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Pagano's Press Conference "We gotta Figure Out A Way"

King Colt

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Coach says how many times, "We gotta figure out a way"? A dozen?? Eleven games under their belt they should not be trying to figure out a way to do anything. A winning organization has it figured out going in to the season. The Colts have been juggling the games every week and now it is deteriorating from winning outright to winning the second half to not winning at all. This is in fact a gradual slide downward, a weakening "process". We are watching a team grow old. "Figure out a way"??!! I wonder if the team sees Pagano a  friend or buddy instead of the coach after what they went through last year. Parcells and Ditka made sure they were the "coach". It's like a father saying to his son "I am your father, not your friend. Your friends will turn their back on you when the chips are down, I never will". Perhaps Pagano needs to rethink his position and become a leader instead of a friend.


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"We gotta figure out a way". No Chuck you gotta figure out a way, it's your responsibility to find the answer especially when your team has a glaring weakness of starting so slow. Let's see you talked about it, then you said you were not gonna talk about it any more. Might I suggested that if you get of to a bad start over and over that you might want to consider that the "Starters are not getting the job done". They are called starters for a reason. You say Chuck, that everyone is to be held accountable. Might I suggest that starters that play poorly be held accountable and be replaced by a backup. It might make the starters play better. It might give a backup who has had little or no chance to play a chance to shine. At very least, your everyone will be held accountable will not be just a platitude.


Finally, it's not as if there are not starters that have not been outperformed by bench players. Trent has been outplayed by every other back (Donald, Vick, Boom, Ahmad). Every time Linkenbach has played we have run the ball well. Can Rogers contribute? We don't know but we are not getting performance from Reed. Angerer could not be replaced by Conner? McNary isn't ready, well neither are our starters at the beginning of the game (Freeman excepted). 


Coach don't bury your head in the sand, make some changes, you are in charge.

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Coach says how many times, "We gotta figure out a way"? A dozen?? Eleven games under their belt they should not be trying to figure out a way to do anything. A winning organization has it figured out going in to the season. The Colts have been juggling the games every week and now it is deteriorating from winning outright to winning the second half to not winning at all. This is in fact a gradual slide downward, a weakening "process". We are watching a team grow old. "Figure out a way"??!! I wonder if the team sees Pagano a  friend or buddy instead of the coach after what they went through last year. Parcells and Ditka made sure they were the "coach". It's like a father saying to his son "I am your father, not your friend. Your friends will turn their back on you when the chips are down, I never will". Perhaps Pagano needs to rethink his position and become a leader instead of a friend.


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Finally, it's not as if there are not starters that have not been outperformed by bench players. Trent has been outplayed by every other back (Donald, Vick, Boom, Ahmad). Every time Linkenbach has played we have run the ball well. Can Rogers contribute? We don't know but we are not getting performance from Reed. Angerer could not be replaced by Conner? McNary isn't ready, well neither are our starters at the beginning of the game (Freeman excepted). 


Coach don't bury your head in the sand, make some changes, you are in charge.


1000% agree with this. 


The whole Da'Rick Rogers scenario of him being activated but not playing is making me wonder why does our coaching staff feel so compelled to not try anything/anyone different when their current "PLAN" is obviously not working. 


Reed....the guy is horrible, and we sign a new KR but never even try him!?! Just tell him run left, right, or center for crying out loud. 


Herron was playing awesome last night but only gets a few carries? Pagano even said play your hot hand. Geesh. 


Satele needs to ride the bench for at least an entire game and let McGlynn go to center and Link at guard. Even Holmes could not be worse than Satele. Why are they so hard headed about this? Do they not watch tape of games when Satele is out? 


What did Conner do to deserve NEVER getting to play? I saw Sheppard out there and he plays like total garbage! 

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They're not trying to "figure out" anything, and that's the problem. They're actually the definition of insane -- Trying the same things over and over again, expecting different results

This points to a bigger problem - a lack of trust and confidence in the judgment in every facet of the team, and not just from the fans.  The players seem to have lost confidence in the coaches. The coaches have lost confidence in the players.  To make matters worse - potential FAs next year are losing confidence in the Colts, their coaches and their GM to hire or trade for high-quality players at reasonable salaries, so they won't "prefer" to come here unless it is at a premium.  Excellent players want to play with winners, and stay with winners. Too bad talent isn't the primary deciding factor in winning.


It may take a very long time to recover confidence and trust in this franchise.  We rolled the dice with inexperience at many key positions - GM, coaches, and players - and we lost. We lost as a team.  Maybe I'm wrong. We'll see.

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What really has happened is a series of "mishaps." 


