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sheppard hughes trade


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If Redding (a-la Kyle Williams) has had 10,5 sack, Franklin (a-la Dareus) has had 7,5 sacks, Freeman (a-la Alonso) has had 4 sacks and Mathis has had his 16,5 sacks, Walden would be a 10-sacks player also. It's not about how good Hughes is. It's about how good Hughes' teammates are.


I think Hughes did show the potential to be a good player, to which he's showing now, but he does have a lot of "inside" help the Colts don't really have right now. Think about what Mathis' number may be with Dareus and Williams on this line. 

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This actually makes the trade look worse ... Translation: Grigson traded a Top 10 3/4 OLB for a scrub that will be "irrelevant" at the end of the season. Should fans be thankful for that??


He may be ranked there but lets be honest there are more than 10 3/4 guys in the league, a few that are hurt right now and some that are 3/4 players that are playing DE, that are much better than Hughes.

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How about you pay more attention to their play on the field there bud, Kelvin Sheppard has been solid, especially since he has started for Angerer


How pathetic. The guy was borderline terrible until the last couple games. Awful in pass coverage, they were replacing him with Angerer in passing situations. That was hilarious and a... SIGN.

 He had also been rather bad at being in the right spot defending the run. Ya, SOLID MAN. haha


 The last 2 games, in a limited role, with the TEAM D as a unit playing pretty darn good, he has actually been a nice surprise.

 Actually decent, did his job. Who is to say what his potential is in a limited role? Before that Solid? An embarrising analysis. IMO lol

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honestly what I think was the thing with hughes was the pressure of trying to replace one perhaps two hall of famers in freeney and mathis. some players like luck can handle the pressure of replacing a HOFer some cant. in buffalo, theres no pressure so he can just focus on being himself

I wondered that too. Plus it never I'd seem like he wanted to be here. Who knows for sure but it may be where Hughes asked for a trade? Speculation there for sure. But either way, Hughes wasn't cutting it here. When Freeney sat last year, Hughes looked like crap. Almost like he had no heart. I'm glad he's doing well in Buffalo and wish him the rest but I'm glad he's gone.

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Seriously?  So If Hughes has a has a injury or does not play well next year  and Sheppard becomes a starter and improves his game and becomes a pro bowl the Bills still win??


I still think it takes 3 years to see who won the trade. Hughes is on a losing team and Sheppard is on a playoff team. Hughes didnt work in the 3-4 and we got a solid LB in trade how did we lose????


Its apples and oranges folks. Show me 10 Colts fans that were unhappy to see Hughes go


We wanted him gone so he was traded, now everybody wants him back in a format he is not solid at?


I know we all have opinions but I am allowed to have mine right?


Go Horse


I think it's important to be reasonable. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but extremes like Sheppard becoming a Pro Bowler are kind of off the map at this point. But I'll give you that: IF Sheppard becomes a big time factor for us and goes to the Pro Bowl next year (which is his last year under contract), then we can revisit the trade. More likely, Sheppard doesn't make the final 53 next year, and Hughes is still with the Bills.


However, what I was saying is that we see clear and obvious returns right now. Not a few weeks after the trade, but at the end of the season. And Hughes has done much more for the Bills than Sheppard has done for us, despite the fact that the Colts are in the the playoffs and the Bills aren't. It's a stretch to even call Sheppard solid; he's been underwhelming at best up til the last couple of games, when he's been simply whelming. Meanwhile, Hughes has 10 sacks in a defensive front similar to ours.


I don't think it takes three years to judge a trade. Maybe if things look close, but after a year, the Bills have made out like bandits. Reserving judgment for three years strikes me as being in denial.


Last thing: This isn't that big of a deal. It hasn't destroyed our team, the Bills aren't laughing their way to the bank, and the player we gave up is ultimately replaceable. I'm not trying to run Grigson out of town; I'm a huge Grigson fan. I just don't see this as even being close.

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Walden and Mathis were and are playing a high percentage of the snaps regardless of the situation. I don't think Hughes would have been given enough time to produce half as much as he has in Buffalo. Absolutely, Sheppard has been bad, and I'm not denying that, but I don't think Hughes would have given us some "huge" increase in production over what Sheppard has done to warrant saying "Grigs screwed the pooch" with this trade. I guess I just look at it as great for Jerry, oh well for Sheppard. The trade didn't make or break the Colts, no where close, and that's the important thing. 


I agree with the bolded. All I'm saying is that, all things considered, the Bills won the trade.

