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Who will be the Pro Bowl QBs this year?


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Well, the news 2 days ago was that Luck had dropped to 7th. If he stays there he's the first alternate. Not sure where everyone else is. I can say for a fact that Manning, Brady, Wilson, and Brees are ahead of him (I think that's the top 4). So that means that if things stay where the are right now, Luck would be in so long as the Broncos, Pats, Seahawks, OR Saints make the Super Bowl.

Of the other potential playoff teams, I think we can be fairly confident that Flacco, Kaepernick, Cutler, Tannehill, and Dalton are all below Luck. Smith too, most likely. And The question marks would be Foles, Romo, Stafford, and Rivers. I did find an article saying Newton was 9th from 3 days ago. Also, I found an article from 3 days ago saying Stafford was 7th, so that probably means he took the 6th spot from Luck. My guess for the 6th guy ahead of Luck right now is Rivers.

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Brady, manning, Brees, and Wilson are pretty much locks IMO.

Rivers has earned it and Cam has earned it IMO.

Still Brady never plays in this game and probably at least one will be in the Super Bowl if not two so if Luck is in the top 8 in voting he'll get there one way or another unless he has other plans the following weekend.

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