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Give New England credit. They are still a huge force.....


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I have definitely blamed games vs the pats in the past but the refs did not ruin this game. Yes some calls were missed but we just got beat. Some big miscues and IMO bad coaching decisions were the big factors. Kneeling down going into halftime with 30 seconds left and 2 time outs, punting on 4th and 1 down by 3 TDs in the 4th qtr, a stupid pass interference on a pats 3rd and 8 and many, many missed tackles just to name a few. Colts played hard and lost. Thats it. It was a great year and the past two were better than anyone can expect, so lets enjoy that. Still "Building the Monster"

For now, Go Peyton. For next year and beyond…Go Colts!

I agree with most of your points. There some bad coaching and lack of execution by players. But to say that the refs didn't have an influence in the second half of this game is incorrect. If you can't see it than good for you. The rest of us know what happened and I am not the type to lie down and take it just because there is nothing I can do about it. I have a voice and it will be heard wether anyone agreed or not.

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Not saying that calls or non calls don't influence the game, I am just being honest and saying I don't think it was the difference between winning and losing in this one. Past games vs them absolutely, but we had a 1st and goal and couldn't gain a yard…settled for 3! That and the other points I made before were the difference between winning and losing. The punt in the 4th quarter allowing the pats to eat almost 8 minutes off the clock being the biggest. Cant score if your are not on the field! 


I agree with you and we should call nonsense when it occurs, but as a forever colts fan I don't want to belittle ALL OF THOSE OTHER times when it has happened against the Pats by going to it when there were bigger factors at play. We had our chances tonight and didn't execute. I mean that PI call I think you are questioning….I started cursing and threw the flag on that one before the refs did! When you are not looking at the ball, its going to get called EVERY SINGLE TIME! 

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, January 13, 2014 - skirting the filter
Hidden by Nadine, January 13, 2014 - skirting the filter

Not saying that calls or non calls don't influence the game, I am just being honest and saying I don't think it was the difference between winning and losing in this one. Past games vs them absolutely, but we had a 1st and goal and couldn't gain a yard…settled for 3! That and the other points I made before were the difference between winning and losing. The punt in the 4th quarter allowing the pats to eat almost 8 minutes off the clock being the biggest. Cant score if your are not on the field!

I agree with you and we should call nonsense when it occurs, but as a forever colts fan I don't want to belittle ALL OF THOSE OTHER times when it has happened against the Pats by going to it when there were bigger factors at play. We had our chances tonight and didn't execute. I mean that PI call I think you are questioning….I started cursing and threw the flag on that one before the refs did! When you are not looking at the ball, its going to get called EVERY SINGLE TIME!

We will have to agree to (partially) disagree. When this come-from-behind capable team is closing a gap and "suddenly" starts to be influenced by officiating it shifts momentum. In some cases it actually allows points to be scored/not scored. ( a bad call that would put a team in/out of FG range for example).

Take the PI call away. Where were those flags when Griff was basically picked and tackled? The CB wasn't going for the ball. He reached out and physically stooped Whalen. That was one of two. Plus the obvious tripping call that the @$$bag ran over to the sideline afterwards and started patting himself on the back for.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, January 13, 2014 - quoting removed post
Hidden by Nadine, January 13, 2014 - quoting removed post

We will have to agree to (partially) disagree. When this come-from-behind capable team is closing a gap and "suddenly" starts to be influenced by officiating it shifts momentum. In some cases it actually allows points to be scored/not scored. ( a bad call that would put a team in/out of FG range for example).

Take the PI call away. Where were those flags when Griff was basically picked and tackled? The CB wasn't going for the ball. He reached out and physically stooped Whalen. That was one of two. Plus the obvious tripping call that the @$$bag ran over to the sideline afterwards and started patting himself on the back for.



we got too 7 points refs said stop the colts from gain any more points. Pete Morelli favs new England too won . period . every time colts get going boom a flag . are a on call on are players as pi calls . its way too control a game in fav the other side too win. momentum wins games are lose them .

