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Jim Caldwell to Interview With Titans

John Waylon

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Rooney rule...     


And it is sad that teams must be "forced" to interview at least one minority.      It is embarrassing for the candidate IMO.   


I think we are past that time personally.    Results get one and interview.  Dungy was passed over for WAY TOO long..  


I do not think the NFL is in the same climate right now.. 


Just hire who you WANT....

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Rooney rule...     


And it is sad that teams must be "forced" to interview at least one minority.      It is embarrassing for the candidate IMO.   


I think we are past that time personally.    Results get one and interview.  Dungy was passed over for WAY TOO long..  


I do not think the NFL is in the same climate right now.. 


Just hire who you WANT....


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Jim Caldwell at Tennessee...Nope, I can't see it. Put Mike Zimmer there if Marvin Lewis remains at Cincinnati. 


I just think that Jim will always be a decent OC & that's about it. Jim just doesn't strike me a viable HC anywhere. He just sucks at sideline adjustments as the head man & he was never really running things in INDY GM Bill Polian was. 


I have nothing against him personally. He seems like a nice guy, but he doesn't fill with the confidence to win a Championship running a franchise's football operations. 

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That'd be great. Only better if he went to the Texans, lol

Maybe I'm  strange, but I prefer razor sharp tight blood bath division fights with worthy foes & smart coaches on the opposite side of the field. Why? A brutal AFC South makes the Playoffs easier because we are leaner, meaner, & not intimidated by any squad outside our division. That's how I look at it.


I understand that you were joking New Era. Yes, SW1 does have a sense of humor. LOL! 

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Maybe I'm strange, but I prefer razor sharp tight blood bath division fights with worthy foes & smart coaches on the opposite side of the field. Why? A brutal AFC South makes the Playoffs easier because we are leaner, meaner, & not intimidated by any squad outside our division. That's how I look at it.

I understand that you were joking New Era. Yes, SW1 does have a sense of humor. LOL!

Have a good point! Man sharpens man! If we play and beat top teir teams in our division it makes us that much stronger.

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Rooney rule...     


And it is sad that teams must be "forced" to interview at least one minority.      It is embarrassing for the candidate IMO.   


I think we are past that time personally.    Results get one and interview.  Dungy was passed over for WAY TOO long..  


I do not think the NFL is in the same climate right now.. 


Just hire who you WANT....

You make a valid point JD. Going through the farce of an interview you have no shot at landing is counter productive. If minority coaches know they have no hope of being hired as the head man, it's almost cruel to make the candidate go through a pointless interview exercise. 


Whenever analysts say that the Rooney Rule puts coordinators on the NFL radar I laugh, because owners & GMs dust off the same list of people to say no to again & again.


Okay, I will admit that the Rooney helped Mike Tomlin get hired in Pittsburgh, Ron Rivera in Carolina, &  Lovie Smith now in Tampa Bay, but the owners across the league does seem to treat the Rooney Rule as an exercise in futility that just brings in the same people with very little impact with the vast majority of vacancies on the NFL docket. 

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I'd love to see them hire him, but unfortunately I think the chances of that are less the .02%. This is courtesy Rooney rule interview IMO and most likely means absolutely nothing.

I wonder if Jim could go into Tennessee & ask ownership point blank if this is a REAL interview or a dog & pony show this time around? It's the 1st thing I would ask.


I wanna gauge the owner, read his eyes, & see whether this session is worth his time & mine. It might throw him off & impress the front office how seriously you value the weight of the position & your commitment to fixing the organization's problems ASAP. 


Tennessee is a good team with a solid QB, a stout line, & decent offensive weapons. It would not take long to win there at all. Personally, I though the coach there was doing alright. I would have given him 1 more year to make the Playoffs. 

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I wonder if Jim could go into Tennessee & ask ownership point blank if this is a REAL interview or a dog & pony show this time around? It's the 1st thing I would ask.


I wanna gauge the owner, read is eyes, & see whether this session is worth his time & mine. It might throw him off & impress the front office how seriously you value the weight of the position & your commitment to fixing the organization's problems ASAP. 