1) All the injuries


2) Two bad trades... 3 if you think Shipley was better than Satale. 


3) Pretty much zero contribution from the 2013 draft.


4) All those free agent signings that left many experts scratching their heads have not worked out too great. I for one don't see 100 million $ worth of production there. 


5) Protect and stick up for this coaching staff all you like , but at the very least you have to say it's a predictable offense , trying to run a "smash mouth" game plan without the players to do so. Luck is now getting batted around like a pin ball and he's beginning to regress. 


Call me spoiled and whatever else but this is how I see it.

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People who make good decisions always consider costs and benefits. One of the costs of firing coaches way too soon is lack of continuity which can be huge in the development of young players. Give them some time. You can only work with what you have now. Sure, Pagano could try to make lemonade out of lemons but there is no way he can make the perfect Cosmo with a twist with just lemons.

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People who make good decisions always consider costs and benefits. One of the costs of firing coaches way too soon is lack of continuity which can be huge in the development of young players. Give them some time. You can only work with what you have now. Sure, Pagano could try to make lemonade out of lemons but there is no way he can make the perfect Cosmo with a twist with just lemons.

I was with you all the way until the "Cosmo" comment. Lol You still get a "like" from me, nonetheless

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What really has happened is a series of "mishaps." 


1) All the injuries


2) Two bad trades... 3 if you think Shipley was better than Satale. 


3) Pretty much zero contribution from the 2013 draft.


4) All those free agent signings that left many experts scratching their heads have not worked out too great. I for one don't see 100 million $ worth of production there. 


5) Protect and stick up for this coaching staff all you like , but at the very least you have to say it's a predictable offense , trying to run a "smash mouth" game plan without the players to do so. Luck is now getting batted around like a pin ball and he's beginning to regress. 


Call me spoiled and whatever else but this is how I see it.


I would add to that:  Where is this new passing offense we were promised?  In order to protect Luck, we were supposed to transition into more of a quick, short passing game - into more of a WCO, away from Arians' down-the-field offense.  You saw it some vs. Tennesseesee, but over the course of the season, you've seen almost nothing of what you would expect.  Luck is being hit and sacked as much as last year.  His completion % is dropping by the game.  They need to get the ball out of his hands more quickly... through play design.  That's coaching.   Quick, short passing - passing more to the backs, etc. Pass to set up the run.  Pass early, run later.

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What really has happened is a series of "mishaps." 


1) All the injuries


2) Two bad trades... 3 if you think Shipley was better than Satale. 


3) Pretty much zero contribution from the 2013 draft.


4) All those free agent signings that left many experts scratching their heads have not worked out too great. I for one don't see 100 million $ worth of production there. 


5) Protect and stick up for this coaching staff all you like , but at the very least you have to say it's a predictable offense , trying to run a "smash mouth" game plan without the players to do so. Luck is now getting batted around like a pin ball and he's beginning to regress. 


Call me spoiled and whatever else but this is how I see it.

Grigson gambled on some guys with an injury history...Thomas, Toler, Bradshaw and Landry....and he's not winning.

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Am I crazy for wondering why we aren't starting like we're down by 24 points? 


No huddle, hurry up....go go go ....? 


This team always looks better when their backs are to the wall. Injuries have robbed this offense of it's heart. Allen, Bradshaw, Ballard and Wayne. These guys were tough enough, these guys were good enough to compensate for the lackluster offensive line. 


A sense of urgency is best employed before the actual urgency manifests itself via a 24 point deficit. 

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Go No huddle, and let Andrew take control at the line.  Stop playing man coverage for 60mins. Blitz on 3rd down.  Run the ball on 1st down and maybe 3rd and short.  Come up with a better plays to get yards after the catch.  Do play WR that bring zero contributions to the team.  I've seen 5th string WR make more plays than we do.  Our Defense can only do so much when our offense is going 3 and out multiple times.

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Coach says how many times, "We gotta figure out a way"? A dozen?? Eleven games under their belt they should not be trying to figure out a way to do anything. A winning organization has it figured out going in to the season. The Colts have been juggling the games every week and now it is deteriorating from winning outright to winning the second half to not winning at all. This is in fact a gradual slide downward, a weakening "process". We are watching a team grow old. "Figure out a way"??!! I wonder if the team sees Pagano a  friend or buddy instead of the coach after what they went through last year. Parcells and Ditka made sure they were the "coach". It's like a father saying to his son "I am your father, not your friend. Your friends will turn their back on you when the chips are down, I never will". Perhaps Pagano needs to rethink his position and become a leader instead of a friend.


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Who else is going to "figure out a way" if the head coach isn't? 