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they won the trade. we shouldnt have even traded him, he finally sparked up last season, 4 sacks was not bad doing rotations with freeney i believe..whatever. mcnary is gonna be a beast, walden is showing slow improvement in pass rushing, mathis is mathis, and freeman is great too. were fine anyways. sheppard is solid though.

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So would you if you had Kyle Williams, Mario Williams, and Kiko Alonso out there with you. Hughes went to the right system for his play style.




Mario Williams-13.0




Bills total not adding Hughes: 33







Angerer- .5



Colts Total sacks with intended starting lineup-31........Its not nearly that far apart minus what Hughes has done.......which all stands on his own if you have seen all of his sacks



Now I know your likely thinking we would have alot less if Mathis had not been playing...Very true....14.5....But since we are taking away Mathis's sacks then I think its fair to take away Mario Williams 13.0 since they lead there club in sacks...So whats that give the Bills MINUS Hughes since you claim Williams and company helped him get those numbers......20.......Thats not a big difference.....The biggest reason for Hughes living up to his 1st round selection now(for the record he wasn't worth the 1st round selection coming out and I think Polian actually knew that considering he barely got any playing time his 1st year and it was glaring on film he had alot to work on) is he getting more consistent playing time compared to what he got here

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I'm amazed people are taking the time to even try to justify how good (or bad) Hughes has been with the Bills. It is completely irrelevant. Whilst with the Colts, he showed zero potential as a play-maker. Now he's my favourite player, I think Buffalo is my second team. Especially this Sunday. Go Jerry, have the game of your life.... 

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With the info at the time, the trade made perfect sense. Hughes was so underwhelming here, the Colts felt compelled to draft a guy who played the exact same position. If he had shown anything, the would have never taken Werner. With that resume, the fact they got anything for him was a win for Indy.

Now after the fact, the Bills clearly got the better of the trade. But like Superman said - it is not that big a deal either way.

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Mario Williams-13.0




Bills total not adding Hughes: 33






Angerer- .5


Colts Total sacks with intended starting lineup-31........Its not nearly that far apart minus what Hughes has done.......which all stands on his own if you have seen all of his sacks

Now I know your likely thinking we would have alot less if Mathis had not been playing...Very true....14.5....But since we are taking away Mathis's sacks then I think its fair to take away Mario Williams 13.0 since they lead there club in sacks...So whats that give the Bills MINUS Hughes since you claim Williams and company helped him get those numbers......20.......Thats not a big difference.....The biggest reason for Hughes living up to his 1st round selection now(for the record he wasn't worth the 1st round selection coming out and I think Polian actually knew that considering he barely got any playing time his 1st year and it was glaring on film he had alot to work on) is he getting more consistent playing time compared to what he got here

When QB faces strong inside pass rush, he can't step into the pocket, he have to leave it. As a result, it is easy to get to him from the outside. Don't compare team totals. Compare inside pass rush totals. Bills get 18 sacks from their interior D-line, Colts get 6,5 sacks from their interior D-line.
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When QB faces strong inside pass rush, he can't step into the pocket, he have to leave it. As a result, it is easy to get to him from the outside. Don't compare team totals. Compare inside pass rush totals. Bills get 18 sacks from their interior D-line, Colts get 6,5 sacks from their interior D-line.

On the flip-side, if a QB faces pressure from the edges, he has to step up into the pocket, thus making it easier for interior lineman to get sacks.

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On the flip-side, if a QB faces pressure from the edges, he has to step up into the pocket, thus making it easier for interior lineman to get sacks.

Very true. But...

K. Williams: 21 sacks last 4 years.

M. Williams: 37 sacks last 4 years.

M. Dareus: 18,5 sacks 3 years played.

J. Hughes: 15 sacks last 4 years.

Looks like other players were capable to get to QB before Jerry's arrival.

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Very true. But...

K. Williams: 21 sacks last 4 years.

M. Williams: 37 sacks last 4 years.

M. Dareus: 18,5 sacks 3 years played.

J. Hughes: 15 sacks last 4 years.

Looks like other players were capable to get to QB before Jerry's arrival.

Of course. I wasn't implying those guys weren't good without him. It's a symbiotic relationship. Hughes is having a good year, and it's not just because of the guys around him.

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Hughes and the Bills win in this trade. 


Sheppard was only meant to be a rotational ILB, for which he is.


Hughes is also starting with Mario Williams, Kyle Williams, Marcel Dareus, etc...who would you rather but a double block on? Hughes or Mario Williams?


I am happy for Hughes like I am with Tim Jennings, he is the forum whipping boy and ends up being a pretty good fit somewhere else.

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