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Through It All Bill Polian Takes Parting Shot At The Patriots*


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I think we should spell it the way Polian always pronounced it - PatriAUGHTS. I always found that strange.


I always took him as saying Patri-oughts . . . as in zeros, nothing . . . "oughts" and took it as a shot against the pats . . . regardless of how one thinks or wishes to say something, you do so as the others says their own name . . .  

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It could be a shot at the Saints too, with their bounty scandal.  If that bounty wasn't in place and Brett Favre wasn't completely beat up, it's possible the Vikings would have won and we faced them in the Super Bowl.


good point . . . I can see how his points could be taken this way too . . .

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If it wasn't for walking into jobs with All-Tme great QB's in Jim Kelly and Peyton Manning no one would know his name....


true but did he not pick Manning over Leaf . . . or was that the prior GM . . . I thought Polian made the Manning pick . . . if he did then he is responsible for Peyton being on the colts . . . yes Peyton was great and helped Polian, but Polian pick him for the team . . .

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yes it is too bad that the colts did not leave their starters in weeks 16 and 17 in 2009 and let the chips fall as they may . . . I fully understand the concept of resting their starters and the larger goal, the SB, and that one wishes to be consistent with their philosophy from prior years, but 19-0 is a once in lifetime opportunity and it should have been at least left to players to vote on it . . . 


First I dont like the Polian comments, esp now that he is supposed to be such an unv biased analyst


2nd if he was sso smart to rest player so be haelthy for SB run as he thinks even if stopped momentum & upset team spirit, then why in thee world wwith 2 minutes left in AFGC Champ game Vs Jets and having it won already u let Freeney stay in just to get hurt for superbowl and played well 1st half strapped up after 2 weeks in hyperbaric with high ankle, buit halftime rest let it blow up and was ineffective afterwards , , thats when u pull your starter , those last 2 minutes of a won game

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there was a long history of losing prior to 98


yes Polian has done well for at least two franchises, the 00's colts and 90's bills  . . . true he did have the help of HOF QB, but nonetheless, both teams have had great success with him at the helm . . .

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First I dont like the Polian comments, esp now that he is supposed to be such an unv biased analyst


2nd if he was sso smart to rest player so be haelthy for SB run as he thinks even if stopped momentum & upset team spirit, then why in thee world wwith 2 minutes left in AFGC Champ game Vs Jets and having it won already u let Freeney stay in just to get hurt for superbowl and played well 1st half strapped up after 2 weeks in hyperbaric with high ankle, buit halftime rest let it blow up and was ineffective afterwards , , thats when u pull your starter , those last 2 minutes of a won game


yes the Freeney incident is inconsistent with the rest of the team's philosophy . . .

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no the rule did change and there was an additional emphasis on the rule . . . true the 5 yard contact rule has been in the books since the 70s, but they modified it over the 2003 season . . .


What was the modification? Them enforcing it correctly?

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Maybe Polian can start up a support group. Now that Arlen Specter has passed into the great hereafter, Polian probably even has a good shot at getting the chairmanship!  :thmup:


The only media/NFL figures who still bring up Spygate are those who feel they were hurt the most by it. Lots of hack bloggers, Terrell Suggs, etc. Which is what I don't get about Polian's comments. The Patriots beat the Colts in the playoffs twice, holding them to 17 points in those two games. So, obviously, largely defensive efforts. Spygate was about filming defensive play signals, so even the most ardent haters have to accept as fact that the beat-downs the Colts suffered to the Pats had nothing to do with any of that. 


(And of course Spygate had nothing to do with the other eight playoff losses the Colts went through on Polian's watch. So don't blame the Patriots, Bill.) 


The only other people who generally bring it up are the bitterest of opposing fans. They refuse to open their eyes and see facts (better winning percentage since 2007 when it broke, two SB appearances, etc-etc) that support the notion that it did not provide a significant advantage. If Spygate was so critical to the Patriots' successes, then why didn't the team fall into irrelevancy after 2007?