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Bad game on our part. We really have to stop this habit of getting behind and then deciding to turn it on in the second half junk. Especially against Good teams like NE with Brady. You CANT do that. Eventually it will catch up to you and bite you. And that time will most likely be in the playoffs when it matters most. We better buck this trend next year or we may be sitting in the same boat again.And defensively were just inconsistent and seem very weak up front. Need another ILB and another CB or two and possibly an OLB. But we really need to get consistent in how we play, this show up one week and then be asleep the next has got to stop. I don't know if its lack of coaching and preparation or what but its ridiculous. Good season though considering injuries and what not but a lot to clean up and we need another solid draft and free agency.

As for NE they just know how to win when it comes to this time of year. This is when they turn it on. I honestly think they may end up in the SB. They execute and find ways to win and make plays when they need to. Well see though

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You know it really can baffle me how the good QBs lose in NE in the playoffs but Mark Sanchez has a win in the playoffs in NE and Joe Flacco has two. lmao


NE though despite all my picking on them at times is scary. It's a true team with no show boats that just CLICKED. Unless we made them click better....guess we'll see next weekend.




But, look on the plus side Colts fans. In the Luck era we are 1-0 at home in the playoffs. Whoooooo. I take home playoff games seriously.

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Well if you think of it positive.


That team will be nothing 3-4 years from now when Brady is gone. They will no longer pick up high caliber players for a cheap price (aka Randy Moss) without Brady. Nor do they even know HOW to draft. They got lucky with Brady.


By that time, Colts will be the king of the AFC.

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Well if you think of it positive.


That team will be nothing 3-4 years from now when Brady is gone. They will no longer pick up high caliber players for a cheap price (aka Randy Moss) without Brady. Nor do they even know HOW to draft. They got lucky with Brady.


By that time, Colts will be the king of the AFC.



Seems we may have to go through the same road old Peyton did. Beating New England in the playoffs! Does this agony ever end. ;) It's like ground hog day in January for us.


I think I saw Ty Law pick Andrew off once tonight......

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I am with you. I had dinner with my husband tonight before the game and all we talked about was how blessed we have been to see this Pats win as much as they have. You have to enjoy when you have it and you are going to have many years with Luck to come and many more post-season games.

Wow! I had no idea you were female this whole time. Talk about being blindsided.

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With all the injuries they have had this season they are still possibly the most brutal team to play in their house in the playoffs. And don't feel bad about being high on us winning or thinking we had a good shot, as fans there is no harm in riding the wave of optimism and emotion. I thought we had a shot too. We kept chipping away at times in this game and staying in it......but then it snow balled on a young QB and our team.


Don't bash the Colts too hard. We are not that far off. We have beaten some very good teams this year and also got our first playoff win with Luck, in historical fashion too. The playoff monkey is off our backs......and we are STILL rebuilding.


But, NE is still a force to reckon with. They just "find ways" and are incredibly more experienced at this too then we currently are. There is a reason why it's so tough to win there. Baltimore with their veteran D was the best at it and when the Jets won there it was one of the biggest upsets we have seen.




We will be back. The future is bright. And congrats to all our Patriots fans here. Good luck next weekend.




p.s. Is it Peyton time yet? lol I think that wagon is going to get stronger then ever!

Could not have said it better. NE keep in mind is the second youngest team in the NFL and that says they have a "formula" for winning but that is why I am encouraged by the Colts organization as they have the mindset to build as opposed to buy a team to win it all for one year only. When you go to NE you are going in to a hospital where Hoodie is the head administrator and Brady is the head surgeon. I like a lot of what I saw on the Colts side mostly the aggressive attitude on D which was missing for a long time under the previous two coaches. Nice year, could have been better but you can say that about everything. Good things are coming.

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It wasn't a blowout until the team got desperate after the refs "influence."

Why are you on a Colts forum again exactly? Is it because you're stuck being a fan of a classless, cheating organization and it makes you sick to your stomach. But you stay a fan of them because winning, even if it's by unsavory means, feels good? Now you're here because you want to touch true greatness?

Don't act like you have never felt that you were cheated by the refs. You can take that "holier than thou" crap somewhere else.

Bitter much?

I love how the first thing so many Colts fan do is blame the refs.

Not Luck's 4 INTs.

Not the Colts' inability to run the ball.

Not the Colts' inability to stop the run.

Truly enlightening to see.

