson trade a fail yet- for all we know- he could do well next season.

2. They could be a good pay off like we did with Vontae.

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I really want to try to trade with the 49ers for one of their safeties. Ward or Reid would be fine, I can't believe they took a safety at #1 after signing Bethea to the contract that they did. Ugh I wanted Ward...


We could also trade for a CB but I doubt it will happen since our coaching staff obviously thinks Toler will turn it around(I don't think so). 

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If you don't consider giving up Marcus Smith, Ward, Roby, Hageman, Van Noy, Attaochu or Bucannon for Richardson a failed trade then i don't know what else to tell you. Trent trade was one of the worst trades in Colts history. He's not good and has no vision.


1. I wouldn't consider the Richardson trade a fail yet- for all we know- he could do well next season.

2. They could be a good pay off like we did with Vontae.

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No way we even want Berry. We can't commit that much cap % to the safety slots.

Berry makes about $8M/ year, Flowers around $5M.

I agree, we're not going to pick up any steep contracts. Not with what's coming next year.

Veteran FA to back up Howell is what we'll likely see.

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If you don't consider giving up Marcus Smith, Ward, Roby, Hageman, Van Noy, Attaochu or Bucannon for Richardson a failed trade then i don't know what else to tell you. Trent trade was one of the worst trades in Colts history. He's not good and has no vision.

So, you know all of those guys are going to excel this season? For a fact?

Point being, Trent was a no miss draft pick. He may still work out. The guys you mentioned have the same odds against them.

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All will be better then what Richardson gave us last year and Attaochu, Ward, and Hageman all have pro bowl potential.


So, you know all of those guys are going to excel this season? For a fact?

Point being, Trent was a no miss draft pick. He may still work out. The guys you mentioned have the same odds against them.

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Yea but it's going to be one of those " oh ok" trades for like a conditional 5th-6th. It's not going to be a big trade

What?! Do you know who our GM is?

Everything Grigson do, he do it big

Trading for players? That's nothing!

Trade a 1st round pick away, hope we get something

I'm a :colts: fan and you know everything ran by, Mr. Irsay Mr. Irsay Mr. Irsay

*Wiz Khalifa voice over the Black & Yellow beat*

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What?! Do you know who our GM is?

Everything Grigson do, he do it big

Trading for players? That's nothing!

Trade a 1st round pick away, hope we get something

I'm a :colts: fan and you know everything ran by, Mr. Irsay Mr. Irsay Mr. Irsay

*Wiz Khalifa voice over the Black & Yellow beat*

I can name a lot of those "oh ok" trades

Hughes for Sheppard

Getting Josh Gordy, Cassius Vaughn, Moises Fokou, Winston Justice just to name a few.

Not to mention the players we traded away

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What?! Do you know who our GM is?

Everything Grigson do, he do it big

Trading for players? That's nothing!

Trade a 1st round pick away, hope we get something

I'm a :colts: fan and you know everything ran by, Mr. Irsay Mr. Irsay Mr. Irsay

*Wiz Khalifa voice over the Black & Yellow beat*

Trading Grigson Style

Grigs...Grigs... Grig

Grigson Style

Hey-other GMs

*with the tune to Gangnum Style in the background*

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I really want to try to trade with the 49ers for one of their safeties. Ward or Reid would be fine, I can't believe they took a safety at #1 after signing Bethea to the contract that they did. Ugh I wanted Ward...


We could also trade for a CB but I doubt it will happen since our coaching staff obviously thinks Toler will turn it around(I don't think so). 

So you know what the coaching staff obviously thinks? Last time I checked Grigson does his deals behind closed doors. If you are privy to those please lets us all know!

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As long as it isn't a 1st round draft pick. Wouldn't mind giving up a 2nd round pick like we did with Vontae.


Agreed. Yesterday I was thinking how they should have (and they probably did) tried to get Richardson for a second round pick instead of a first.

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