Nobody.   HC cannot do the job...he seems 'lost' in the immensity of the challenge of being an NFL head coach.

Cannot be buddies with the players...look at the conduct of the NFL coaches who had great success...Lombardi, Parcells....no 'friend of all players' there...just hard-nosed butt-kickers who commanded respect, obedience and 100% effort.

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As much as Chuck is a heckuva nice person, it does not look like he has the 'right stuff' to be HC.

Big Jim may need to pull the plug on Chuck and Pep in the off-season and get a couple of coaches with some years of NFL experience...rather than two lost guys out of their depth at the NFL level.

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I appreciate Pagano's candidness about his viewpoint. I can tell you from very good information Pagano is far from a friend. Pagano in Bmore was an butt much like Ditka and Parcells, but he keeps it in house. Everyone knows he is the coach. Just ask his former special teams coach. Speaking of special teams that is what needs figured out. Reed puts us on the 12 with regularity. Mac has not had a punt for 50+ in ages. I am concerned about the tempo. We need to go up tempo more. Luck looks more comfortable. I sure hope they figure that out. 

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I would add to that:  Where is this new passing offense we were promised?  In order to protect Luck, we were supposed to transition into more of a quick, short passing game - into more of a WCO, away from Arians' down-the-field offense.  You saw it some vs. Tennesseesee, but over the course of the season, you've seen almost nothing of what you would expect.  Luck is being hit and sacked as much as last year.  His completion % is dropping by the game.  They need to get the ball out of his hands more quickly... through play design.  That's coaching.   Quick, short passing - passing more to the backs, etc. Pass to set up the run.  Pass early, run later.




There just is no excuse for an offense to go inept after losing a 34 year old WR. Granted RW is a nice player but not like he's a Magatron , EG Green or Julio Jones. So if something happens that should not happen , someone is to blame... right ? .. Fair assumption ? Who can you blame other than Luck or the coaching staff ? 


I will go with this . Pep's offense is a big misfit for the personnel and is very predictable. Put on top of that the fact that coaching staffs study oppositions offenses very carefully . They see the tendencies of what is run out of certain formations. This is what makes that old adage of the defenses always catching up with the offenses true. I'm not a coach but I would love to place a bet that Pep's offense is pretty "predictable" and this is why the team is getting stuffed when it tries to run the game plan offense. This is why we sometimes score when we , just ditch the power  football and go into a hurry up mode. basically we are just getting what you called "out coached." 


Also would like to say that your last sentence "Pass to set up the run.  Pass early, run later." Isvery true in today's NFL. Especially when you have a line similar to what the Colts have.

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Grigson gambled on some guys with an injury history...Thomas, Toler, Bradshaw and Landry....and he's not winning.



Bradshaw was pretty cheap and looked to be worth the risk. Thomas , was a back up but I don't think he had an injury history. Tolar and Landry were "risks" as you say and he rolled snake eyes. If you look at last years class , it appears at first glance he over paid a bit and the deals came to those that waited. I guess it's just so easy to second guess his signings but if you have to assign a grade , how would it not be a huge F ? 


The good part is that other than Cherlius , we have a reasonable exit price for Landry and the rest of this class has pretty much zero cap implications past 2014.

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Maybe I knew and forgot, but I wasn't aware that Donald Thomas ever had an injury history.



I don't think there was an injury history. If there was an issue with that signing , it was the fact that you have a miserable interior O line and you sign another team's back up ? I think it would have been a nice signing if you had at least a top center or guard already on the roster. I just don't think it was enough help...

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I don't think there was an injury history. If there was an issue with that signing , it was the fact that you have a miserable interior O line and you sign another team's back up ? I think it would have been a nice signing if you had at least a top center or guard already on the roster. I just don't think it was enough help...

He had a lisfranc fracture his very first game as a rookie.

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May need to draft a coach with our first pick in the draft or bring back Dungy.




I wouldn't take Dungy back if he begged and paid the Colts to take him back. People can freak out about that all they want, but his tiny players and that terrible Tampa 2 was so infuriating I was homicidal most of the time.

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I wouldn't take Dungy back if he begged and paid the Colts to take him back. People can freak out about that all they want, but his tiny players and that terrible Tampa 2 was so infuriating I was homicidal most of the time.

He wouldnt want to come back anyways. Hes said multiple times he doesnt want to go back to coaching and is happier with having more free time and less day to day stress. Not to mention his feathers were ruffled by Irsay's comments during Broncos week.

And yes, the umdersized, speed based, Tampa 2 was an infurating project that set the Colts defense back for years. We cant go back to that now with current personnel anyways.

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