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By the fourth quarter my good feeling had packed up, left and didn't leave a forwarding address. Those interceptions didn't help; a team cannot make mistakes against new England and expect to win.

That being said, the Colts have nothing to be ashamed about. They aren't the only team who had a tough time against the Patriots. Luck is only in his second year, and he has time to work out problems. He will be a force in a few years, and he has accomplished more than anyone could have imagined.. The same can be said for Hilton, Brown, etc. 

The pressure is off and I can watch the rest of the playoffs more objectively.

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I must have seen a different game than you.

It was a good game against a superior team. The Patriots broke our back in the fourth quarter in a game where we had no control over the line of scrimmage on offense. If we were able to sustain more drives and didn't turn the ball over our defense might not have broken.

I think Belicheck (sp) counted on our inconsistency on offense when he went with his gameplan. No risks taken, just steady gut punches from Blount all game long. It's why he's the best coach of his era.

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Speak for yourself when you say "we" want to be like the Pats. I for one want to be nothing like that organization. That's like selling your soul to the devil for a few W's. No thanks.

Silly post. You know what I meant, it's what the coaches have been saying all season. A power football team. It has nothing to do,with their perceived failings.

Do I really have to explain that?

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You know it really can baffle me how the good QBs lose in NE in the playoffs but Mark Sanchez has a win in the playoffs in NE and Joe Flacco has two. lmao


NE though despite all my picking on them at times is scary. It's a true team with no show boats that just CLICKED. Unless we made them click better....guess we'll see next weekend.




But, look on the plus side Colts fans. In the Luck era we are 1-0 at home in the playoffs. Whoooooo. I take home playoff games seriously.


The answer is the Ravens , and to a lesser extent the Jets, put together tough teams compiled specifically to beat teams like the Steelers and Patriots. Irsay and Grigson tried to do that this year, but it didn't quite work out in the end. One thing is for sure, if the Colts defense keeps letting up 44 and 43 points in playoff games, you are not going to go far, or beat teams like New England. The Ravens didn't have it this year either. We had a bad o line, couldn't run the ball, and had a softer defense. That is death against Bellichick.

I guess we are tougher about things in Baltimore. 8-8 seasons are failures, as our first and second round playoff losses.

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Silly post. You know what I meant, it's what the coaches have been saying all season. A power football team. It has nothing to do,with their perceived failings.

Do I really have to explain that?

No, there is no need to explain that. I know what you meant. It does not change the fact that I want nothing to do with that team. I might also add that the Pats are not specifically a power running team either. They used what they thought would work against a team with obvious failings with stopping the run and it worked out.

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The answer is the Ravens , and to a lesser extent the Jets, put together tough teams compiled specifically to beat teams like the Steelers and Patriots. Irsay and Grigson tried to do that this year, but it didn't quite work out in the end. One thing is for sure, if the Colts defense keeps letting up 44 and 43 points in playoff games, you are not going to go far, or beat teams like New England. The Ravens didn't have it this year either. We had a bad o line, couldn't run the ball, and had a softer defense. That is death against Bellichick.

I guess we are tougher about things in Baltimore. 8-8 seasons are failures, as our first and second round playoff losses.

Our problem is that we had the right philosophy, but not the team to pull it off. And even though our interior line couldn't push a high school team around, we insisted that we were a power running team.

We finally gave up on that idea and opened it up, which can work if the defense could stop anyone. But it puts enormous pressure on the QB.

It all starts with that O line. The Patriots manage to have great lines year after year. Last year the Ravens line was very good, Flacco actually looked like a pro QB, and your defense was just good enough to hang on. That should be the blueprint for us.

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No, there is no need to explain that. I know what you meant. It does not change the fact that I want nothing to do with that team. I might also add that the Pats are not specifically a power running team either. They used what they thought would work against a team with obvious failings with stopping the run and it worked out.

I don't like the Pats either, they've kept us out of multiple SBs. I feel somewhat the same way about the Chargers.

I do admire their play. Run the ball down the other teams throat and your QB can do whatever he pleases. I agree our defense helped them look like a power team. None the less, their line is outstanding and their RBs are all good.

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I don't like the Pats either, they've kept us out of multiple SBs. I feel somewhat the same way about the Chargers.