Had that happened, I would have been the first villager lining up with my torch. As a fan of the team since childhood, I would have felt extremely cheated out of the experience of seeing your team win a championship. But they went 16-0, missed a perfect season by the slimmest of margins, went to another SB that came down to basically a handful of plays, and have had the best winning percentage in the league (or close to it) for the past six-plus seasons. I don't see any logical, credible evidence that would lead someone to believe the worst. But they do, because they want to believe the worst. Because somehow it makes them feel better about their own team's past failures. 


Ironically, Belichick and the Patriots are squarely to blame for any lingering negativity. Obviously they're responsible for the act itself, but what they did - or specifically didn't do - is what really hurt them, IMO. Belichick's refusal to answer questions about it allowed opponents and rival fans to speculate to the worst extent. Like I said, generally people believe what they want to believe. If Belichick had addressed it, answered a few simple questions, and moved on, then maybe we wouldn't be talking about it more than six years later. 

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The media has been reading WAY too much into what all has been said in the past week, but given Polian's history of taking every opportunity to take shots at the Patriots is completely reasonable to assume he's doing the same here.  I agree he's probably talking about the Saints too, but the man has never missed an opportunity to slam the Pats so why would he start now?  One of my favorite things about Polian to be honest.

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If Polian had done 2 things differently.

1. Gotten his son a job with a different team

2. Used free agency to fill out a better defense


This.  I'll always remember Bill Polian fondly for more then a decade of great entertainment on the football field.  But IMHO his son was allowed to rise way too far and way too fast.  So many of the worst front office decisions coincided with the rise of Chris Polian.   

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Didn't someone go over this in another with you? I believe Superman.


yes we did discuss it and I did not have the time at the time to give a response and don't have it now, but bottom line the rule was modified and I do also think that there was an increase emphasis on the rule . . . essentially the article that Superman posted has references to the changes in the rule . . . for completeness I wanted to cut and paste the rule into the thread and illustrate the changes for all to see, but do have the time now and will try to get to it later in the day, I got to run out shortly . . .  if not today will try to get to it tomorrow, as you all know I tend to draft long post but they do take time . . . :cheer2:   

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What was the modification? Them enforcing it correctly?


please see my last post to Stryker . . . I don't have the words handy, but the new language regarding contact was somewhere along the lines of the CB can not contact the WR or imped his progress "in any way" . . . please don't quote me on this, but the new language is in the other thread in a link to an article . .. I try to get to this by tomorrow . . . it is nothing earth shattering, but it might be nice for all of us to see it in ink . . .  

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true but did he not pick Manning over Leaf . . . or was that the prior GM . . . I thought Polian made the Manning pick . . . if he did then he is responsible for Peyton being on the colts . . . yes Peyton was great and helped Polian, but Polian pick him for the team . . .

My mother would have picked Manning too, it wasn't a hard decision as they try and make it out..Similar to Luck vs. Bob Griffin 111, they act like it was so tough when in reality it was a no brainer...I will give Polian credit for choices early in his career though such as James, Wayne, Freeney, Bethea, and Mathis as an undrafted free agent, but he got senile and lost it...

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Spygate was about taping defensive signals...


What we officially know about Spygate is that it concerned the taping of defensive signals.

However, what we also know is that members of the St. Louis Rams have said the Patriots* defense knew the Rams' offense's first 15 plays during their Super Bowl game.

We know that the Colts continually had to vet and approve every Patriots* employee above and beyond the normal procedures, entering the RCA dome because the belief was that Patriots* employees were operating outside of their stated job descriptions.

I'll grant you, what little we found out through spygate concerned defensive signals. But the notion that defensive signals were the only thing the Patriots* were stealing doesn't pass the commonsense test and has to be considered less than serious coming from a Patriots* apologist.


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The media has been reading WAY too much into what all has been said in the past week, but given Polian's history of taking every opportunity to take shots at the Patriots is completely reasonable to assume he's doing the same here. I agree he's probably talking about the Saints too, but the man has never missed an opportunity to slam the Pats so why would he start now? One of my favorite things about Polian to be honest.

And something interesting...Polian just explained to Colin Cowherd that Irsay disagreed with Polian regarding his handling of relations with the Indy Star. And that disagreement was more than a simple, polite conversation.

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And something interesting...Polian just explained to Colin Cowherd that Irsay disagreed with Polian regarding his handling of relations with the Indy Star. And that disagreement was more than a simple, polite conversation.