Heck, I would if I was any minority coach. You just know that most teams already know who they want before they even fire their coach. I agree with the other poster that said it would be and should be embarrassing to any minority coach to be interviewed simply because of the color of his skin. It's a joke and a down right insult IMO. If a guy is a good and smart football coach, teams will hire them, I can not and will not believe that serious NFL owners give a crap about skin color if they know a guy is a good football coach. If I was an owner, I wouldn't care if my coach was white, black, yellow, green, or purple as long as he could lead my team to victories.

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I remember a discussion I had with Superman once about Jim Caldwell & I walked away from that interaction realizing that some coaches get fired, learn from their mistakes, & are much improved with their 2nd HC gig. Pete Carroll is a perfect example of this. 


Maybe I am being too unfair to Jim. He interacts well with players & coaches. I just think his ability to adapt in a timely game window is his biggest weakness though. I like coaches that can decipher what is being done to neutralize them,  attack the problem, & go after it with feverish intensity. I would also wanna to know Jim defensive philosophy. In addition, if he could pick his staff right now, who would he select & why? 

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I'd love to see them hire him, but unfortunately I think the chances of that are less the .02%. This is courtesy Rooney rule interview IMO and most likely means absolutely nothing.

I was getting that impression as well, but these teams are also interviewing guys like James Franklin and Perry Fewell, which would satisfy the Rooney Rule. The Lions interviewed Caldwell after Lovie Smith was assumed to be in the picture. So maybe it's more than that.

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Wonder if he has that dumb look on his face in an interview like he has on the sideline.


Do you really think Jim Caldwell isn't a smart football person? Honest question...


All indications are that he interviewed with the Lions and Redskins, broke down film with them and their QBs, and the teams walked away from that very impressed. Everyone thinks the Ravens are a smart football operation, and they hired him last year as QB coach, then gave him the reins after they fired Cam Cameron, and it paid off for them. He spent a long time rubbing shoulders with smart football guys like Bill Polian, Tony Dungy, Tom Moore, and Peyton Manning.


He struggled with making adjustments and game/time management. That's absolutely true. But a year plus as a coordinator might have helped him be more aware of those things; no one is ever a finished product. What I don't think will change is his personality, his leadership qualities, etc. His demeanor isn't necessarily a problem, but I'm not sure he's the guy to motivate your team to hang on in a big game. 


I personally don't think there's any question Jim Caldwell knows his football, particularly on the offensive side. I wouldn't hire him, but he's far from a dummy.

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Our former coach could be making a return to the AFC South as the coach of the Titans. 




As the Colts coach he was handed the keys to a Ferrari a finely tuned work of art & drove it like he was a NY taxi driver I was happy to see him go I was never happy with his taking over for Dungy .


But with the Ravens something happened IMO he deserves consideration based on his work there & As I'v noticed before the interview with the Redskins he watched all RG3's games from what I understand my first thought was RG3's new coach ? maybe

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As the Colts coach he was handed the keys to a Ferrari a finely tuned work of art & drove it like he was a NY taxi driver I was happy to see him go I was never happy with his taking over for Dungy .


I agree about the Ferrari, but IMO he drove it more like my Grandma.

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I agree about the Ferrari, but IMO he drove it more like my Grandma.


:spit:  I wish      

I grew up in Cali we called my grandma Hot Rod Granny with a V8 her under her it was like riding with Jeff Gordon for a test drive in that Pepsi commercial  yes I exaggerate but not by much  ..

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I was getting that impression as well, but these teams are also interviewing guys like James Franklin and Perry Fewell, which would satisfy the Rooney Rule. The Lions interviewed Caldwell after Lovie Smith was assumed to be in the picture. So maybe it's more than that.

Perry Fewell, the DC for the NY Giants, now there's a guy that deserves an HC shot somewhere. BrentMC11 knows that I was rooting for Perry in INDY after Caldwell got let go. 


For the record, I love Pagano BTW. SW1 was wrong & Jim Irsay made an excellent choice.  :thmup:

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