I do admire their play. Run the ball down the other teams throat and your QB can do whatever he pleases. I agree our defense helped them look like a power team. None the less, their line is outstanding and their RBs are all good.

Admire is another thing I will never do with the Pat. I respect that they saw a weakness and used it to win. You can respect an enemy even if you hate their guts. Admiration requires a person to look up to them and is something the Pats will never get from this Colts fan in particular.

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Our problem is that we had the right philosophy, but not the team to pull it off. And even though our interior line couldn't push a high school team around, we insisted that we were a power running team.

We finally gave up on that idea and opened it up, which can work if the defense could stop anyone. But it puts enormous pressure on the QB.

It all starts with that O line. The Patriots manage to have great lines year after year. Last year the Ravens line was very good, Flacco actually looked like a pro QB, and your defense was just good enough to hang on. That should be the blueprint for us.

You are correct, the philosophy was right , but you didn't have the team to pull it off. The one common denominator with the Colts and Ravens were bad offensive lines. You have to be able to run the ball against NE to keep Brady off the field , and have some tough thugs on defense that will crack and intimidate them. Until Belichick retires, you have to build a team to beat NE.

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Admire is another thing I will never do with the Pat. I respect that they saw a weakness and used it to win. You can respect an enemy even if you hate their guts. Admiration requires a person to look up to them and is something the Pats will never get from this Colts fan in particular.

Don't get me wrong. I hope the Broncos win today and destroy them next week. I'll be almost as sick if they get to another SB as I am about us losing.

You can call it what you want, but what they did to us last night is what I want us to be doing. I admire, respect, envy, covet, ...name your adjective...that type of play.

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Don't get me wrong. I hope the Broncos win today and destroy them next week. I'll be almost as sick if they get to another SB as I am about us losing.

You can call it what you want, but what they did to us last night is what I want us to be doing. I admire, respect, envy, covet, ...name your adjective...that type of play.

And there is the difference, and my point. I also wish we were better with that type of play. I do not wish we would be like the Pats because they played like that.

Maybe it's splitting hairs ( or even childish by my own admission) but it goes to show how much I hate that team.

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You are correct, the philosophy was right , but you didn't have the team to pull it off. The one common denominator with the Colts and Ravens were bad offensive lines. You have to be able to run the ball against NE to keep Brady off the field , and have some tough thugs on defense that will crack and intimidate them. Until Belichick retires, you have to build a team to beat NE.

We haven't had a good O line since 06. Our D is almost good enough right now, if we could run, we'd dominate on O.

Are you guys going to re-sign Blind Side?

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And there is the difference, and my point. I also wish we were better with that type of play. I do not wish we would be like the Pats because they played like that.

Maybe it's splitting hairs ( or even childish by my own admission) but it goes to show how much I hate that team.

Got it. Peace.

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I agree with most of your points. There some bad coaching and lack of execution by players. But to say that the refs didn't have an influence in the second half of this game is incorrect. If you can't see it than good for you. The rest of us know what happened and I am not the type to lie down and take it just because there is nothing I can do about it. I have a voice and it will be heard wether anyone agreed or not.

As long as the scared media status quiet, nothing will change. The lack of accountability is what's disturbing.

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We haven't had a good O line since 06. Our D is almost good enough right now, if we could run, we'd dominate on O.

Are you guys going to re-sign Blind Side?

No, I doubt they will resign him. They are concentrating on signing Eugene Monroe, who they gave up a fourth and fifth round pick for.

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pats overrated team , Seattle  , Denver and panther better all round teams 49ers and pats same . colts win first game playoffs not good win second round luck just 2 year old in nfl still semi-green , look panther qb, sucked tell 3rd season have great chance get too  sb .,

Forgive me, I don't mean this as an insult but.......Is english not your first language?  I only ask this because I find it difficult reading your posts.

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Well if you think of it positive.


That team will be nothing 3-4 years from now when Brady is gone. They will no longer pick up high caliber players for a cheap price (aka Randy Moss) without Brady. Nor do they even know HOW to draft. They got lucky with Brady.


By that time, Colts will be the king of the AFC.




Asante Samuels













Ty Warren




yup, just terrible drafting.


not to mention shrewd trades/signings like Welker, Moss, Blount, Dillon, Harrison, Vrabel...

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