So Irsay wanted a better relationship and Polian wanted to burn them with gasoline?

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Back when spygate happened, Peter King said that he thought in time spygate would prove to be what it was - one of the most overblown sports stories of all time. I think he has been right largely. Rivals will always bring it up but I rarely hear it in the media anymore. The violation was for the location of the cameras being on the sideline not for the taping of the signals so I guess you can view it as you want but I am sure that the Pats and other teams are still taping signals just from a different location in the stadium. I think had they been using the information in games then I would feel differently but it was no differnet then the old days when a team rep would sit up in the owners box and just scribble down the signs he was seeing. The videotaping just made that process easier and quicker. And of course the Pats record since spygate and Brady's performance pretty much have shown that whatever advantage they got was very small in the scope of things.

One other thing that I have always been proud of as well is the fact that the Pats and Bill owned it from the get go. They never appealed their fines or the draft pick, never made any excuses or finger pointed and after it happened they hired lawyers to go over the NFL rule book in detail to ensure something like that never happens again. Now compare that to the Saints and bountygate.

Your rights the saints cheated too they suck as well!!!
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yes it is too bad that the colts did not leave their starters in weeks 16 and 17 in 2009 and let the chips fall as they may . . . I fully understand the concept of resting their starters and the larger goal, the SB, and that one wishes to be consistent with their philosophy from prior years, but 19-0 is a once in lifetime opportunity and it should have been at least left to players to vote on it . . . 

Jeff Saturday calls it the biggest regret of his career. Poor dude.

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What we officially know about Spygate is that it concerned the taping of defensive signals.

However, what we also know is that members of the St. Louis Rams have said the Patriots* defense knew the Rams' offense's first 15 plays during their Super Bowl game.

We know that the Colts continually had to vet and approve every Patriots* employee above and beyond the normal procedures, entering the RCA dome because the belief was that Patriots* employees were operating outside of their stated job descriptions.

I'll grant you, what little we found out through spygate concerned defensive signals. But the notion that defensive signals were the only thing the Patriots* were stealing doesn't pass the commonsense test and has to be considered less than serious coming from a Patriots* apologist.




There is no more evidence to support your argument than there is mine, unless you take Marshall Faulk's word as gospel. I can only conclude that, because of their continued success since Spygate broke in 2007, you assume the Patriots are still running a dishonest, clandestine operation every Sunday.


Other than this particular topic, you strike me as a smart, no-nonsense guy, so let's be honest... this is like trying to convince Ronald McDonald to order a Whopper. Compelling evidence could come out TODAY that completely exonerates the Patriots, and your position on this would not budge an inch. Your mind has been made up since day one. So I'm not going to waste your time here. 


I will say though, you don't hate the Patriots because of Spygate. That's pretty transparent. Spygate is just a convenient hook upon which you can hang your hat. And your hate.  ;)

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There is no more evidence to support your argument than there is mine, unless you take Marshall Faulk's word as gospel. I can only conclude that, because of their continued success since Spygate broke in 2007, you assume the Patriots are still running a dishonest, clandestine operation every Sunday.


Other than this particular topic, you strike me as a smart, no-nonsense guy, so let's be honest... this is like trying to convince Ronald McDonald to order a Whopper. Compelling evidence could come out TODAY that completely exonerates the Patriots, and your position on this would not budge an inch. Your mind has been made up since day one. So I'm not going to waste your time here. 


I will say though, you don't hate the Patriots because of Spygate. That's pretty transparent. Spygate is just a convenient hook upon which you can hang your hat. And your hate.  ;)


You know him all too well. 

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I heard this said today and I think it's true because I think Polian thinks all football fans are dumb and forget things.


In 2009 he justified pulling the starters because records didn't matter only the Super Bowl did.  Now he's saying forget about the fact we won one Super Bowl and look at all those records those teams set!


For someone who hated the media so much Polian is sure mastering flip flopping on his opinions like they like to do. 

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I think Polian particularly disliked Bob Kravitz, but he was a tool about it and took it out on really good guys like Mike Chappell and Phillip B. Wilson.

I think Polian disliked them but you know what Kravitz and Phil B asked for it at times.  I am NOT saying Polian handled things the right way with them all the time because he didn't but honestly there was a time when you couldn't hear an interview with Kravitz or Phil B without them taking some kind of shot at Polian even after Polian was fired. 

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I think Polian disliked them but you know what Kravitz and Phil B asked for it at times. I am NOT saying Polian handled things the right way with them all the time because he didn't but honestly there was a time when you couldn't hear an interview with Kravitz or Phil B without them taking some kind of shot at Polian even after Polian was fired.

Kravitz did like to needle Polian, but Wilson, I think kept a lot to himself. He would lament Polian's unwillingness to speak to him, but I don't recall any personal shots until Polian was fired. Then Wilson reported on Polian's supposed tyrannical behavior.

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I heard this said today and I think it's true because I think Polian thinks all football fans are dumb and forget things.


In 2009 he justified pulling the starters because records didn't matter only the Super Bowl did.  Now he's saying forget about the fact we won one Super Bowl and look at all those records those teams set!


For someone who hated the media so much Polian is sure mastering flip flopping on his opinions like they like to do. 


I heard him on ESPN today and thought the same thing.  He was very proud of all the regular season wins and the record for most wins in a decade.   I have always thought that Polian was very bitter towards the Colts since he was canned, but it was blatantly evident this afternoon.  He looked like an angry old man. Interrupted Sage Steele a few times, said he won't talk to Irsay, and even did something that media people really are not supposed to do, he said he was cheering for Denver.  It's a shame Irsay didn't fire the clown much much earlier then he did.

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Kravitz did like to needle Polian, but Wilson, I think kept a lot to himself. He would lament Polian's unwillingness to speak to him, but I don't recall any personal shots until Polian was fired. Then Wilson reported on Polian's supposed tyrannical behavior.

Nope, Phil B. went on every radio show for about two months after he was fired and would bash Polian.  I mean he would work in a bash on Polian even when no one asked him about it.  Again, I am not saying Polian treated him perfectly because he didn't but Kravitz and Phil B. were a little over the top with their hate for Polian too. 

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I heard him on ESPN today and thought the same thing.  He was very proud of all the regular season wins and the record for most wins in a decade.   I have always thought that Polian was very bitter towards the Colts since he was canned, but it was blatantly evident this afternoon.  He looked like an angry old man. Interrupted Sage Steele a few times, said he won't talk to Irsay, and even did something that media people really are not supposed to do, he said he was cheering for Denver.  It's a shame Irsay didn't fire the clown much much earlier then he did.

Not shocking that he would hold a grudge since the Colts fired him.  Fits right in line with everything else I have heard about his ego. 

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Nope, Phil B. went on every radio show for about two months after he was fired and would bash Polian. I mean he would work in a bash on Polian even when no one asked him about it. Again, I am not saying Polian treated him perfectly because he didn't but Kravitz and Phil B. were a little over the top with their hate for Polian too.

That's what I said in my post - it started after Polian was fired. I'm not gonna fault Wilson for that. If Polian had been a jerk to me for 10+ years I'd have unloaded, too, after Irsay ran him out.

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That's what I said in my post - it started after Polian was fired. I'm not gonna fault Wilson for that. If Polian had been a jerk to me for 10+ years I'd have unloaded, too, after Irsay ran him out.

He would take his shots before Polian was fired too.  He's admitted to that himself.  I can understand why he did it but as a fan of a team I really don't care about the petty feud between a writer and the former GM.  I want Wilson to tell me what's going on with the team now not keep bashing someone who lost his job or was on his way to losing his job.  I mean Wilson would even say in the interviews he took it too personally and probably should be talking more about the team.  I am not interested in hearing how Polian made doing his job harder just because he wouldn't do a sit down interview with him.  If you want the guy to talk to you make him talk to you by going out and getting stories that will sooner or later make him tell his side of the story.  Phil B. and Kravitz seemed more interested in complaining about Polian not talking to them than they were in finding a real story about the Colts.  It just got old after a while.  Again, I know they were upset and Polian wasn't right for being a jerk to them either but they let their petty feud with him effect their job IMO. 

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